#childe headcanons


five more minutes.

plot:the characters’ s/o dies.

contains:tartaglia, kaeya, zhongli

warnings:angst, incredibly angsty, swords, blood, death, panicking

TW DEATH, TW BLOOD please do not proceed if you’re uncomfortable with the topics

ps: the song tartaglia is singing at the end is a rough translation of голубой вагон, a song from an old tv show for kids!


it’s always been promises over promises with him. many times has he came home from work covered in blood, dead eyes wandering around looking everywhere but not into yours, wounds bleeding over his clothes, leaving nasty scars behind. countless times had you pleaded him to watch out more, to be more careful, to choose his battles wisely, you reminded him that you couldn’t bare to loose him.

and countless times had he responded that you’re being silly, nobody could ever kill him, that he’s never gonna leave you alone, he’ll always be there for you, that he won’t loose.

and he kept his end of the deal this time. as a soldier you know one thing: if there’s an order, there’s no room for discussion, it just needs to be done and that’s it. so he fulfilled your order, he stayed alive.

so why didn’t you?

he never imagined it’d turn out this way. never in his deepest nightmares on the longest nights of the year. he would never wish on his worst enemy to be seeing his love loose life in front of them.

and yet here he was - restrain of the abyss herald’s grip on his wrists as he screamed, and screamed, even though he didn’t hear anything.

why was his body so weak? why couldn’t he just push him away and save you? why, why the fuck, when he needed his own abyssal powers, they wouldn’t work?

the sad smile of a blonde girl wielding a bloody sword before your falling body enraged him to the brim, anger tuning down all the other feelings, making him finally snap out of the herald’s hold, running towards you, tripping over his own feet in a rush.

“hey, hey, love, look at me” he didn’t know if it was a whisper or a cry, nevertheless he pleaded endlessly “it’s okay, you’re fine, i got you now, don’t worry”

was he calming you, or was he calming himself? your lost eyes finally found their way to his, as you opened your mouth in attempt to talk.

“shh, okay, don’t push it, save your energy for surviving” he put his hand on your cheek, gently wiping down the sweat, blood and tears.

“seems i finally managed to get back at you, tartaglia” the woman’s voice behind him suddenly exclaimed, walking over to the two of you. the redhead’s expression turned furious as his eyes sparkled with a dangerous shade of purple, overtaking the eveblue hue, an electric polearm appearing in his grip.

“one more step and you’ll be wishing you were never born” he gritted, hand shaking a bit from emotion. “fucking run

the figure laughed bitterly before truly disappearing, or maybe she just walked away? you couldn’t notice, not with your vision blurring into one mush of images before your eyes.

a sudden need for your lover hit you, and with everything you had, you tugged on his uniform.

“ajax?” you muttered, and felt his muscles tense upon hearing the name.

“yeah? come on, love, let’s get you outta here” he smiled, or at least you thought he smiled, before struggling to lift you up, his arms tired and covered in cuts to add to his collection of scars.

you shook your head.

“can you— can you do something for me?” you coughed, feeling a watery substance flood your mouth.

“mhm, i’ll do anything, as soon as we get out of here” he promised, hopes of getting you to safety never fading away.

“no, no ajax, that— that won’t be n-necessary” you whispered with a weak smile. “i just want to hear your voice one more time”

your arms were fighting against him only gently, strength leaving your muscles, but he still abandoned his tries of lifting you with a broken cry.

“you’re gonna hear it every day, sweetheart, every day until you get sick of it” he kept saying “you still need to hear all my dumb jokes, all my million i love you’s, and all my stupid teasing, you’re gonna have to tell me to shut up so many times— who’s gonna tell me to shut up if not you?” tears dropped onto your cheek in a rapid pace, warming dots on the cold skin sending last messages to your tired brain. “i’m gonna make you get sick of it, pinky promise” he laughed through the tears, lacing your fingers together without waiting for your approval.

“can you… sing me that one s-song you said always put your siblings to s-sleep with?” your breaths were labored as if ripped out of your chest by force. “you know, the one you showed qiqi that one time?”

“but you won’t understand a thing, though” he chuckled, wiping his own eyes, and you shook your head.

“i don’t need to. your voice is pretty, do you… do you know that?”

he agreed to your plea with pain stabbing his chest, moving both of you towards a nearby wall, leaning on it for support, before he started to hum a melody born and sang in the land of snow and cold, the notes ironically warming up your slowing heart.

he couldn’t dare look at you, but his hand kept playing with your hair mindlessly as he sang. as predicted, you couldn’t single out any words, but the sound of it alone was peaceful and put your heartrate at ease, words almost not sounding like words, more like something that was meant to be a melody, and not to be spoken with. soon the sounds started fading away, and you gripped tartaglia’s hand tighter, afraid he’ll go away. you didn’t want him to go.

(…)a long, long road swirls and twirls, disappearing somewhere behind the horizon, oh everybody, everybody can dream a beautiful dream (…)

a scream left his throat when you stopped responding to his nudges, body remaining in his arms for long hours, an electric spark painting his irises.

they would pay for this with a river of blood and suffering, every single one of them, even if it would be the last thing tartaglia ever did.

if this is the hill he’d die on, he’d gladly do it, for you.


it’s been a while since kaeya was deployed to a field fight, and to be honest, he wasn’t so sure of his abilities, after all, all he did for a long time was practice with bennett, but orders were orders, and so he went into battle. he wished he could have you by his side, but you were leading another group of knights, destined to hit the enemy’s resting place from some place else.

despite his previous worries, everything was going surprisingly smoothly and well. at one point he felt something heavy smash against his back, but looking over your shoulder he saw you, gasping for air.

“everything fine over here, captain?” you asked teasingly, the everlasting smile on your lips making kaeya grin as well.

“with such great support, how could it not?”

and it did go great, actually, another great victory against the abyss, another question for kaeya to keep himself with at night - was he on the right side of things? should he feel sympathy for his now foes? should he feel like he belonged with people who abandoned him? was it bad that he didn’t?

he struggled with every thin and perfect slice of his sword, but managed to pull through, as orders are always orders, feeling happy about being able to go home with you and let the feeling of your fingers brushing against his face numb the hole he felt forming in his chest.

so, he looked around to find you. maybe before you could go to the tavern and have one quick drink to help you both sleep? diluc acted like he didn’t, but he would want to see that kaeya is alive and well, so he could peacefully ignore his existence again.

“darling” he almost chirped, feeling great to drop the military ranks and refer to you as a lover should, with care and fondness, but his voice stuck in his throat when he saw one last abyss mage’s flames go right through you.

suddenly all the moral issues were settled for him, priorities set straighter than ever.

one second, and he was there, one more and the mage was no longer a threat, an icy figure in the shape of him turning into dust, the next moment kaeya was right beside you, your head on his thighs, as he gently patted your cheeks to stir you awake.

“jean!” he yelled with all he had “jean, get me a medic!”

people were rushing all around, causing terrible noise and commotion, yet no one was there to hear his plea, which he repeated over and over. finally he grabbed one knight by their forearm and ordered them to send for the acting grandmaster as soon as possible.

“kaeya” you gasped, noticing his face hover above yours. “kaeya” you repeated “fuck, something hurts so much, what the hell happened?” you winced in pain, shifting and squirming around, bringing yourself more suffering than necessary.

“shh” he attempted calming you “it’s nothing, baby, it’s just a scratch” he smiled softly, trained excellent at hiding his own fear until a confident demeanor.

it was more than just a scratch.

“really? it— fucking hell, it burns so much, fuck, kaeya please, please make it stop” you begged, causing panic to settle deeper and deeper inside his stomach.

“mhm, someone is coming to treat this for you as we speak, they’re gonna be here any minute, sweets” he assured “they’re gonna bandage you up nicely and you’ll be up and ready to go!”

you nodded, but your breath still hitched and your eyes still wandered around in panic, as you squeezed kaeya’s hand tighter for grounding.

“am i gonna die? please don’t let me die, i don’t want to go yet, i’m not rea—“

“baby, baby, hey, calm down” he cooed, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “everything is okay, you’re okay, i’m not gonna let anybody die on my watch, okay?” his face went white when he saw his other hand, resting on your upper stomach, stained with much more blood than he’d like to see. fuck.

“i don’t want to go, i don’t want to, i don’t—“ you choked on your own tears, and the rest of what you intended to say was no longer audible. kaeya’s bloody hand went up to his mouth and nose in a desperate attempt to muffle his own cry of helplessness, as he looked around in search of jean, or any medic, or just anyone who had a bandage, but noticed no one.

“alright” he said, swiftly ripping off a sleeve of his attire, wrapping it over your body, just above the fatal wound. “i’m gonna do this shit myself” he groaned squeezing it tighter and tighter, but not even a whimper of pain left your mouth.

