#catholicism critical







Christians hate when a gay man goes “fuck it, I’ll gladly go to Hell if you want me to so bad” because it takes the edge away from their tools of fear. If they can’t scare you with threats of eternal damnation then one of their main weapons is taken away.

calling out @brightismarstonight because yes

“You’re supposed to fear your father/parents” this isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone say that someone told them this in the tags. Christianity as an institution is one of the biggest shelters for abusers out there and this shit right here is how they do it.

one of the first things i learned in a fucking summer vacation theater camp for kids was about how to emote on stage. the counselor wrote “LOVE” on the board and asked the class if anyone knew what the opposite of love was. naturally the whole class responds with “HATE”

he said we were all wrong and wrote “FEAR” on the board.

fear does not equal love. fear does not equal respect. fear will never be part of a healthy relationship with anyone or anything and if fear is being used against you in the name of love then thats a huge red flag if ive ever seen one
