#dream fanfic


i made this text for @melissa-s23​ and wowee guess what, 3 google doc pages appeared out of nowhere ! Anyway tell me if i have to put any trigger warning~

Spoilers dream smp


It was a cold afternoon in the tundra, the sun started to set, slowly coloring the sky hues and tones of oranges and ambers, only the sound of the wind against the frozen leaves could be heard in the place…well, that only if we ignored the argument starting outside the dark wood cottage.



The child, in common fashion, wanted to do something in particular and decided to make it everyone’s problem. He was standing here, covered with a thick red and white cape, -certainly taken from his protector’s closet- weapons in his frail arms, so heavy that he was shaking in his way to big armor boots from their weights and the cold wrapping his body. He was incredibly small compared to the man in front of him.

Technoblade didn’t wear his usual pig skull, he was here, tall as an oak, holding a mug of hot cocoa quite menacingly. His claws were holding it so tightly, it was on the verge of breaking in his hands. Another silhouette was visible in the storm. One with a pair of folded dark wings. The other blond approached Technoblade and put a hand on his arm. He couldn’t put it any higher.

-Come on now, no need to yell. You can solve this in p-


-Wait what ? Tommy what’s happening ?

Tommy shivered and turned his glance. He felt so small and fragile compared to them. Technoblade was a known name in this realm, he could crush anyone who dared to fight him, and Philza, even if he was on the more peaceful side of the spectrum, was still a survivor and was completely able to stand up for himself with his sword skills. Tommy is just…Tommy. Seeing that his protégé wasn’t going to say anything, the boar toothed fighter sighed loudly and took a rather sassy tone.

-Mister right here wants to go back to Manberg and talk to his dear and beloved Tubbo. I think he forgot what “exiled” meant.


-Oh ? And you think they’re just gonna let you pass ? With a cup of tea, two golden apples and a coupon for a massage perhaps ?

-I…have my ways ?

-What ways ? Giving up your last bit of self respect and dignity and go cry to Dream ?


The long silence from Tommy was way too suspicious and giving more than he expected.

-Tommy, don’t tell me that’s actually what you were going to do ? -Philza had a genuinely worried look on his face.  

Technoblade chuckled, pinching between his eyebrows. He was tired of this behavior.

-Of course that’s what he wanted to do ! What did you expect ? Sense ? Logic ? From Tommy ? That’s a laugh and a half.

Tommy grinded his teeth and threw the weapons on the floor, in loud clingings, giving him the attention of the two men.



Technoblade walked slowly, making the boy back off a little bit before putting his large hands on his shoulders. It took the blondie a good amount of effort to not just fall from the weight. The boar leaned to his ear.

-…you don’t know how easy it could be for me to kill you right here and there. But you know why i don’t do it ? Even though you spent those last weeks testing my patience ? It’s because i care about you, not how Dream pretended to care about you and just wanted to have an eye on his plaything, not how Tubbo pretended to care about you and just exiled you without thinking of anything else. I gave you a shelter, i trained you, i fed you…

Suddenly, the grasp became stronger and stronger. Tommy wanted to reply but got pushed violently into the snow.


Tommy could feel his breaths getting shorter and faster. He was shivering and shaking from head to toe. Was it the cold ? Why did he feel like that ? He wanted to cry. He wanted to bury himself six feet under the snow. Why did he panic like that ? Feathers wrapped around him. He shook his head and saw Philza’s golden locks.

-Slow breaths Tommy, breath in for four counts, keep in for seven and let it out for eight.

Philza started doing the exercise, just to make the boy copy him and make it easier for him to get in the rhythm. He didn’t know how much time it took for him to calm down. He didn’t even realise the cold salty tears flowing down his face. Philza turned his head and nodded. Techno walked toward him, making the panicked child move back, whining a bit.

-Hey. I don’t…wanna hurt you..

He approached his clawed hand, making Tommy lean back and shake even more.

-…but seems like i already did. Listen…Tommy…i know my words were harsh but you need to understand that in this world you can’t just go around and try your luck with people who already betrayed you. I know a thing or two about that. I know you care about Tubbo…and maybe, just maybe he cares about you too..but it’s too dangerous. Dream was formal, he didn’t want you anywhere near this place…

-I kn…

-…but fuck Dream am i right ?

-W..What ?

-I mean, he’s the real asshole in your story. In the end you’re just a kid. If violence is the only language, then we’re using that to get in. I can’t promise you you’ll be able to talk to Tubbo, but i can promise to protect you and not let anything happen to you while we’re out there.

-A..Are you for real ?

-I mean, pretty much y….

Technoblade didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. Tommy had jumped in his arms. He seemed confused and a bit panicked, even turning to Philza for help. He knew how to kill dragons and withers, not to be emotional with a troubled teenager. The winged man nodded -as if that was any help at all- before pushing his arm as to tell him what to do. Techno closed his arms around the child’s body, covering him a bit more with his own cape.  

-Now we should get back inside. There’s a nice fire, warm cookies and hot cocoa waiting for us.

-Techno ?

-Yeah ?

-…You’re pog. 


…did i just include the word “pog” in one of my writing ? Anyway ! That’s it for this time lads ! Tell me if you want more of this type of texts~


mcyts as teachers

in my brain. lol. thisisjustmyopiniondontattakpls

dream smp edition!!!

i got way to carried away HOLY


Mr.Wastaken - math

he’s that one math teacher dude whos friends with all his students

funkytys and button ups

somehow teaches everything so everyone understands

the students won’t bully eachother if he bully’s them first.

everyone does their work and then when everyone is done and just chillin, he’ll tell a story or just talk to them

Mr.Blade - english

he’s that english teacher that if you ask the right question they’ll go on a tangent and you’ll get to not do work for like 30 minutes minimum.

