#cc sarayn tevus

Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / begChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-nine| @rollingsim | @sani-sims next / previous / beg

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty-nine



EVE: Wait!

SARAYN: Where did you come from?

EVE: I’m sorry, I was just wandering through, I didn’t mean to frighten you.

SARAYN: My apologies.

EVE: It’s alright. Oh! You’re hurt. Let me help you.

SARAYN: Thank you, my lady.

EVE: No need for formalities. I’m just glad you realized in time. Though, I can’t blame you for being on edge.

SARAYN: I thought you were one of them.

EVE: “Them”?

SARAYN: The shadows. Did you not see them?

EVE: Shadows? In a place like this? But it’s so beautiful here!

SARAYN: Beautiful? I see. So that is the illusion.

EVE: I’m afraid I don’t understand.

SARAYN: To you, this place appears lovely and peaceful. To me, it appears… otherwise.

EVE: We see it differently?

SARAYN: It is, I suppose, a matter of perspective.

EVE: Then the shadows you saw, they weren’t real?

SARAYN: What is real in a land of illusion?

EVE: Well, you and I, I guess.

SARAYN: Mmm. Why did you offer to help me just then?

EVE: Should I not have?

SARAYN: That’s not what I meant. Usually, people are more wary of me. Perhaps you trust too easily.

EVE: Maybe so. But I think trust has little to do with it. I don’t desire to see anyone come to harm. Stranger or not.

SARAYN: Then, I think you would do better to go off on your own.

EVE: But—

SARAYN: If you stay with me, you might be hurt.

EVE: And if I don’t, you might. So, I’ll stay. Unless you intend to chase me away.

SARAYN: It is not for me to command my lady’s will. Only to warn her.

EVE: Then I will accept the consequences of my own decisions. Shall we proceed?

SARAYN: If you are most certain.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, all

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty-seven


KYRIE: Welcome, all of you, to the second task.Now that the day has come, I feel I should tell you a little more about how the games will work. Each trial will have two stages; a test of character, and a test of strength. It may not always be obvious to you which test is which, and strength may not always be physical in nature. As I’m sure many of you have realized, the first task was one of character, which leaves today’s task…

ÅSE: Strength!

KYRIE: Hm. For this challenge, you will be transported to a realm of illusions. This place is constructed by spells and only those who have cast them control who enters and leaves. Your only way out of this construct is with this.

KYRIE: There are five of these keys hidden throughout the construct. Which means, five of you will succeed, and five of you will fail. The keyholders will inevitably decide the fates of the others, so if you do not wish to be at the mercy of another player, I suggest you work quickly. For if you do not, your journey may be fast and fruitless, or agonizingly long and exhaustive. Be wary of what and who you meet along your journey. Anything can happen in a land of illusion, and all that you see may not be entirely as it seems. Do your best to keep your wits about you.

THERION: So, we just go in, find the key, and then…?

KYRIE: Once you’ve taken the key you will be returned here. I will be waiting for each of you as you arrive. Now, without further ado, please take your places.

THERION: Why do I have such a bad feeling about this?

EIRA: I’ve had a bad feeling since I got here.

THERION:laughs Well, that doesn’t fill me with confidence. See you on the other side.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuh

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| tiger & key // twenty-six

|@izayoichan |@catssimblr|@rollingsim|@amuhav|@mangopysims|@sani-sims|@maladi777|@poisonedsimmer|@thesimperiuscurse|@keibea

The audience votes to combine [GOLDEN ELFOYL] with [HONEYPEPPER ROOT], resulting in a successful luck potion! INDRYR, ÅSE, TALILA, and THERION will be buffed for the upcoming trial.


INDRYR: I’ve made a luck potion for anyone wanting a boost for the task ahead.

EIRA: And what does this potion do, exactly?

INDRYR: I just said, it boosts luck.

SARAYN: And how can we trust that?

