#chris evans fanfic


Type: Mini-series 

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Warnings: Swearing 


Y/N Y/L/N was a simple girl who lived a not so extraordinary life.  She was not a well-known journalist who wrote famous articles.  She made the front page only once.   She didn’t have any family, never got married or had children.  But, she meant the world to someone.  Once.

“See you tomorrow!” Y/N called as Bill left the diner.  He had been coming there for his lunch break every day for the past five years. Regulars were Y/N’s favorite customers. It was always nice to see friends come in.  Y/N cleaned the table and took the dishes to the back before heading back out to the other customers.

“Hey, doll!”

Y/N turned and rolled her eyes, “Bucky Barnes, you know not to call me that!”

Bucky just chuckled and gave Y/N a peck on the cheek.  “How are you, Y/N?”

“I’m doing good, and you?”

“Great! Sent in my application for the army today, so hoping I’ll hear from them soon.”

Y/N nodded as he spoke, doing your best to hide her fear.  Y/N was proud of Bucky, of course, but that did not stop her from fearing for her friend’s safety.  

“Hey, do you have any plans tonight?”

Y/N stopped cleaning and looked at Bucky placing a hand on her hip.  “We’ve been down this road, I’m not- “

“No no! Not asking you out for me!”


“I’m going to a party tonight and my friend needs a date.  He’d be perfect for you!” Bucky exclaimed.  

Y/N rolled her eyes, “We’ve been down this road as well.  I said no more blind dates!”

“Oh, come on Y/N! This is the last one I swear! He’s my best friend! Do you think I’d be best friends with a jerk?”

“You are a jerk,” Y/N muttered, making Bucky chuckled.  

“Well, he’s not. He’s one of those humble, shy guys. You’ll like him, I promise!”

“I haven’t said yes yet!”

“Party is at 7! We’ll pick you up at 6:45!”

“At least tell me his name!”

“It’s Steve!” Bucky called as he left the diner.

Y/N let out a sigh in frustration, praying she wouldn’t regret this.  

Y/N checked her makeup in the mirror one last time, admiring her light blue dress and black heels. Before she could do anything, else there was a knock at the door.  

Bucky whistled when Y/N opened the door and she rolled you rolled your eyes.  Beside him stood a man you had never met before.  He was barely an inch taller than Y/N, skinny, with blond hair and blue eyes.  Then there was Bucky’s date, a pretty brunette with her arm linked with his.  

“Hey, sweetheart!”

“I told you to stop with the pet names!” Y/N chuckled making Bucky smile.  She turned to the other man, “You must be Steve, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Y/N” The two shook hands.  

“If you two don’t kiss by the end of the night I’ll be disappointed!”

“And if you don’t kiss Sally by the end of the night she’ll be disappointed!” Steve shot back making Sally blush.  

“Let’s just go,” Y/N chuckled.  The boys nodded in agreement and the group headed off.

The party was at a friend’s house not too far away, which you were thankful for since Y/N was walking in heels.   Bucky walked with his date in front of you and Steve, Y/N could hear her giggle as Bucky told a joke.  

“So, how long have you known Bucky?”

“Since we were kids, been best friends all our lives,” Steve answered.  “What about you? How did you two meet?”

“He spilled coffee on me at the diner” Y/N quietly laughed at the memory.

“Oh yeah! He mentioned you worked at Joe’s.  How long have you been a waitress?”

“Five years now.”

“Do you like it?” Steve asked.

“It pays the bills, but I certainly don’t wanna work there for the rest of my life.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I want to be a journalist, but you know how hard it can be for a woman to get anywhere in life.” Y/N muttered.

“What would you want to write about?”

“Anything, honestly. Anything that allows me to travel. What about you? What do you want to do?”

“I want to join the army,” Steve answered.  

“That’s an admirable thing, have you applied?”

“I have but, I was turned down for… reasons.”

Y/N nodded, deciding it was better not to push the subject.  They arrived at the party before Steve and Y/N could continue the conversation.

Music played loudly, people drank, and couples danced.  Y/N had lost Bucky and his date in the crowd and Steve had seemed to disappear.  She leaned against the wall and watched the people around her.  Y/N was perfectly content to people watch until someone decided to disturb her.

“Hey there sweetheart”

“I’m not your sweetheart” Y/N muttered to the drunk stranger, but he didn’t seem to hear her.

“Wanna dance?” He placed a hand on her hip that Y/N quickly pushed away.  

“No thanks,” She moved to walk away but he grabbed her wrist.

“Oh, come on doll, I promise to show you a real good time” he whispered in her ear making her cringe.

“I said, no!” Y/N tried to shove him off, but he wouldn’t budge.  Suddenly, the man was pulled off her and Steve was standing between the two of you.

“I believe she said no.”

“Mind your own business!” The man growled.  

“Leave her alone!” Steve demanded sizing the man up or at least trying to.  He was a good foot taller than Steve.  

“Steve, can you walk me home? Please?” Y/N whispered in his ear, trying to stop this from becoming a fight.  

Steve glanced at the man one last time before nodding and leading Y/N outside.  

“Thank you, for saving me,” Y/N said quietly as the two walked down the sidewalk.

“Wouldn’t have to save you if I hadn’t disappeared, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not! I was just so nervous and was afraid of screwing this date up that it took a ten-minute pep talk from Bucky to get me to find you.”

Y/N slightly smiled at his words.  “Well,” you looped your arm through his as you spoke.  “I’m glad my hero decided to come to the rescue.”  She could see a small blush appear on his cheeks at your words.

“Seems I messed up the date anyways, barely got to know you.”

“I wouldn’t mind a second try.”

Steve looked at Y/N surprised.  “You mean, you’d like to go on another date with me?”

“If you’re asking, then yes” She giggled.  Steve’s face broke out into wide grin.  

“I’d like that very much Y/N” He answered as you two stopped.  Y/N now stood in front of her front door.  “Would Tuesday work?”

“Tuesday’s perfect” Y/N stepped closer and gave Steve a peck on the cheek.  “Goodnight hero.”

Steve stood outside Y/N’s door a for a few moments after she had already gone inside. “Goodnight,” he whispered, touching the place where her lips had just been.  

Y/N looked up from the register at the sound of the door opening and smiled.  

“Hey cookie,” Steve walked over and pecked her on the lips.

“Told you not to call me that!” Y/N giggled. Steve rolled his eyes.

“Right. So, how’s your day going?”

“Alright, tips are low today, but Billy said his wife is pregnant!”

“Make sure to give them my congratulations”

“I will,” Y/N assured. “So, what did I do to earn this unexpected visit?”

“Can’t a man visit his girl while she’s at work?” Steve walked around the counter and wrapped his arm around her waist.  

“He sure can,” Y/N smiled up at him as his nose brushed hers.  Thank God Joe had gone on an errand!

“Hey, love birds!” The couple groaned and stepped away from each other making Bucky chuckle.  

“Now, this was an unexpected visit I could do without.”

“Oh hush! You love me!”

Y/N just smiled and shook her head.  

“Hey! we should go dancing tonight!”

“Bucky, you always wanna go out!” Steve chuckled.

“Yeah, but you two never come! Come on! It’ll be fun!”

“I’d be up for some dancing.”

Steve looked at Y/N a little surprised.  “Seriously?”

“Yeah! Come on! Bucky’s right, we haven’t gone dancing in ages” Y/N pleaded.  

Steve sighed in defeat, “Fine.”

Y/N let out a squeal and hugged Steve who laughed.  

Y/N was putting on her lipstick when there was a knock at the door. She slipped on her shoes and walked over.

“Right on time!” She exclaimed opening the door.  Steve’s smile widened at the sight of his girl.  Y/N was wearing a red dress, which was Steve’s favorite, that she had worn on their first date.  Well, it had really been their second date but since the first one didn’t go so well they considered the second one to be their do-over.  

“You beautiful,” Steve whispered kissing her cheek.  Y/N linked her arm with Steve’s as he waved a cab over.  

“You made it!” Bucky exclaimed waving his two friends over.  He hugged Steve and kissed Y/N on the cheek.   She ordered some drinks and started up a conversation with Bucky’s date while Steve talked with the guys.  

“Oh, I love this song!” Karen, Bucky’s date, exclaimed.  Bucky held out his hand and they made their way towards the dance floor.

Steve smiled at Y/N and raised his eyebrow. “May I have this dance?” He asked dramatically making her giggle.

“You may,” Y/N did a little curtsy and took Steve’s hand.  The two spun around on the dance floor.  Laughing and joking as they tripped and stepped on each other’s twos once or twice.  

The band started to play a slow song and Steve pulled his date close.  Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, enjoying the smell of his cologne. Steve kissed Y/N’s forehead and rested his chin on the top of her head.

“Can I ask you something?” He whispered.


“Why don’t you like pet names? Like Baby or sweetheart.”

“I just don’t like them. They sound so fake to me you know? Those are things guys call out to girls to their attention.  Doesn’t sound very endearing to me.” Y/N explained. Steve hummed in response.  

“What about darling?”

She looked up at Steve in confusion.  “What?”

“Can I call you darling?” He asked.  “Don’t hear guys shouting that one too often.”

Y/N smiled, “Darling… I like it!”

Steve chuckled and kissed her nose.  “My darling.”

Y/N checked herself in the mirror for the hundredth time, making sure everything was okay with her appearance.  “Well, either I leave now or risk being late,” She muttered to herself.  Y/N grabbed her bag and headed outside, looking for a taxi.  

“You’re late,” Joe stated as Y/N entered the diner.  She hung up her hat and coat.

“I’m sorry, I had an… appointment that went longer than I expected.” Y/N apologized as she tied on her apron.  Joe leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, giving her a knowing look.


“So, what?”

“How did the interview go!”

“How did you- “

“I’ve known you for five years, did you honestly think I wouldn’t figure it out?” He chuckled.  

Y/N smiled and shook her head.  “Well… I got the job!”

Joe let out a shout of joy and hugged her.  “That’s amazing! Wait till I tell Hellen! Your dad would have been so proud!”

Joe and Y/N’s father had been old war buddies before her father died a few years ago.  He had worked as a journalist after leaving the army and after growing up hearing her father’s stories and travels Y/N were eager to follow in his footsteps.

“Have you told Steve?”

“Not yet, I never even mentioned the interview because I didn’t want to get his hopes up” Y/N explained. “Not to mention if I get assigned closer to the war, I know he’ll worry out of his mind!”

“Would the New York Times send a woman so close to danger?”

“They like what I write, and the boss says I’ve got the ambition and smarts to survive out there. Besides, you know how I am, I like to be where the action is.”

Jo chuckled at Y/N’s words. “Just like your father…” He muttered. “You should tell Steve soon though, with the way he’s been talking, he may be asking a pretty important question soon.”

Y/N bit her lip and could feel herself begin to blush.  The two had talked about getting married of course, and maybe even the possibility of kids being in their future.  But Steve still wanted to join the army and, so it seemed he would not propose till the war ended.  At least, that’s how it seemed to Y/N.

“I’ll tell him tonight. We’re going to the Stark Expo with Bucky and then dancing later.  It’s his last night before getting shipped off so we wanted to make it special.” Y/N answered.  Bucky had gotten his papers a few days ago.  She had of course been happy for Bucky, but could not the fear that filled her chest every time she thought of Bucky out on the front.  

“Ah! There she is!” Bucky exclaimed as Y/N approached.  “Fashionably late as always!”

Y/N laughed, “Sorry, had to help Joe with the cleaning tonight.”  

Steve smiled and pecked you on the lips.  “Glad you could make it, darling.”

“Me too,” Y/N gave Karen a hug and Bucky a kiss on the cheek.  “Look who’s looking smart in his uniform!”

Bucky stood up straight and did a salute making the girls giggle.  “Now come on! Or we’ll miss the show!”

Y/N took Steve’s hand in hers as they started to head towards the stage.  “I have some news to tell you later.”

Steve glanced at her and raised an eyebrow, but Y/N just smiled.

The group walked around looking at the different displays before making their way towards the stage as the music began to play.  Steve offered Y/N a peanut which she gladly took.  The crowd clapped as Howard Stark walked onto the stage, kissing one of his showgirls before taking the mic from her.  

“Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won’t even half to touch the ground, at all?”

The showgirls removed the tires from the car that sat on stage.

“With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology, you’ll be able to do just that.”  Stark turned on a knob on the small panel before him and pushed a lever up.  

“Holy cow,” Bucky whispered at the sight of the car rising into the air.  There was a spark and a loud bang as the car came crashing down onto the stage.  

“I did say a few years didn’t eye?” Stark commented making the crowd chuckle as they clapped.  

“Hey, Steve, what do you say we treat our girls to- “but Bucky stopped when saw Steve was no longer there.  Y/N sighed, already knowing where he had run off too.

“Why does he keep doing this?” Karen muttered.  Her and Y/N stood by a street light watching Steve and Bucky argue outside the office where you could apply to join the army.  

“Because he’s a hero” Y/N groaned shaking her head.    She admired Steve’s integrity and perseverance to join the war.  He had all the right reasons too.  But it didn’t prevent her heart from stopping every time Steve mentioned he had applied or the sleepless nights she had spent worrying about him.  

Bucky turned to walk away, and Y/N heard Steve shout something about not winning the war. Bucky turned back to Steve, gave him a salute and walked back to the girls.  

“He’s doing it again,” Y/N stated.  Bucky nodded.

“Do you wanna come dancing with us?”

“No, it’s alright, I’ll wait for him.”

“We can wait with you if you want,” Karen offered.  Y/N smiled and shook her head.

“You two go have fun, make sure to show Bucky a good time!”

Bucky smiled and hugged Y/N.  He kissed her cheek before pulling away.  “You take care of him for me.”

“And you come home in one piece!” Y/N responded squeezing his hand.  She hugged Karen and then watched as Karen and Bucky walked off.  