Mr.Blade seems mean but is super sweet to his students. (especially the quiet ones)

never makes them do presentations

Mr.Jacobs - history

is 100% best friends with his students.

so many handshakes

Mr.Karl is literally the best dressed teacher there is and is so nice to all his students. he is easy going on grading but is a tad hard on late work.

totally doesn’t sneak off to kiss coach sapnap sometimes

Mr. Quack - spanish


gets so hyped with his students.

kahoot kahoot kahoot sm kahoot

Mr.Quacks class is the one everyone hopes they get and constantly looks forward to. thinks like baking spanish food, watching spanish soap operas, and many more fun ways Mr.Quack has thought of to show them different aspects of spanish culture

Mrs. Nihachu - art

the classroom the kids with anxiety sit in during lunch

gives her students hugs whenever they need them

has art her students have made for her all over her classroom walls and desk

drawer full of candy

Coach Sapnap & Coach Punz - PE


so scary. they are so so scary.

also the sweetest somehow.

the duo is always constantly trying to create new games to keep students active and they work hard to make sure everyone is happy and being included if they want to, or have an alternative if they don’t.

they play in team games like kickball and get HELLA competitive, it makes for a whole lot of fun inside jokes between them and their students.

the smack talk- holy-

Mr.Fundy - furry science- jk. biology


every time they have labs he wears a funky lab coat and goggles

his students make fun of him and he loves it

is a tough grader but makes the class easy and makes it a comfy place so kids won’t be scared to ask questions when they need


Mr.Notfound - engineering

he’s the type of teacher to put up a video on days he’s tired

actually really enjoys bantering with students, and is super lenient with how much they can talk during classes

a lot of his work is hands on so there’s many bits and bobbles around his room and it’s always a mess

“you’ll need the stuff for the soddering machines but i’m not actually sure where they are…”

the students are well aware that class is WAY more fun when Mr.Notfound is in a good mood.

Mr.Wastaken drops by when he has free periods cause he loves to annoy visit Mr.Notfound

Teacher Eret - sociology

his room is the safe space where you go if you need a good hug or a good cry

kids also eat lunch here

memes on da walls and things hanging from the ceiling

talks with his hands and laughs with the students when they mock him and do it when he does

“TEACHER ERET! you will not believe what sarah did!!” “tell me right now!”

Mr.Dude - comp. science

is always asking students how they feel like they’re doing

brings lunches for students he notices not having any

“snack break anyone?” opened drawer full of goldfish

stands in the hallways during passing time so he can watch out for his kiddos and make sure no ones being mean to anyone

high-fives all the time constantly

Mr.Soot - drama

literally so dramatic all the time for no reason

relentless hamilton references

he’s the type of drama teacher to adore his students and have them adore him back. he loves hearing all the unique ideas and loves to watch kids grow into their shell as they take his class

his favorite thing is watching quiet kids learn they love acting and become more confident

students share their own scrips and plays they write and he absolutely melts every time

Mr.Shlatt - political science

the teacher that everyone tries to get mad cause it’s funny

starts arguments between students because he loves to watch kids grow into their opinions and learn to debate with others

teaches them how to win arguments and it blows up in his face cause they start using his tactics against him

Mr. Halo - self defense

no swearing zone

gives the biggest hugs to kids that seem sad

he teaches in mostly talking ways where he explains everything but he also loves demonstration lessons

he always has kids talking to him about other teachers that may annoy them or have given them a bad grade because Mr.Halo always has their back

Mr.Skeppy - money management

he’s that one teacher that isn’t really close with his students but every once in a while he’ll get a group of kids that he enjoys and it makes the class a lot more fun

pizza party after tests if everyone passes

actually holds meme contests for literally no reason

Mr.H - hospitality

has whiteboard desks in his class cause he is THAT cool

is always asking kids what the drama is atm cause he wants to be in the know

has holiday party’s in class for EVERY holiday. if you have him as a teacher you’ll be celebrating every holiday for however long you have him. he just lives for a good party.

also has a snack drawer

Mr.Frost - horticulture

shelves and shelves of plants. gives his fav students ones to take home

literally the sweetest teacher, every student understands you can not be rude to Mr.Frost it’s just criminal to do so

another huggy teacher. he just loves his kiddos with his whole heart

the least amount of work for a class out of all of them

he’s definitely that teacher thay takes his class outside every chance they get, and the students l o v e it


Mr.Minecraft -headmaster/principal

he’s the reason the school has like 0 REAL trouble makers.

everyone’s scared of him, but only because they don’t want to disappoint him.

he creates the best rallies and makes school events fantastic

100% dances at school dances sometimes

Mrs.Puffy - councilor

everyone adores her. even other teachers.

she councils Mr.Wastaken when he needs dating advice. *cough cough* Mr.Notfound *cough cough*

literally 3 drawers full of snacks.

is the founder of their schools GCA and it’s the best thing

let’s kids skip class in her office when they have a panic attack or are to anxious to go

had to have a chat with Coach Sapnap because of how many kids were coming from his PE class having panic attacks (he felt really bad, he’s just intense sometimes)

loves to sit in on Mr.Quackitys classes

Teacher callahan - substitute

he subs in sometimes and when students find out Teacher callahan is subbing that day they freak the fuck out

so much kahoot

how can one man start such party’s without speaking a word

terrorizes Mr Wastakens classes when he can and LOVES to pop in on the PE classes especially when they’re doing something wicked fun and he feels like beating sapnap at something

Wait I love this

gif cred belongs to @animeglitch

requested by anon “Hello!! How are u?:DD could I maybe get 3 and 10 from the prompt list with dream if you don’t mind? Have a lovely day/night!!”

a/n first rq w/ the new prompt list <3

o hey i do writing prompts,, those used in this imagine will be in bold

imagine dream denying his crush on you

“i don’t know why you think y/n wouldn’t like you,” sapnap huffed from dream’s bed, staring at the ceiling while his friend looked through the maps at his desk. 

“im not talking about this again, sapnap,” dream shrugged off, turning his mask from his face.

“c’mon, dream,” sapnap groaned out, turning onto his stomach to look at the blonde. “you two would make such a cute couple!”

dream sent a half-hearted glare at the smiling brunette. “just because you think something’s gonna happen doesn’t mean it will, sap. besides, i don’t really like y/n. they’re just..” he paused his movements on the map for a moment as his mind swarmed with a million words to describe you. “nice.”

sapnap arched a brow as dream continued to busy himself drawing along a map. “..right. soo, you wouldn’t be mad if, hypothetically, they started dating someone else?”

“sap,i don’t care what they do,” dream insisted despite himself, looking over to his friend with annoyance. “they can hang out with whoever they want.”

“right,” sapnap hummed knowingly. “even if it’s wilbur?”

dream’s heart immediately burned, his head snapping toward the man resting on his bed. “come again?”

sapnap burst into laughter and dream’s heart sank with realization, his face burning with embarrassment. he turned his mask back over his smoking features.

“you’re so easy! it was just a hypothetical!”

