#chinese texts



When I walk with two others, there must be one whom I can learn from

“三人行,必有我师” 的意思是三个人一起走路,里边一定有一个人可以做我的老师。这句话用来比喻别人身上可能有我们没有的优点,我们要学习别人身上的优点。

“三人行,必有我师” means “When I walk with two others, there must be one whom I can learn from”. In the metaphorical sense, it means everybody may have some merits that we lack, so we should learn from others.

站得高,看得远 Zhàn dé gāo, kàn dé yuǎn

The higher you stand, the farther you’ll see

“站得高,看得远” 的意思是,站在高的地方,就能看到更远的地方。这句话也用来比喻不能只从一个方面看问题,多考虑几个方面,才能更加全面。

“站得高,看得远“ means the one who stands higher takes a broader view. It is also used metaphorically to indicate that we should view a problem from more than one aspect to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of it.

一步走错步步错 Yībù zǒu cuò bù bù cuò 

One wrong move makes all moves wrong

“一步走错步步错” 的意思是,下棋的时候,如果有一步走错了,那么以后的每一步都是错的。这句话用来比喻如果我们开始时做了一个错误的决定,那么以后的每一次决定都会是错的。这句话告诉我们,做事情的时候每一步都要谨慎,避免出现错误,尤其是开始的时候。

“一步走错步步错” means that in a chess game one wrong move will make all the moves after it wrong. In the metaphorical sense, it indicates if we’ve made a wrong decision, then every decision following it would be wrong. This saying tells us to be prudent when doing something so as to avoid mistakes.

“读书好,读好书,好读书”。虽然这句话用了三个相同的汉字,但是不同的顺序却表示了不同的意思。首先,” 读书好” 说的是读书有很多好处; 其次,每个人的时间都是限的,不可能把世界上每一本书都读完,所以要读好的书; 最后,”好读书” 就是要养成阅读的习惯,使读书真正成为自己的兴趣爱好。阅读有许多好处,它能丰富你的知识,让你找到解决问题的办法; 同时,它还会丰富你的情感,使你的生活更精彩。所以,让阅读成为你的习惯吧!
