#chiron in aries



Yo, bitches. Chiron - you wanna know, so here we go. First things first, remember that the position of every planet (or asteroid) supports the position of every other planet in the sky. Chiron moving from Pisces into Aries isn’t saying anything new, it’s just another supporting character in the dank transition we’ve got playing out right now.

Bitches are up Chiron’s ass. Probably because we’re all hurting and Chiron got pegged as the “wounded healer.” But does this actually have anything to do with what Chiron represents? Kinda, but it misses the point.

Let’s go back to the mythology: Chiron is an immortal centaur, he’s straight chillin doing his thing, wise af and not a dick so everybody loves him. He’s got mad healing powers. Until he gets shot up by a poison arrow. Fuck! He can’t heal himself, so he sacs his immortality in exchange for Prometheus’s freedom from that fucking rock prison where he’s been getting his eyes eaten out every day. Great, uplifting story.

The point is: Chiron couldn’t heal himself. He was fucked! Not a wounded healer, didn’t heal shit. He transformed his ugly ass situation into something else so that it wouldn’t become a lifelong regret. When you look at it this way, Chiron represents transformational regret. Where it falls represents an area of your life where there’s potential for you to look back later on and think, “dang, wish I had handled that differently,” so you’ve gotta totally transform your approach and perspective on the situation.

Chiron has been in Pisces for eight years. This means that over the past decade, all of us have been dealing with powerful collective energy, unfinished business, and relationships and experiences coming to a close.We needed to change our approach and perspective on letting go, or we may look back in a few years like, “shit, shoulda dropped this when I had the chance.”

Now,Chiron is moving into Aries. It’s gonna be there for a while. What this means is over the coming decade, we need to change our perspective and approach to individuality. You gotta put in some work to break away from that Pisces collective energy suck and turn the focus back to yourself. You may regret it later on if you don’t take every opportunity to really be true to you over the next eight years.

Is this Chiron specific? No. Lots of planets are in or moving towards that Pisces area and then on into the Aries future. We’re all starting fresh in a big way, and Chiron supports the current overarching societal theme of “becoming your authentic self.” Blah blah, woo woo bullshit. You get the picture.

Peace, bitches.