“can we focus up here?”

we don’t talk about dream (dream x reader)

summary (slight!au for convenience, really) tommy grew up in fear of the man he never truly knew. but as he grew older and old secrets come into light during the development of l’manburg, tommy searches for answers about the name that many no longer say.

warning swearing, mentions of murder

a/n yes, this was totally to feed my simultaneous dream smp and encanto addictions. no further questions (it’s got a slow start but i promise it gets better!!!!)

gif cred belongs to @calamardo-sad

“send tommy to the basement, they said,” tommy mimicked, his voice high pitched in his muttering despite mocking his father’s words. he opened the loud door to the basement of his childhood home. “he can find it, they said.” he huffed out, flicking at the light switch. nothing happened. he flickered at it a few more times before groaning out. “you’re fucking kidding.”

he rubbed a hand down his face as he stared into the darkness of the basement, the wooden stairs the only thing visible to him at that angle. still, his chest filled with childish fear.

tommy sighed. “stupid technoblade and his stupid birthday..” he began down the stairs, still rambling angrily to himself. “why would he want to look through that stupid journal anyway? he probably couldn’t understand anything that’s written in there anyway..” he groaned again at the sea of boxes awaiting him. “im the best fucking brother ever for this.”

he weaved through the dusty boxes, squinting at the old sharpie to make out what was written on them while muttering about how wilbur owed him. it took him ten minutes before he finally made out a faint ‘technoblade’ on a pile of boxes. he sighed again heavily, dropping to his knees and getting to the real search.

it would have been a nice, nostalgic feeling going through them had it not been for the layers of dust that kicked into his face at every other thing he pulled out of the boxes. finally, after sneezing and coughing more than he had in his entire life, tommy found a box of old books and journals.

he grabbed out the journals–three small books with a child’s shorthand proclaiming ‘techno’ on the front of it. tommy smiled slightly, feeling a small weight lift off his shoulders. he was about to open one, take a look at young technoblade’s thoughts, when he heard something fall behind him.

his head immediately snapped over, eyes drawn to a shining object that caught the slight glint of light in the dark basement. he tucked the journals under his arm and cautiously headed over to the object.

kneeling down by it, tommy realized it was an old disc peeking out of its cover. he slipped it back in before picking up the casing. he nearly dropped it again when he saw what was written on.


growing up, dream was a household name for tommy. from his brother’s scheming of rising up and breaking dream’s tyrannical foundation, to the fight for l’manburg itself, tommy grew to live in fear of the man he had only met twice; once, he was too young to remember, and again when the man threatened his life on his own doorstep. and yet, that was still years ago.

so why was a disc with his name on it in their basement?

tommy held it up to the light more, blood rushing loudly in his ears. when he saw what else was written, he actually did drop the disc, yelping as though it had burned him.


tommy knelt down slowly, his breathing suddenly heavy with the fear that filled his chest. his hands were shaking as he went to grasp the disc, seeing it was anything like those he had collected. maybe it was one he had stolen from him.

but when he went to pull the disc from its casing, only a portion of it came out. tommy shook the case, and the rest of the broken pieces scattered onto the floor; at least eight different portions of the disc from a man who almost killed his entire family and country.


tommy sighed at the laid out pieces of the broken disc. “why is this here for me, dream?”

the loud creak of the front door opening made tommy flinch, quickly wheeling around and brushing the broken pieces further behind his back. karl stood in the doorway, looking curiously over at tommy with a box in hand.

“karl!” tommy exclaimed breathlessly. “jesus, man, you scared me.”

“sorry, sorry,” the man shrugged with a huff. “i was dropping off some things for philza when i, uh..” he placed down the box and looked over at tommy again. “heard the name we don’t speak.”

right. tommy had forgotten about the country’s superstition; never say dream’s name, for he has ears everywhere.

“right, uh, sorry,” tommy coughed. karl just turned away, probably going to get another box from outside. “but..” the brunette turned to him again. “if there were to be anything said about dream..”

“we don’t talk about dream,” karl reiterated, holding up his hands to stop tommy from pressing the topic. he already seemed stressed at just the thought of the man. 


“tommy, i would drop it,” he shook his head, eyes shifting out the doorway.

tommy couldn’t help it–if anyone were to know anything, it would be karl. that guy seemed to have limitless information at his disposal. “but say that, in theory, d- he,” karl raised his eyebrows, but said nothing, “was out for you.. what would he do?”

before karl even had the chance to try to lecture him, sapnap burst through the door, another box in hand. “he was nightmare!”

“sap!” karl pleaded, tugging at his arm after he placed the box down.

“karl, he deserves to know,” sapnap brushed, beginning toward tommy. “he would make terrible promises, manipulate you until you didn’t know what was true, and then BOOM!” tommy flinched when sapnap lurched suddenly toward his face. “and there was nothing you could do.”

“sapnap, please!”

“what if you didn’t know whether or not he was coming after you?” tommy rushed out. “what would you do if you didn’t know where you stood with him?”

“well, you’d better figure it out,” sapnap warned, shaking his head. “because he was coming for you.” before tommy could ask anything else, karl wedged his way between them and pushed sapnap away.

“we don’t talk about dream!” he proclaimed, loud and adamant. “okay? not since..” karl sighed out. sapnap placed a hand on his husband’s shoulder as his head dropped. there was a moment of tense silence where guilt creeped at tommy’s heart before karl’s bright, passionate eyes turned to him again.

“i’ll talk about him just this once,” karl spoke seriously. “but then never again.” tommy nodded fervently, discreetly sweeping the broken vinyl pieces into one of the set out bowls as sapnap lead his husband to sit down. “it was our wedding day.. we were getting ready when it started raining.”

“it wasn’t ideal, but it was just a little rain,” sapnap cut in. karl sent him a light glare.

“right, we weren’t going to let that ruin our wedding,” karl continued. tommy nodded. he vaguely remembered their wedding; it had only been a few years ago.. but he didn’t remember anything about dream. “then dream happened. all we saw was a lightning strike-”

“the kind that can only happen from a trident summoning it,” sapnap clarified and karl hit his arm.

“are you telling this story, or am i?”

sapnap smiled at his husband, grabbing the hand that just hit him and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. tommy would’ve gagged had he not been so focused on the main point of the story. “im sorry, darlin’. go on.”

karl rolled his eyes with a smile, turning back to tommy. “well, whenever lightnings starts.. it doesn’t stop.” sapnap squeezed his husband’s hand. “one thing lead to another, the weather turned into a full-fledged storm by the time of the reception–practically a hurricane!”

