#ding ding ding







Christians hate when a gay man goes “fuck it, I’ll gladly go to Hell if you want me to so bad” because it takes the edge away from their tools of fear. If they can’t scare you with threats of eternal damnation then one of their main weapons is taken away.

calling out @brightismarstonight because yes

“You’re supposed to fear your father/parents” this isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone say that someone told them this in the tags. Christianity as an institution is one of the biggest shelters for abusers out there and this shit right here is how they do it.

one of the first things i learned in a fucking summer vacation theater camp for kids was about how to emote on stage. the counselor wrote “LOVE” on the board and asked the class if anyone knew what the opposite of love was. naturally the whole class responds with “HATE”

he said we were all wrong and wrote “FEAR” on the board.

fear does not equal love. fear does not equal respect. fear will never be part of a healthy relationship with anyone or anything and if fear is being used against you in the name of love then thats a huge red flag if ive ever seen one

shahs1221: “Doc Ock eats mad ” is hard facts. I will not be taking questions.Full view here!shahs1221: “Doc Ock eats mad ” is hard facts. I will not be taking questions.Full view here!


“Doc Ock eats mad ” is hard facts. I will not be taking questions.

Full view here!

Post link



y’all need to start reblogging shit.

i’m saying this not as someone who wants to be tumblr famous or whatever, idgaf about how popular this blog is. but if you want this site to survive you have to reblog shit. especially from those creative blogs you follow.

understand how this site’s algorithm works: likes mean jack shit here. posts you like do not show up in feeds, they do not show up in suggestions. no one sees it when you like a post besides you and the one who posted. reblogsare what keep the site alive. so if you want this site to continue to be a blight on this capitalist hellspace, damn near anonymous and completely unprofitable to every corporation ever, reblog shit.

if this suggestion offends you, go back to twitter.



People talk a lot about “today’s terrible eating habits” and “the proliferation of ‘junk food’ today” and it makes me so mad. You will hate to hear this but eating and humanity’s relationship with food has changed for the better. Evidence of chronic malnutrition and starvation is found on so many remains in practically every different culture throughout history. And it wasn’t always a lack of food, it was a lack of understanding of what the body needs. Marasmus was an extremely common cause of death for children, it is a condition caused by severe malnutrition that results in stunted growth and often death. It effected children from affluent families, families that could afford to feed their children and did, not just children who were physically starving from lack of food. Now if we see a baby or a child with failure to thrive, we can supply rich formulas with the vitamins and calories they need to grow. They couldn’t do that back then because they didn’t understand.

We enrich common foods with vitamins and minerals that people are commonly deficient in (iodized salt, fluoride water) and it saves lives. With the invention of mass produced products and safe canning, we can send foods to regions they wouldn’t otherwise be available. It’s fantastic and it’s marvelous. Believe it or not, ‘processed foods’ have been very good for humanity.

Like you still don’t want to rely on these things if you can help it but it absolutely does beat dying undernourished at 10 years old….and modern foods are absolutely not giving us new diseases or new kinds of cancer like people believe. Those illnesses were also always a problem, we just didn’t coin scientific terminology for them yet.



“what’s in that one?” “the inexplicable”

“from the beginning then?”

“little use, us standing in the dark, it is the 19th century after all”

the matches are gay, i repeat, the matches are gay

every match box was empty except for one = every adaptation lacked in the queer text except this one ???


it’s okay to be racist if you have one or two token minority friends
source: all the white ones

It’s official. Jack Crawford is on my list of fictional characters I’d throw hands with.
