#charles bingley


[At the ball]

Bingley: I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Darcy, but just standing there ominously doesn’t count as socializing.

Bisexual Confessions

Watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) is honestly such a prim and proper Regency bisexual wet dream. Because each scene with Lizzie and Darcy as a bi viewer is like “oh my god Lizzie is a stunning goddess,” then “oh and here’s Darcy and he’s a freaking cute ass beef cake man,” and sometimes it’s “oh my there’s Jane and she is a beam of beautiful sunshine,” and “oh Mr. Bingley let me touch those fluffy ginger locks.” When they start bantering, it becomes a high speed game of tennis and I am the ball person ready to pick up all the excess sexual tension, all while having an asthma attack over their swoon-worthy voices. Like fucking kiss already, the intense stares and covert glances are killing me. Please kiss each other. Or me, I don’t fucking care! Why does this movie have to end, you are all so beautiful. Send help. Neither closeted child me or bi as fuck now me can handle this movie without much squealing.

truthuniversallyacknowledgedzine: Can’t you just feel the tension??This a sneak peek double feature,truthuniversallyacknowledgedzine: Can’t you just feel the tension??This a sneak peek double feature,truthuniversallyacknowledgedzine: Can’t you just feel the tension??This a sneak peek double feature,truthuniversallyacknowledgedzine: Can’t you just feel the tension??This a sneak peek double feature,truthuniversallyacknowledgedzine: Can’t you just feel the tension??This a sneak peek double feature,


Can’t you just feel the tension??

This a sneak peek double feature, previewing @willfulabyss’s written piece and @legolambi’s art (top right/bottom left). Get a copy of our zine here and see it all for yourself!

Please check this out if you love P&P and queer subtext!

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Does anyone like Pride and Prejudice enough that they would read a reader insert crossover of Pride and Prejudice with Supernatural?

Lemme know!

Does anyone like Pride and Prejudice enough that they would read a reader insert crossover of Pride and Prejudice with Supernatural?

Lemme know!

To Elizabeth it appeared that, had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as theyTo Elizabeth it appeared that, had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as theyTo Elizabeth it appeared that, had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as theyTo Elizabeth it appeared that, had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as they

To Elizabeth it appeared that, had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as they could during the evening, it would have been impossible for them to play their parts with more spirit or finer success.

- Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 18

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