#cats at christmas

thefingerfuckingfemalefury: WE SEE UR CRIME[Id: a Twitter post with the caption “Merry Christhefingerfuckingfemalefury: WE SEE UR CRIME[Id: a Twitter post with the caption “Merry Christhefingerfuckingfemalefury: WE SEE UR CRIME[Id: a Twitter post with the caption “Merry Chris



[Id: a Twitter post with the caption “Merry Christmas here’s my cat getting busted for taking a cinnamon roll two seconds after we told him no” above two images.

First Image: A lopsided picture of a small wooden fold-up table with a plate of cinnamon rolls on top. A naughty cat is standing on his hind legs, pawing at a roll. Behind him is an out of focus fully decorated Christmas tree.

Second Image: Everything is exactly the same except Naughty Boy Cat has noticed the camera and retracted his paw. His face betrays panic and, I hope, guilt.

End Image Description.]

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