TALILA: Hey, why don’t we calm down? It’s a potion, not poison! I’m sure he doesn’t want to hurt any of us!

TAYUIN: Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s fine. Why don’t youtake it?

TALILA: Alright, I will!

INDRYR: Well, anyone else who doesn’t think I’m a dastardly schemer want a drought?

ÅSE: Give it to me. I’m not afraid of magic drink.


THERION: Might as well. How bad could it be?

TAYUIN:*double snort*

EVE: You’re sure it gives good luck?

TAIYO: I suggest the healer doesn’t take the potion. In the event that something happens during the trial…

EVE: …I guess you’re right.

ASTER: If nothing else, I know a wonderful selection of funeral hymns!


KYRIE: If you’re all ready, please follow me.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rolling

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| tiger & key // twenty-three

|@sani-sims |@amuhav|@catssimblr|@rollingsim|@keibea


[rustling sounds]
EIRA: What is it?

SARAYN: We are being watched.

ÅSE: More bandits?
- - -
KYRIE: Something’s wrong.

EVE: Wrong?

KYRIE: Let’s meet up with the others.
- - -
SARAYN: I though you said no more tricks?

KYRIE: It isn’t. I didn’t tell anyone we were coming here.

TAYUIN: You expect us to believe that, after last time?

KYRIE: I’m telling the truth. We should get back to the sanctum.

ÅSE: Let them come!

KYRIE: No. We don’t know what we’re dealing with. It could be nothing at all. Let me handle this, please.

EIRA: No need. Whoever was out there, they’re gone now.

EVE: Maybe we’re overreacting. Tensions are high after the challenge, but Amaryllis is filled with all manner of folk for the festivities. It could have been anyone.

KYRIE: Eve’s right. Let’s all of us head back and get some sleep. It’s been a very long day.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimp

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty-one



ÅSE: You shouldn’t eat too much! All that cake will slow you down for trial!

TALILA: Hm? Really? But we don’t even know what the next trial is.

ÅSE: Didn’t you hear? It could be dangerous! Very exciting!

TALILA: Is that really something you should be excited about?

ÅSE: But of course! I have strategy! First of all, be very strong, like me. Second, do not fail!

INDRYR: Well, can’t argue with that. It is a sound strategy.

TAIYO: Curious. How will those of us without such magic and strength prevail? Past records of the Selenehelion show the trials range from tests of character, wisdom, and ability. But since we’re uncertain of which challenges we’ll face, it seems nearly impossible that one could be prepared for anything.

ÅSE: You lack confidence, scholarly man!

INDRYR: Can’t argue with that either.

TALILA: Oh, Indy!

INDRYR: Oops, sorry.

TAIYO: It was a fair point.

INDRYR: Surely some have advantages, but then, we’ve all been chosen for a reason, haven’t we? I trust in the process. There are more important things than physical strength and magic.

TAIYO: Even if I were to win, I don’t know what I’d ask for. I guess I really don’t understand why I was chosen at all. I wonder if passion isn’t an important element in what decides who will succeed. I can’t say for certain why everyone’s here, but I imagine if you had something you deeply desired, something you were willing to fight hard for, maybe even the gods could see it inside of you.

INDRYR: I think there are many of us who have come here in desperation. Though they may not say so, though they may deny it… but in the end, don’t we all have something we desire? If not a reason to fight?

TAIYO: I’m not sure that I do.

INDRYR: I guess you’re right; only the gods may judge us. Before that end comes, I do hope you find your reason.

TALILA: And what about you, Indy? What’s your wish?

INDRYR: It’s not for me that I wish, but for the happiness of those I love most. Perhaps this is the best way, if not the only way, that I could help them.

TALILA: That sounds terribly sad…

ÅSE: Ridiculous! You lack stamina, flower dragon!

INDRYR: Well… can’t argue with that.

