#chris evans fanfic


Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader


A/N: Olivia is approaching is around 11 months in this chapter.  I just wrote this in under three hours……so. 

{Part 1}     {Part 2}     {Part 3}     {Part 4}     {Part 5}     {Part 6}     {Part 7}    {Part 8}     {Part 9}     {Part 10}


One night, Shana decided to let all the kids go over to her house and play while her mom and Chris made dinner. Carly also joined Shana while keeping the kids. Chris was out on the back patio grilling hamburgers for dinner. You finished helping Lisa with preparing the condiments and sides then you slipped out onto the back patio. 

You slowly walked up behind Chris and wrapped your arms around him. He knew it was you by your hands. 

“Hey, baby.” Chris said softly. 

“Hi.” You whispered back and laid your head against his back. 

You both stayed quiet, just enjoying the sounds of outside around you. Chris laid his spatula down and turned in your arms so you were against his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and looked around at the backyard he grew up in. You looked up at him then out in the same direction he we was looking. 

“It’s nice here.” You said quietly. 

“You think so?” He questioned. 

“Yeah, this seems like a good place for a family.” You said looking up at him. “It’s not quite a small town in the south, but it’s still nice.” You laughed softly. 

“Where would you rather raise your family, here is Sudbury or in Atlanta?” Chris asked. 

“Wherever I’m with you.” You smiled. 

Chris looks down at you with his eyes full of love and adoration. “I love you, Y/N.” He whispered and leaned in to kiss you. 

“I love you too.” You whispered back just before your lips met. You both pulled away with smiles on your faces.

“So, you would want to raise a family with me?” Chris gave you a questioning look. 

“Most definitely! You are amazing with Olivia. I can’t imagine what you would be like with your own children.” You said while running your hands over his shoulders and down his arms. 

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead before turning back to the burgers on the grill. You took a seat on the patio chair and watched Chris. A few minutes later the back door opened, revealing Carly holding Olivia. 

“Olivia, who is that?” Carly pointed to you. 

“Mama!” She said clearly.

You gasp and reach out for her. “Good job, baby girl!” You cheered proudly. Chris turned around to see Olivia giggling in your arms. 

“Who is it, Livie?” Chris questioned her. 

“Mama!” She said again. Chris smiled at her proudly. 

You smiled at him, you mind filling with thoughts of having children with him and him looking at them the way he was looking at Olivia. Chris looked at you before taking Olivia from your arms. He kissed her cheeks as she giggled. After holding her for a few minutes, he handed her back so he could take the hamburgers off the grill. You opened the back door for him and followed him inside the house. 

“Ma, did you hear Olivia say her first word?” Chris asked his mother as he placed the tray on the counter. 

“No, I didn’t! I want to hear.” She smiled excitedly. 

“Livie, who is that?” Chris asked her as he pointed to you. 

“Mama!” She giggled. 

“Oh my!” Lisa grinned and clapped. “Such a smart girl!” 

You kissed Olivia’s cheeks and tickled her as you held her. “Don’t blink! Before you know it she’ll be all grown up!” Lisa said with a smile. 

Soon, dinner was served and everyone gathered around the outdoor dining table. 

“So, Chris, when do you plan on popping the big question?” Scott asked his brother teasingly with a hint of seriousness. 

You nearly choked on your chip you were eating. Chris’s stared daggers into his brother. 

“Scott!” Lisa reprimanded. “That is not an appropriate question for the dinner table.” 

You took a sip of your drink to stop your coughing. 

“Ma, I was just kidding!” Scott defended himself. 

The rest of dinner was filled with mindless conversation. You stayed rather quiet until it was over. You helped Lisa wash the dishes as everyone else hung out in the living room. 

“I apologize for Scott’s behavior earlier, Y/N.” Lisa said as she dried a dish. 

“There’s no need to apologize. It was a harmless comment.” You half smiled at her. 

“I don’t mean to pry, Y/N, and I know its only been a few months since you and Chris have officially been together, but do you see a future with my son?” She set the dish down and turned her full attention to you, you followed suit. 

“If I’m being honest with you and myself, yes ma’am. I see myself building a life with Chris.” You started to blush. “He treats me so well, and he has always been understanding of my situation with Olivia. I think since the night I got the call about my sister, I have seen a future with him.” 

