#check cw


I was going through some old notes and came across a outline for a RP starter I was going to write for an angsty u!Logan AU. Nothing ever came of it but I thought I’d fix it up and post it here as a prompt for all you writers out there! Could be used as a prompt for a one shot/short story or an rp, whatever you’d like! If you do use it, please tag me or link me the ao3/fanfic site!! I’d love to see what you make of it!

Title:Indigo Haze

Tags/Warnings:unsympathetic side, unsympathetic Logan, violence mention, drug use, needles, angst, manipulation

(Prompt after cut)


Thomas has been feeling very unintelligent lately, making a lot of mistakes, and so decides to take an experimental drug that helps Logan become super smart, but who ultimately ends up bad. It makes Logan super strong, a lot smarter, and hell bent on domination and repressing the other sides. He doesn’t want to destroy/replace them, but to imprison them indefinitely while he controls the rest of Thomas’ core functions. He will use violence to keep them there if he has to. He’s not interested in their begging or pleading, the only way to talk sense into him is appealing to the bigger picture, that Thomas won’t be the same without them. Once they get Logan to start to see reason, he can be coerced or will start to sympathize with them. He may falter in this state, slip up and become vulnerable or give away a clue how to escape. He can also be overpowered if he is distracted but will react fast unless that side is faster. Logan also learns from his mistakes, so if he catches a side trying to lie and/or escape, he will make security heavier to hold them where he traps them.

Logan is going to be nasty and use what he knows to keep the others trapped and at his mercy. The drug makes him feel really good and powerful, and he likes being in charge and not having to put up with the others hogging the limelight, cutting him off, not listening to him. He has syringes of the drug that he periodically injects himself with in order to keep up his reign of terror.

There is one way to stop him, he keeps an antidote in a safe in his room by his bed, in case something were to go wrong and he needed to revert back. If a side can escape and find his way into Logan’s room and inject him, he’d bring him back to normal and the nightmare would be over. Logan will be apologetic, horrified at what he’s done, and probably go into some kind of withdrawal. Once the haze wears off, he tells Thomas to stop supplying him with the drug as it is too unstable and he doesn’t act like himself.

This can be written with any side or multiple sides as you like.

I know it’s super angsty lol have fun!
