#chanel suit


The history of the pink suit

The pink suit was first created by Coco Chanel for her 1961 autumn/winter collection,but Jackie’s suit was not made by chanel.it was a high end reproduction made by Chez Ninon in 1961.When Jackie became First Lady, her father-in-law, Joseph Kennedy, reportedly discouraged her from buying clothing from Parisian fashion houses. The purpose was to appear patriotic by wearing only American-made clothing.While chanel didnt construct the suit,they provided the fabric,the trim and the buttons,but it was assembled by Chez Ninon.This allowed Jackie to get around the restriction of buying and wearing French-designed clothing.

Jackie wore to suit on atleast 6 different occasions before the assasination,She wore it to dallas because the president requested it.It was one of his personal favorites.According to biographer William Manchester, Jackie told him that President Kennedy had discussed what she was going to wear, saying“There are going to be all these rich, Republican women at that lunch … wearing mink coats and diamond bracelets. And you’ve got to look as marvelous as any of them. Be simple — show these Texans what good taste really is.

After the assasination,Jackie refused taking off her bloody suit saying”“Oh no,I want them to see what they have done to Jack.”and she kept the suit on until she arrived back to the white house

Her matching pink pillbox hat is still considered missing,its last known location was the white house map room.