Y/N walked over to a bench outside the building and sat down.  It was going to be a long night.  


She looked up to see Steve jogging over.

“What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you” She stated standing up.  “So?”

“I got accepted!” Steve exclaimed.  The smile on his face crushed her heart.  

Y/N forced a smile, “That’s amazing! When did you get shipped out?”

“Three days!” Steve was still grinning.  He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her.   “Hey, didn’t you say you had some news too?”

Y/N cleared her throat and nodded, taking a small step back from Steve.  “I, um, I applied for a job at the Times. Had the interview today, and I was hired as a journalist.”

“Y/N that’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell me you were applying?”

“I didn’t want you to get your hopes up,” Y/N laughed.  

Steve kissed her again, barely able to contain his excitement.  It took every bit of strength Y/N to not cry then and there.

Y/N turned off the lamp at her desk and grabbed her coat.  It had been a long second day at the office and she just wanted to go home and sleep.  But she couldn’t.  Her Steve was leaving tomorrow to fight the war and there was nothing she could do to stop him.  

“Hey, Darling!” Steve pulled Y/N close and kissed her.  They stood in her doorway for a moment enjoying each other’s embrace.  

“So, what does my brave soldier want to do for his last night?” Y/N asked adjusting the color on Steve’s uniform.  She had to admit, he did look handsome. 

“Oh, I have a few ideas.”

Y/N let out a squeal as Steve grabbed her hand and took off running.

“Hey, you two!” Joe called out as they entered the diner.  

“Hey, Joe!” Steve responded as he and Y/N sat across from each other in their usual booth.


“Our favorite place” Steve smiled as he spoke.  Y/N could not help but smile back.  This was Steve’s night, so she was up for whatever Steve wanted.  

They ordered their favorite meals.  Talked about the silly pigeon man who was always outside the supermarket.  Y/N talked about her work day and the story she was working on.  It was just how it had been every evening they had eaten dinner together.

“So where to next?” Y/N asked as they stepped out into the cool night air.  

“You’ll like this one,” Steve smirked.  He took Y/N’s hand in his once again and they walked off.

“Dancing? But you hate it!”

“But you don’t,” Steve answered.  The two headed inside the building and hung up their coats.  “You wore the red one.”

“It is your favorite,” Y/N commented, doing a little twirl in her dress.  They walked onto the dance floor and Steve spun her around and around. Y/N couldn’t remember the last time they had had this much fun.  

They danced for hours, through every song, till they were the only couple left on the floor.  

Steve had his arms around her waist.  Y/N had her hands pressed against his cheeks as their foreheads touched.  She wished this moment could last forever.  Just a for a moment, there was no war to fight, nothing to be afraid.  They were just two people in love, enjoying each other’s company.

“We should leave,” Steve finally spoke, breaking the trance.  

Y/N nodded.

 They walked in silence. No words in the English language seemed right to describe what they were feeling in this moment, how they felt for each other.  Which is the cheesiest thing in the world, but love is even cheesier.  

They arrived at Y/N’s front door and they stood there staring at each other, knowing this would be the last goodbye said for a long time.  And maybe, a small chance though it may be, this goodbye could last forever.


Y/N let out a sob and jumped into Steve’s arms, kissing him as hard as she could.  Pouring every unsaid thing into him.  Steve held on as tight as he could.  

“I have something for you,” Steve whispered, forcing himself to pull away.  He reached into his pocket and brought out a small black box. Once opened, it revealed a gold ring, with a small diamond on it.  “I know it’s not much to look at, and I told myself I’d do this after the war, but I”

“Are… Are you asking me…” Y/N couldn’t even finish her question.  Steve smiled down at her and nodded.  Y/N let out a giggle.  “You have to do it properly! Or I won’t answer!”


“Get down on one knee!” Y/N laughed. Steve rolled his eyes but did as she asked.

“Y/N, my darling, would you marry me?”

“Yes!” Y/N laughed through the tears.  Steve got up and slipped the ring onto Y/N’s finger before pulling her in for another kiss.

“When I get back, we’re going to have the best wedding.  And Bucky will give the worst best man speech, we can dance all you want, and hell, I wear whatever tux you want no matter how uncomfortable it is.”

Y/N tried to laugh but all that came out was another sob as the tears once again welled up in her eyes. Steve held her in his arms trying to soothe her.

“I’ll come,” He breathed against her hair.  “I swear it.”

“Stay,” Y/N whispered against his chest, tears now rolling down her cheeks.

“Y/N… I can’t- “

“I don’t mean don’t go tomorrow, I mean just stay for tonight.”

Steve bit his lip and closed his eyes.  He let out a sigh and nodded.  Y/N opened her door and the two walked inside.  

Y/N woke the next morning to find herself alone.  She looked over to the right side of the bed to find a piece of paper where Steve’s head once laid.  She picked it up and unfolded it.

I’ll come home to you, my darling, I always will.

All my love,


Y/N put all her energy into her work.  Taking every story, she could find.  Anything to keep her distracted was very much appreciated.  Y/N, of course, received many letters from Steve.  Talking about his training and one even contained a humorous story about him pushing down a flagpole.  Of course, he could not give any details about where he was or the specifics of his training, but Y/N loved each letter all the same.  She did her best to write about happy things like work, Bill’s newborn son, Joe’s.  It was comforting to know he was not yet in the line of danger.  But she knew that time would come.  

“Y/N! Boss wants to see you!”

“Thanks, Clark!” Y/N called back, getting up from her desk.  She took a deep breath and smoothed out her skirt before making her way to the office door.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Y/N asked poking her head into the office.

“Miss Y/L/N! Yes, come in. Have a seat.” The large man motioned to the chair in front of his desk.  Y/N quickly sat down.  

Nervous was an understatement for how she felt.  Being unexpectedly called into the boss’ office could never be good.

“I’ve been looking over your work, and this is good stuff.  You have a good eye for details and you’re not afraid to be blunt.”

“Hard truth is always better than a pretty lie is what my dad always said,” Y/N let out a nervous laugh.

“Glad to hear you say that, because I have a job for you, and I don’t want someone who will hold back!” He exclaimed.  “A friend of mine, who’s a scientist that works with the army, has given me permission to send in one journalist to observe his new experiment tomorrow. Apparently, he has created a serum that will give a man incredible strength, making him a super soldier essentially.”

Y/N nodded, “And you want me to be the journalist you send?”

“If you’re up for it. You’re good at getting answers, which is damn near impossible to do with those army people.  Got all their secrets under lock and key they do.” He grumbled.

“I have question sir, why did you pick me?”

“Because you’re new, untested waters.  I don’t know how you are under pressure, how you deal with a hard story.  The stuff you’ve been turning in is great, but I need someone who can go deeper.  Who isn’t afraid to break a rule or two.”

“And you think that someone could be me?” Y/N asked, sounding a bit surprised.

He smiled. “Well, we won’t know unless you try, now will we?”

Y/N bit her lip, pondering the situation laid out before her.  “I’ll do it!”

“Excellent! My friend’s name is Dr. Abraham Erskine.  I’ll have my secretary send you the details you’ll need for tomorrow.  You’re going to do great Miss Y/L/N, I can feel it in my bones!”

Y/N only wished she had the same feeling in her bones.  Instead, she felt like she might vomit.  

Y/N woke up early and put on her best suit, did her hair, and makeup.  She wanted to look professional.  Like she knew what she was doing.  Which she did! To an extent…

Y/N called a cab and gave the driver the address she had been given.  Not long after the cabs stopped in front of a small shop called Brooklyn Antiques.  She paid the driver and made her way to the shop.  A small woman, who stood behind the counter, smiled at her.  

“Wonderful weather this morning, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but I always carry an umbrella” Y/N answered, making sure to say it exactly as she had been told to.

The old woman reached under the counter and pressed a button.  Y/N walked through the curtain into another room.  Where there was a large old bookshelf.  A few seconds later, the bookshelf swung open revealing a hallway that resembled a military hospital.  Y/N showed her ID to the soldier at the door who then led her into a small room that overlooked the laboratory.  She couldn’t help but notice that she was the only woman in the room.

Everyone began to quiet down as the doors opened and a woman and soldier, who was presumably the one who would undergo the experiment, entered the lab below him.  Y/N felt a breath get caught in her throat.  She would recognize that man anywhere.  She walked in shock as Steve removed his hat, shirt, and tie before climbing into what looked like a large metal casket.  

“Jesus.  Somebody get that kid a sandwich!” Y/N heard one of the men comment.

The woman who had entered with Steve walked into the booth.  Upon seeing Y/N she walked straight towards her.

“Are you Miss Y/N Y/L/N?”

“I am. I’m here representing the Times.”

The woman smiled, “I’m Agent Carter, Steve talked about you the whole drive here.  Even showed me a picture, which is how I recognized you.  You’ve got a good man.”

“Yes, I do,” Y/N whispered looking down at her fiancé.  

“Can you hear me? Is this on?” The Doctor spoke into the microphone.  Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention towards him. “Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path of peace.  

Y/N watched as they strapped Steve down and a nurse gave him a shot.

“Serum infusion beginning in, five, four, three, two, one!” The doctor ordered.  A lever was pulled by one of the assistance and the blue liquid hooked up to the machine Steve was in was shot into his arms.  

Stark pulled another lever and the thing Steve was in raised itself till he was in a standing up position.  The metal coffin closed.  

“Steve? Can you hear me?” Dr. Erskine asked tapping on the small window.

“It’s probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?”

Y/N couldn’t help but slightly smile at Steve’s humor.  

Stark turned a dial and put on some glasses before slowly turning a small black wheel.  “Ten percent! Twenty percent…Thirty!”

The light shining through the small window grew brighter and brighter.  Y/N held up her hand, trying to shield her eyes from its harshness.

“Vital signs are normal!”

“Fifty percent! Sixty… seventy!”

Steve began to yell out as if he were in pain.   Y/N sat forward, barely able to breathe.  Agent Carter rushed out of the room.

“Steven! Steven!” Dr. Erskine shouted banging on the container.

“Shut it down!” Agent Carter ordered, now in the laboratory. “Shut it down!”

“Kill it Mr. Stark! Shut it down!”

“No!” Steve shouted making everyone freeze.  “Don’t! I can do this!”

The Doctor nodded to Stark who started to turn the wheel again.  Upon reaching one hundred percent, sparks began to fly from the machines and the light suddenly died out.  

Everyone climbed to their feet as the container opened.  But Y/N’s fiancé was not inside.  In his place was a man who was about six feet tall, with muscles as large as Y/N’s head!

She couldn’t wait any longer.  Y/N rushed out of the booth and made her way into the lab below.  “Steve!” She exclaimed now standing in front of him.

“Y/N…” Steve fell into her arms, nearly crushing her.  He would have if Dr. Erskine and Stark hadn’t pulled him back up.  “What are you…”

“Never mind that! How do you feel?”

“Taller…” Steve muttered, looking around as if he were in a daze.  A nurse handed Y/N a shirt that she passed to Steve.  Once he was he got the shirt on and could stand on his own, Steve turned back to Y/N.

“What are you doing here?”

“Reporting for the Times!” Y/N exclaimed. “Also, what the hell!” Y/N punched Steve’s arm which hurt her more than it probably hurt him.  “Since when did you decide to go and do a dangerous experiment?”

“Y/N I- “

“I’m your fiancé! Soon to be wife! You don’t keep things like that from me!”

Steve just shook his head and smiled before kissing her.  


“Colonel Philips,” Steve answered turning to his boss.  “May I introduce my fiancé, Y/N.”

“Nice to finally put a face to the girl Rogers won’t shut up about,”

“Did you tell everyone about me?” Y/N laughed shaking the Colonel’s hand.  

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the booth.  Steve shielded Y/N from the glass as they all crouched down.

“Stop him!” Dr. Erskine shouted.  He was pointing at a man who had grabbed one of the vials contained the serum.  He raised his gun and fired, hitting the doctor, before turning to run.  Steve and Y/N rushed to the Doctor’s side.

The bullets had penetrated his chest.  He could not speak.  Dr. Erskine tapped Steve’s chest before taking his last breath.

Steve took off after the gunman with a look that scared Y/N.  She said a quick prayer for the gunman’s soul.

Y/N paced outside the building waiting for Steve. He was getting tests run, or at least that was all anyone was willing to tell her.  At the sound of a door opening Y/N stopped and turned.  She rushed over and hugged Steve.

“It’s weird hugging such a tall guy,” She whispered making him laugh.

“God, I missed you” He pulled back just enough so he could kiss her.  Once the need for air became too great to ignore, they pulled away from each other.

“So? What happens now?” Y/N asked holding his hands.  They were so much bigger than her own!

“Well, the senator gave me job.”

“You’re not going with the Colonel?”

“No, says I’m not enough,” Steve muttered.

“Hey,” Y/N put her hands on his cheeks.  Was it just her or did his jawbone somehow become even sexier? “Don’t listen to that asshole.”

Steve smiled, “You have no clue how much I missed you, darling.”

Y/N let out a squeal as Steve picked her up and spun her around.  “Bigger you is going to take some getting used to!”

Steve laughed as he set her back on the ground.

“So, what’s the job?”


Part 2

Tagging List:

@patzammit@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@lara-ludbey@httpmcrvel@supernaturaldean67@courtneychicken @ek823

Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing


Jo’s hand began to shake as she reached for her coffee.  She quickly withdrew her hand, spotting the waitress who was glancing at her.

“You alright hun?”

“Yeah, just waiting for it to cool down.” Jo smiled at the woman.  The waitress nodded and walked on.  

“Says the girl who likes her coffee so hot I’m pretty sure it could be considered lava” Phil mumbled as he sat down across from Jo.  “How’s rehab going?”

