#cc therion erandaer

Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, all

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty-seven


KYRIE: Welcome, all of you, to the second task.Now that the day has come, I feel I should tell you a little more about how the games will work. Each trial will have two stages; a test of character, and a test of strength. It may not always be obvious to you which test is which, and strength may not always be physical in nature. As I’m sure many of you have realized, the first task was one of character, which leaves today’s task…

ÅSE: Strength!

KYRIE: Hm. For this challenge, you will be transported to a realm of illusions. This place is constructed by spells and only those who have cast them control who enters and leaves. Your only way out of this construct is with this.

KYRIE: There are five of these keys hidden throughout the construct. Which means, five of you will succeed, and five of you will fail. The keyholders will inevitably decide the fates of the others, so if you do not wish to be at the mercy of another player, I suggest you work quickly. For if you do not, your journey may be fast and fruitless, or agonizingly long and exhaustive. Be wary of what and who you meet along your journey. Anything can happen in a land of illusion, and all that you see may not be entirely as it seems. Do your best to keep your wits about you.

THERION: So, we just go in, find the key, and then…?

KYRIE: Once you’ve taken the key you will be returned here. I will be waiting for each of you as you arrive. Now, without further ado, please take your places.

THERION: Why do I have such a bad feeling about this?

EIRA: I’ve had a bad feeling since I got here.

THERION:laughs Well, that doesn’t fill me with confidence. See you on the other side.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuh

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty-six

|@izayoichan |@catssimblr|@rollingsim|@amuhav|@mangopysims|@sani-sims|@maladi777|@poisonedsimmer|@thesimperiuscurse|@keibea

The audience votes to combine [GOLDEN ELFOYL] with [HONEYPEPPER ROOT], resulting in a successful luck potion! INDRYR, ÅSE, TALILA, and THERION will be buffed for the upcoming trial.


INDRYR: I’ve made a luck potion for anyone wanting a boost for the task ahead.

EIRA: And what does this potion do, exactly?

INDRYR: I just said, it boosts luck.

SARAYN: And how can we trust that?

TALILA: Hey, why don’t we calm down? It’s a potion, not poison! I’m sure he doesn’t want to hurt any of us!

TAYUIN: Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s fine. Why don’t youtake it?

TALILA: Alright, I will!

INDRYR: Well, anyone else who doesn’t think I’m a dastardly schemer want a drought?

ÅSE: Give it to me. I’m not afraid of magic drink.


THERION: Might as well. How bad could it be?

TAYUIN:*double snort*

EVE: You’re sure it gives good luck?

TAIYO: I suggest the healer doesn’t take the potion. In the event that something happens during the trial…

EVE: …I guess you’re right.

ASTER: If nothing else, I know a wonderful selection of funeral hymns!


KYRIE: If you’re all ready, please follow me.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / b

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // fifty-two


next / previous/beginning

INDRYR: Therion, glad to see you’re okay. In the illusion realm, you were… otherwise.

THERION: Oh really? Dreaming about me, were you?

INDRYR: Not the way I’d put it. It occurred to me that perhaps things appeared to me the way they did because I had not yet confronted them in my reality. The fact is, you blamed me for what happened during the first trial, and I want to set the record straight.

THERION: Huh? You mean you’re hung up on that? Look, I’m sorry for implying you might have been at fault, but my point still stands. I’m a ranger, and I take my duties seriously. A lapse in attention, or walking off the job can be the difference between someone living or dying. When you’re given a responsibility, you ought to treat it with more care.

INDRYR: Do your duties also allow for false accusations?

THERION: I wouldn’t have considered you suspect if you hadn’t given me reason to.

INDRYR: You were still wrong in the end.

THERION: I said I was sorry, what more do you want? It wasn’t a big deal. But next time you’re negligent during a trial, we might not be so lucky. Maybe you should think about that.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext /

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // fifty



VOICE: The trial has now concluded.  

EVE: It’s finished?

EIRA: Thanks.

EVE: Of course!

EVE: Lord Tev’us! Thank starlight, you’re alright! I thought something horrible had happened! I waited as long as I could bear it. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.
SARAYN: My apologies. An opportunity arose, so I took it.

EVE: An opportunity…?

EVE: You… found a key, then. You won.

SARAYN: That was the nature of the game, after all.

EVE: You’re right, of course. It’s just a game.

SARAYN: I expect you must be angry.

EVE: No, not at all. I’m happy for you. Surely, anyone would have done the same, and you deserve it. I’m just glad that you’re not hurt. I was… well, it doesn’t matter. Anyways, congratulations.

TAIYO: She was worried about you. You told her you’d come back, and you never did. All that time, she was looking for you, just to make sure you were okay. And that’s all you have to say for it?

SARAYN: It was her choice to trust me.

TAIYO: It was her choice to care. But I see now, these games were made for people like you.

KYRIE: Welcome back, everyone. I’m glad to see you’ve all returned safely. I want to congratulate the five winners, Eira, Tayuin, Sarayn, Talila and Aster. Your victory today will help you moving forward into the next round of trials. But until then, I encourage everyone to rest up. You have a few days break. Please try to enjoy yourselves. Until we meet again.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The au

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-eight


The audience decides to investigate the sound with 61% in favor. Ase and Therion help to save an injured wolf and are each rewarded [SUMMONING TOKEN].