“feeling okay there, sweets?” he asked, constantly checking if the blood flow decreased, but you didn’t answer, causing him to look up to your pale face and fading eyes. “hey, no no no, do you hear me, y/n? please, tell me you hear me” his tone became less and less commanding and more of a beg.

“thank you, kaeya” you whispered softly, eyes shutting down “i’ll always look over you” you added.

“i don’t need you looking over me, i need you to look at me, or with me, or, fuck, just, don’t go, please, please don’t leave me here alone” his cries breaking in the middle of the sentence formed something that would be quite hard to understand, too bad you weren’t listening either way. “i need you here with me” he wanted to scream, but his tired throat only let out a bare whisper. his head dropped as he wept, not knowing how much time had passed before a hand touched his shoulder, hand belonging to master jean. he looked up at her with nothing but pain.

he finally understood what diluc felt when leaving the knights.


after all those years, and all those loses, he thought he would get used to outliving people, even if the price was to stop caring completely. but as time flew by, he realized, it wasn’t getting any easier, not even a little.

obviously there was this voice at the back of his head that predicted how it’s all gonna go the second he met someone, along with the feeling of being above everybody else, of being different, superior, even.

but oh how foolish he was back when he thought being a god makes him somehow better than humans. how could he ever think that? the only difference that mattered was that he was significantly harder to kill.

and that stopped being an advantage at some point.

he had made a promise with himself never to fall in love again after what happened with his first. besides, what was the average life expectancy of a human? however long their life would be, it still wouldn’t pass for more than a second in the lifespan of a god. the decision of becoming dependent on somebody was just too stupid to make,

and yet here he was. by his desk in the funeral parlor, flicking through the pages of a book, but, uncharacteristically for himself, kept glancing at the clock to see when his shift would end and he could go on a long promised meeting with you. it was so close to striking the hour he hoped for, but then all of the sudden a faint knock interrupted the silence in the room.

“could you get it, mr zhongli?” director tao asked without her usual energetic undertone, focused on some finance book all scribbled over with her messy handwriting. he nodded, even though she couldn’t have noticed that, and walked over to the door.

imagine the surprise in his eyes when upon opening it, a heavy weight fell right into his arms, a whimper leaving your mouth as your burning forehead touched the material of his vest.

“love?” he asked, concerned, as he noticed redness spreading all over his attire, and the sickly colour of your skin. “are you alright? what happened?” he asked, strong arms lifting you up to your feet again, but still supporting your waist, your legs too weak to stand on their own.

“it was an… an accident, i didn’t- didn’t mean to” you breathed out, clinging onto his clothes, afraid to fall.

his at all times calm eyes examined your condition growing more and more worried, before it finally got to him that he needed to act fast.

“what the hell?” hu tao finally got up from her desk, and rushed over, swiftly knocking over things laying on zhongli’s desk, rushing him to put you there. after an irritated glance at the “child he can’t stand” he did agree to comply, putting you down slowly and securely.

only when they both looked at you this way did he realize how badly hurt you were, yet his mind was still irritatingly calm. that’s alright, he can just use his godly powers to help, right?

he put his hand down right above your wound and focused the energy inside him, yet nothing happened.

“mr zhongli, what on earth are you doing?!” the brunette yelled “go get baizhu or something!”

he frowned, distressed. “give me a second”

his eyes fluttered close again as he tried once more, his hand trembling, veins flexed, but to no avail.

he gasped for air both from frustration and tiredness, the reality hitting him all of the sudden,

you were dying. and he could do nothing. he gave up the power he could’ve used to help you now, oh how selfish he was, how reckless, even after all those years.

“send for baizhu!” he yelled, hu tao looking at him in disbelief

“that’s what i’ve been saying all along!” she shouted before leaving to get the medic, zhongli staying by your side.

“love” he whispered as soon as the door closed behind his boss. “look at me, please”

with effort, you opened your eyes and glanced at him, though your vision was blurry and you barely made out the details of his face, your hand went up to cup his cheek.

he smiled at the touch, shifting his head closer, hands traveling to hold your cold one.

“i’m so sorry” you mumbled, and closed your eyes again, his pupils widening.

“no need, darling, just stay with me” he said calmly, but his whole body shook from fear. “stay with me” he begged once more, but he already knew the reality of his pleas.

once more his life and love was leaving him, and all he could do was hold their hand.

to all the boys i’ve loved before.

─── CHILDE! // your best friend.