Lisa smiled brightly and pulled you into a tight hug. “Y/N, you are an amazing woman. After meeting you just a few short days ago, I’ve know that there is no one better for Chris than you.” 

You teared up at her comment. “Just promise me you will take care of him. He needs it.” She laughed softly. 

“Yes ma’am. I promise.” You laughed. 

“Hey, what’s going on in here?” You heard Chris ask from the kitchen door. 

You pulled away from Lisa and wiped the stray tears. “Nothing, just dong dishes.” You smiled at him. 

Olivia was asleep against his shoulder. “Alright then, I was going to go put Livie down, but I figured you would want to kiss her good night.” 

“Ugh this man in literally perfect”  You thought. He knew that even if Olivia was asleep, you would always kiss her and tell you loved her. 

Chris brought her over to you. You kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. You smiled up at him before he took her to your shared bedroom. 

Once you and Lisa finished the dishes, you decided to head up to bed for the night. You went into the bedroom you and Chris were sharing. As you stepped in, Chris was closing the bathroom door. 

“I’m going to shower.” You said grabbing your pajamas and stepping into the bathroom. 

After your shower, you crawled into the bed with Chris. You curled up next to him, you head against his chest. 

“So, do you want to tell me what you and my mom were talking about?” Chris asked in a whisper as he ran his hand over your back. 

You internally debated with yourself for a moment before deciding to tell him. If things were going to really be serious, you had to be open and honest. 

“After your brother’s question at dinner, your mom asked me if I saw a future with you.” You looked up at Chris, you could just barely make out his features in the dark. “And I told her, yes I do. I know it’s only been a few months but you’ve been through a lot with me in just under a year.” You took a breath. “You’ve been my compass through times when I didn’t know which way to go. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I love you, Chris Evans.” 

Chris was lost for words at your outpour. He kissed your forehead, then your nose then your lips. “I love you too, Y/F/N Y/L/N.” 

“Do you see a future with me?” You asked shyly. You were glad it was dark because you wouldn’t have been able to make eye contact if there was light. 

“I can’t imagine one without you or Olivia.” He stated. “Thank you for letting me in and letting me help you and be your compass.” 

Chris kissed your forehead one more time before you both fell asleep. It was the best sleep you had in ages. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@wanessalopeaqueiros@ashwarren32 @ineedhelpmovingtobostontoteach  @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @stella-swiftx  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen@wehrghyhggg@bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@pengtingcalledmadison14@evanshoney @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3 @gypsyxdreamer @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language @britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood@sunflowersforstyles@capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading@sxeIamind@hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader

Warnings: None.

A/N:Ok, honestly I think this chapter is kind of sucky. It’s been sitting in my drafts and I knew i needed to finish it so i could update. So, sorry in advance if this is sucky.

{Part 1}     {Part 2}     {Part 3}     {Part 4}     {Part 5}     {Part 6}     {Part 7}     {Part 8}     {Part 9}     


Two weeks later, you, Olivia, and Chris were on your way to Boston. You had over packed both yourself and Olivia. You were just so unsure of what you would need, what the weather would be like, so you just packed every essential for just about any type of weather. Luckily, your suitcase was huge so, you and Olivia were both packed in it. You packed a carry-on with some of Olivia’s things as well. You put everything by the door as you waited for Chris. 

Chris pulled up to your apartment and headed inside to help you with your luggage. It was around six in the morning, so, only you were awake. It was always easier to get ready to leave if Olivia was asleep. Chris knocked on the door. You ran over and let him, shushing him as he entered. He gave you a questioning look. 

“Livie is still sleeping. I’d like to keep it that way.” You explained in hushed tone. 

“Well, we kind of need to be leaving, so you need to go wake her up.” He stated matter-of-factly. 

“Ok, I’ll go get her up and ready to leave.” You started to walk away, but Chris grabbed your arm and pulled you into him. “What?” 

He leaned in and kissed you softly. “Now you can go get Olivia up.” Chris smiled down at you before taking your bags down to his car. 

You quietly went into the bedroom and woke Olivia up. She was not happy with you at all. Olivia cried as you changed her diaper and put her into her onesie to travel. You were mixing a bottle when Chris walked back into the apartment. She immediately stopped crying and reached for him. 

“Oh, good morning, love bug! Are you cranky because mama woke you up?” Chris cooed at the eight month old as he took her from you. 

