#cassian ardon

Rogue OneAlternative movie poster for Rogue One, a film directed by Gareth Edwards.Digitally painted

Rogue One

Alternative movie poster for Rogue One, a film directed by Gareth Edwards.

Digitally painted using a Wacom Intuos pro as main tool. Promotional pictures used as reference and stock images for textures and background elements. Although, the images inside the red bands (Deathtrooper, rebels running on the beach, U-Wing, TIE Striker fighter, AT-ACT walker), the Death Star cross section and the Imperial Star Destroyer are photographs.

I started working on this piece weeks before the film was released, painting some characters in different documents as I was finding interesting reference pictures. But I did not decide the final composition until last Thursday 15th, after watching the movie. Since then, I have worked on some secondary characters I wanted to add, and defined the final structure, color scheme, etc.

More details: http://lauraracero.com/portfolio/rogue-one/

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