ÅSE: What is it?

THERION: A wolf. She seems to be injured.

ÅSE: Then, we put her out of her misery.

THERION: What? No! I can help her.

ÅSE: If the injury is bad, why let suffer?

THERION: I’ve handled worse, I can promise that. And anyways, this whole place is one big illusion. Nothing here is real.

ÅSE: Why so sympathetic, then?

THERION: I don’t know… Seeing something in pain is… 

ÅSE: Okay, we help.

THERION: You’re okay girl, I’ve got you. It’s just a dislocation. It’ll hurt, but it’ll be quick. You look uncomfortable. Not an animal fan?

ÅSE: Animals don’t really like me.

THERION: I’m sure that’s not true. Here, try stroking her, it might calm her down.



ÅSE: Oh, fine. Hm… much soft…

THERION: I think you made a new friend.

ÅSE: She is okay! She is big and strong like me.


ÅSE: What is she doing?

THERION: I think she’s trying to show us something.

VOICE: For your graciousness and compassion, you are rewarded one token each. Use these tokens to call upon the wisdom of any of your fellow competitors whenever you most need it.

ÅSE: Reward? Very good!

THERION: Well, thank the stars we didn’t do it yourway.

ÅSE: Okay, Woodland One. You win this time.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |Sho

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-five

|@poisonedsimmer​ | @keibea

Should Therion and Ase investigate the sound they heard or the tower in the distance?


THERION: Well, better than a bear, I guess.

ÅSE: These woods are filled with beasts, it seems.

THERION: Looks like you ran into one.

ÅSE: She was particularly fierce.

THERION:laughs Right. Maybe we ought to stick together till we reach the edge of the forest.

ÅSE: Don’t worry, Woodland One. I will protect you.

THERION: Thanks, but I can manage just fine. Still, this place gives me a particularly bad feeling and I’m starting to trust my eyes less and less.

ÅSE: You make good point.

ÅSE: I saw tower on my way here. I have mind there could be something hidden inside.

THERION: Not a bad plan.

THERION: Did you hear that?

ÅSE: Just wind. Let’s head to tower.

THERION: No… I’ve heard that before. It sounded like an animal in pain.

ÅSE: Ridiculous. I trust what I see before me. I see tower. I don’t see strange animal in pain. Could be trap.

THERION: I thought you Valkyries were fearless?

ÅSE: I am not afraid. I am also not stupid.

THERION: Whatever it is, it might need help. This could be a test.

ÅSE: Hm…

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, th

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // thirty-nine


With 55% opposed, the audience votes not to help Therion. Indryr fails to receive a [KEY], but is rewarded [TRUTH SCROLL] instead.


THERION: So, are you going to help me or not?

INDRYR: No, I don’t think I will.

THERION: Then that’s your decision.

SPECTRE: Helping those in need, accepting whatever consequence to yourself, is a selfless feat. Perhaps, too great are such leaps of faith. In reward, you would have received this key. Though, in being wary in strange lands, and keeping one’s wits about them, is just as worthy of praise. For this, you shall receive this scroll, Indryr of Irauygate.

INDRYR: So, it was an illusion after all. Then, I’ve failed this test in some part… but what does the scroll grant me?

SPECTRE: This scroll is enchanted. It can be used to compel the truth— the most honest truth— from anyone upon whom you may wish to use its power. Simply read the incantation written inside, and no lie shall stand before you. The spell will work only once, so use it wisely.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmerINTERACTIVE VOTE |

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // thirty-two


Should Indryr help Therion or not?


INDRYR: So many strange and lovely plants…

INDRYR: I suppose I should search for the keys, but surely if I just looked around for a moment… took a few samples… (if the plants are illusions does that mean I can’t take them home?)

THERION: Indryr!

INDRYR: Therion? What happened? Star’s above, you’re bleeding!

THERION: It’s alright, just a scratch. Some beast chased me through the woods. I’ve never seen anything like it. Took a fall and ended up here. My ankle’s all twisted.

INDRYR: And the beast… it’s gone off?

THERION: Guess so. Mind helping me up?

INDRYR: Oh, sure. Wait…

THERION: You gonna help me or what?

INDRYR: I don’t know…

THERION: What’s the problem?

INDRYR: His Grace said to be wary of who we meet here. Who’s to say this isn’t some trick? And even if it’s not, helping you puts me at a disadvantage. I’m certain getting out of here will be hard enough without the added weight.

THERION: Really? That’s your reasoning? So we’re already playing this game, I see.

INDRYR: Nothing personal. And anyways, you didn’t seem that keen on cooperation when you were implyingI was the one that got the egg stolen.

THERION: It was a harmless mistake!

INDRYR: Harmless by whose standards?

THERION: Look, I’m sorry, okay? I know it’s a lot to ask of you, especially after what I said yesterday, but I’m really in some trouble here.

INDRYR: That still doesn’t change the nature of the competition.

THERION: So that’s your decision then? You’re going to let me lay here to get yourself ahead?

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