You rolled your eyes and handed Chris the bottle. He chuckled and took the bottle. You finished packing your carry-on then started turning off lights.

“Ok. I’m ready.” You smiled at Chris.

“Let’s hit it!” He turned off the kitchen lights and headed for the door.

You followed Chris out and shut the door. You made sure it was locked then walked down the stairs to the car.

Chris buckled Olivia into her car seat then went around to the driver side. You got in the passenger side and buckled up.

The drive to the airport was mostly quiet, the radio played creating some back ground noise.

You zoned out while looking out of the window. Your mind was filled with anxious thoughts. You had heard great things about Chris’s family, but it didn’t help the nervousness you were feeling.

You were brought out of your thoughts by Chris placing his hand on your thigh.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m just nervous.” You admitted to Chris. “I know your family is probably the sweetest people on the planet, but I’m just anxious.”

“Sweetheart, it’s ok to be nervous and anxious. My family can be a bit over the top, so I’m glad you told me.” He gave your thigh a reassuring squeeze. “It’s all going to be ok.”

You smiled at him and nodded. A few minutes later you pulled into the parking garage if the airport.

Once you had Olivia strapped in the chest carrier, you help Chris get the luggage.

All the luggage was out of the car, but before you could go into the airport, Chris put on his Boston cap and a pair of dark sunglasses. You couldn’t help but laugh softly.

“What?” He looked over at you.

“You really think that fools anyone?” You asked as you grabbed the handle to your suitcase.

“I know it doesn’t but it’s all I got.” He grabbed his suitcase and locked the car.

“Well, I’ll keep my distance so no one gets suspicious.” You said jokingly, but Chris thought you were serious.

“What? No! I don’t care if people are suspicious.” He said walking over to you.

“Chris, I was only joking.” You assured him.

“Oh, good! I thought you were serious.” He blushed. 

You both went into the airport and went to check in for your flight. Once you were checked in, you and Chris found your gate and sat down. Olivia was still asleep against your chest. 

“Do you want a coffee or something to eat?” Chris asked as he placed his carryon by the chair you were sitting in.

“Coffee would be great.” You smiled at him. He nodded and went to find a coffee cart. Chris had to hold himself back from kissing you, even if all he wanted to do was give you a quick peck. He didn’t want to risk it. He didn’t want you to worry about pictures being taken and posted. 

Chris found a coffee cart and ordered. Once he had both coffees, he made his way back to you. When he got back, he found you holding an awake Olivia. She was bouncing around in your lap and gurgling. Chris handed you your coffee with a smile then sat down. You sipped on your coffee while you waited for your flight to board.

Forty-five minutes later, your flight started to board. You and Chris made it to your seats and got situated for the flight.

Once you were in the air, Olivia went to sleep. Six hours later and you landed in Boston at Logan International Airport. You let everyone else get off before you and Chris even attempted to get up from your seats. Chris helped you get Olivia strapped into the carrier then you grabbed your carryon. You both exited the plane and made your way to baggage claim.

Chris grabbed the the luggage and Olivia’s car seat as it went by. You checked to make sure you had everything then you followed Chris out of the airport. 

“My brother is picking us up.” Chris smiled at you. 

“Oh, I can’t wait to meet him.” You said to him. 

Once you both exited the doors of the airport, you heard Chris’s name being called. You both looked over to see his brother waving and yelling. You couldn’t help but laugh. You followed Chris over to the car. 

Chris embraced the younger man in a hug then he turned to look at you. 

“Scott, this is my girlfriend Y/N and her daughter Olivia.” Chris said proudly. 

“Nice to meet you! I’m Scott!” He reached out and shook your hand. “Well, lets get going. Everyone is really excited to meet you.” Scott said. 

You anxiety seemed to spike at that comment. Chris noticed the slightest change in your facial expression as he helped Scott load the luggage. Chris walked over and placed his hands on your shoulders.

“Hey, it’s going to be ok. There is lots of space at the house and even a small guest house, so if you and Olivia need to sneak away you can.” Chris said reassuringly. “I’ll be with you every second if you need me to be.” He smiled. 

You let out a breath and nodded. Once the car seat was put into the car, you all loaded up. Chris sat up front with Scott who was driving and you sat in the back with Olivia. 

