#choices cop



trystan is pb’s best single li ever imo they’re just THAT good and the tension between them and mc is impeccable


Setting aside the (valid) debate over VIP and other issues Choices has….Crimes of Passion is really, really good. The story is intriguing, the writing sharp and funny, the characters could easily fall into hokey stereotypes but they don’t. They’re all interesting and complex. The dynamic between MC and Trystan is really fun. I haven’t been this excited for story updates in a while.

I just played chapter 7 of Crimes of Passion and I just can’t get enough of this book! It’s seriously A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I don’t have the screenshots just yet cause I WILL play a second time (obviously), but it’s just damn perfect!

Crimes of Passion has got action, a great storyline, intriguing mystery, compelling character and a slow burn romance to DIE FOR. It’s impossible not to fall in love with Trystan.

I seriously can’t wait for the wide release of this book. PB has been giving us some so-so books, but Crimes of Passion and Wake the Dead are top notch. PB has outdone themselves with this book.

I haven’t felt this thrilled about a book since BladesandDistantShores!


ah, so pixelberry IS capable of writing a love interest that’s 3 dimensional in a single LI story.

It’s been a while since my last post here. And GOSH, I’m SO IN LOVE with Crimes of Passion and Trystan Thorne.

The storyline is engaging, the characters believable and the LI is a breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I’m NOT a fan of single LI’s books. I get bored easily and I think that since AVSP and Simon/Ava we didn’t get a single LI book with an interesting LI.

But finally we have a book that is GOOD, it has me at the edge of my seat at each chapter and has an amazing LI that has me swooning.

What’s more: it’s impossible not to love these three. We’re still in chapter 3 and I already head over heels with them.

I’d say PB has been making some not so great decisions with their books (TNA 2 is a mistake. Shipwrecked was so so. And do I even need to say anything about Surrender?) But when they get it right, THEY DO GET IT RIGHT.

Under the cut, I’ll be posting some prints from interactions with LI just to show how awesome they are (I’ve chosen a male LI, but I’ll provably go with a female LI when playing the second time around). I can’t wait until it’s released for everyone!

And how much of a big softie he can be. Gotta love a man who can show vulnerability and can express his emotions.

And how much of a big softie he can be. Gotta love a man who can show vulnerability and can express his emotions.

And this linguistic talk had me losing everything haha


In the correct, better timeline, these two would be LIs alongside Trystan

I was also sad when I saw Crimes of Passion is a single LI book, but COP is amazing. Hands down one of the best works PB has ever done and the storyline is even more gripping than the romance, but I love how MC and Trystan’s relationship develop slowly but surely. Trystan is so multifaceted that you easily forget (and forgive) this is a single LI book and starts craving more scenes with them.

This book is absolute perfection and I will defend it until the very end.

Sent by anonymous

‘I was truly looking forward to Crimes of Passion and even thought a few other books sound nice even if kind of cheesy, but after so many books I found offputting or awkward writing, I do not even have the motivation to open the app anymore.’


Sent by anonymous

‘All Female Trystan’s are hot af so hard to choose which one to fix that I made 3 alt accs just to romance the other 3 Trystan’s that I didn’t choose on my main account’


The saga of Trystan and MC is continually getting cockblocked every time something between them is about to happen.


This art commission is giving me heart eyes and making me laugh at the same time.

Trystan and MC’s chaotic meet cute from chapter 1 fjdkjrekjdjrkcjdhdkjdkdk! Done by the amazing @/artbyainna on insta ♥️

Please do not alter or repost


I love how Trystan and MC just continue to fuck after almost dying.
