#ch posts


yeah kiki doesn’t want to go to the gala, but that doesn’t mean she’s showing up looking like garbage. she’s hitting up the space 5th avenue and she’s billing it to the Temple

kiki, censoring herself: this motherfucker–

Wouldn’t it be so funny if I made Rex allergic to eggs


Who keeps reviving the Yuza post

the funniest part about this is that I have no idea how Ridge got the money for all those tattoos. all I know is that this was 90% impulse as a shitty coping mechanism.

the way that lineart had been up for TWO seconds when anon sent me that ask

im snapping

does anyone perhaps have anything positive to tell me. or anything relaxing.

wait wait wait I should draw…..ridge and all his tattoos

About this Blog

I’ve gotten a lot of new followers recently so let me make some things clear:

I’m a Black nonbinary lesbian. This and other things has informed my politics

  • I’m a feminist who centers Black transgender women in my politics
  • In general, I center Black women in my political framework.
  • I support Black Lives Matter.
  • I believe in police abolition (recent events as well as the origins of police in America as well as the fact that cops literally tried to put down the Civil Rights movement have informed this stance)
  • I believe in prison abolition (read “Are Prisons Obsolete” by Angela Y Davis)
  • (Yes, I understand that the above two points will take years to fully implement)
  • I’m Pro-Palestine.
  • I am anti-racist. No, white people cannot and do not experience racism. Life is not a two-way street.
  • The ruling in the Depp v Heard case not only makes no sense, but it’s opened the flood gates to abusers continuing to harass and harm their victims through abuse litigation and DV/IPV victims no longer feeling safe enough to speak.
  • America is a white supremacist colonial and imperial state that continues to commit genocide against the Native Americans here, as well as continuing to destabilize and destroy both the environment and marginalized people in the Global South.
  • Both white supremacy and antiBlackness are global.
  • I’m anti-capitalist.
  • I’m pro choice.
  • Yes, I support (and love) Moses Ingram, as well as John Boyega and Ahmed Best and KMT and every other actor of color who has faced racist backlash from this abysmally backwards fandom.
  • Stop blaming China for Disney’s racism.
  • I support gay rights. We deserve liberation from the cisheteropatriarchy that I and others like me are suffering under and have been suffering under for centuries.
  • I fully support my Muslim and Jewish followers (as well as those who don’t follow me lol). The real world and Star Wars are steeped in antisemitism and islamophobia.

If I remember anything else, I’ll add it in a reblog. My being a minority and a creative and someone who pays attention to the patterns in structures of oppression in America/Western Society means that I’m aware of and fully believe that yes, fiction does impact reality–it makes no sense to say otherwise. I’m critical of everything I watch. Star Wars is expansive and creative and deeply bigoted–as is a lot of other media. It’s not enough to just be aware of it, one has to talk about it as well, which I do when I can on this blog.

I made this post partly because I noticed an imbalance between my Twitter presence and here, that imbalance being that I was retweeting news and current events while being totally silent here. I’m laying this all out in order to correct that.

so. i have not been satisfied with my art lately. its my own fault for taking weeks to months on end between each drawing and no practice. but also if anyone has like Any Tips on improving my art especially as it has to do with rendering clothing and lighting id be glad to hear them `