Scott pulled away from the airport and headed for the house. Thirty minutes later, you were pulling up to a beautiful house in the Sudbury, Massachusetts. Scott parked and turned the car off. As soon as you opened the car door, the front door of the house was opening and several children came running out followed by adults.

The children immediately ran to hug Chris. He bent down and wrapped his arms around them all. The sight warmed your heart because you know just how much this man loves his family. 

You fully got out of the vehicle and began to unbuckle Olivia. She was once again sleeping, so you were being careful not to wake her. Once you had her out and against your chest, you turned around and were met with lots of eyes on you. You smiled at everyone as you held Olivia. 

Chris noticed Olivia was sleeping. “Everyone this is Y/N and Olivia.” He said quietly. “Olivia seems to be warn out from our trip here.” He chuckled. 

Chris reached over and took Olivia, so you could meet everyone. 

“Hi, I’m Lisa, Chris’s mom.” Lisa introduced herself then pulled you into a hug. You hugged her back and it was actually calming.  “This is Shana and Carly, Chris’s sisters.” She pulled away and introduced them. They both hugged you as well. 

“It’s nice to finally meet y’all! I’ve heard lots of good things.” You smiled. 

“Well, we are really glad to meet you as well hun.” Lisa smiled. “Do you mind?” Lisa asked gesturing to Olivia. 

“No, not at all.” You said. Lisa walked over and took Olivia from Chris, who pouted slightly. 

“Now, you boys bring all the luggage in.” Lisa said as she turned to walk inside the house. You laughed softly and followed Carly and Shana. 

You all went into the living room and sat down. “Y/N, she is a beautiful little girl.” Lisa complimented as her grandchildren gathered around her to look at the unfamiliar baby.

“Thank you!” You smiled. 

“So, I hope you don’t mind, but Chris explained the full story to me about how Olivia became yours.” Lisa looked at you. 

“Oh yes ma’am, it is totally fine. He asked if he could tell you.” You explained. “It was actually just recently that I allowed myself to see her as my daughter and not my niece.” 

You, Lisa, Carly, and Shana continued to talk as Scott and Chris toted the luggage to Chris’s old bedroom.

Chris joined you all a few moments later. He sat down beside his mom and admired Olivia’s sleeping form. 

“She is quite the sleeper, isn’t she ma?” Chris laughed softly. 

“I’d have to say so, the kids have been romping around and she hasn’t budged.” She agreed. 

“Man, I wish mine were like that.” Shana laughed. 

“Yeah, I got pretty lucky in that department.” You said. “We’ve only had a handful of nights that were tough.” You admitted to them. 

After a few more minutes of talking, Olivia began to wake up. Lisa cooed at her as she stretched. Once she saw Chris from the corner of her eye, she reached for him. Lisa handed her over to him and she began to coo at him. 

“Is she forming any words yet?” Lisa questioned as she watched Chris with Olivia. 

“Yes, we’ve been working on mama mostly and banana.” You said with a laugh. “Banana is mainly ‘nana’ and mama is almost there.” 

Everyone sat around for a while before it was time to start on dinner. Lisa made her way to the kitchen followed by Carly and Shana. You moved over by Chris and Olivia. Scott and Chris continued to talk while you made faces at Olivia. 

“Chris, mom wants you.” Carly stuck her head out from the kitchen. 

Chris handed Olivia to you then went into the kitchen. You sat down on the floor so Olivia could crawl around. 

Chris walked into the kitchen only to be met with three women staring at him. He raised his eyebrow in question to all of them. 

“Chris that girl is literally perfect!” Shana said in a hushed tone. 

“Agreed!” said Carly. “You need to pop the question already.” Carly added. 

“Girls.” Lisa looked at them. “That is not what I wanted to talk to you about.” She told Chris. “I just wanted to say that, I really like her. She is very kind, she loves kids and doing a lot on her own. She is also beautiful.” Lisa smiled at him as she continued to cook at the stove. “You have a good one, Chris, don’t let her slip away.”


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow​  @mybabyboytony@criticalminds​ @wanessalopeaqueiros @ashwarren32​ @ineedhelpmovingtobostontoteach  @natalia-romanovas-world​  @fangirlfree​ @stella-swiftx  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95​  @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen​ @wehrghyhggg @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@pengtingcalledmadison14@evanshoney @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3 @gypsyxdreamer @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood@sunflowersforstyles@capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading@sxeIamind@hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu @traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh
