#charlie smith



Distant Shores Appreciation Week Day 2: Charlie Smith by @choicesraccoon ! Thank you for drawing her so beautifully!



Distant Shores Appreciation Week Day 1: MC! (& Charlie ;) hehe)

Based off @tayab12 ‘s MC for @distantshoresaw

As an actor specifically, it was that last block [of filming] that I was really worried about, and if I could tap into that emotion and do it justice, I thought this was a job that I could do.

Class Cast Q&AwithGreg Austin (Charlie Smith) (x)

More Doctor Who Cast Interviews here

#bbc class    #doctor who    #doctorwhoedit    #dwedit    #greg austin    #charlie smith    #celebs    

Thank You!

Thank you everyone who participated in Distant Shores Appreciation Week. It was such a nice experience seeing all your amazing posts. It really made up for the lack of content for Distant Shores in the fandom and brought back memories of this beloved book.

There were 100+ entries that we recieved for the week, which in our opinion was a great success, it would not have happened without your enthusiasm and cooperation. We hope that all of you enjoyed this week as much as we did.

The prizes for DSAW would be announced shortly!


Book//Pairing: Distant Shores // Charlie x m!MC (Caspian Kenway)

Words: ~620

Rating//Warning:G // None

Prompt:#50 – “Just name it. Whatever you want, it’s yours.”fromTHISprompt list.

A/N:This is an old prompt which I am reposting from my old blog as I am about to delete it. It should have been done long ago, but better late than never.

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That’s a lovely fic! I really liked the dialogues and the use of the prompt just fits the two of them so well. ☺️


this shit was the best

 Felix Adler and Charlie Smith outside the Big Top of the Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey Ci

Felix Adler and Charlie Smith outside the Big Top of the
Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey Circus, 1920s

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There is a distinct lack of Class-related things on my dash. Excuse me while I rectify that.

choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously choices aesthetics distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith“i’ve heard a mysteriously

choices aesthetics
distant shores aw 2021 -> charlie smith

“i’ve heard a mysteriously tragic past is a boon when it comes to coaxing a smile from a charming lass.”

(tag list: @distantshoresaw)

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