“i do remember that,” tommy nodded. “the wedding moved into your house after that. phil had me and techno move all the tables inside.”

“it was still the most amazing day of our lives,” sapnap reaffirmed. “we didn’t let that idiot ruin it, but.. after that day we started living by the superstition.”

“we don’t talk about dream,” karl spoke as he stood from the table. “so whatever this new curiosity you have, tommy..” him and sapnap looked at him seriously. “i would drop it.”

he didn’t drop it.

“well, we all grew up fearing him,” tubbo shook his head. “but even now, he’s everywhere. always mumbling, planning.. i bet he practically lives in l’manburg.”

“you think?” tommy questioned. him, tubbo, and ranboo were sitting on the outskirts of the country, lounging in the shade of a large tree when tommy “casually” brought up the feared man again.

“there’s no way he just left us alone after all that’s happened,” tubbo continued. “it’s been nearly two years since the war ended, but it’s not over. not really. not as long as he’s out there.” tommy and ranboo shared an uneasy look. “i associate him with the sound of the shifting stone. every time we hear that loud shift, president soot always says it’s the wall settling, but i think it’s dream. he’s probably watching us from our very own wall.

“and he scares them all. leaves the president and the entire country fumbling at just the sound of his name. just the idea of him.” tubbo sat up straight. “one day, i’m going to be president. and i’m going to defeat dream once and for all.”

tommy thought for a moment. “why do you think they fear him so much?”

“he’s unpredictable,” tubbo shrugged. “he’s manipulative, he’s crazy.. he’s someone you can’t quite figure out. no one understands.” tubbo brushed some of his hair out of his wide eyes to look clearly at tommy. “do youunderstand?”

“he’s seven feet tall,” wilbur spoke ominously but strongly, voice taunting, “weapons strapped along his back..” he circled his younger brother like a vulture and tommy found himself wishing he had never come to visit. “remember that day, all those years ago, when he came to visit?” tommy didn’t get to answer before wil was back in front of him, speaking, “you say you only remember him saying your name before it all faded to black.

“he knows when you’re thinking about him,” wilbur continued, tone growing more ferocious as he walked forward. every step he took, tommy took one back. fear grew in his heart. “and i bet he practically feasts on the memory of your scream that day. treasures it like your disc.” tommy hit the wall with a small yelp in surprise.

“so stop. talking. about. him.” wilbur’s eyes were furious. “if i hear again that you’re asking around about dream, i’m bringing philza into it. and i’ll rethink the vice presidency thing we talked about.” then wilbur walked away, leaving tommy to gulp with fear. he called back one final, “we don’t talk about dream.”

“i don’t know much,” niki offered quietly, shifting her bread basket on her arm. “once he told me he’d kill my fox, and the next day it was dead.” she shook her head, continuing her walk that tommy had interrupted. “i wouldn’t go around asking about him, tommy. nothing good can come from it.”

tommy frowned.

“dream?” badboyhalo sounded, looking taken aback by the younger boy’s question. “i never really liked him.. we were okay, kind of, until a few rougher things happened..” bad shook his head, finally looking into tommy’s eyes. “last time i saw him, he said i would end up drunk and crazy with a beer gut if i continued to follow the egg. and i’ve already got body image issues, so..” bad shrugged with a wave. “wouldn’t trust him. that’s what i tell myself.”

tommy watched with wide, slightly-amused eyes as bad walked away.

“he told me that my sight would disappear,” eret spoke, deep voice sending a chill down tommy’s spine as he whipped off his sunglasses, “now look at my eyes!” tommy flinched with fear at the empty orbs stared at him. then eret laughed out, offering a charming smile. “just kidding. i was born like this.”

“jesus, man..,” tommy huffed. he was often understood and appreciated eret’s humor, but it could be annoying when tommy had a goal in mind. he wanted answers, not jokes.

“i wouldn’t go around asking about dream so freely, tommy,” eret shrugged, pushing his sunglasses back onto his nose. “you never know who you can trust these days because of him–anyone could be a spy. even me.” tommy tensed for a moment, furrowing his brow skeptically as eret walked past him. “im kidding, im kidding! ..kinda.” and the man walked away and laughed, leaving tommy more annoyed than before.

“why are you asking that?” george spoke slowly and unsurely.

“i..,” tommy began, trailing off. he didn’t know whether or not to be honest. “i don’t know. i think im at the age where i can finally understand and know a little about him. and i want to know.”

george just frowned, looking at the grass below them. he spoke slowly and quietly, “dream was.. he was strange with me. he was protective of me for the majority of our friendship, before i realized that his idea of “protection” was just plain manipulation.” he looked up and shrugged at tommy. “he would always tell me that everything i wanted was promised to me, and would someday be mine. i felt..” he shook his head with honest shame. tommy was listening intently at this rate; this was the most open he had ever seen george. “powerful. but i think my power only really grew when i was finally away from him.

“dream is complicated,” george continued, crossing his arms. “he does things only for his own benefit. whatever you’re asking around for, you’re only going to find the same answer; dream is a terrible man who did terrible things.” george picked up the bag he had laid on the ground. “that’s just the truth.” and he walked away without saying anything else.

tommy stood in the shade for a moment as he processed.

it was sunset when tommy finally reached your house. he took a deep breath before heading around back, where he knew you would be lounging by this time.


you were reading a book on your lit up back porch, enjoying the cool evening breeze as the sun dipped below the horizon. your eyes were on him, brows raised curiously. he coughed out, “hey, y/n. how-”

“i know why you’re here,” you cut in. he silenced himself immediately, watching as you bookmarked your book before turning looking up at him again with a solemn smile. you waved a hand to the seat across from you. “let’s talk.”

tommy slowly sank into the comfortable chair, heart beginning to beat nervously. he began, “so..” but he didn’t know where to begin, and frankly was a little embarrassed that word of his curiosity had gotten back to you. he prayed it hadn’t found wilbur again. he shook his head–this was you. the most comfortable, kind person he knew. there was no reason to freeze up now. “.. where do i start?”

you offered him a short chuckle. “let me start.” tommy nodded, turning his body toward you. “george told me you were coming, by the way.” tommy pursed his lips. “and sapnap before that.” 

“yeah,” tommy coughed, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “just.. covering all of the bases, i guess.”

you nodded, not looking at him. “i don’t know what has you so curious, but..” you shrugged. “if anyone around here is going to silence that mind of yours.. it might just be me.” tommy raised his eyebrows in the slightest, but your gaze remained on the small table between your seats. “dream was the most honest with me. he, uh, told me loved me after all.”

“do you not believe it?” tommy cut in. when you looked up, he quickly added, “sorry.”

“no, you’re fine,” you assured, shaking your head at him. “i did, at one point, but.. i don’t know what i believe about him anymore.” you paused, hugging one of your knees to your chest as you spoke, “dream used to tell me that we were meant for each other. that he was the man i was supposed to be with, that i was the one of his dreams. and if i were to ever leave him..” you shook your head to yourself, busying your hands with brushing your hair out of your face. “if he ever were to be out of reach, i would realize that i could never love again.”

“he was in love with you,” tommy summarized and you pursed your lips. “but you don’t know whether it was truly love or.. i don’t know, mania?”

“yeah,” you affirmed. “i left him before sapnap and george parted. he-he wanted to lock me down, keep me caged. and i couldn’t bear it.” you stood from your seat, finally meeting eyes with tommy’s wary gaze. “i know you’ve heard it a thousand times before, but please, tommy..” your pleading gaze sent a chill down his spine. “we don’t talk about dream.”

tommy gulped and nodded. the distant bell of the hours changing broke your focus. you looked into the distant sky with a sigh, “i’ve got to get changed. i have to be at the white house in an hour.”

“the white house?” tommy questioned, rising from his own seat. “why?”

“technoblade’s coming for dinner,” you explained, heading toward your back door, “and i think wilbur’s taking it as a chance to finally set us up.” you paused in your doorway as tommy raised his eyebrows. “i’ll see you there?”

“yeah,” he nodded, voice quieter than he would have liked. you just nodded in return and disappeared inside your house.

as tommy walked away, pondering dream’s obsession for you, he couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling of being watched.

tommy’s mind was swirling with a million thoughts when he returned to his house. quickly, he drew out the bowl he had swept the vinyl pieces into a few days prior. he poured them out onto the table, nearly ten pieces to a puzzle he didn’t know if he was ready to piece together. but he had bought some epoxy a day prior to try.

he began to piece together the vinyl, keeping an eye on the kitchen clock. 

we don’t talk about dream.

he was a nightmare!

three pieces were cleanly fitted to each other.

wouldn’t trust him. that’s what i tell myself.

dream used to tell me we were meant for each other.

it felt as if the entire house was on edge.

… and the next day it was dead.

we don’t talk about dream.

his hands were shaking as he tried the last few pieces.

practically a hurricane!

weapons strapped along his back..

the second the record was laid out, altogether at last, tommy shakily poured the epoxy along the cracks. his heart was racing, and he raked a stressed hand through his hair as he checked the clock once more. he’d have to wait for the glue-like substance to settle before he could toss the record onto a player, but he didn’t have enough time to wait for it. then, the front door slammed open.

“hey, tommy! you better get your nice shirt on, ‘cause techno is com- ing…” tommy turned to philza in absolute fear, listening as phil’s words trailed off when he spotted the disc on the table. his eyes were locked directly on the small green ring that outlined the center, jaw dropping slowly as tommy’s veins filled with horror, weakly attempted to cover the pieced disc. but the damage had already been done.

“i-i..,” tommy sputtered before the dam holding him together finally broke, and he rushed out in nearly one breath, “you sent me to the basement for techno’s gift, and i found a disc with my name on it from dream, but i broke it!, and i tried to ask around for clues but wilbur yelled at me, and karl’s furious, and i think.. dream’s after me?” the last part wasn’t meant to be so much of a question, but tommy could barely think of the inflection of his words when philza’s usually fatherly blue eyes looked so mortified.

his father took a few slow steps forward, painfully loud in the silent house.


philza gently pushed tommy to the side to view the cracked disc in full. he practically watched as his father’s chest filled and released with air, the expression in his eyes changing every moment as his eyes swirled with a thousand thoughts. his feathers were both literally and metaphorically ruffled.

then, the town’s bell rang in the distance and philza seemed to resolve. he glanced back at the door before to the disc.

“here’s what we’re going to do,” phil began, clearing his throat. he rushed over to grasp a plate from the cabinet. “we shut our mouths. wilbur is using tonight as a chance to finally reconnect technoblade and y/n after so many years of being on opposing sides, and we are notruining that.” philza gently swept the drying disc onto the plate. “so for tonight, we are notthinking about dream, dream is notthinking about you, this disc does notexist, and we are one, big, happy, dream-less nation.” philza grasped lightly at tommy’s shoulders. tommy felt intensely guilty for the worry in his father’s composed orbs. “no one has to know. not as long as we keep quiet. no one has to know.” tommy nodded fearfully.

a noise at the door made them both jump in the slightest. they slowly turned their heads toward the creaking noise to see the silhouette of ranboo’s looming figure, mismatched eyes wide as he stared into the house. 

“i know.”

Chapters: 160/?

Chapter Title: AlmostTime

Chapter summary: It’s the day before Battle forL’Manberg, theDeepmire Crew passes it together like the family they have become

Warnings for this chapter: ObsessiveBehaviour,PossessiveThoughts,Obsessive Thoughts, Co-Dependency,Mentions of UnhealthyCopingMechanisms

Rating:Teen and Up


Fandom:Minecraft (Video Game); Video Blogging RPF; Dream SMP -Fandom

Relationships:Wilbur Soot &Tommyinnit; Wilbur Soot &Technoblade; Wilbur Soot & c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & c!Dream; Captain Sparklez & Tubbo; Tommyinnit & Tubbo; Niki|Nihachu & Wilbur Soot; Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson; TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Phil Watson & c!Philza; Quackity & Wilbur Soot;

Characters:Wilbur Soot; Technoblade; Tommyinnit; c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream; c!Dream; Eret; Captain Sparklez; Niki |Nihachu; Phil Watson; C!Philza; Quackity