“As good as to be expected,” Jo held up her hand that was still slightly shaking.  “Tony’s mentioned some experiments he could do to repair the nerves, but I turned him down.”

“You still wear the gloves.”

“The scars are a bit more than most people’s stomachs can handle.”

“I still don’t understand,” Phil shook his head as he spoke.  “Why’d you, do it?”

Jo sighed, “I’ve talked about this.”

“Yes, yes, you wanted to make it bleed! But you kept hitting even after you knew it wouldn’t.”

“I couldn’t make it bleed, so I made me bleed,” Jo stated, looking out the window of the diner. “How do you like being the director?”

“It sucks!” Coulson spat. “Kind of wish I was an agent again.”

Jo shook her head and smiled.  “But we all know you’re the best man for the job.”

“So, where’s your dad?” Phil asked ignoring Jo’s comment.

“On a mission.”

“And you’re not there because…?”

“He doesn’t think I’m ready,” Jo growled, recalling her argument with Steve.

“It’s been a year! Doesn’t he know about the solo missions you’ve been on?”

“Of course not! He’d flip! Honestly, the man looks at like a broken child.  Makes me miss the days of being alone.”

Phil nodded in understanding.  “You always have a place at Shield, if you want it.”

“That’d be going from one team to another,” Jo shook her head.  

“Are you actually considering leaving?”

Jo did not have an answer. To be honest she had thought about it, but knew Steve would scour the Earth for her if she did.  

“Jo? What’s going on inside that head of yours?” Phil asked gently.  He reached across the table and took her trembling hands in his.  

“I miss him,” She croaked. It hurt to say it, but it was true. Everywhere she looked was another reminder of the love she had lost.   And time didn’t seem to be healing anything.

Before Phil could respond, everyone’s attention turned towards the small television as the waitress raised the volume.  A news reporter was talking about an explosion at a hospital in Lagos.  The explosion, she was saying, was caused by the Avengers.

“I gotta go!” both Phil and Jo whispered before rushing out of the diner.

Jo jumped onto her bike and its engine roared to life.  She sped off towards the Avengers facility.  

“Friday! Where’s Steve?” Jo shouted upon entering the compound.

Captain Rogers is with Miss Maximoff.  But Mr. Stark has called a team meeting in the conference room.”


You’re welcome Supreme Leader Jo.”

Jo smirked at the title. She had figured out how to change her name in Friday’s system within the first week of living at the compound. Although she had received a disapproving look from Steve, it had made Tony laugh.

“Ah! Agent Carter, Glad you could join us!”

“Mr. Secretary,” Jo muttered sitting down beside Sam who smiled at her.  She ignored the look she was getting from Steve.

“As I was saying. About five years ago I had a heart attack and dropped right in the middle of my backswing.  Turned out it was the best round of my life because, after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I found something forty years in the army never taught me.”  The Secretary of State paused as if to add dramatic effect.  “Perspective.  The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt.  You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives.  But while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some, who would prefer the word vigilante.”

“And what word would you use Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asked.  

“How about dangerous? What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals, who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose, and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?” Mr. Secretary stepped aside as the screen behind him flickered on.  Showing footage from New York, Washington D.C., Sokovia, and Lagos.

“That’s enough,” Jo stated, noticing Wanda’s reaction.  Jo had read up on what happened before entering the meeting.  Going in unprepared was never an option for her.

Mr. Secretary nodded and turned off the footage.  “For the past four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate.  But I think we have a solution.” He turned to his assistant who handed him a large folder.  “The Sokovia Accords,” He slid the folder over to Wanda.  “Approved by one hundred and seventeen countries, it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization.  Instead, they’ll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel only when and if that panel deems it necessary. “

“The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place.  I feel we’ve done that.” Steve spoke up.  

“Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?”

Steve did not have a response for that.  

“If I misplaced a couple of thirty megaton nukes, you can bet there’d be consequences.” Mr. Secretary stated.  “Compromise. Reassurance.  That’s how the world works.  Believe me, this is the middle ground.” He pointed to the binder, that was now held by Rhodey.

“So, there are contingencies.”

“Three days from now the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the accords. Talk it over.”

“And if we come to a decision you don’t like?” Nat asked.

“Then you retire.”

Jo held back every sarcastic, smartass remark she wanted to make.  

“Secretary Ross has a congressional medal of honor, which is one more than you have!”

“And medals are what gives him the right to control us?” Jo growled.  Rhodey glanced at Jo with an annoyed look.   Steve sat in one chair looking over the accords while Tony lounged in another chair across from him.

“So let’s say we sign this thing.  How long do you think it’ll be before they low-jack us like a bunch of common criminals?”

“One hundred and seventeen countries want to sign this thing Sam, and you’re just gonna be like “No it’s cool.  We got this.””

“How long are you going to play both sides?”

“I have an equation,” Vision stated.

“Oh, this’ll clear things up,” Jo muttered.

“In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Ironman the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially.  And, during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.”

“Are you saying it’s our fault?”

“I’m saying there may be a causality.” Vision answered.  “Our very strength invited challenge.  Challenge incites conflict.  And conflict breeds catastrophe.  Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”

“Boom,” Rhodey stated looking at Sam who rolled his eyes.

“Tony,” Nat spoke up. “You’re being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal.”

“It’s because he’s already made up his mind,” Steve stated.

“Boy, you know me so well,” Tony grunted standing up and walking to the kitchen sink.  “Actually, I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache. That’s what’s going on Cap, it’s just pain.  It’s discomfort.  Who’s putting coffee grounds in the garbage disposal? Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?” Tony placed his phone on the counter and tapped the screen. An image of a young man sprang up.
“Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way. He’s a great kid.  Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor level gig at Intel planned for the fall.  But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk.  See the world.  Maybe be of service.  Charlie didn’t wanna go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do.  He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun.  He decided to spend his summer, building sustainable housing for the poor.  Guess where.  Sokovia.”

No one spoke. There was nothing to say.

“He wanted to make a difference, I suppose.  I mean, we won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass. There’s no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check!” Tony shouted.  “Whatever form that takes, I’m game.  If we can’t accept limitations, if we’re boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.”

“Tony, if someone dies on your watch you don’t give up,” Steve spoke up.

“Who says we’re giving up?”

“We are if we’re not taking responsibility for our actions.  This document just shifts the blame.”

“Sorry, Steve.  That is dangerously arrogant!” Rhodey exclaimed. “This is the United Nations we’re talking about.  It’s not the World Security Council, it’s not Shield, it’s not Hydra.”

“Right.  Because the United Nations is apparently some higher overlord who we should bow down to!” Jo shouted.

“Jo- “

“No! We don’t need to be put in check, he does!” Jo pointed to Tony as she spoke.  “You started this! You built Ultron! It’s your mistakes that got us here.  Don’t take the rest of us down with you!”  Jo growled

No one knew how to respond to Jo’s outburst.  Tony just stared at her with his mouth slightly opened.  

“She has a point about the UN,” Steve finally spoke. “It’s run by people with agendas and agendas change.”

“That’s good! That’s why I’m here!’ Tony exclaimed walking over, regaining control of himself. “When I realized, what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing.”

“Tony, you chose to do that!” Steve shot back.  “If we sign this, we’re surrendering our right to choose.  What if the panel sends us somewhere we don’t think we should go? What if there’s somewhere we need to go, and they don’t let us? We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.”

“If we don’t do this now, it’s going to be done to us later,” Tony warned.  “That’s a fact.  That won’t be pretty.”

“Are you saying they’ll come for me?” Wanda asked.  

“We would protect you,” Vision answered.

“Maybe Tony’s right,” Nat said.  “If we have one hand on the wheel we can still steer.  If we take it off…”

“Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?” Sam asked in complete shock.  

Jo noticed Steve’s face fall as he realized Natasha was not on his side.  

“I’m just reading the terrain.  We have made some very public mistakes.  We need to win their trust back.”

“Focus up.  I’m sorry, did I just mishear you or did you agree with me?” Tony asked.

“Oh. I want to take it back now.”

“No, you can’t retract it!”

Jo’s phone buzzed, and she took it out of her pocket.  It was a text from Sharon.  She opened the text and felt her heart drop at what appeared on the screen.  “I have to go.” Jo didn’t wait for anyone to respond before walking away.

Jo made it to the bottom of the stairwell and leaned against the wall.  She looked at her phone, making sure she hadn’t misread the text.

“What happened?”

Jo looked up as Steve reached her side.  She shook her head.  “She’s gone,” Jo whispered handing him the phone.

Steve froze as he read the text.  For a moment, neither of them said anything.  Steve pulled Jo into a hug.   “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

Jo pulled herself away from him.  “It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

“Are you- “

“I’m fine,” Jo growled walking back up the stairs.  The last thing she wanted was someone else asking if she was okay.  

Tag List:

@topthis808@capsicle-steve-rogers@jameszbarnes@wayward-marvel-sommer1196@shadoassassin@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@supermarvel-ous@lara-ludbey@capsicletho@geeksareunique@in-winchester-we-trust@buckyappreciationsociety @ek823 

Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing



The flying city was in chaos.  Jo tore down another robot, the metal cutting through her knuckles.  The ground began to shake as a jet from above opened fire on them.  She took cover behind a statue, grunting as Jo slammed her back into the concrete.  She saw Clint a few yards away holding a small boy, standing directly in the path of the jet.  She stood, ready to rush to his aid when there was a gust of wind and suddenly, Clint was gone.  The dust settled, and everything seemed to become quiet.  

Pietro stood where Clint had been, who was now safely behind a car still holding the boy. Pietro looked at Jo and she could see the shock in his eyes.  She could feel the scream building up in her chest as she ran to him.  He hit the ground before Jo could reach him

“No”, Jo whispered dropping to her knees.  She turned Pietro over, there were too many bullet wounds to count.  Clint checked for a pulse but shook his head.  Now, the scream came belting out and the tears flowed freely.  

“Such a pity.”

Jo jumped to her feet at the sound of Ultron’s voice, turning to see one of his minions standing before her.

“Jo,” Steve warned.  But she didn’t hear him.

All she could hear, all she could feel, was her rage.  


Jo sat up gasping for air. Pietro looked over at her with a concerned expression.

“I was just coming to wake you, we’re here.  Are you alright?”

She nodded and stood, trying to shake off the effects of the dream.  But how do you forget watching the man you love die?  It couldn’t have been like the others.  There was no way this one would come true!

“See you soon” Pietro whispered kissing the top of Jo’s head before zooming off to warn city officials.

Wanda used her powers to make people evacuate.  Thor and Banner left for Ultron’s lair to find out his plans and to find Natasha. Steve and Jo worked on the streets, directing traffic and people to safety.  Iron-man began his search for Ultron.

“So, you and Pietro?” Steve shouted over the chaos.

“If we get through this, then, you can ask about my dating life!” Jo growled jumping out of the way of an oncoming car.  

Suddenly, robots began climbing out of the ground and up the bridge. One flew at Jo and she jumped up, tearing off its head.  Cap blocked a blast and took another down.  

“Run!” He shouted to the bystanders.  People began to scream and grab their children.  

The ground began to shake, and Jo and Cap stood on the edge of the bridge as it broke away from the ground. Sokovia was going for a ride.  

A robot flew straight at Cap and threw him into a car.

“Cap you got incoming!” Tony warned.

“Incoming already came in!” Jo grunted running to help.  She took out her gun and shot at the robots, drawing their attention away from the civilians.  

“Stark you worry about getting the city back down safely, the rest of us have one job,” Steve ordered. “Tear these things apart.  You get hurt, hurt them back.  You get killed, walk it off.”

“How encouraging,” Jo muttered as she tore the arm off another robot.  She used it to beat the other one to death.  

“Jo!” Steve shouted as he ran towards a car about to fall off the bridge.  He grabbed the bumper and tried to pull the woman up, but the bumper broke off and both cars fell.  Thor flew down and threw the woman up to Steve who was now hanging off the edge of the bridge.  

Jo knelt to the ground and pulled up the woman.

“You can’t save them all” a robot spoke as it landed behind Jo.  Steve threw his shield into its chest as he climbed back up.  “You’ll never- “But before he could finish Steve grabbed his shield and Jo kicked the robot off the bridge.

“You’ll never what? You didn’t finish!” Jo shouted.  Steve slightly chuckled.  They both jumped back as Thor dropped the second car beside them and landing on top of it.

“What, were you napping?” Steve asked as they headed back to the battle.  

“Father like daughter,” Thor grunted.

They continued to fight. Cap threw his shield taking down multiple robots at once.  Thor threw his hammer at a gas truck causing an explosion.  

“We’re all clear here!” Clint reported.

“We are not clear! We are very not clear!” Jo shouted.  She threw a metal pole and it went straight through a robot’s chest.  

“Alright, coming to you,” Clint responded.  

“Romanoff!” Jo shouted. She grabbed Steve’s shield and threw it, taking down the robot behind Natasha.


“Stop taking my shield!”

“Then move faster old man!” Jo chuckled before taking off.  

“The next waves gonna hit any minute.  What do you got Stark!” Steve demanded.  

“Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That’ll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear.”

“I asked for a solution, not an escape plan.”

“Impact radius is getting bigger every second.  We’re gonna have to make a choice.”

“Cap these people are going nowhere,” Nat spoke up.  “If Stark’s found a way to blow this rock- “

“Not till everyone’s safe” Steve responded.  

“Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There’s no math there.”

“I’m not leaving this rock with one civilian on it” Steve stated.  Jo knew there was no changing his mind.  

“I didn’t say we should leave.”  Jo and Steve looked at Natasha surprised.  “There are worse ways to go,” She shrugged as she spoke.  “Where else am I gonna get a view like this?”

“Glad you like the view, Romanoff.  It’s about to get better.”

The three of them looked towards the sky in shock as a helicarrier fly into their line of sight.

