#cdwt x reader


gif cred belongs to @animeglitch

requested by anon “Hello!! How are u?:DD could I maybe get 3 and 10 from the prompt list with dream if you don’t mind? Have a lovely day/night!!”

a/n first rq w/ the new prompt list <3

o hey i do writing prompts,, those used in this imagine will be in bold

imagine dream denying his crush on you

“i don’t know why you think y/n wouldn’t like you,” sapnap huffed from dream’s bed, staring at the ceiling while his friend looked through the maps at his desk. 

“im not talking about this again, sapnap,” dream shrugged off, turning his mask from his face.

“c’mon, dream,” sapnap groaned out, turning onto his stomach to look at the blonde. “you two would make such a cute couple!”

dream sent a half-hearted glare at the smiling brunette. “just because you think something’s gonna happen doesn’t mean it will, sap. besides, i don’t really like y/n. they’re just..” he paused his movements on the map for a moment as his mind swarmed with a million words to describe you. “nice.”

sapnap arched a brow as dream continued to busy himself drawing along a map. “..right. soo, you wouldn’t be mad if, hypothetically, they started dating someone else?”

“sap,i don’t care what they do,” dream insisted despite himself, looking over to his friend with annoyance. “they can hang out with whoever they want.”

“right,” sapnap hummed knowingly. “even if it’s wilbur?”

dream’s heart immediately burned, his head snapping toward the man resting on his bed. “come again?”

sapnap burst into laughter and dream’s heart sank with realization, his face burning with embarrassment. he turned his mask back over his smoking features.

“you’re so easy! it was just a hypothetical!”

“can we focus up here?”
