#chef’s kiss



if these two met they Would be friends and they Would swap recipes and she Would Certainly use her barbarian strength to pick him up

ID: a sketch in shades of greens of Moonshine from Not Another DnD Podcast and Caduceus from Critical Role. Moonshine is an elf with freckles and long hair in two braids. She is wearing a pair of overalls and has mushrooms growing from behind her ear. She is carrying Caduceus bridal style. Caduceus is a firbolg with large furry ears and a flat square nose. His hair is shaved on one side and long on the other. He is wearing a jacket, long pants and dress shoes. He has a pauldron on his right shoulder and a gossamer fabric falling from underneath it. A text bubble on the right side of the image says, “Mr. Clay, you are always welcome at the Crick.” end ID/


I finished the hunters set

apfel-strudelz:At last I finished with @mageofpanic ‘s awesome Veronaville template


At last I finished with @mageofpanic ‘s awesome Veronaville template

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