#bisexual confessions


Bisexual Confessions

Do you ever think about how Merlin has spent 1000+ years waiting for Arthur to come back, meaning that he has had a millennia to come up with an awesome one-liner to roast/love Arthur with. As language and slang changes, Merlin keeps to the words Arthur would know, that were special between them. He goes through phases: “Hello, clotpole,” *bows* and sassily says “my lord,” “the pain in my arse has finally returned.” That kind of Merlin banter Arthur loves.

But then, after all this time, all these centuries, Arthur finally comes back and Merlin knows his sick burn just like he knows that that man…that’s Arthur. At that realization, at seeing the Once and Future King for the first time outside of his dreams and waking memory for 100s of years, Merlin enters such a gay panic that he can’t remember any of his opening lines. Thankfully, Arthur seems to feel the same as he struts over and makes out with the suddenly young again sorcerer. And they both live happily gay after.

Bisexual Confessions

Watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) is honestly such a prim and proper Regency bisexual wet dream. Because each scene with Lizzie and Darcy as a bi viewer is like “oh my god Lizzie is a stunning goddess,” then “oh and here’s Darcy and he’s a freaking cute ass beef cake man,” and sometimes it’s “oh my there’s Jane and she is a beam of beautiful sunshine,” and “oh Mr. Bingley let me touch those fluffy ginger locks.” When they start bantering, it becomes a high speed game of tennis and I am the ball person ready to pick up all the excess sexual tension, all while having an asthma attack over their swoon-worthy voices. Like fucking kiss already, the intense stares and covert glances are killing me. Please kiss each other. Or me, I don’t fucking care! Why does this movie have to end, you are all so beautiful. Send help. Neither closeted child me or bi as fuck now me can handle this movie without much squealing.

Bisexual Confessions

Bi culture is being ready to fight anyone who says Jace Herondale is not bisexual/bi-curious. If nothing else, that man is bi for Simon Lewis.

@ me if you think Book!Jace was not a little (a lot) turned on by Simon’s mouth forever after the boat scene.

Don’t even get me started on all the Shadowhunters!Jimon flirting.

Bisexual Confessions

Bi culture is loving Zutara as a kid but not knowing why until later when you realize you are bi and are in love with both of those passionate benders.

God said Adam AND Eve, so I did Zuko AND Katara.

Bisexual Confessions

Before I knew I am bi, in my college rhetoric 1 class, we were talking about stereotyping and someone mentioned having short hair as a stereotype for being a queer woman. I had had short hair for about a year because it goes really well with my face shape. At that point, I was so heavily in the closet that I didn’t even know I was in there, so I pointed to myself and said “Well, that stereotype is not true here.”

Everyone laughed.

And a year later, I laughed too when I got myself my first girlfriend.

Heternormativity + having a round face that looks good with short hair is a hell of a drug.

Bisexual Confessions

I really need to know if there are types of bisexuals like there are for lesbians (e.g. butch/femme) and gays (e.g. twink/bear).

Because I work in the outdoors, enjoy building stuff while looking hot af in a tool belt, and have short hair and an undercut, but I can also rock a floral dress and heels, love makeup, have a weekly face mask pamper day, and could be a 50s housewife.

Is there a word for that or is my personality just as bi as my sexuality?

Plz help!

Bisexual Confessions

You gotta love a power couple, they give you all the more reason to be bi.

Example: Peggy “I Take Shit From No One” Carter and Steve “‘That’s America’s Ass’” Rogers.

God said Adam AND Eve, so I did Peggy AND Steve.

Bisexual Confessions

My unknown bisexual awakening was High School Musical.

My sexuality = Gabriella sassily singing “Wanna hold on tight” from “Everyday” + Troy looking like he is asking to devour Gabriella later at the end of “Just Wanna be with You.”

In essence, “Can I Have This Dance” put me on the floor.

God said Adam AND Eve, so I did Troy AND Gabriella.

Bisexual Confessions

Chris Pine has always been total mcm for me, but then like 10 years later I discovered I was bi and was introduced to Gal Gadot.

God said Adam AND Eve, so I did Diana AND Steve.