“Nice, right? Pulled out a couple of mothballs with a couple of old friends.  She’s dusty, but she’ll do.” Nick Fury spoke.  

“Fury, you son of a bitch.”

“Woah! Steve! Teach your daughter some manners!”

“I’ve tried, but you know how she can get” Steve chuckled.  

Pietro zoomed over to them as they watched the lifeboats fly towards the city.

“This is Shield?”

“This what’s Shield supposed to be” Steve answered.  

“This is not so bad,” Pietro smiled at Jo as he spoke.  She couldn’t help but smile back.  They were saved! The chances of her dream coming dream seemed to become smaller with every passing second.  They might actually have a chance at winning this thing.  

“Let’s load them up,” Steve ordered.  They got to work.  

Jo worked tirelessly, running back and forth between groups of people and the lifeboats.  Shouting orders and helping people along.  Pietro helped speed things along by carrying people onto the boats.

“We’re running out of time! They’re coming for the core!” Thor reported.

“Avengers, time to work for a living!” Tony ordered.

Pietro grabbed Jo and rushed them to the church.  They arrived just as Clint and Wanda did.

“You good?”

“Yes,” Wanda nodded as she spoke.  Cap and Tony entered.

“Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini,” Tony warned in a teasing tone.

“Relax shell head, not all of us could fly.” The truck skidded to a stop and Nat jumped out. “What’s the drill?”

“This is the drill,” Tony answered pointing to the metal cylinder sticking out of the ground.  “Ultron gets a hand on the core we lose.”

Hulk landed on two robots and entered the church.  They all turned at the sight of Ultron flying before them.

“Is that the best you can do!” Thor shouted.

Ultron glanced at him and raised his hand.  An army of robots came running up behind him.

“You had to ask,” Steve muttered.

“Now, you sound like a dad.” Steve glanced back at Jo who smirked.

“This is the best I can do” Ultron spoke.  “This is exactly what I wanted.  All of you against all of me.  How can you possibly hope to stop me?”

“Well, like the old man said, together,” Tony answered glancing at Steve.  

Hulk let out a roar as the army came charging towards them.  Jo stood her ground between Natasha and Clint.  Adrenalin pumping through her veins, the feeling of the metal body parts crumbling in her grasp like they were no stronger than a cracker! Oh, how she missed the battlefield.  

Jo turned in time to see Hulk punk a broken Ultron into the sky and his goons retreat.  

“They’ll try to leave the city!”

“We can’t let them. Not even one.  Rhodey!”

“I’m on it!” Rhodey responded.  Jo caught a glimpse of the war machine as he flew into action.  

“We gotta move out!” Steve ordered.  “Even I can tell the air’s getting thin.  You guys get to the boats, I’ll sweep for stragglers.  I’ll be right behind you.”

“What about the core?”

“I’ll protect it” Wanda stated. “It’s my job.”

Clint and Nat took off, Steve glanced at Jo.

“Right behind you” She reassured.  Steve nodded and left.  

Pietro rushed in a few seconds later.  

“Get the people on the boats.”

“I’m not leaving you here,”

“She can handle this” Jo reassured as Wanda took down another robot.

“Come for me after you get everyone off, not before,” Wanda ordered.  “And you go help the Captain look for anyone who might have been left behind.”

“You know, we’re both older than you.”

“Doesn’t change the fact she’s always been the one in charge” Jo chuckled.  She gave Pietro a peck on the lips.  “See you on the boats!” She called heading in the direction Steve had gone.  

“Find anyone else?” Jo called as jogged over to Steve who was ushering people out of an apartment building.

“No, this is it” He answered as the two took up the rear of the group heading for the boats.  “Jo, listen if we- “

“I know where you’re going so don’t”

“No, I need to- “

“I don’t do goodbyes. I think I’ve told you that.  Did I ever I tell you why?”

Steve shook his head.

“Because goodbyes are finale.  They end something, and nothing is every finale in our line of work.  You were frozen for seventy years, Coulson was brought back from the dead.  I don’t do goodbyes because I don’t want to believe something could actually end. It’s one of the few hopes I have left in this life so don’t take that from me just because you need some kind of bullshit like closure.”

“I was just going to tell you I love you.”

“Love you too pops” Jo whispered as they approached Thor.

“Is this the last of them?” Thor shouted over the chaos.  

“Yeah, everyone else is on the carrier.”

“You, this works, we maybe don’t walk away.”

“I just gave Steve no goodbyes speech so don’t pull this shit right now Stark!” Jo ordered, making all three men chuckle.  “Glad to know even in the face of death I’m still funny.”

Jo let out a gasp as she realized something.  

“Jo, what is it?” Steve asked, clearly concerned.  

Steve was there, and so was Thor.  Jo looked to her left and saw a statue that looked familiar.  She spun around looking in every direction.

“Jo what’s going – “

“Where’s Clint!”


“Where’s Barton!” She demanded again.  Suddenly, the ground shook and dust and rubble filled the air as a jet opened fire on them.  Steve shoved Jo behind the statue.  She let out a grunt as her back hit the concrete.  And then she saw him.

Clint stood directly in the path of the jet, holding a child in his arms.  

“The rules have changed.”

“We’re dealing with something new.”

“Well, the Vision’s artificial intelligence.”

“A machine.”

“So, it doesn’t count?” Steve asked as he, Tony, and Thor walked down a hallway in the Avenger’s facility in Upstate New York.  

“Right.  It’s not like a person lifting the hammer.” Tony answered.

“Right, different rules for us.”

“Nice guy. Artificial.”

“Thank you!”

“He can wield the hammer, he can keep the mind stone” Thor stated.  “It’s safe with the Vision.  And these days, safe is in short supply.”

“But if you put the hammer in an elevator…”

“It would still go up!”

“Elevators not worthy” Steve muttered.

“I’m gonna miss these little talks of ours” Thor chuckled.

“Not if you don’t leave.”

“I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years.  It’s not a coincidence.”

The three of them walked outside onto the front lawn of the facility.

“Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us.  And once all these pieces are in position…”

“Tripe Yahtzee!” Tony exclaimed as they came to a stop on the grass.  

“You think you can find out what’s coming?” Steve asked.

“I do.  Besides this one, there’s nothing that can’t be explained!” Thor exclaimed slapping Tony on the chest.  Thor nodded and raised his hammer.  A beam of blue light surrounded him as he shot into the sky.  A few seconds later, Thor was gone, leaving a circle with weird marking burned onto the grass.

“That man has no regard for lawn maintenance,” Tony muttered.  “I’m gonna miss him though.  And you’re gonna miss me.  There’s gonna be a lot of manful tears.” Tony clicked a button on a small remote and his car drove over to them.  

“I will miss you, Tony.”

“Yeah? Well, it’s time for me to tap out.  Maybe I should take a page out of Barton’s book.  Build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blow’s it up.”

“The simple life.”

“You’ll get there one day” Tony reassured.  

“I don’t know. Family, stability… The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago.  I think someone else came out.”

“What about Jo?”

“I highly doubt we’ll be getting that apartment in Brooklyn anytime soon.  Not when I can barely get her to talk to me.”

“Give her time. This is the first time it’s been peaceful since we rescued her, and considering what she’s been through… just, don’t give up on her.  Not when she needs you most.”

Steve raised his eyebrow slightly.  “Thought you two hated each other?”

“In a weird brother-sister way, yeah, but, she is family.” Tony opened the door to the driver’s side as he spoke.  

“Glad to know she has someone like you watching out for her.”

“You know, most people wouldn’t see that as a reassuring thing.”

“I do,” Steve stated. Tony slightly smiled and nodded before getting into his car.

Steve watched the dust settle for a moment after Tony left before heading back inside the compound.

“I have missed you every day” He whispered.

The sound of her fist hitting the leather filled the empty gym.

“When this is over you and I are going far away. I’m going to take you on a real date.”

She punched harder, probably ripping open the wounds on her hands.  


“Anywhere you want to go my luchik (Russian for little ray of light)” He answered before kissing her again.  

The punching bag snapped off its chain and flew across the room, its contents spilling all over the floor. Jo stood there with her eyes closed, breathing hard.  Trying to hold onto the memories, but she could feel them slipping away.  Becoming what they now were, no longer hopes for a future, but pieces of what could have been.

“I think my record is twenty-six.”

“What?” Jo spat turning around.  Steve stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.

“How many bags I’ve broken, twenty-six.”

Jo ignored his words and unwrapped the dirty bandages from her hands.  She reached into her bag and took out the roll of clean ones and started to wrap up her hands, but she could not stop the shaking.  

“Here, let me help,” Steve spoke gently as he approached Jo.  He carefully took the bandages from her and held her hand as he wrapped them.

“Thanks,” Jo muttered.

“You probably just added a few more weeks of rehab to your list.  You need to give you wounds time to heal properly or there could be permanent damage.”

“The damage is already done.” Once Steve finished Jo took the roll and tossed it into her bag.  

“Do you want to talk about it?”


“Might help.”

“I said no,” Jo growled grabbing her things and turning to leave.

“Why did you keep punching it?”

Jo stopped walking and turned back to her father.  “What?”

“The Robot.  Even after you knew it was dead you kept punching it, why? Just wanted to get your anger out?”

Jo sighed and pushed her sweaty hair out of her eyes.  “I wanted to see it bleed.”

“It was a robot.”

“And I wanted it to feel pain, I wanted the feeling of satisfaction as its blood coated my hands.” Jo was pretty sure her words scared Steve slightly, but she could care less.

“I understand what- “

“Oh don’t! Don’t try and relate to what I’m feeling because you can’t!” She shouted dropping her bag. “You were robbed of your chance to live a life while I am stuck living! I don’t age! I’ve been stuck at sixteen for seventy years! I don’t get to grow old and build a life with anyone! I’m an agent and that is all I can ever be! There is no place for in this world.”

Steve shook his head, “I’m sorry.”

“Everyone is.” Jo scoffed. She reached for her bag but stopped when she saw Steve walking over to the pile of punching bags.  

He picked up one and hung it on the chain.  “Want to see if you can beat my record.”

Jo’s jaw opened slightly in shock. “Thought you said I should let my wounds heal?”

“Each person heals differently.” Steve was still standing by the bag.  

Jo took a small step forward, “Why are you doing this?”

“Because talking doesn’t help you, actions do, and I want to help you, Jo. I want to be there for you in any way you’ll let me” Steve pleaded.  

Jo slightly swayed on her feet for a moment, before walking towards her dad.  

Tag List:

@topthis808@capsicle-steve-rogers@jameszbarnes@wayward-marvel-sommer1196@shadoassassin@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@supermarvel-ous@lara-ludbey @capsicletho@geeksareunique@in-winchester-we-trust@buckyappreciationsociety

Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x reader

Warnings: Swearing and death 


“Come on boy!” You patted the spot beside you and Dodger jumped onto the couch and snuggled up against you.  You took a sip of your drink before turning on the TV.  

“And we’ll be right back after this commercial with the one, the only, Captain America!” Ellen exclaimed before the commercials started to play.

“You excited to see daddy?” You asked the boxer, but Dodger’s attention was on your apple slices. He barked in thanks when you tossed him one.  A few minutes later Ellen was back and you smiled as your husband walked onto the stage.  

“Thanks for coming!”

“Thanks for having me!” Chris smiled as he spoke.

“So, right off the bat, I gotta ask, how’s filming for Infinity war going?”

“Really well! We’re nearly done with part 1, then I’ll take a break, see family before heading off to do part 2.”

“And is there anything you could share with us? Maybe just a tiny spoiler?” Ellen asked.  The crowd cheered in agreement.

Chris hummed as he thought for a moment, “I guess I could share one thing.” Everyone screamed in excitement.  “But you gotta promise to keep it between us!” Chris chuckled.  

“We promise!”

“Okay, the secret is…” Chris fell silent for a second as the suspense intensified.  “That I have a beard in this one!”

There was a mixture of protests and laughter coming from the crowd and even Ellen smiled.

“Wow! That’s a big change! You think Marvel is okay with you sharing that?”

“I’ll find out when this is over” Chris chuckled.  

“Moving on, tell me, how’s married life?”


“And you’ve been together for how long?” Ellen asked.  You smiled as a picture from your wedding appeared on the screen behind Chris and Ellen.

“We’ve been together for five years and married for two” Chris answered.  He looked up at the screen, noticing the picture.  “That was the happiest day of my life.”

The crowd awed making Chris smile.  

“And do you see kids in your future?” You tensed up at this question.

“Oh, for sure! I have always wanted to have babies and to be a father, but the progression of things has to unfold a little bit before that can happen. My sister has kids, all my friends have children and I love being around them. I am a very nostalgic person, myself, about my own life. There’s nothing more wonderful than watching my nieces and nephews begin to understand the nature of certain social norms, why people do things, and the nature of the human condition. That’s such a beautiful evolution. To some degree that having children, you almost get to relive your own childhood. And so, in that selfish capacity, I am eager to have kids because there’s a lot of things that I bet even I have forgotten about my own life. And to watch kids find their way, find their voice, and find their joy, what a wonderful thing to help navigate.” (AN: Chris said this himself. I did not write that but thought it fit perfectly with this story.)

You turned off the TV, unable to finish watching the interview.  Dodger looked up at you in confusion and you rubbed his head. “Sorry boy, I got stuff I need to get done.”

You get off the couch, wash your plate, and get to work on house chores you’d been putting off. Trying to keep yourself busy and push the interview out of your mind.  

You were dancing a little in the kitchen as you cooked dinner.  Your headphones were in and you hummed along to your favorite song.  You were perfectly happy till a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind causing you to jump three feet into the air and scream. Chris laughed as you pulled away and quickly took out your headphones.

“Sorry I scared you”

“No, you aren’t!” You exclaimed making Chris laugh harder.  You rolled your eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek.  “How was your day?”