Additional Tags: 2020 L'Manberg Election on Dream Team SMP; Post-Election Arc; Manberg-Pogtopia War on Dream Team SMP; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Dimension Travel; Real Wilbur ends up in the Dream SMP!Verse; Canon-Typical Violence; Villain Wilbur Soot; Vilbur; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Emotional Manipulation; Courtesy of Vilbur; Technoblade Hears Voices ; Immortal Technoblade; Older Sibling Wilbur Soot; Protective Wilbur Soot; cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy aren’t brothers(as we know); but c!Wilbur and c!Tommy are; Wilbur took one look at Vilbur treating badly Tommy and said: ‘Fuck you other me’; War; Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings; they are brothers your honor; c!Wilbur is like ‘Oh… another me’; cc!Wilbur is like ‘Oh fuck… I’m in danger’; Technoblade is like… ‘Uh’; Tommy is like ‘Oh… guess I’ve two older brothers now’; minor acts of terrorism; Insanity; Realistic Minecraft; Permadeath AU; Technoblade isn’t Tommy and Wilbur’s brother but it’s like he is; One-sided Codependency; Developing Friendship; Panic Attacks; Paranoia; Developing Paranoiac thoughts; Worldbuilding; Sorry for the tag wall; Obsessive Behavior; Possessive Behavior; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Mild Blood;(is it really Self-Harm if you are doing it on your ‘past-self’?);Villain Clay|Dream; Good Clay|Dream; Good Friend Clay|Dream;(the villain tag is about the character not the cc): Politics; (What do you do when suddenly you are the doppelganger of an Emperor?); Manipulation; Eret is trying his best to be a good King; King Eret; Clay|Dream is Not DreamXD; But he is ‘Blessed’ by the Guardian of the Void; Torture; The One-Sided Codependency? It’s becoming just…; Codependency; Queerplatonic Relatioships; Parent Captain Sparklez; Captain Sparklez is Tubbo’s Parent; Ram-Hybrid Captain Sparklez; c!Philza tags: Angel of Death Phil Watson; Fallen Angel Phil Watson; (Philza is a biblical angel with a human vessel but with wings and a horned halo); Bad Parent Phil Watson ; Immortal Phil Watson; Now for CC!Phil tags: Winged Phil Watson; Avian Phil Watson; Good Parent Phil Watson; Protective Phil Watson; BAMF Phil Watson; CC!Phil is just as immortal as his character because Death is an alternate version of his Wife; Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson;

Chapters: 159/?

Chapter Title: AFewLastThings

Chapter summary: TheBattle for L’Manberg is nearer at each day that passes, but before launching it there are a few loose ends to tie

Warnings for this chapter: ObsessiveBehaviour,Schlatt(and all that that entails), Mentions of Abuse(to another character), Mentions of PastCharacterDeath;

Rating:Teen and Up


Fandom:Minecraft (Video Game); Video Blogging RPF; Dream SMP -Fandom

Relationships:Wilbur Soot &Tommyinnit; Wilbur Soot &Technoblade; Wilbur Soot & c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & c!Dream; Captain Sparklez & Tubbo; Tommyinnit & Tubbo; Niki|Nihachu & Wilbur Soot; Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson; TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Phil Watson & c!Philza; Quackity & Wilbur Soot;

Characters:Wilbur Soot; Technoblade; Tommyinnit; c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream; c!Dream; Eret; Captain Sparklez; Niki |Nihachu; Phil Watson; C!Philza; Quackity

Additional Tags: 2020 L'Manberg Election on Dream Team SMP; Post-Election Arc; Manberg-Pogtopia War on Dream Team SMP; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Dimension Travel; Real Wilbur ends up in the Dream SMP!Verse; Canon-Typical Violence; Villain Wilbur Soot; Vilbur; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Emotional Manipulation; Courtesy of Vilbur; Technoblade Hears Voices ; Immortal Technoblade; Older Sibling Wilbur Soot; Protective Wilbur Soot; cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy aren’t brothers(as we know); but c!Wilbur and c!Tommy are; Wilbur took one look at Vilbur treating badly Tommy and said: ‘Fuck you other me’; War; Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings; they are brothers your honor; c!Wilbur is like ‘Oh… another me’; cc!Wilbur is like ‘Oh fuck… I’m in danger’; Technoblade is like… ‘Uh’; Tommy is like ‘Oh… guess I’ve two older brothers now’; minor acts of terrorism; Insanity; Realistic Minecraft; Permadeath AU; Technoblade isn’t Tommy and Wilbur’s brother but it’s like he is; One-sided Codependency; Developing Friendship; Panic Attacks; Paranoia; Developing Paranoiac thoughts; Worldbuilding; Sorry for the tag wall; Obsessive Behavior; Possessive Behavior; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Mild Blood;(is it really Self-Harm if you are doing it on your ‘past-self’?);Villain Clay|Dream; Good Clay|Dream; Good Friend Clay|Dream;(the villain tag is about the character not the cc): Politics; (What do you do when suddenly you are the doppelganger of an Emperor?); Manipulation; Eret is trying his best to be a good King; King Eret; Clay|Dream is Not DreamXD; But he is ‘Blessed’ by the Guardian of the Void; Torture; The One-Sided Codependency? It’s becoming just…; Codependency; Queerplatonic Relatioships; Parent Captain Sparklez; Captain Sparklez is Tubbo’s Parent; Ram-Hybrid Captain Sparklez; c!Philza tags: Angel of Death Phil Watson; Fallen Angel Phil Watson; (Philza is a biblical angel with a human vessel but with wings and a horned halo); Bad Parent Phil Watson ; Immortal Phil Watson; Now for CC!Phil tags: Winged Phil Watson; Avian Phil Watson; Good Parent Phil Watson; Protective Phil Watson; BAMF Phil Watson; CC!Phil is just as immortal as his character because Death is an alternate version of his Wife; Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson;

Chapters: 158/?

Chapter Title: It’s not evil, if it’s tactical(SovereignInterlude)

Chapter summary: Dream is not very pleased that his friendshave abandoned him

Warnings for this chapter: PossessiveThoughts,ObsessiveThoughts,ObsessiveBehaviour,Manipulation,Mentions ofTorture,TheSovereign(yes he is a warning in his own chapter);

Rating:Teen and Up


Fandom:Minecraft (Video Game); Video Blogging RPF; Dream SMP -Fandom

Relationships:Wilbur Soot &Tommyinnit; Wilbur Soot &Technoblade; Wilbur Soot & c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & c!Dream; Captain Sparklez & Tubbo; Tommyinnit & Tubbo; Niki|Nihachu & Wilbur Soot; Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson; TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Phil Watson & c!Philza; Quackity & Wilbur Soot;

Characters:Wilbur Soot; Technoblade; Tommyinnit; c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream; c!Dream; Eret; Captain Sparklez; Niki |Nihachu; Phil Watson; C!Philza; Quackity

