

Whumptober Day 13

“This is gonna suck,” Rory warned, moving the spoon away from the flame of the cabin stove.

“What?” Patrick asked, not expecting Rory to press the spoon against the large gash in his leg. Patrick screamed in pain as the hot metal met his exposed veins and nerves. “I know you’re a doctor and all, but what was that for?”

“Nearest hospital is a mile away. I’m not having you bleed out in my car.”

Whumptober, Day 13 - Hanzo, McCree

Prompt:That’s going to leave a mark (“this is going to suck”, burns, cauterization)
Charcters:Hanzo and McCree
Rating:T (language)
Notes:Don’t ask me to make this canon or to fit in any kind of time line XD

“This is a punishment,” Hanzo exhaled, gritting his teeth against the pain in his thigh. “Judgement for my crimes.”

“Or, you’ve just got shit luck to get caught in the crossfire,” the man who called himself McCree suggested. He focused on the wound, applying more pressure on the gaping space to stem the flow of blood. “I don’t suppose you have any bandages?”

Hanzo tipped his head to the side, studying the stranger. A distant part of his mind knew that he’d been asked a question, but he couldn’t dredge up an answer. He’d lost a lot of blood already; Hanzo felt it pooling beneath his hip. McCree sucked a breath through his teeth, then sighed. Ruddy light reflected off the wall when McCree took out a light. Hanzo barely registered the sudden bloom of color. McCree unhooked something from his belt. “What were you doing here anyway? You’re not Talon.”

“My business is my own,” Hanzo answered, struggling to hold onto the vestiges of consciousness.

McCree chuckled in the back of his throat, and continued whatever he was doing. Hanzo focused on drawing each breath. McCree nodded to himself, then toward the quiver beside Hanzo’s hip. “Mind if I borrow an arrow, darlin’?”

Before Hanzo could answer, then man lifted one free and pressed it against Hanzo’s lips. Hanzo spat at the taste, at the implication, and opened his mouth to growl a warning. Then, the world exploded in pain so hot and sudden that his teeth clamped down whether he wanted them to or not. Wood would have snapped under the pressure, but the composite material held. The room swam in and out of focus as the scent of burning flesh filled his nostrils. His entire leg felt like it was on fire when darkness closed over him.

Hanzo regained consciousness to the sound of shouting. “You can’t just play white knight for every stray you find,” someone growled, voice low and threatening. “What am I supposed to do with him?”

“I don’t know,” came the heated but familiar tones of McCree. “It wasn’t like I could leave him there to die.”

Something heavy slammed down with a thunk, like a fist hitting a table. “That’s exactly what you do.. When are you going to grow up?”

“I didn’t sign up to kill civilians on a whim. That’s not how Blackwatch, how Overwatch, does things.” McCree’s tone was less sure of itself now, but iron hid behind the words. Hanzo managed to peek one eye open. Mcree stood to his left, arms crossed over his chest as he argued with a taller, older man.

The man’s lips pulled into a tight frown. “You do whatever the hell I tell you to do.” With an annoyed huff, he glanced at Hanzo then turned away. “If he turns out to be a spy, your head is going to roll. I won’t protect you.”

McCree’s lips quirked toward a grin. “Does that mean—”

“Get him stabilized for transit,” the stranger grumbled, already moving out of Hanzo’s line of view. “They can debrief him at HQ. Until then, stay the fuck out of my sight.”

A warm hand squeezed Hanzo’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, his bark is a lot worse than his bite.”


Silent Night (2002)

Thanks for the rec. nonny!


The Boys s02e06:When the supe-mutant blasts Billy, Annie and Hughie with enough telekinetic power to flip their van, Hughie ends up with a big piece of shrapnel in his gut. Billy and Annie rush to save him.

**requested video**

(video source: Amazon Prime Video)