“Good, did you watch the interview?” Chris asked once he managed to calm down.

“Yep! You did great!” You answered turning off the burner after you made sure the chicken was done.

“Yeah?” You could tell by his tone what Chris was trying to hint at, but you weren’t going to bite.

You hummed in response as you got out some plates.  “You wanna sit at the table or on the couch?”

“Tables fine” Chris sighed. He took the plates and grabbed some silverware before heading to your table.  

You put the chicken onto a serving platter and the pasta into a bowl.  You brought them out to the table just as Chris was finishing.

“Beer or wine?”

“I’ll take a beer” You answered as you headed back into the kitchen to grab the sauce.  You sat down and Chris placed a beer in front of you and sat down across from you with his own.  

“So, how was your day?” Chris asked taking a piece of chicken.

“Good! Watched your interview, did some work around the house, and then Dodger and I went for a run.”

Chris nodded as he chewed. “Did you think my answers were okay?”

You did your best to keep your expression blank.  “Yeah, you’ve always been good at interviews.”

Chris nodded as he took a sip of his beer.  He took a deep breath and you knew he was working up the courage to just ask you outright about it.  “Have you, um… Called that doctor I found?”

You set down your silverware before answering.  “Not yet, must have slipped my mind today, but I’ll call tomorrow.”

“That’s what you said yesterday, and the day before, and last week” Chris grumbled, trying to stop himself from raising his voice.  

“I’m sorry okay, I’ll call tomorrow.  I don’t see what the big deal is.”

Chris scoffed in response. “Do you want this? Because if you don’t then- “

“Chris! I- “

“No seriously!” He exclaimed, the frustration now clear on his face.  “If you don’t want kids then just tell me!  Because I have tried and tried to understand what’s going on with you! I have tried to get you to talk but the second I bring it up you shut me down!”

You shook your head and stood.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m not doing this right now,” You grabbed your plate and headed to the sink and started to wash your dishes.

“No! You are not doing this again!” Chris yelled following you.  “Y/N!”

You didn’t look at him, just continued to wash your plate.  

Chris marched over and shut the water off.  “For the love of God talk to me!”

You kept your eyes focused on the faucet.  

“You can’t keep doing this to me! You can’t keep ignoring me!” Chris’s voice cracked at the end of his sentence.  The anger in his voice was replaced by hurt and you hated yourself even more for being the one to cause it.  

You finally looked at him and for a second you considered telling him the truth.  No “I want to wait” or “I don’t think we’re ready”. But suddenly you could feel your dam start to crack, and the mere thought of what had happened was enough to make you want to shut down.  “I’m going to bed,” You whispered before walking away.

You never saw the look of brokenness on Chris’s face, but you knew it was there all the same.

You didn’t sleep that night.  You could hear Chris talking to himself, the cries of frustration, and the crashes as he broke a few things.  You laid there all alone, wanting to run to him and apologize.  But the fear of the possibility of going through that again was enough to make you stay in bed.  

When your alarm finally went off you quickly turned it off and put on your robe.  You quietly opened your bedroom door and listened, but heard nothing.  You made your way down the hallway of your apartment and into the living room.

Chris sat on the couch looking at the TV that was off, his hair a bit of a mess, and there were a few cuts in his hands.  You didn’t see anything broken so you assumed Chris had cleaned up his mess.  

You didn’t say anything as you walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee.  You poured yourself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the now clean table.  The coffee pot beeped and before you could move Chris got up and walked over to it, pouring two mugs of coffee.  He placed on in front of you before sitting in the chair on the other side of the table. Neither of you spokes as he sipped his coffee and you ate your breakfast.  

“Do you have any meetings today?”

“I can’t do this anymore,” Chris stated ignoring your question.  You didn’t say anything response and waited for him to continue. “I want kids and it is obvious you don’t.  You married me knowing you wanted something different and that kids weren’t negotiable. I want a family! And so, I can’t be with someone who doesn’t want the same.”

You set down your spoon and starred at the table, trying to hold back the tears.  You had really done it.  You had pushed away the man you loved because of something that was only a possibility.  You saw this coming and were honestly surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.   But you realized you loved Chris more than you feared the future.

“I want kids,” You finally croaked.  

“Then why won’t you have one with me! You won’t call the doctor and I found these in our bathroom!” Chris held up your birth control pills that must have been in his pocket. “If it’s cause you’re afraid of being a mom then- “

“I was a mom,” You interrupted, Chris, starred at you astonishment.


“I was a mom,” You repeated.  “Remember how I told you about my ex? The guy I dated before you?”

“You mean that abusive, piece of shit that you never let me punch? “

“Yeah, him” You waved it off, not wanting to go into detail about your past relationship.  “Well, after I dumped him I found out I was pregnant and – “

“But… But I knew you back then! And I never- “

“I went home to Jersey remember? And you didn’t see me for over a year.”

Chris nodded, now remembering what you were talking about.

“Anyways,” You sighed. The tears were getting harder to stop. “I, um, I had the baby and planned to keep it.  I always wanted to be a mom you know? And sure, this was not the ideal situation, but at least something good was going to come out of that hell I went through.”

You paused and took a shaky breath.  “Henry Y/L/N was born April 4th, 2011 and died April 7th, 2011.”

Chris was speechless, but also knew he should not interrupt you.

“He was born with a defect in the walls of his heart.  The natural walls that exist between the left and right sides and the upper and lower chambers of the heart did not develop correctly, causing blood to back up into the heart.  This put pressure on the heart to work harder.  He was a preemie and already struggling with different things and so, his heart became too weak to carry on.” Tears now rolled down your cheeks as you explained.  “I got to hold him when he, um… when he died” You let out a sob as you finished.

Chris rushed over and took you into his arms.  The two of you now sat on the floor as you sobbed against Chris’s chest.  You feel Chris’s own tears hit the top of your head. “You… You never told me.”

“I couldn’t! The only one who knows what happened is my mom, but I could never tell anyone else!”

“You’re afraid of having kids because you don’t want to go through that again” Chris breathed, hating himself for ever getting angry with you.

“I was his mom!” You yelled pulling away.  “I was his mom and I couldn’t help him! Mothers are supposed to protect their children and I failed him!”

“Hey, look at me,” Chris said softly, taking your face in his hands.  “It was not your fault, you did not fail your son.  You loved him and did all you could, but this was beyond your control.”

You let out another sob and buried your face into his chest.  You sat there for a long time, as Chris rubbed your back and spoke soothing words.  

You sat on your bathroom floor waiting for the timer on your phone to go off.  You could see Chris pacing in the bedroom.

“How much longer?”

“One minute,” You answered. You tried to control yourself but your hands were shaking.  What if it’s positive? What if it happens again? Chris noticed your worried expression and sat down beside you.

“We’re going to be okay” He reassured kissing your forehead.  He took your hands in his and the two of you sat there waiting together.

It had been three months since you had told Chris about Henry and since then you had thrown out your birth control pills and finally agreed to try for a baby.  

The timer went off and both of you looked to the bathroom counter.

“I’ll do it,” Chris breathed getting up.  Your hands began shaking again.  You watched as tears welled up in Chris’s eyes.

“Oh no, it’s- “


“What?” You whispered.

“It’s positive!” Chris shouted.  You let out a scream and jump to your feet.  You leaped into Chris’s arms and he spun you around as you both laughed and cried at the same time.  You had never felt so much joy.  “We’re going to have a baby!” Chris laughed kissing you.  

“We’re going to have a baby” You repeated.

“The Backup Plan!”

“Not no another chick flick!” Chris groaned.  

“I’m carrying your child!”

“You can’t use that to win every argument!”

“I don’t, but I particularly want to win this one!” You shot back.  You tried to cross your arms but that was uncomfortable to do when you’re 8 months pregnant so you decided not to.

“What do I get out of this?”

“You can have the last of the ice cream in the freezer.”

“Deal!” Chris exclaimed jumping off the couch.  You pressed play as he ran to the kitchen.  “There’s barely enough for one bite!”

“Never said how much was in there!” You laughed.  Chris rushed over and, gently, tackled you. You let out a squeal as he tickled your sides.

“Say you’re sorry!”

“Never!” You laughed. You let out another squeal as Chris leaned down and rubbed his beard against your neck.  Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach and something wet began to run down your inner thigh.  “Chr-Chris stop! Stop!” You screamed.

Upon hearing the panic in your voice Chris quickly jumped off you.  You looked down and saw blood seeping through your sweatpants.

“Call an ambulance,” You whispered, but Chris seemed to be frozen with fear.  “Call an ambulance!” You cried out, feeling another pain.

“Y/N, we’re going to have to do a C-section” The doctor explained.  You now laid in a hospital bed with Chris beside you, squeezing your hand as tight as you could bare.

You shook your head, “No, he’s not ready! My due date isn’t for another month!”

“Your chances of a miscarriage are high right now so we need to get him out before something goes wrong that we can’t fix.”

“He’s not ready!” You cried, tears welling up in your eyes.  Not again! This couldn’t be happening again.

“Y/N look at me!” Chris demanded taking your face in his hands.  “We have to do this.  This is how we save our baby, and our baby will be fine! I promise you!”

“Mr. Evans, I don’t think it’s a good idea to- “

“Our baby will be fine!” Chris shouted turning to the doctor.  Chris turned back to you,

“It’s going to be okay, we’ll get through this, all three of us.”

Chris continued to pace in the waiting room, looking at the clock every forty seconds.  She would be fine, they would both be fine.  

“Would you like me to get you something? Maybe a coffee?” The old doctor behind the counter asked.  He smiled sympathetically at Chris.

Chris tried to remember if he liked coffee but all that came out of his mouth was, “Is this my fault?”

“What?” The doctor asked confused.  

“I was on top of her and tickling her sides. We were just playing you know? And then she cried out, and the blood, and… Did I do this? Oh God! Did I kill my kid before I even got to meet them?” Chris croaked, tears threatening to spill.  

The Doctor walked over to Chris and placed a hand on his shoulder.  “Listen, son, I’ve been here for thirty years and seen plenty of cases similar to yours.  You didn’t do this.  These things just happen, sometimes there’s an explanation and sometimes not.  But your wife has good chances, she’ll pull through.”

Chris took a shaky breath and wiped his eyes dry.  

“Let me go get you that coffee,” The Doctor squeezed Chris’s shoulder before walking down the hallway.  

“Mr. Evans?” Chris jumped out of his chair, spilling his coffee in the process. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to- “

“Don’t worry about it,” The nurse chuckled. “I’ll get someone to come clean that up, but right now, would you like to come see your wife?”

Chris nodded, unable to speak.  He followed the nurse down the hallway and into the elevator.  

When they arrived at Y/N’s room the nurse opened the door and allowed Chris to step in first.

“Hey…” Y/N whispered from her bed, a tired look on her face.  Chris rushed over and kissed her forehead, pushing her hair out of her face.

“Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

“They both did fine,” The nurse reassured.

“Where’s- “

“He’s in the NICU right now, but once you’re feeling up to it you can come meet him.”

“It’s a he?” Y/N whispered. You had decided to keep the gender a surprise.

“It’s a he.” The nurse confirmed.  

“You ready to hold him?” The doctor asked as he picked up your son.

You nodded and held out your arms, you held back a sob as the tiny child was given to you.  

“And everything is okay?” Chris asked for the millionth time.

“Everything is fine. No birth defects, none of that. Just needs a few weeks of growing before we can let him go home,” The doctor explained.

“Hey Y/C/N, it’s so nice to meet you” You whispered.  Chris knelt beside your wheelchair and smiled down at his son.  

“He’s perfect.”

“Here, you have a turn,” You carefully placed Y/C/N into his father’s arms.  

“Hey buddy, you have no idea how long we’ve been waiting for you.” Chris quietly laughed. 

Tag List:

@patzammit@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@lara-ludbey@httpmcrvel@supernaturaldean67 @courtneychicken @ek823

Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader

Warnings: Swearing and so much fluff I was shaking from my excitement!

AN: I literally had twenty requests to write this. I didn’t even think you guys would like the first part that much XD

Part 1

Ever since Chris learned your name he seemed to suddenly know lots of things about you.  He knew how you liked your coffee and would occasionally show up with a cup when he wanted to come over and chat.  The guy always seemed to have chocolate on him, not that you were complaining.  Especially since he did not mind sharing.  You two finally had a real friendship and you could not be happier.  Of course, you tried not to get your hopes up but were completely failing.  Because every time you saw him approach your door, or he smiled at you, or you heard his laugh you could feel your heart stop.  You could feel yourself trying not to blush and you didn’t realize you had been smiling the whole time he’d been there until your cheeks started to hurt.

You were arranging the new roses that had just come in when your phone dinged.  You walked over and opened the text, not bothering to stop the small smile at the sight of Chris’s name on your screen.  

Up for an adventure? - C

You chuckled and quickly typed back a reply.

Always! – Y/N

Great! So here are the rules! I’ll send you clues on how to find my super-secret locations and then you send a pic letting me know you’re there before I send the next clue! Are you up to the challenge? – C

Bring it on Evans! – Y/N

You bit your lip anxiously awaiting his reply.  What was Chris up to? Was this one of his silly pranks?

First clue: White chocolate raspberry cheesecake – C

You had to laugh out loud at this.

You could at least make it hard! – Y/N

You threw on your coat and closed up shop before heading your way.  You knew exactly where Chris was talking about.  

You arrived at the little café and headed inside.  The man behind the cash register, Tony, instantly began to watch your every move. You couldn’t blame him considering what had happened last time you were here.  

“Relax, Chris isn’t with me”

Tony sighed with relief. “I figured since he stopped by earlier and told me to give you this,” Tony reached under the counter and brought out an Amaryllis and handed it to you.  

“Thanks!” You called before heading outside.  You took out your phone and held the flower up and took a selfie, making sure to get the café’s sign in the background.

Found your gift! – Y/N

AnAmaryllis, which means beauty, for a beautiful girl – C

You feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you typed back a reply.  

Quit your flirting Evans and tell me the next clue! – Y/N

Anxious, are we? Alright then, your second clue is: Pigeon - C

You could at least make this hard – Y/N

You put your phone away and headed to your next destination.  

You arrived at the pigeon park and smiled at the memory of Chris being chased by a whole flock of them because he refused to give them more food.  You could almost hear him yelling about how they needed to stop being selfish and share the food with each other.  

“Oh miss! Excuse me! Miss!”

You spun around and noticed an old woman sitting on a bench who was waving at you.  “Yes?” You asked approaching her.  

“Are you Y/N?”

“I am, how did you- “

“Chris asked me to give this to you” She smiled at you as she held out an Aster.  

“Thank you!”

“You’ve got yourself quite the boyfriend” She gave you one of those knowing looks old women give.

You smiled and thanked her once again before heading towards the pigeons.  You took another selfie with the flower and pigeons before sending it to Chris.  

Saw your old pals – Y/N

A flower that represents patience because those damn birds need to learn some patience! – C

Is this scavenger hunt leading somewhere? – Y/N

Patience.  Now, your third, and FINALE clue, is: Popsicles – C

You rolled your eyes and put your phone in your pocket before calling an uber.  This was not a location you could walk to.  

“Thanks!” You called to the Uber driver as you climbed out.  He gave you a quick wave before driving off.  You headed down the trail that leads into the woods.  Why Chris had chosen this place, you didn’t know. The two of you had hung out here a couple of times and had even brought popsicles to enjoy one warm day like you had done as a kid.  That had been one sticky disaster.  

You finally entered the clearing where a small, white gazebo sat in the center of it.  When you got closer, you gasped.

“You found me,” Chris smiled and stepped out onto the grass.  You couldn’t believe what you saw.  

The gazebo was decorated with multiple kinds of flowers.  Gillyflowers, Gardenias, and even some yellow acacias could be seen.  Then there stood Chris at the center of it all, holding a red rose.  

“I know they don’t all match, but they all mean relatively the same thing and the website these were good ones to give someone you love.”

“Love?” You whispered, eyes going wide.  

“Yeah, love” Chris bit his lip and swayed a bit on his feet, obviously nervous.  

You stepped closer and took the rose from him, smiling down at the bouquet you now had. You stood on your tiptoes and lightly pressed your lips against his. Chris placed his hands on your hips pulling you closer.

“Does that mean you love me too?” He breathed when you pulled away.

“I wouldn’t have kissed your stupid face if I didn’t.”

Chris laughed and kissed you again.

“You’re squishing my flowers!” You giggled.

“I’ll buy you more,” Chris ignored your complaint and wrapped his arms around you. “Love you flower girl.”

“Love you too dumbass.”

“Can I have a different nickname?”

“Why? The current one suits you.”

Chris rolled his eyes, “Just shut up and kiss me.”

You had no complaints about complying with his request.

Tag List:

@everything-but-the-not-natural @patzammit@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@lara-ludbey@httpmcrvel@supernaturaldean67@itssmallerontheoutside-13

Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader

Request: Could you please do a one-shot where the reader and Chris are married with twin boys? Thank!!!

Requested by: Anonymous 

Warnings: Swearing 


You sat on the bathroom floor, enjoying the first moment to yourself you had had in weeks.  Don’t get the wrong idea.  You loved your life, husband, and kids, but, sometimes you just needed a moment to breathe.  

“Y/N!” Chris called. “Can you come help?”

You sighed and got to your feet.  Well, at least that was longer than last time.  “Coming!” you answered as you exited the bathroom.  You walked into to the kitchen to find Chris standing there with an expression that was a mixture of “I’m sorry” and “I’m trying not to laugh”. You turned to your right at the sound of giggles and clapping.  

“Mason! Noah!” You exclaimed in shock.  Your twin boy sat in their high chairs, happily slapping tomato sauce on anything within a five feet radius.  “It’s even in your hair!” You laughed walking over to your boys.  

“Mama!” Noah giggled reaching out his arms.  You shook your head and smiled.

“I turned around for one second, heard a boom, and then found this” Chris chuckled motioning to the mess.  

You picked up the bowls off the floor and set them on the counter.  “I think it’s time for a bath.”

Chris nodded, “I’ll get it ready.”  He walked over to the sink and rinsed it out before putting the drain plugs on both sides.  For some reason, it was easier, and faster, if you each took a kid and bathed them separately in your sink.  

You cleaned up the floor and walls, deciding to not even bother with the high chairs till the messy one-year-olds were out of them.  You took Mason out of his chair and stripped off his sauce covered cloths.  “Oh no, you don’t!” You chuckled as Mason tried to rub his hands on your face.

“You can put it him,” Chris announced.  You walked over and placed the giggly baby into the warm water.  You used a plastic cup to pour some water over his head, using your hand to shield his eyes.  Beside you, Chris put Noah into his own bath.  Both boys laughed and splashed around in the water.

“Hey!” You laughed dodging some water. Mason smiled up at you with an innocent expression on his face. “They learned that from you.”

Chris simply looked at you with the same innocent expression Mason had and you could not stop yourself from chuckling.   He grabbed the bottle of body soap and squirted some into his hands before scrubbing Noah’s arms and tummy.  Noah broke out into fits of giggles as Chris tickled the little boy’s sides.

Sadly, all of Noah’s squirming caused some water to be splashed at Mason who was not happy about this.  Mason let out a whine and slashed his brother.  Noah took this as a declaration of war.  Before you or Chris could say anything, the toddlers were splashing each other at an increasing rate.  

“Boys! No splashing! Sto- “You gasped and stepped back, your chest now covered with water.  You looked to your husband, who now had that damn innocent expression on his face.  Oh, now it truly was a war.  

“Okay, I’ll admit, the extensive use of soap was uncalled for.”

“And, I guess, so was dumping ice from the freezer down your pants.”

“You didn’t have to do it down the front” Chris muttered, shuddering at the memory.  

You shook your head and smiled before turning back to the squirming toddler before you.  “You know, this would go a lot quicker if you would just stay still!”

“Ah, but where would be the fun in that?” Chris laughed.  Mason blew bubbles up at you and smiled.  

Somehow, the two of you manage to get the twins in their second pair of dry pajamas.  Do not ask about the first.  It was a traumatic experience for Dodger and he does not like to talk about it.  

You lay the boys in their cribs and make sure the baby monitor is on before quietly exiting the room. Both you and Chris let out a sigh of relief when you plop down onto the couch.  

“Does this ever get easier?”

“Doubt it, how’s Dodger?”

You look over to the dining room, “Still hiding underneath the table.”

“I’ll get him out from under there if he hasn’t moved in the morning,” Chris sighed.  “Do you think he’ll ever recover?”

“He did okay last time, might take a while before he’ll play with them again though” You giggled. You snuggled closer to your husband as he wrapped his arm around you.   You felt Chris kiss the top of your head and you smiled.  

“You wanna watch- “The sound of two babies screaming interrupted Chris and he sighed.  

“Told you we shouldn’t have tried this”

“But the book said it’s not healthy to- “

“I don’t give a damn about those parenting books because right now, their advice is why my sons aren’t sleeping” You growled as you made your way upstairs.  

You entered the bedroom and walked over to Noah.  “It’s okay, mama’s here” You soothed as you took the child in your arms.  His screams came down to a small whimper as you walked across the room.  Mason calmed down as well when his brother was finally laid beside him.  Both boys were asleep within seconds.

“I don’t understand,” Chris spoke, now standing in the doorway.  “They’re over a year old and have yet to be able to sleep apart.”  

You shrugged.  “Maybe they don’t like being alone.  I think it makes them feel safe.” Chris walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist.  

“I have never known any siblings to act like this, and I have three.”

“Maybe it’s a twin thing” You whispered.  

Tag List:

@patzammit@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@lara-ludbey @httpmcrvel@supernaturaldean67

Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader

Warnings: Swearing

AN: I’m considering writing a sequel to this one so let me know if I should!

It all started when it was girlfriend number one’s birthday.  She loved flowers.  He knew nothing about flowers.  She knew what each flower represented, which just made the task of buying her some even more difficult.  What if Chris accidentally sent her a flower that told her he hated her?  Then he would never get laid.  

When it came the time to buy flowers for girlfriend number two, it was because Chris was going to meet her parents and wanted to be seen as a respectable gentleman.  And girlfriend’s mothers love it when the boyfriend shows up with a nice bouquet.  

By girlfriend number five the woman who owned the flower shop Chris frequently entered was known as Flower Girl.  She was the woman who saved Chris from picking flowers that meant death and she is also the one to send him off with a beautiful bouquet of lilies for multiple dinner parties.  She helped Chris get flowers for his mother, sisters, girlfriends that lasted a for months or even the ones that lasted a week.  

Yet, Chris never took the time to learn her name.  

This didn’t bother her, per say.  Sure, she only had a tiny crush on the guy, okay, maybe a bit bigger than tiny.  But Chris was a busy man.  A famous actor with little time to get to know people such as a girl who owns a flower shop.  Y/N could understand that.  So, she did her best to put a smile on her face and bury those feelings.  

Chris may have been horrible at remembering or even asking for someone’s name, but he was good at noticing the little things.  Like, how Y/N always had a cup of coffee within a five feet radius of her.  How she wore blue the most and that must be her favorite color.  He noticed how if he came in at lunch she was always eating the same thing, so he assumed that was her favorite food.  He also knew that when her day was particularly tough, she would sneak a piece of chocolate from the secret stash behind the counter.  Yes, Chris may not know Flower Girl’s name, but he knew lots of other important things about her.  

Things began to change one cool spring morning.  It was a bit cloudy out, and the air smelled like rain.  Y/N was just setting out some new arrangements when Chris burst into her humble shot, face flushed and eyes bulging.  

“How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flowers?” He demanded.  

“What happened?” Y/N asked, turning to face the angry man before her.

“She cheated on me”


“With Scott!”

“I thought your brother was gay” Y/N inquired.

“So, did I!” Chris yelled, throwing his arms up in frustration.  

Y/N nodded in understanding.  “Well, we should start with some geraniums.”


“They mean stupidity. I say we add some foxglove, those mean insecurities.  Then we should get some meadowsweets and yellow carnations, the perfect combination of uselessness and you have disappointed me.  Finally, we shall put in some orange lilies which stand for hatred. Quite a striking bouquet don’t you think? And it’s filled with loathing!” Y/N hadn’t noticed the smile that had appeared on Chris’s face as she bustled around the shop grabbing flowers till she turned back to him.

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

“I’ve been told once or twice” Y/N smiled as she took the bouquet behind the counter and wrapped it up with a black ribbon and then some plastic.  

“How much?”

“This one’s on the house. No way am I letting you spend any more money on that bitch” Y/N stated.  Chris threw his head back in laughter.  

“I owe you one flower- “but Chris paused, not finishing his sentence.  “What’s your name?”


“What’s your name?” Chris asked with a small smile.  “You must think I’m a total douche bag for never asking you this.”

“No, it’s okay!” You reassured.  “My name is Y/N.”

“Y/N…” He whispered, his smile growing.  “Pretty name for a pretty girl.”

You could feel your cheeks heat up as you blushed.  

“Well, Y/N, I’m off to passive-aggressively tell Karen to go fuck herself! I’ll see you later!”

“Bye” Y/N whispered as the door closed behind him.  You couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.  

Tag List:


Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing



The Avengers were all in Clint’s house as he sat in the living room with his family.  Tony threw darts, Natasha and Jo sat at the dining room table, Banner stuck to a corner, and Steve leaned against a wall.  

“Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time.  My contacts all say he’s building something.  With the amount of vibrainum he made off with, I don’t think it’s just one thing.”

“What about Ultron himself?”

“He’s easy to track. He’s everywhere.  The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. It still doesn’t help us get an angle on any of his plans, though” Fury explained.

“Is he still going after launch codes?”  

“Yes, he is.  But he’s not making any headway.”

“I cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare!” Tony exclaimed.  

“Yeah, well I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that.”


“It’s the world internet hub in Oslo.” Banner answered.  “Every bite of data flows through there.  Fastest access on Earth.”

“So, what’d they say?”

He’s fixated on the missiles, but the codes are constantly being changed?”

“By whom?” Tony asked. He flinched as an arrow sped past him, hitting the bullseye on the board.  Clint slightly smirked.

“Unknown parties”

“Do we have an alley?”

“Ultron’s got an enemy. That’s not the same thing.”

“Still, I’d pay folding money to know who it is” Jo muttered.  

“I might need to visit Oslo, find out who our unknown is.”

“Well, this is good times boss.  But I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you’d have more than that” Jo remarked.  

“I do.  I have you.” Fury responded.  “Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere.  Ears everywhere else.  You kids had all the tech you could dream up.  Here we all are, back on Earth, with nothing but our wit and our will to save the world.  Ultron says the Avengers are the only thing standing between him and his mission. And whether or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction.  All this, laid in a grace.  So, stand. Outwit the platinum bastard.”  

“Steve doesn’t like that kind of talk”

“You know what Romanoff?” Steve groaned.  

“So, what does he want?”

“To become better,” Steve spoke up.  “Better than us.  He keeps building bodies.”

“Person bodies.  The human form is inefficient.  Biologically speaking, we’re outmoded.  But he keeps coming back to it” Tony added.  

Jo noticed Banner stepping towards the table.  He was looking at the drawing of a butterfly Clint’s daughter had made Natasha.  

“When you two programmed him to protect the human race, you amazingly failed.”

“They don’t need to be protected,” Banner muttered.  “They need to evolve.  Ultron is going to evolve.”


“Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?”

“I’ll take Natasha, Clint, and Jo” Steve spoke as he attached his shield to his back.

“Alright, strictly recon. I’ll head to Nexus and join you as soon as I can” Tony answered as the two walked towards the front door.

“If Ultron’s really building a body, he’ll be more powerful than any of us.”

“Maybe all of us” Tony added. “An android designed by a robot.”

“You know, I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was us,” Jo remarked as she approached the two men.  Steve nodded in agreement.  

“I’ll drop banner off at the tower,” Nick said as he slipped on his coat.  “You mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?”

“She’s all yours. Apparently.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. Something dramatic I hope,” Fury smirked as spoke and then headed out the door.  

Cap and Jo climbed onto the roof of a building as the quinjet flew off.  

“Two minutes.  Stay close.” Steve ordered.  

The two rushed into the lab, Jo glanced around, noticing the dead scientists and broken equipment.

“Doctor Cho!” Steve exclaimed, rushing over to the injured woman.  They knelt before her, Jo grabbed a towel and applied pressure to her wound.

“He’s uploading himself into the body,” Cho gasped.  

“Where?” Steve demanded, but Cho shook her head.  He moved to get up but Cho stopped him.

“The real power is in the cradle.  The gem, it’s power is uncontainable.  You can’t just blow it up.  You have to get the cradle to Stark.” Cho explained.  

“First, we have to find it.”

“Go,” Cho croaked.

“Did you guys copy that?” Jo asked as she and Steve moved through the building.  

“We did” Clint answered.

“I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest.  That could be him.”

“There, it’s a truck from the lab” Clint spoke up, looking down at the highway below him.  “Right above you Cap.  On the loop by the bridge. It’s them.  Three with the cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver.”

“Negative!” Steve exclaimed. “That truck crashes the gem could level the city.  We need to draw out Ultron.”  

Jo and Steve made it to the highway above the road the truck was on.  They waited for the truck to get closer before raising across the road and jumping down.  They landed on the truck with a thud.  Cap climbed down onto the back doors just as they were blasted open.  They hit the ground with Steve on top.

“Well, he’s definitely unhappy.  I’m gonna try and keep him that way.”

“You’re not a match for him Cap, even with Jo’s help”

“Thanks, Barton” Jo grumbled, the sarcasm in her tone was obvious.

Ultron blasted Steve onto the car behind them.  He grabbed onto another car and flung himself onto the roof of the car.

“You know what’s in that cradle?” Ultron asked.  Steve and Jo hid behind his shield as Ultron shot another blast of energy at them. “The power to make real change. And that terrifies you.”

“I wouldn’t call it a comfort,” Jo snatched the shield and threw it at Ultron.  It bounced off the robot back to her.

“Hey, that’s my move!”

“Then move a little faster old man!” Jo grunted as she rolled out of the way of Ultron’s blow. Steve threw the shield this time and it got lodged in Ultron’s chest.

“Stop it!” Ultron growled. He tossed the shield onto the road and blasted Steve onto the top of the cab.  He struggled to climb back up.

Jo swung her arms around the robot’s neck from behind and they wrestled.  Ultron grabbed her arm and spun Jo around before picking her up by the neck.  Jo glanced down in time to see Natasha on a motorcycle, who tossed her Steve’s shield.  She used it free herself and rolled out of the way as Ultron fell.  Steve made it back up shoved Ultron back down just as he tried to stand.  A blast of energy shot Jo onto the car following them. Before she could stand, Ultron lifted the ground causing the car to flip.  Jo scrambled to her feet and moved out of the way of the flying vehicles. She jumped off a moving car and back onto the roof of the truck. She grabbed Ultron by the head as she flew through the air and flipped him. Steve caught the shield and brought it down on the platinum bastard.  

Suddenly, the quinjet came around a building and Clint fired on Ultron.  The guards who were still with the cradle now flew towards the quinjet.  

Steve grabbed Ultron and threw him into a concrete pillar.  The metal man flew back and he and Steve tackled each other, falling into a nearby train.  Jo followed.

“I’m going in, can you guys keep him busy?”

“What do you think we’ve been doing?” Steve sighed as he dodged another blast.  

Natasha jumped off her biked and into the back of the truck.  Before she could do anything, the two robot guards grabbed the sides of the truck and lifted it into the air.  

“Package is airborne, should I take the shot?” Clint asked once the truck was over water.

“Negative, I am still in the truck!”

“What the hell are you-”

“Just be ready” Nat ordered.  “I’m sending the package to you.”  

“How do you want me to take it?”

“Um, you might wish you hadn’t asked that,” Nat remarked as she cut off the straps.  

Jo ducked and kicked Ultron’s feet out from under him.  Wit in seconds he had her against the wall.  Jo tilted her head, dodging another punch.  She grunted in pain as one hit her on the side.  Out of nowhere came a flash of blew and Ultron went flying. Red energy controlled the luggage racks, trapping Ultron on the other side of the train.  Jo looked over at Pietro who winked at her.  She couldn’t stop the small smile from appearing on her face.  The interaction did not go unnoticed by Steve, though he knew this was no time to bring it up.  

“Please, don’t do this” Ultron pleaded.  

“What choice do we have?” Wanda asked.  Ultron fired at Pietro who moved out of the way in time before he flew out of the train.

“We lost him! He’s headed your way!” Steve exclaimed as him and Jo raced to the other side of the train. They found a dead conductor and saw the end of the tracks quickly approaching.  The train went off the tracks, people held onto whatever they could.

“Cap, have you seen Nat?”

“If you have the package, get it to Stark!”

“Do you have eyes on Nat!”

“Go!” Jo screamed, trying to keep herself from flying off the train.  “There are civilians in our path!” She shouted at Pietro who nodded before speeding off.  

“Can you stop this thing?” Steve asked looking to Wanda.  She nodded.  

Jo watched as her friend shot red energy from her hands.  She heard the creaking of the train as Wanda struggled to bring it to a stop, but she was successful.  Once the train stopped people began to help one another off.  Wanda and Jo rushed over to Pietro who was bent over panting.

“I’m fine, I just need to take a minute” He assured them, leaning against a wall.

“I’m very tempted not to give you one,” Steve remarked.  

“The cradle, did you get it?”

“Stark will take care of it.”

“No, he won’t.”

Jo didn’t like the look on Wanda’s face.  “What is it?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Stark’s not crazy.”

“He will do anything to make things right!” Wanda exclaimed.  Steve looked at her for a moment before stepping back.

“Stark come in.  Is anyone on coms?”

“Ultron can’t tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it” Wanda explained.  “Where do you think he gets that?”

“I’m gonna say this once” Steve boomed as they entered the lab.

“How about nonce”

“Shut it down!”

“Nope, not gonna happen.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing!”

“And you do?” Banner asked. “She’s not in your head?” He motioned to Wanda as he spoke.

“I know you’re angry- “Wanda began.

“Oh, we’re way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade.”

“Banner, after everything that’s happened- “

“Is nothing compared to what’s coming!” Tony shouted.  

“You don’t know what’s in there!”

“This isn’t a game!”

Pietro glanced at Jo and she knew exactly what he was thinking.  She slightly smirked and nodded.  Pietro sped around the room, turning things off and pulling giant plugs out of the cradle.

“No, no, go on. You were saying?” He asked.  A gun went off and a bullet shattered the glass floor beneath his feet.  

“Pietro!” Wanda exclaimed.

Clint placed his foot on Pietro’s stomach, stopping him from getting up.  “What? You didn’t see that coming?”

A computer started to beep.

“I’m rerouting the upload!” Tony exclaimed.  Steve threw his shield at the computer and Tony fired using the hand from his suit as the back attached itself to him.  Steve attacked.  Wanda moved to stop it but Banner wrapped his arms around her from behind.

“Go ahead, piss me off” He taunted.  Jo grabbed Banner and pulled him off Wanda, shoving him aside.  

Before they could do anything, else Thor came into the room and jumped onto the cradle.  He raised his hammer and lightning appeared. He shot it down into the cradle.  Once he stopped, the cradle exploded and Thor went flying.  A man came out of the white smoke.  His skin was a mixture of metal and red.  He slowly rose to a standing position.  He set his eyes on Thor and dove towards him.  Thor threw the man through the glass window and into the living room. They all quickly followed, to find the strange man floating in midair.  Staring at his reflection in the window.  Grey cloths appeared on his skin as the man floated down towards them.

“I’m sorry.  That was, odd” He spoke, now standing on the ground. “Thank you” He added nodding towards Thor.  A golden cape appeared on his back.

“Thor, you helped create this?” Cap asked.

“I’ve had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope and life and its center is that” Thor pointed towards the yellow stone on the man’s forehead.

“What? The gem?”

“It’s the mind stone. It’s one of the six infinity stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.”

“Then why would you bring it- “

“Because Stark is right.”

“Oh, it’s definitely the end times,” Banner remarked.

“The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron.”

“Not alone.” The man added.

“Why does your vision sound like Jarvis?”

“We reconfigured Jarvis’s matrix to create something new.”

“I think I’ve had my fill of new” Steve grumbled.

“You think I’m a child of Ultron” The man spoke as he and Tony circled each other.  

“You’re not?”

“I’m not Ultron.  I am not Jarvis, I am…I am.”

“I looked in your head and saw annihilation” Wanda spoke up, stepping towards the man.  

“Look again”

“Yeah, her seal of approval means jack to mean” Clint sneered.  

“Their powers, the horrors in our head, Ultron himself, they all came from the mind stone.  And they’re nothing compared to what it can unleash.  But with it on our side- “

“Is it?” Jo interrupted. “Are you? On our side?” She asked the man.  

“I don’t think it’s that simple”

“Well, it better get real simple real soon” Jo demanded.  

“I am on the side of life. Ultron isn’t.  He will end it all and- “

“What’s he waiting for?” Tony asked.



“Sokovia.  He’s got Nat there too” Clint answered.

Banner stepped forward with a dark look in his eyes.  “If we’re wrong about you, if you’re the monster Ultron created you to be…”

“What will you do?” But Banner didn’t answer him.  “I don’t want to kill Ultron.  He’s unique and he’s in pain.  But that pain will roll over the Earth.  So, he must be destroyed.  Every form he’s built.  Every trace of his presence on the net.  We have to act now.  And not one of us can do it without the others.  Maybe I am a monster, I don’t think I’d know if I were one.  I’m not what you are and not what you intended.  So, there may be no way to make you trust me.  But we need to go.”

The room fell silent and Thor looked a bit awkward at the sight of this man holding out Thor’s hammer. He took it, and the man walked away. No one knew what to say.

“Right.  Well done” Thor patted Tony on the shoulder before walking off.

“Three minutes,” Steve ordered.  “Get what you need.”

Jo changed into fresh clothes and strapped on clean weapons.  She made sure she had extra bullets and her favorite knives.  She was about to meet up with the group when Pietro hesitantly entered the room.

“I came to- “

“All is forgiven” She quickly said.  Pietro relaxed.  He held out his arms and Jo rushed into them.  He held her tightly before Jo pulled back and kissed him.  She never realized how much she had ached for him till now.  

“I have missed you every day” He whispered.  He moved his lips to her cheek and then her jaw, before leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.  “When this is over you and I are going far away.  I’m going to take you on a real date.”

“Where?” Jo whispered. She tugged on Pietro’s locks, bring his lips back to hers.  

“Anywhere you want to go my luchik (Russian for little ray of light)” He answered before kissing her again.  Jo pressed herself closer to him, taking in every moment of this and burning it into her mind.  Never wanting to forget this feeling.  She felt safe and loved in his arms.  Forget saving the world, if he asked her to run away there was a part of her that might have said yes.  

“I love you,”

“And I you.” He answered. “We will make it through this, I promise.”

Jo didn’t answer because she knew that was a promise that couldn’t be kept.  She kissed him all over his face.  Pietro chuckled as Jo kissed him on the nose.

“Hey, love birds!” The two jumped apart and Wanda chuckled.  “You are lucky it was I who caught you and not the Captain.”

Jo rolled her eyes and walked over to Wanda.  The two embraced.

“I’m glad the three of us are together again” Jo smiled as she spoke.  Wanda nodded in agreement.  

“Come on, we better go before your father sends a search party,” Wanda stated.

“Do you think he likes me?”

“No!” Both Jo and Wanda laughed as they walked out of the room with their arms linked.

Tag List:

@topthis808@capsicle-steve-rogers@jameszbarnes@wayward-marvel-sommer1196@shadoassassin@nadtandy @iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@supermarvel-ous@lara-ludbey

Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader

Summary: Story inspired by Can’t help falling in love by Elvis Presley

Requested by: anonymous 

Warning: Literally fluff. So much fluff I screamed a lot while writing this. 


As soon as your alarm started to beep you turned it off.  You were already awake anyway.  You were so excited last night you had barely slept.  Today was it.  You could finally mark something off your bucket list that had been there for years.

“Up! Up! Up! Time to get up!” Y/B/F/N yelled as she rushed into your room.  You laughed as she jumped onto the bed and basically tackled/hugged you.  “Are you excited?”

“Yes!” You whispered, shoving your face into your pillow.

“I can’t believe this is actually happening”

“Says the girl who’s been planning my wedding since I met him!” You laughed.  Y/B/F/N rolled her eyes.  

“Come on! First breakfast and then we need to get you ready!”  You groaned as she dragged you out of bed.  Not joking, your head hurt a bit after it hit the floor. 

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can’t help falling in love with you?

“Just let me- “


“But you need- “

“I said no!” You laughed swatting Y/B/F/N’s hand away.  She sighed in defeat and set down the makeup brush.  You looked in the mirror and admired your reflection.  You had to admit, you looked beautiful.  

“Oh, look at you!”

You turned and smiled at your mother as she entered the room.  “Hey, mom! You look great!” You exclaimed, admiring the dress you had picked out for her to wear.  