─ a short series based on my own personal experiences with love and crushes. a sort of messy goodbye to all the boys i’ve loved before.

warning(s); writing style is quite casual compared to the other parts idk why LOL,reader’s hands are mentioned to be smaller than childe’s.

series masterlist.

  • so. childe. how on earth did you end up dating the most idiotic, most playful, but surprisingly level-headed boy in your class? sure, he isn’t as bad as some of the others like scaramouche or dottore, but to say he’s well-behaved would be a total lie. yet somehow, you, the ‘golden student’ of your class, gravitate towards him and his weird sense of humour. you don’t know what it is about him that attracts you, but over a few years, the two of you become best friends.
  • perhaps best friends is a bit of an understatement. best friends who flirt all the time, or best friends with half-benefits of being wingmen for each other, would be a better description. it’s funny, really, how you had to listen to him gushing over signora when he was obsessed with her, and he had to listen to you going crazy over diluc when you had a crush on him, but after all that you both fell for one another. (fun fact; the irl versions of signora & diluc became a couple later LMAO)
  • although when you think about it, it’s impossible not to fall for him. seeing his smile practically lights up your world, and he always manages to make you laugh, and the two of you have so many pictures together where you’re going :D and he’s just -_- to annoy you by not posing properly. you just never expected him to possibly reciprocate your feelings.


  • you’ve just got off a call with kokomi and yoimiya where you talked about your feelings for childe, and both of them encourage you to confess. unfortunately, you decline, saying you’d rather not ruin your friendship, but when you see his status as online, a stupid impulse washes over you. maybe it’s the fact that it’s 2am, or the fact that you’re willing to throw caution to the wind at this point, you’ll just play it off as a joke if anything goes south, but whatever the reason, you end up texting childe and asking 'hypothetically speaking, if i asked you out, what would ur reply be?’
  • yeah. basically you’re a coward AND a dumbass who can never ask things straight. archons, this is stupid. but then he replies almost immediately, 'yoo??? hypothetically i’d say yes’ and you’re like ?!?!?!? and then he goes 'hypothetically, if I asked you out, what would you say’ and you reply 'i’d say yes too’ and both of you are just kinda !??!?! then childe, who has such a way with words (/s), says 'wait can i ask you now’ and you’re like 'WHAT’ and he goes 'can i ask you out now or is it like a bad time idk how to do this’ and finally after a lot of flustered-ness from both sides he eventually goes 'y/n, would you like to go out with me?’ and obviously you reply 'yeah childe i would’.
  • anyways, then childe is like 'can’t believe i finally got myself a cute s/o’ and you’re like 'well i finally got myself a cute bf’ and both of you are just kinda rambling to each other about how cool is this, and although you’re not entirely certain you’re pretty sure that both you and childe are equally flustered but also having so much fun.
  • the thing is, childe manages to say the cutest things ever while seeming so genuine that it really makes you want to spontaneously combust or fly to the moon or just hug him. like that same night he’s like “wait i can finally call you cute… oh ur so fucking cute” and then goes on to explain in length all the reasons you are. and you just ?!?! then you say that you can barely form a coherent reply because you’re so happy and he’s just like 'that’s right i always leave you speechless’ please slap him. he deserves it!!!!!!!!!!
  • yk that thing in relationships where they ask stupid questions like 'if i was a bug would u still date me?’ yeah childe does that except he says 'if i was a ghost would you still date me’, and when you reply 'yeah sure’ he goes 'okay good because if you said no i would haunt you’.
  • also literally every single time you flirt with childe he’ll tease you by saying 'stop flirting i’m taken, i have an s/o’ and you’ll be like 'what a coincidence, i have a boyfriend but he’s an idiot.’ and he gets so offended,,, but then you say 'he’s my idiot though’ and he switches up real quick LMFAOOO


  • as for your friends’ reactions to hearing that the two of you are a couple now when you get back to physical school, honestly nobody’s surprised. you and childe are the couple that everyone knew was going to happen, even the teachers, and it was just a question of sooner or later.
  • being in school together is a million times more fun though! you get to spend so much more time with him, and although you’ve been friends for years and dating hasn’t changed much between you both, it’s still more fun to hang out now that it’s a definite fact that he likes you too.
  • one time you’re in the library studying, and childe stands behind you with his hands on the back of your chair and bends over to ask, “hey, how are you?” you lean back to look up at him and grin, “good now that i get to see you.” and he just smiles although his face is turning redder by the second, “you’re so cute.” now it’s your turn to be embarrassed!
  • also you talk to him all the time in class because you sit behind him, and you just kick his chair whenever you want to get his attention. he leans back and catches your hands with his (they easily dwarf yours and he later tells you that your hands are adorable) and you make fun of him, “are you trying to hold my hands? simp.” “yeah, i am!” is his immediate reply, though he can’t meet your eyes after that and you end up getting more flustered.
  • childe brings food for you too. it’s just one of the little ways he shows you affection, remembering your favourite and bringing an extra in his lunchbox just for you, it’s genuinely so sweet. you always scold him and say that you need to repay him for all this, but he just laughs it off and tells you not to worry, after all, “you being my s/o kinda means i get to shower you in gifts. does that mean you’re my sugar baby though?”
  • his entire family knows about you too! teucer especially likes you, and randomly gifts you cans of fizzy drinks from the vending machine, which you accept wholeheartedly with a lot of gratitude. you and teucer also bond over your shared love of the game genshin impact, and childe complains that teucer gets heart eyes whenever he talks to you about all the characters he has and that childe is really getting jealous. you reassure him that he’s still your favourite no matter what, and that satisfies him.
  • you and childe have a private discord server just for the two of you, with multiple voice and text channels although you don’t even really need them. one of the voice channels is named 'childe bullying’ and that’s the one you’ve spent the most time in, talking for hours and hours about the stupidest things yet when you’re together they become the most interesting stories in the world. you also use the truth or dare bot and have a ton of fun forcing each other to answer the weirdest truth questions.
  • also, childe is a closeted romcom enjoyer, and you swear he’s watched even more than you! he finishes them all so fast too and gives really good recommendations. it is slightly embarrassing though when he tells you to watch 'love chuunibyou and other delusions’ and you haven’t started it but he’s already finished watching 'the pet girl of sakurasou’ which you recommended last week. he also reads 'spy x family’! and it’s so awesome for you to finally have someone to scream about it with, it makes you so happy that he likes it and you’re even happier that he actually takes your recommendations into consideration.
  • for your birthday, childe gets you a necklace. it’s stunning, though honestly if it was from him you’d have accepted a rock. but the fact is, he put so much thought and effort into this gift, shopping at jewelry stores for almost three months and messaging all your friends to confirm what they think you’d like, and eventually buying it and wrapping it and giving it to you. just to tease him, you ask childe to help you put it on, and although he nearly explodes while doing it he finally succeeds at fixing the clasp and promises it suits you perfectly.
  • and every time the two of you talk and laugh together, you’re certain that you love childe, and that he loves you, and for the moment, that is the most wonderful feeling ever.

a/n ; he also texts u stupid stuff that is somehow cute such as 'can we play val together (romantically)?’ ahhh :(

© starglitterz 2022. do not repost or modify in any way.


when you want them to cum inside of you

feat.: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Itto, Scaramouche, Ayato, Xiao

warnings: nsfw content, breeding kink, Itto’s dick has barbs and ridges, knotting, implications of pregnancy, begging, dirty talk, degradation, overstimulation

WhileDILUC is usually rather tender with you, some part of his mind simply short-circuits when you ask him to cum inside of you. He pauses for a moment, his eyebrows raised in surprise, but you don’t need to say more to convince him. He’s thrusting into you again a few moments later, his pace damn near violent compared to before, and all you can do is whine and arch your back and take it.

Diluc himself is all low groans and grunts; he wants a family so badly, so when you offer him to fill you up, he suddenly can’t think about anything but you, dripping with his cum, anymore. He’s moaning out promises of breeding you so so well while pounding into you, and it doesn’t take much longer before he reaches his orgasm, his cum spilling into you, and he presses a loving kiss to your lips afterwards.

“Ah, fuck, you have no idea what you do to me—, I’ll fill you up so good, darling, I promise you that. I’m gonna make you a mommy, sweetheart, don’t you worry.”

The second KAEYA moves to pull out, you dig your nails into his shoulders, surely leaving red crescent moons there, and he raises an eyebrow at you. When you whimper that you so desperately want him to cum inside of you, he huffs out a laugh, though it sounds strained. His following words are mocking, but they lack the usual sharpness.

He’sa lot more affected by your plea than he lets on; it shows in the way his dick twitches inside of your cunt and how his pace speeds up as he thrusts into you a few final times, his hips slapping against your ass with lewd squelching noises. You mewl as he fills you up with liquid warmth, his cum following his cock out of your loose cunt as he pulls away, and he chuckles when you whimper at the feeling.

“Oh? Do you need me to fill you up that badly? That’s pretty—, ah, that’s pretty pathetic, you know. But I guess I don’t mind indulging you one time, love, even if you’re acting like a slut right now.”

Keep reading

ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, and xiao x gn! reader

ೃ tags and warnings: fluff, established relationship, college au, comfort.

ೃ 400 to 500 words per character.

genshin masterlist  mha masterlist ♡aot masterlist

ೃ note: if you enjoyed this, please do reblog! it helps a lot! and if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form!

ೃ this was very self indulgent. i wanted to write something that applied to my current situation now and this really helped me a lot. i hope these headcanons can give you a sense of comfort as well!


“(Y/N)!” Childe calls out lovingly from the kitchen when he hears you enter your shared apartment. His voice never fails to provide you a sense of comfort and love despite how miserable and stressed out you are right now.  "How was your da-“

And yet, today indeed took a toll on you— more than it should.

"Terrible.” You interject, throwing your body into the closest cushion you could find, slowly sinking into the couch. “I feel like absolute shit. I think my professor is out to make my life a living hell." 

"C'mere.” He tugs at your hand, dragging you out of the couch as you let out a begrudging moan, falling gracefully into his arms. “Want me to kick his ass?” He proposes.

“Sure. Want to get expelled?" 

"I’m kidding. I’m kidding.” He tousles your hair, combing his fingers through your scalp to help ease your stress. “I know I’m pretty intense, but not that intense." 

"Mhm.” You internally roll your eyes, cooing in delight as he continues to pamper you with unprompted massages. “Just let me c-cuddle with you… for a while.” You drawl.

There’s a moment of silence as Childe pulls you over to the couch again, your sad and clingy self still wrapped tightly around him, like a cute sloth clinging onto a tree branch. All is well, and you could honestly make do with spending the night in his arms.

But… he had other plans.

“Bingo!” Childe has a eureka moment as he claps his hands together, sitting up from the couch and gently placing you to the side. “Take a hot shower first, then come back to the living room, ‘kay?” He plants a kiss on your forehead, which undeniably soothes you to a momentary peace. “I’ll have a surprise waiting for you after.”

“Fine. Fine. Fine.” You sigh exasperatedly, lulling your head at the edge of the couch. “This is going to be one of those somber types of showers, so expect me to be out in 40 minutes because I’ll be moping on the shower floor and listening to sad music.”

He chuckles. “It’ll be ready by then." 

Forty minutes finally pass by as you leave your bedroom in comfy pajamas, a clearer mind, and in a less weird headspace. You do as you are told and make a beeline for the living room, an array of surprises waiting for you.

"Surprise!” Childe jumps out from behind the couch, confetti spreading everywhere, and balloons rise to the ceiling. Your eyes dart to the table in front of him and notice your favorite home-cooked ramen, Boba for dessert, new books (you have been dying to read) neatly wrapped at the side, a cute stuffed teddy bear holding a pin that says “I Wuv U. Get better soon!” and a potted hydrangea you’ve been eyeing at the store for quite a while now. It was the ultimate comfort package made in about Forty minutes. How was he able to do this?

“Oh my god.” You exclaim in awe, blissful wonderment gleaming in your eyes. “C-childe… This is…”

“Do you like it?” He grins, confident at the fact that his surprise was a success. “It was hard having to jump from one store to the next whilst trying not to burn the ramen, but I did it!” He points to himself, beaming with pride. “Your boyfriend did it!”

“Thank you.” Your voice grows hoarse, yet Childe could note nothing but love and appreciation embedded into your words. “This means a lot to me.” You run into his arms before he could even fully approach you, burying your face into his chest. “Thank you for making an otherwise shitty day so much brighter.”

He chuckles once again, stroking the back of your head. “Anything for you. It’s alright to feel like shit sometimes, but always know that I’m here, alright?”





"What’s up, babe?”

“Which one would you like to use?” Holding on to two different kinds of Korean face masks, you ask for his opinion. “The Avocado one?” You raise a mask sheet designed with green accents. “Or the Pomegranate one?” You lift the other composed of dark accents.

“I’ll go with the Avocado.” He gingerly pulls the green mask from your hand. “I chose this not because of its healing properties, but because of that one vine. That Fresh Avocadoe one.” He jokes nonchalantly, hoping for your amusing response, yet he does not get one. 