Additional Tags: 2020 L'Manberg Election on Dream Team SMP; Post-Election Arc; Manberg-Pogtopia War on Dream Team SMP; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Dimension Travel; Real Wilbur ends up in the Dream SMP!Verse; Canon-Typical Violence; Villain Wilbur Soot; Vilbur; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Emotional Manipulation; Courtesy of Vilbur; Technoblade Hears Voices ; Immortal Technoblade; Older Sibling Wilbur Soot; Protective Wilbur Soot; cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy aren’t brothers(as we know); but c!Wilbur and c!Tommy are; Wilbur took one look at Vilbur treating badly Tommy and said: ‘Fuck you other me’; War; Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings; they are brothers your honor; c!Wilbur is like ‘Oh… another me’; cc!Wilbur is like ‘Oh fuck… I’m in danger’; Technoblade is like… ‘Uh’; Tommy is like ‘Oh… guess I’ve two older brothers now’; minor acts of terrorism; Insanity; Realistic Minecraft; Permadeath AU; Technoblade isn’t Tommy and Wilbur’s brother but it’s like he is; One-sided Codependency; Developing Friendship; Panic Attacks; Paranoia; Developing Paranoiac thoughts; Worldbuilding; Sorry for the tag wall; Obsessive Behavior; Possessive Behavior; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Mild Blood;(is it really Self-Harm if you are doing it on your ‘past-self’?);Villain Clay|Dream; Good Clay|Dream; Good Friend Clay|Dream;(the villain tag is about the character not the cc): Politics; (What do you do when suddenly you are the doppelganger of an Emperor?); Manipulation; Eret is trying his best to be a good King; King Eret; Clay|Dream is Not DreamXD; But he is ‘Blessed’ by the Guardian of the Void; Torture; The One-Sided Codependency? It’s becoming just…; Codependency; Queerplatonic Relatioships; Parent Captain Sparklez; Captain Sparklez is Tubbo’s Parent; Ram-Hybrid Captain Sparklez; c!Philza tags: Angel of Death Phil Watson; Fallen Angel Phil Watson; (Philza is a biblical angel with a human vessel but with wings and a horned halo); Bad Parent Phil Watson ; Immortal Phil Watson; Now for CC!Phil tags: Winged Phil Watson; Avian Phil Watson; Good Parent Phil Watson; Protective Phil Watson; BAMF Phil Watson; CC!Phil is just as immortal as his character because Death is an alternate version of his Wife; Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson;

Chapters: 157/?

Chapter Title: It’sTime to GoForth

Chapter summary: TheWilburs talk with their allies in the Fortress’WarRoom

Warnings for this chapter: PossessiveThoughts,ObsessiveThoughts,IntrusiveThoughts,HeavyThemes,Mentions of UnhealthyCopingMechanisms,ObsessiveBehaviour;

Rating:Teen and Up


Fandom:Minecraft (Video Game); Video Blogging RPF; Dream SMP -Fandom

Relationships:Wilbur Soot &Tommyinnit; Wilbur Soot &Technoblade; Wilbur Soot & c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & c!Dream; Captain Sparklez & Tubbo; Tommyinnit & Tubbo; Niki|Nihachu & Wilbur Soot; Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson; TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Phil Watson & c!Philza; Quackity & Wilbur Soot;

Characters:Wilbur Soot; Technoblade; Tommyinnit; c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream; c!Dream; Eret; Captain Sparklez; Niki |Nihachu; Phil Watson; C!Philza; Quackity

Additional Tags: 2020 L'Manberg Election on Dream Team SMP; Post-Election Arc; Manberg-Pogtopia War on Dream Team SMP; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Dimension Travel; Real Wilbur ends up in the Dream SMP!Verse; Canon-Typical Violence; Villain Wilbur Soot; Vilbur; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Emotional Manipulation; Courtesy of Vilbur; Technoblade Hears Voices ; Immortal Technoblade; Older Sibling Wilbur Soot; Protective Wilbur Soot; cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy aren’t brothers(as we know); but c!Wilbur and c!Tommy are; Wilbur took one look at Vilbur treating badly Tommy and said: ‘Fuck you other me’; War; Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings; they are brothers your honor; c!Wilbur is like ‘Oh… another me’; cc!Wilbur is like ‘Oh fuck… I’m in danger’; Technoblade is like… ‘Uh’; Tommy is like ‘Oh… guess I’ve two older brothers now’; minor acts of terrorism; Insanity; Realistic Minecraft; Permadeath AU; Technoblade isn’t Tommy and Wilbur’s brother but it’s like he is; One-sided Codependency; Developing Friendship; Panic Attacks; Paranoia; Developing Paranoiac thoughts; Worldbuilding; Sorry for the tag wall; Obsessive Behavior; Possessive Behavior; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Mild Blood;(is it really Self-Harm if you are doing it on your ‘past-self’?);Villain Clay|Dream; Good Clay|Dream; Good Friend Clay|Dream;(the villain tag is about the character not the cc): Politics; (What do you do when suddenly you are the doppelganger of an Emperor?); Manipulation; Eret is trying his best to be a good King; King Eret; Clay|Dream is Not DreamXD; But he is ‘Blessed’ by the Guardian of the Void; Torture; The One-Sided Codependency? It’s becoming just…; Codependency; Queerplatonic Relatioships; Parent Captain Sparklez; Captain Sparklez is Tubbo’s Parent; Ram-Hybrid Captain Sparklez; c!Philza tags: Angel of Death Phil Watson; Fallen Angel Phil Watson; (Philza is a biblical angel with a human vessel but with wings and a horned halo); Bad Parent Phil Watson ; Immortal Phil Watson; Now for CC!Phil tags: Winged Phil Watson; Avian Phil Watson; Good Parent Phil Watson; Protective Phil Watson; BAMF Phil Watson; CC!Phil is just as immortal as his character because Death is an alternate version of his Wife; Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson;

Chapters: 156/?

Chapter Title: Heart of the Nether,WillYouAccept itsBoon?

Chapter summary: Wilbur and his General go to the Nether as agreed with Jack.

They are in for a Surprise, will they accept it?

