#chilling adventures spoilers


So put a finger down if you had a long going ship where one them died and then you expected them not to be endgame, but then the other drown themselves where they would be endgame.

Let’s just say I have a finger down.

Daughter of Hecate - Part 5

Zelda Spellman x reader

Description: You are the daughter od Hecate who is sent to investigate the matter of the Order of Hecate.

Warning: spoiler from Sabrina

Words~ 1700

Tag list: @winters-witch-bitch@oliviaswifey@sarahp-stan@ashleygraysblog@futuremilfcheck@mraes@peregrine21@cherryblossomllama

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You got up very late, at least you had the feeling you slept for a long time, but maybe it was because of the dreams you had. You did not understand half the things you dreamed about, so you thought about them when you got out of bed. You didn’t even notice that you regained feeling in your legs. The most important things now were the information they had acquired and the otherworldly smell that was coming from behind the door.

You got out of bed and headed downstairs, still in your pajamas. You kept your eyes closed all the way and after entering the room, so you didn’t notice that everyone is looking at you with surprise and a smile.

You sat down at the table and put your head on it, from this crowd of thoughts, your head started to ache, and you just got up.

“As if I saw Sabrina getting up for an unwanted test at school.” You didn’t even respond to Hilda’s taunting, weighing the pros and cons of the plan forming in your head.

Zelda watched you from behind the newspaper, she still couldn’t believe you were the daughter of Hecate, but the power that surrounded you was undeniable proof of that. Even now, sleepy and unconscious, you had more power than most likely the three of them put together.

Purple and pink soap bubbles started to appear around you, it was always like that when you thought about difficult magical things, and this one was one of the harder things you came up with.

“If only that soap didn’t get into my coffee because …” She broke off as you jerked your head up and looked into her eyes. All the bubbles burst simultaneously and turned into butterflies that flew away and disappeared into the air. “Are you okay?” Not that Zelda had ever admitted it, but it was weird, such a discharge of power.

“It was you I heard in my dream.” You said softly, but didn’t elaborate on the subject, staring at the red-haired witch who huffed and hid behind the newspaper. “Could you lend me the books you used to challenge my mother to? By the way, strange that you didn’t get hit for it, the gods always hear when someone insults them, especially with such harsh words as …”

“These are private prayers!” She put the newspaper abruptly on the table and stood up, wanting to leave, but you grabbed her hand.

“It’s not my fault that I hear them. Hecate sends them to me to help you.”

“There is no way to help, and I wish you …”

“What if there is?” You interrupted her. You were still holding her hand, but neither of you noticed it, you were staring into your eyes.

“What are you talking about?”

“About bringing Sabrina.” You saw the change in her face. First the anger, then the uncertainty and hope to return to anger again. She broke free from your embrace and headed for her room, but you teleported in front of her, blocking her way. “Give me a chance to help where my mother failed. I can’t promise you it will, but it’s always worth a try, right?” She was staring at you with a poker face, you could feel the tension between you, as if there was about to be a storm in the building.

“Come see me after breakfast. And better dress.”

She passed you, and only then did you notice that you were still in your pajamas.



You ate your breakfast at an express pace, telling Hilda that you would explain everything to her later, when you understand the things in your head.

You went to your room to get ready for the day and to talk to Zelda. You decided to use your charm and put on tight black pants and a matching shirt of your favorite color that emphasized your eye color.

So you were prepared, you headed for the door behind which the red-haired witch had disappeared. You knocked on the door and waited for permission until, you’re not that stupid.

You entered, as it turned out, the office, where you found Zelda with her cheeks wet with tears and a glass of scotch in her hand. This sight surprised you so much that for a moment you stood motionless in the doorway, but you came to your senses. You closed the door and sat next to her on the couch. You didn’t know how much you could afford, but you really wanted to cheer her up. Seeing such a powerful witch in such a state has made your heart feel sad.

You reached your hand toward hers, but before you touched her, Zelda spoke.

“The books are on the desk. Find what you need.” Her voice was empty of emotion, and she didn’t look at you when she spoke.