You merely chuckle at his witty jest, shaking your head suspiciously. “Pfft. That’s pretty funny.” You sit down beside him, trying to further conceal the sadness you were hiding from within. “Can’t believe you remember that vine, though.”

And so, he knew something was off.

“(Y/N).” He calls out sternly. He sighs, beckoning you to scoot closer to him. “If anything is going on right now, I’m here for you. You can tell me anything.”

Your body visibly trembles as you move closer to your indigo-haired lover. Kaeya opens his arms for you to crawl into, his hands hidden underneath your matching sweater paws, deep cerulean eyes ever so stark and bright.

You try to keep it in- but you can’t. You break. 

A waterfall of tears unceremoniously streaks down your face as soon as Kaeya envelops you in his arms. “I don’t feel like existing right now.” You murmur, resting your head on his shoulder. “Can the world just stop moving for a second? I can’t keep up. I feel like I have no purpose." 

”(Y/N) my Love…“ He gently strokes your cheek, gesturing you to look up at him. A serious look written all over his face, yet his eyes filled with kindness. "Even on these bad days and nights where everything feels lost, you still have purpose. It has been inside you since the day you were born. That passionate and feisty human being that I fell in love with. A tiny firefly born from the light of the universe. There is a world of reason and hope inside you—an entire library of thoughts, memories, and emotions. For all the moments that steal your hope and your wonder, remember the universe intended for you to happen. I’m here for you until the end of our days. I’ll never let go." 

Absolutely flabbergasted over Kaeya’s sweet (which are usually coquettish) and genuine words, you bury your face even deeper to hide the heat creeping up to your cheeks. Your voice muffled. "I don’t deserve you, Kaeya.”

“Well…” There’s a particular suggestive tone to his voice. “I mean, I am Kaeya Alberich. The most dashing man to ever-”

“Oh. Forget I ever said anything.”

“I was just kidding!”


The downpour of heavy rain was a perfect match to your current mood. 

Amidst the current storm happening outside that brought nothing but bad news, your professor finally released the midterm results you’ve been waiting for so long. Unfortunately, despite studying hard for the test, the results were appalling. 

This wouldn’t be an issue if you crammed all of the lessons into your brain, but no. You prepared for this. You poured your blood, sweat, and tears into acing this exam. But… why did you get a below-average grade? Does your professor hate you or?

“Diluc….” You groan, dragging yourself into the living room where your boyfriend was seated on the couch, wearing his cute rimmed spectacles (the literal embodiment of a handsome dork) and his computer practically glued to his lap. “What grade did you get on our Mondstadt History test?”

“I got a 4.0.” He responds casually, taking off his reading glasses and putting them back in their case. “What about you?”

“Well, I g-got a…” Your words trail off as you turn your eyes to the phone and gaze back at him. “A 2.0.” Your lips curl to a frown as you throw yourself to the couch, hurrying over to lay on his lap and bury your face on a pillow. “I worked so hard for this test. I didn’t expect this at all! What did I do wrong!? Am I just not enough to academically please Professor Venti!? Am I not cool enough to have a huge group of friends and be invited to cool college parties!?" 

The thunder roars, the lightning flashes, and the rain grows stronger as soon as you finish venting to Diluc. You were never one to put too much thought into simple frustrations, but this little predicament indeed brought you to the edge.

"You are enough.” Diluc whispers, emphasizing his words in his usual stern but loving tone. “You’re strong and beautiful, and the way you present yourself or the number of friends you have doesn’t change how big your heart is.” Diluc begins to grow flustered as he continues, “Your hair looks nice, and so do your eyes, and the way you eat a half tub of ice cream is… sexy as hell. You are the most important person in my life, and in times that you feel as if you’re not worth it all, trust me. You’ll always be enough for me.”

A cheeky smile forms on your lips as you look up to gaze into his starry crimson eyes. Wrapping your arms around the crook of his neck, you plant a kiss on his lips. 

“Thanks.” You give him another peck. “I really needed that." 


Zhongli has his day off from classes today, whereas you had one from 12 to 3 pm. 

Which also meant that it was his time to do the chores around the apartment. Not that he didn’t mind, though, although he’d love to do things as mundane as this if he were doing it with you. Doing the laundry, buying groceries, and cleaning the house… There was never a dull moment if he got to spend it with you.