Warnings for this chapter: PossessiveThoughts,ObsessiveThoughts,IntrusiveThoughts,HeavyThemes,Mentions of UnhealthyCopingMechanisms,ObsessiveBehaviour;

Rating:Teen and Up


Fandom:Minecraft (Video Game); Video Blogging RPF; Dream SMP -Fandom

Relationships:Wilbur Soot &Tommyinnit; Wilbur Soot &Technoblade; Wilbur Soot & c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & c!Dream; Captain Sparklez & Tubbo; Tommyinnit & Tubbo; Niki|Nihachu & Wilbur Soot; Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson; TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Phil Watson & c!Philza; Quackity & Wilbur Soot;

Characters:Wilbur Soot; Technoblade; Tommyinnit; c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream; c!Dream; Eret; Captain Sparklez; Niki |Nihachu; Phil Watson; C!Philza; Quackity

Additional Tags: 2020 L'Manberg Election on Dream Team SMP; Post-Election Arc; Manberg-Pogtopia War on Dream Team SMP; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Dimension Travel; Real Wilbur ends up in the Dream SMP!Verse; Canon-Typical Violence; Villain Wilbur Soot; Vilbur; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Emotional Manipulation; Courtesy of Vilbur; Technoblade Hears Voices ; Immortal Technoblade; Older Sibling Wilbur Soot; Protective Wilbur Soot; cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy aren’t brothers(as we know); but c!Wilbur and c!Tommy are; Wilbur took one look at Vilbur treating badly Tommy and said: ‘Fuck you other me’; War; Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings; they are brothers your honor; c!Wilbur is like ‘Oh… another me’; cc!Wilbur is like ‘Oh fuck… I’m in danger’; Technoblade is like… ‘Uh’; Tommy is like ‘Oh… guess I’ve two older brothers now’; minor acts of terrorism; Insanity; Realistic Minecraft; Permadeath AU; Technoblade isn’t Tommy and Wilbur’s brother but it’s like he is; One-sided Codependency; Developing Friendship; Panic Attacks; Paranoia; Developing Paranoiac thoughts; Worldbuilding; Sorry for the tag wall; Obsessive Behavior; Possessive Behavior; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Mild Blood;(is it really Self-Harm if you are doing it on your ‘past-self’?);Villain Clay|Dream; Good Clay|Dream; Good Friend Clay|Dream;(the villain tag is about the character not the cc): Politics; (What do you do when suddenly you are the doppelganger of an Emperor?); Manipulation; Eret is trying his best to be a good King; King Eret; Clay|Dream is Not DreamXD; But he is ‘Blessed’ by the Guardian of the Void; Torture; The One-Sided Codependency? It’s becoming just…; Codependency; Queerplatonic Relatioships; Parent Captain Sparklez; Captain Sparklez is Tubbo’s Parent; Ram-Hybrid Captain Sparklez; c!Philza tags: Angel of Death Phil Watson; Fallen Angel Phil Watson; (Philza is a biblical angel with a human vessel but with wings and a horned halo); Bad Parent Phil Watson ; Immortal Phil Watson; Now for CC!Phil tags: Winged Phil Watson; Avian Phil Watson; Good Parent Phil Watson; Protective Phil Watson; BAMF Phil Watson; CC!Phil is just as immortal as his character because Death is an alternate version of his Wife; Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson;

Chapters: 155/?

Chapter Title: Talk to me,Son ofGod

Chapter summary: After two weeks, Jack has some news.

And a gift for his Generals.

Warnings for this chapter: Mentions of PastCharacterDeath,SomewhatObsessiveBehaviour.

Rating:Teen and Up


Fandom:Minecraft (Video Game); Video Blogging RPF; Dream SMP -Fandom

Relationships:Wilbur Soot &Tommyinnit; Wilbur Soot &Technoblade; Wilbur Soot & c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream & c!Dream; Captain Sparklez & Tubbo; Tommyinnit & Tubbo; Niki|Nihachu & Wilbur Soot; Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson; TommyInnit & Phil Watson; Phil Watson & c!Philza; Quackity & Wilbur Soot;

Characters:Wilbur Soot; Technoblade; Tommyinnit; c!Wilbur Soot; Clay|Dream; c!Dream; Eret; Captain Sparklez; Niki |Nihachu; Phil Watson; C!Philza; Quackity

Additional Tags: 2020 L'Manberg Election on Dream Team SMP; Post-Election Arc; Manberg-Pogtopia War on Dream Team SMP; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Dimension Travel; Real Wilbur ends up in the Dream SMP!Verse; Canon-Typical Violence; Villain Wilbur Soot; Vilbur; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Emotional Manipulation; Courtesy of Vilbur; Technoblade Hears Voices ; Immortal Technoblade; Older Sibling Wilbur Soot; Protective Wilbur Soot; cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy aren’t brothers(as we know); but c!Wilbur and c!Tommy are; Wilbur took one look at Vilbur treating badly Tommy and said: ‘Fuck you other me’; War; Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings; they are brothers your honor; c!Wilbur is like ‘Oh… another me’; cc!Wilbur is like ‘Oh fuck… I’m in danger’; Technoblade is like… ‘Uh’; Tommy is like ‘Oh… guess I’ve two older brothers now’; minor acts of terrorism; Insanity; Realistic Minecraft; Permadeath AU; Technoblade isn’t Tommy and Wilbur’s brother but it’s like he is; One-sided Codependency; Developing Friendship; Panic Attacks; Paranoia; Developing Paranoiac thoughts; Worldbuilding; Sorry for the tag wall; Obsessive Behavior; Possessive Behavior; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Mild Blood;(is it really Self-Harm if you are doing it on your ‘past-self’?);Villain Clay|Dream; Good Clay|Dream; Good Friend Clay|Dream;(the villain tag is about the character not the cc): Politics; (What do you do when suddenly you are the doppelganger of an Emperor?); Manipulation; Eret is trying his best to be a good King; King Eret; Clay|Dream is Not DreamXD; But he is ‘Blessed’ by the Guardian of the Void; Torture; The One-Sided Codependency? It’s becoming just…; Codependency; Queerplatonic Relatioships; Parent Captain Sparklez; Captain Sparklez is Tubbo’s Parent; Ram-Hybrid Captain Sparklez; c!Philza tags: Angel of Death Phil Watson; Fallen Angel Phil Watson; (Philza is a biblical angel with a human vessel but with wings and a horned halo); Bad Parent Phil Watson ; Immortal Phil Watson; Now for CC!Phil tags: Winged Phil Watson; Avian Phil Watson; Good Parent Phil Watson; Protective Phil Watson; BAMF Phil Watson; CC!Phil is just as immortal as his character because Death is an alternate version of his Wife; Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson;