TALILA: Maybe the trials will be good for us. There’s so much uncertainty now, but like all seeds freshly planted, with a little tenderness and caution, we can grow. I hope we will all grow stronger.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // fifty-one

|@amuhav​ | @rollingsim

Should Tayuin lie or tell Sarayn the truth?


TAYUIN: Well, I certainly know how to pick my friends. Great work, Lord Tev’us.


TAYUIN: She’ll get over it. It’s her own fault, taking everything to heart, anyways.

SARAYN: She is kind.

TAYUIN: How unfortunate. Not for us, I mean. The nice ones are the easiest to break.

SARAYN: And how did your trial go? Was it also simple? You never told me how it was you got your key.

TAYUIN: Is that really relevant?

SARAYN: We are allies, after all. And allies share information, no?

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext /

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // fifty



VOICE: The trial has now concluded.  

EVE: It’s finished?

EIRA: Thanks.

EVE: Of course!

EVE: Lord Tev’us! Thank starlight, you’re alright! I thought something horrible had happened! I waited as long as I could bear it. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.
SARAYN: My apologies. An opportunity arose, so I took it.

EVE: An opportunity…?

EVE: You… found a key, then. You won.

SARAYN: That was the nature of the game, after all.

EVE: You’re right, of course. It’s just a game.

SARAYN: I expect you must be angry.

EVE: No, not at all. I’m happy for you. Surely, anyone would have done the same, and you deserve it. I’m just glad that you’re not hurt. I was… well, it doesn’t matter. Anyways, congratulations.

TAIYO: She was worried about you. You told her you’d come back, and you never did. All that time, she was looking for you, just to make sure you were okay. And that’s all you have to say for it?

SARAYN: It was her choice to trust me.

TAIYO: It was her choice to care. But I see now, these games were made for people like you.

KYRIE: Welcome back, everyone. I’m glad to see you’ve all returned safely. I want to congratulate the five winners, Eira, Tayuin, Sarayn, Talila and Aster. Your victory today will help you moving forward into the next round of trials. But until then, I encourage everyone to rest up. You have a few days break. Please try to enjoy yourselves. Until we meet again.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-two


The audience votes for Sarayn to take the key for himself, with 52% in favor. Sarayn becomes the third contestant to win a key.


KYRIE: Welcome back, Lord Tev’us.

SARAYN: So, that’s the end of it?

KYRIE: A simple task.

SARAYN: If there is nothing more, I’ll take my leave.

KYRIE: Certainly. Though, it might interest you to know, had you decided differently, you would both be standing here now.

SARAYN: How is that any concern of mine? One way or another, the result, for me, is the same.

KYRIE: Well-observed, my Lord. I bid you a very fine evening.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |Sho

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // thirty-seven


Should Sarayn keep the key for himself or offer it to Eve?

next / previous/beginning

EVE: Have you studied magic long?

SARAYN: Since I was young.

EVE: Ah, I imagine you must be very skilled! My brothers are also powerful mages, like you. I suppose, I’m a little late to the game. I’ve only recently come to the academy. In fact, this place sort of reminds me of it.

SARAYN: You have an incredible gift. It is, perhaps, the one magic I could never master.

EVE: You mean…?

SARAYN: Healing.

EVE: Maybe one just needs the right teacher. Not to say you’ve had bad ones. I’m sorry, that was rude of me.

SARAYN: Not at all.

EVE: Well, I’m sure there’s nothing I could teach you that you don’t already know.

SARAYN: You’re much too kind for your own good.

EVE: But you smiled.


EVE: Where do you think it leads?

SARAYN: I’m not sure. We should proceed with caution. Let me go on ahead.

EVE: Is that really necessary? You haven’t seen a single shadow since meeting me. If we go together, surely it will be safer for both of us.

SARAYN: That’s not a risk I’m willing to take.

EVE: Very well… I guess…

SARAYN: Wait here. I will come back for you once I’ve cleared any danger.

EVE: Please, be careful Lord Tev’us.

SARAYN: Thank you.

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