Whilst he was cleaning the bedroom, he stumbled upon a crumpled piece of paper on your side of the desk. Written on it were doodles of sad little faces, a cute drawing of him hugging you with a cup of tea in between the both of you, and words that spelled out "I wish this class would end.

I’m so tired that I just want to sleep for a million years and just cuddle with Zhongli ” He then deduced that you had written this in one of your Psych classes that you were also taking today. 

Wanting to cheer you up, he decides to make a little surprise for you in the most Zhongli way he can. 

“Z-Zhongli?” You call out in an exasperating tone. “I’m home.”

No reply.

Shrugging to yourself, you walk straight into the bedroom, hoping he’s there reading a book, yet he isn’t. After dropping your things, you walk into the kitchen, hoping he’s cooking some bamboo shoot soup, but he isn’t there either. 

“Zhongli?” You call out again. 

Then, you hear a knock from outside. Turning around to look for where the sound may come from, you see your graciously tall boyfriend knock from behind the glass door leading to the balcony. 

He then bows, scooting to the side to see what he has prepared for you—bamboo shoot soup for two, your favorite herb relieving tea, and an envelope wrapped with a ribbon. 

Pushing the door aside, you walk up to him as a tired smile forms on your face. Your worries were slowly washed away.

“I prepared a little something for you.” He announced. Gentlemanly pulling out your seat so you can plop down comfortably. “Along with a short poem.”

You tilt your head at him, reaching out for the golden brown envelope before you as you begin to read its contents.

I wish I could do more than kiss your tiredness away.

I wish I were a celestial being from the skies— One of the seven archons of the past so that I may wish your worries away with a wave of my finger.

But… you must know. These feelings do not make you weak or clingy or overly emotional. They make you strong, brave, and beautiful. You are not merely made of stardust; you are the comet streaking through the sky on the way to do good and bright things. You are a blessing to this world. A divine gift that only a few may appreciate at this time, but know this: Your tiredness is temporary. You will do great things, and I will always be right behind you. For whenever you may fall and whenever you may falter, I will help you stand up once again.”


At the dead of the night, his phone rings.

Xiao was not the type of person to answer calls or messages, especially at 3 in the morning. It was undoubtedly uncharacteristic of him. Given, he was awake and had harrowing thoughts that kept him up at night, but he didn’t want to entertain anyone else when he lies on his bed and contemplates life while staring at the blinking fairy lights taped to the edges of his ceiling.

Then, he sees the Caller ID.

It’s you. 

His most beloved– The most precious soul to ever walk into his life. You are the only one to have made his heart love in the most inexplicable ways despite all the mistakes he has made.

He immediately picks up. 

“Xiao?” Your voice is frail and quiet from the other line. “Are you awake?”

“Yeah, I am. What’s wrong?”

“I’m just worried about the future, you know. I want to be free and see places. But… I feel as if it’s impossible.” You reply, your voice growing more agitated. “Can you play My Heart Will Go On on the flute for me, please?”

“I know that’s a meme, (Y/N).” He snaps, shaking his head at your attempt to make a joke. “I’m not that dumb, you know.”

“Well… can you sing me a lullaby then?”

He sighs. But you know he’ll give in anyway. “Fine." 

With a clear of his throat, you hear his voice grow louder as if he was speaking directly through his phone’s mic. Then, he begins. 

"I guess I’ll have to face that in this awful place, I shouldn’t show a trace of doubt… But pulled against the grain, I feel a little pain, That I would rather do without… I’d rather be Free-ee-ee from here.”

Hoping for a pleasant reaction, Xiao receives silence. That one gets when the person on the other line had fallen asleep. It was peaceful. Tranquil. He could imagine your sleeping figure now, lulled to sleep by his sweet lullaby.

Xiao shook his head once again, a ghost of a smile present on his face. “Goodnight (Y/N). I love you. I hope I was able to ease your worries away… and I hope I’ll be able to ease more to come.”

ೃ taglist: @ganyuuxs @mignonextte@inlovewithadeptusxiao@duhsies@qimiie@volleybloop@latteshinsou@catgirlkomi@reaped-winnower@monaa@dibhachu@midnightangelfox@call-me-moonfloweer @hu-tao-main@crapimahuman@vivisimpact@eissaaaa@yuki1s–note @klessboom@albedos-apprentice@ch8rrybl0ssoms@the-one-that-lurks@yummyyumi@aelatus@daishou-lovebot@blissmal@thesatanofpizza

if anyone is curious to know, the song xiao sings is escapism from steven universe!