“Zelda, I …”

“I know there is little chance of success.” She looked at you, your eyes sparkling, and for a moment she stared at them without saying a word, feeling the peace flowing from them. “But since there are any, I want to try. I want you to try.”

“I’ll do my best.” You smiled at her.


You spent the whole day reading books about the Salem witches, about their religion, and about where Sabrina might be. You really wanted to help this family, even though you just met them.

Hilda sent you dinner during the day, for which you were very grateful because when you do something, you find it hard to distract you, and you often forget your basic needs.

In the evening, you finished reviewing all the materials and finally decided to share your discoveries with the Spellman family. You rejoiced when all three were present in the living room when you came down there.

“Sorry it took so long and kept you in suspense so much, but these books were really fat and …”

“Have you read them all?” Ambrose was surprised, because until now he thought that he was reading quickly.

“Yes, more or less. What I needed most.” You stood in the center of the room and straightened your hair. “As I said. I have reviewed everything you have about where Sabrina ended up, but as you well know, it is not enough information. So I contacted someone who is more knowledgeable about these matters. He promised he would try to help…”

“So when is he coming? And who is he?” Zelda was impatient, you didn’t expect this trait from her, but you smiled to yourself.

“Nico de Angelo, son of Hades, who loves challenges and walking in all kinds of worlds of the dead. Unfortunately, he is currently on vacation with his boyfriend Will, but he’ll be there as soon as they get back. Hope you don’t mind, but Nico has promised that in his spare time, he will learn as much as possible about your dead lands, but he also has a task for us. ” You paused for a moment, looking for the anger of waiting in the faces of those present, but found nothing, so you continued. “You know someone who has experience in navigating the land of the dead?”

“Maybe someone who rules it?” Ambrose asked, and you notice Zelda is giving him a murderous glare.

“You mean Lucifer?”

“Oh no, someone else. Hell recently changed steward.”

“I’ll send her a question if she can show up tomorrow.”

Hilda got up and headed downstairs, and Ambrose went upstairs, wanting to look for more books on the topic of interest to you.

You were left alone with Zelda, who was drinking some alcohol again. You sat down next to her and you both stared at the fire in the fireplace.

“Don’t you drink too much?”

“Don’t you meddle too much in not yours things?” She’s right, it’s none of your business how Zelda treats her body. That’s why you took the glass out of her hand. “What are you doing?!”

“I help myself because I know you won’t even propose some to me.” You smiled at her, and she looked away, that’s something new. You drank the entire contents of the glass at once and put it on the table in front of you.

“Are you allowed to drink at all? How old are you?” She spoke. You started laughing.

“Really? That is your question?” You looked at her, but she still didn’t look at you.

“I’ll be 30 soon.” You sighed. “Compared to you, I’m probably a child, but age is just a number. Experience counts.”

She looked at you. This time it was you who didn’t want to argue with her, you stared at the fire that started to create images of your memories, but shook your head to chase them away.

“You probably have it above that, right?”

“You could say.” You looked straight into her eyes. “Keep so nice to me, and maybe I will share it with you.” The sound you heard was perhaps the most enjoyable sound you’ve ever heard. “You should laugh more. It’s suits you.” Zelda blushed. You wondered if she always reacted this way, or only if she had drunk some alcohol beforehand.

“Don’t be silly.” She got up, but instead of heading to her room, she put her hand next to your shoulder and leaned slightly over you. “You better watch out, or you could burn yourself if you risk it so dangerously.”

“I have a cream in my room that makes me immune to fire, so I guess I’ll take a chance.”

“Huh.” She leaned even lower so that her mouth was next to your ear. “Then you better watch our experience.” She bit your ear and you groaned softly. “Mine is definitely bigger than yours, and it’s supposed to matter the most.” As soon as she appeared above you, she vanished just as quickly, and after a while you heard the door upstairs close behind her.

You loosened your shirt collar, suddenly felt hot in the room. You decided to follow Zelda’s example and went to your room as well.

 100 Picspams Challenge//078 TV Shows//The Chilling Adventures of SabrinaWeird Sisters: Agatha Night

100 Picspams Challenge//078

TV Shows//The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Weird Sisters: Agatha Night

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