






That’s the Samulet lol

AND the original license plate lmao thanks @samwinchcster for the catch. So I guess this is in Heaven

if its heaven where is sammy?

Sam’s still alive with his son.

Jared should pitch a Dean jr show that takes place the same time Dean’s apparently driving around heaven writing fanfic about his dead parents. Jared should call the show something like supernatural legacy, the Sam raising teen Dean show. And he should get Sera Gamble to write the pilot. No one involved tells Jensen, and he has no involvement whatsoever because Dean’s not in the show.

Yes ,haha sounds like a plan




i don’t know if this has been done before but HOW IS HE LITERALLY ALL OF THEM?!

But wait there’s more

Not to be a nerd on main but I think it should actually be:

And would like to humbly offer:

paintpanic:Send me a character and I’ll give you some of my thoughts on them!


Send me a character and I’ll give you some of my thoughts on them!

Post link


The Mummy

Art by Stephanie Pepper


dragon age oc question: how good/bad/disastrous would your warden/champion/inquisitor have been in the others’ roles if they happened to have traded places?


@mondaysandwich’s take on Kel ☀️


Pansexual Mikey headcanons everyone!

  • Growing up he would comment on any attractive person he saw on TV, regardless of gender, without worrying about sounding “weird” (as opposed to his brothers, who weren’t as comfortable expressing such things at that age)
  • He discovered pansexuality pretty much the first night he got a T-phone for personal use
  • He proceeded to go into Leo’s room and shake him awake in the middle of the night, patiently explaining his new discovery to his groggy brother 
  • Mikey kind of also wanted to ask for a little support, since as he’d grown he’d learned that things could sometimes go bad if you talked about loving the wrong people, and even though Leo was still uncomfortable with his own sexuality at the time he agreed
  • Mikey told everybody else the next morning over a meal of pancakes, ha-ha
  • April got him a pansexuality flag for a Mutation Day present and it’s one of Mikey’s most prized possessions
  • He thinks that the whole bi/pan discourse is stupid and blocks assholes from either side
  • He’s dedicated himself to creator better pansexual humor than the obvious “liking pans” thing
  • Got Shini and a mirror to help him paint a pink, blue, and yellow sunset on his shell when they snuck into a pride parade