
Cat’s Paw Nebula - At 5,500 light years distance in the constellation of Scorpius, the Cat&rsq

Cat’s Paw Nebula - At 5,500 light years distance in the constellation of Scorpius, the Cat’s Paw Nebula is an emission nebula containing a star forming region with many massive, young stars within.

As usual, winter has been challenging to try and take night sky photos! Not only has it been very cloudy, but there have been a lot of windy nights, as was the case on this night. As such, the stars aren’t quite as tight and round as I’d like, but I’m still satisfied with how this photo came out. For now! I’ll hopefully try it again in the future after I’ve further improved my skills and equipment.

Telescope: 8“ f4 Newtonian
Camera: ZWO ASI1600-MCC
Mount: NEQ6

40x5min - 3:20hrs total exposure
Processed in Pixinsight and Lightroom

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In case you are looking for some Star Trek inspiration for Halloween, here are some recipes from previous years. This way, you can start preparing before the holiday is upon us. I’ll be back next week with a lovely Halloween cocktail to complement these recipes!

Zombie cookies
Fancy some captains zombified? Look no further! All your favourite captains, after hitting a zombie apocalypse. 

Catspaw jellies
Who can forget that wonderful Original Series episode involving witches, spooky cats and just a few references to Halloween?! These jellies are vegan as they use pectin to set, rather than gelatin. 

Insignia pumpkin
You can’t go wrong with a Star Trek insignia pumpkin. And bonus: if the pumpkin has lots of seeds, roast them for a delicious snack while you’re carving out the pumpkin. 

Have fun with your Halloween preparation and I will be back next week for more spooky Star Trek Halloween goodness!