“Thank you, not it’s your turn to get dressed” Your mother opened your closet and took out the dress.

You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face.  Y/B/F/N squealed with joy and hugged you from behind.  

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

You spun around in your dress.  Your cheeks hurt from smiling but you didn’t care.  Y/B/F/N, now wearing the maid of honor dress you had picked for her, took your hands and the two of you spun around the room.

“Be careful! I don’t want you two to mess up your hair!” Your mother warned, but she too was smiling.

“Well look at you two!” Your father chuckled as he entered the room.  You and Y/B/F/N stopped spinning and giggled as you tried to stay upright.  

“Hi, dad!” You laughed. He walked over and kissed your cheek.

“You look lovely darling.”

“Thank you,” You smiled up at him.

“Alright, time for finishing touches!” your mother exclaimed as she clapped her hands.  She walked over and helped you put on the necklace Chris gave you last Christmas and then she helped you secure your veil.

“Wow! You look like a princess!” You turned and smiled at Stella, Chris’s niece.

“Oh no, I wish I was as pretty as you” You replied, kneeling in front of the little girl. She smiled, her flower girl dress swaying back and forth.  

“I hope I look like you will when I get married”

“You won’t, you’ll look even more beautiful than I!” You exclaimed.  You threw the long veil up so it covered the two of you, making Stella giggle.  

Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can’t help falling in love with you

Your mother and Y/B/F/N helped you walk down the stairs of the big house.  You looked out the window of the Inn and smiled at the beautiful Autumn leaves flying through the wind.  You and Chris had rented out the place so everyone could stay together at a place away from the media and still be able to have an outdoor ceremony.  

“Hey, you!” Scott exclaimed as he walked over and gave you a hug.  “You nervous?”

“Strangely, no” You answered.  “I think everyone else is though” You giggled glancing over at your bridesmaids as they fussed about makeup and hair.  

“Well, I better get in there”

“Do you have the rings?”

“Of course,” Scott answered with an eye roll.  “I’m the best man in the history of best mans.”

“Best men”

“Don’t correct my grammar I know what I’m talking about!” He exclaimed before heading outside.  You shook your head and slightly smiled.  

“Everybody! Lineup! Lineup! We’re starting!” Your mother ordered.  Everyone quickly got into their places.  Your father came and stood at the back of the line with you.

“You ready darling?” You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.  You held your emotions in check, you couldn’t cry! Or Y/B/F/N would yell at you for ruining your makeup.  

The music played and one by one, the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way out into the cool fall air, and soon, you followed.  

Everyone stood and smiled as you made your way down the aisle, but your eyes remained on what was in front of you.  Chris stood ahead of you, with the biggest smile on his face and tears welling up in his eyes.   Once you reached the end, your father kissed you on the cheek and gave you to Chris before taking his seat beside your mother. You handed your bouquet to Y/B/F/N and turned to Chris, placing your hands in his.  You barely heard a word the minister said as you and Chris looked each other in the eye.

I love you” he mouthed.  

I love you too” You mouthed back and as if it was even possible, his smile seemed to grow wider.  

“The lovely couple I believe has written their own vows.  Y/N, lady’s first” The minister smiled at you and you took a deep breath.

“Well, as much as I want to say and all the promises I want to make I was told to keep this short, so, I’ll at least try to” The crowd chuckled and you waited for them to quiet down before continuing.  “Chris, my love for you isn’t complicated, it’s the simplest thing in the world.  As simple as how I’ll support you, fight for you, help you succeed, and build a life with you.  Our love may be simple, but it is strong.  We have fought and endured so much, and yet we made it.  I know there are hard times ahead, but I also know the best years of our life are just around the corner.  So, today I stand before our family and loved ones, I stand before you, to promise that no matter what we face, our love will make it through.”

“Excuse me for a moment,” Chris mumbled as he turned to wipe the tears from his eyes.  Everyone chuckled and awed.  You laughed as well, quickly wiped your own cheeks dry.  Chris took a deep breath and you placed your hands in his once more.  

“Y/N, I love you seems like such a weak expression compared to what I feel for you.  You know I believe in fate and destiny, which doesn’t really matter since I believe we are fated to do the things we chose to do.  I’d choose you though.  In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality.  I’d choose you because you are everything to me.  I’ve never met anyone as unique, as wonderful! As you.  And choosing to love you for the rest of my existence, is the smartest decision I’ve ever made.”

You couldn’t stop yourself. You jumped into Chris’s arms and kissed him with every fiber of your being.

“And I pronounce you husband and wife” the minister laughed as everyone jumped to their feet and cheered.

Chris wrapped his arms around you with no intention of ever letting you go.  The joy you felt, the love, was the most wonderful feeling in the world.  Even beautiful didn’t seem like the right word to describe it.

  Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

You leaned against the wall looking out the open window, a light breeze blew in. sending shivers down your spine.  You wore Chris’s shirt that only came down to your thighs.  A pair of arms wrapped around your waist as Chris nuzzled his head into your neck, kissing your skin.

“What are you doing up?”

“Couldn’t sleep” You whispered, reaching up and running your fingers through his messy hair.  

“Did I mention how stunning you looked today?”

“Only a couple hundred times” you giggled.  Chris turned you so your back was against the wall and you were facing each other.  

Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too

“Only because it’s true” he whispered with a lazy smile spread across his lips.  Chris leaned down and gently pressed his lips against yours, pulling you closer to his bare chest.  You wrapped your arms around his waist, enjoying his warmth in the cold night air.  

“I love you” You mumbled into the kiss, not believing you could be happier than you were at this very moment.  Oh, how wrong you were.  

For I can’t help falling in love with you
For I can’t help falling in love with you

Tag List:


Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader 


You let out a small grown as the sunlight filled your vision. You rolled over and blinked a couple times as your eyes adjusted to the light.  You sat up, confused as to why your husband wasn’t in bed beside you.  You looked at your alarm clock and saw it was eight in the morning.  It was Saturday, Chris barely got up before nine on a regular day much less the weekend.  

“Hey, you’re up” Chris smiled as he entered the room, the bundle of joy in his arms stretched out its arms as it yawned.  

“Morning” You whispered as Chris climbed into bed beside you.  He gave you a peck on the lips and placed your son on the bed between you.  “When did you two get up?”

“A few minutes ago, I don’t think he likes being alone” Chris explained as he turned on the TV in your bedroom, putting on Friends before you even asked. You smiled and snuggled closer to Y/C/N as the episode started.  

“They were on a break!”


“But Rachel said- “

“So, if I said I needed space would you go sleep with another woman an hour later?”

“I’m not going to answer that because it sounds like another one of those trap questions women set for us men” Chris stated.  You both looked down at the infant between you two, who let out a cry.

“I think he’s hungry”

“I’ll go grab bottle” Chris mumble climbing out of the bed.

“And- “

“I will get you coffee and one of the muffins as well” Chris turned and smirked at you before leaving the room.

You rolled your eyes and picked up the whining baby.  “Don’t worry little man, Daddy’s coming to the rescue” You soothed rocking him in your arms.  “He’s pretty great, but don’t tell him I said that.”

“I can hear you!”

“I was talking about Dodger!”

You could hear Chris scoff as he walked towards the bedroom.

“Where’d Y/C/N go? There he is! Where’d Y/C/N go? There he is!” The baby squealed with joy as you pulled the blanket back again and tapped his little nose.  Chris tickled Y/C/N’s sides, causing more bursts of laughter to come from those tiny lungs.  

“Hey, I was thinking, for Christmas, everyone should come here”


“Yeah, I mean we’re the ones with the big house now and it would be fun for all of us to stay together” Chris added.  You nodded as you thought about his suggestion.

“I like it! Everyone together for Y/C/N’s first Christmas!”

“As long as you won’t go crazy with pictures I say we do it”

“I can’t help the fact I have a very photogenic baby!” You exclaimed.  

Chris laughed, “That’s due to the fact he has a very pretty mutter”

“His father isn’t bad looking either” You kissed Chris on the cheek.

“That was not a real kiss,” Chris pouted.  

“Such a child” You rolled your eyes before kissing him on the lips him on the lips. Y/C/N let out a whine and you giggled. “You want a kiss too?” You leaned down and kissed him all over his chubby cheeks, making the baby giggle and squirm.  

“Dodger!” Chris laughed as the excited boxer jumped onto the bed.  Dodger rushed over and sniffed Y/C/N, whose eyes had gone wide at the animal that was triple his size.  “Dodger,” Chris said with a warning tone.

“Oh calm down, he won’t hurt him” You reassured.  Bringing Y/C/N home from the hospital had been quite an adventure. Dodger wouldn’t leave his side, seeming quite excited there was a new friend for him to play with.  

Y/C/N let out a giggle as Dodger licked his hand.


“We had that last night, what about Chines food?” You asked.  Y/C/N made sounds of contentment as he snuggled closer to you.  “I think he wants Chines food.”

“I think he wants your boob” Chris laughed as he ducked out of the way of the flying pillow.  

“One of these days he will pick up on things you say and your child will have the dirtiest mind in existence!” You warned, but Chris just shook his head and smiled.  

“I’ll order the Chinese food” He stated picking up his phone.


Chris hummed in response as he dialed the number.

“Do you think we should have gotten out of bed today?” You asked.  Chris glanced at the alarm clock that red five PM.  

Chris thought for a moment, “Nah!”.

“We got your rice, sweet and sour chicken, orange chicken, honey cashew shrimp, egg rolls, and more fried unhealthy foods filled with calories that will take me forever to lose!” Chris exclaimed using his announcing voice.  

You set your child down, making sure the pillows beside him were secure so there was no chance of him rolling away.  You grabbed a paper plate and scooped mounds of food onto it.  

“You fed him, right?”

“Yep! He’s had dinner, been burped, and I changed his diaper” You answered before taking a bite of orange chicken.  “What movie do you want to watch?”

“Isn’t there a new episode of Sherlock out?”

“Oh right! Put it on! Put it on!” You cheered.  Chris chuckled as went into Hulu and picked Sherlock.  You squealed with joy as the theme song started.  

“Hey, Y/N”

You hummed in response, eyes still on the screen.

“We should have family lazy days more often” You looked over and smiled at your husband.  You leaned over and kissed him, giving him a realkiss this time.  

“We should probably take him back to his crib”

“Five more minutes”

“You said that ten minutes ago” But neither Chris nor you made a move to get up. You both laid there watching your infant sleep, very content with staying in his parent’s bed.

“He’s so perfect” Chris whispered.

You hummed in agreement, smiling at the sight of your family.  You felt Dodger shift a bit at your feet before settling down again.  

“Thank you”

“For what?”

“Making me the happiest man alive” Chris whispered, still staring at his son.

Tag List:  


Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader 

Summary: You and your husband, Chris, spend the day decorating the tree with your two kids 

Warnings: None

“Mommy, what’s Daddy doing?”

“You’ll see in just a minute” You reassured Nikki for the millionth time.  Ben sat on your lap, playing with his tiny Santa as the three of you sat your bed waiting for Daddy’s “big” surprise.

“Ho ho ho!” Chris exclaimed bursting into the bedroom, causing Nikki to squeal and you to laugh. “Merry Christmas!” Chris shouted. He currently wore a Santa suit that you had neverseen and made a mental note to take a picture of him in it later.

“Daddy, is the surprise your Santa Claus?” Your four-year-old asked.  

Chris laughed, “No! Your surprise is downstairs, now come on!” Chris and Nikki ran down the stairs and you followed with Ben in your arms.  

“Wow!” Nikki exclaimed upon entering the living room.  It was filled with boxes of lights, ornaments, tinsel, garland, and even some popcorn on a string.  Then there was the large tree in the center of it all

“You did all this?” You asked your husband in shock.

“It’s Ben’s first Christmas so I figured we could do a little extra this year,” Chris explained, allowing Ben to grab his finger.

Nikki was running around the room looking at the different decorations.  Decorating the tree had been her favorite Christmas activity and looked forward to it every year.  

“We can teach Ben how to put on lights! And the ornaments! And he could do the star this year.”

You smiled at the sight of your daughter’s excitement.  “Maybe you two could put it on together!”

Nikki smiled and nodded her head in agreement.  “Can we start now? Oh please!”

“Of course, sweetheart, let’s get those lights up!” Chris boomed putting his Santa hat on Nikki. It was so big it covered her whole head making her laugh.  

“I did not anticipate this,” Chris sighed in defeat.  Nikki shook her head in disappointment looking at the tangled lights.

“Here, you two sort out what ornaments we are going to use while I do the lights,” You ordered.  You set Ben down by the tree and got to work on the lights.


“Yes! Can we put the gold ones with them?”

“Sure, and what about this one?”

“Hey! That’s me!” Nikki giggled pointing at the baby picture in the picture frame ornament.  

“Sure is! You were even smaller than Ben,”

“And Ben’s small!” Nikki exclaimed making Chris laugh.  “Can we put up the ones I made?”

“Of course! Thank you for allowing us to put such masterpieces on our tree!” Chris bowed dramatically.   “Hey hon, how are the lights –“

“All done!” You exclaimed. Chris and Nikki looked at the neat, untangled lights in front of you.

“But… how!”


“Okay… but how!” Chris asked again.

“I’m a mother, I know how to do everything.” You answered as you started to put the lights on the tree. “And don’t roll your eyes at me!”

“You weren’t even looking!”

“She’s a mother Daddy, she knows everything,” Nikki whispered making you both laugh.  

“And this one will go here! And this one here!” Nikki stated putting another ornament on the tree. Ben light out a cry from the floor and reached up towards the tree.  “Mommy! I think Ben wants to help!”

“Come here little men,” Chris spoke picking up his son.  “Wanna help me put this on the tree?”

Ben reached out and took the red ball from Chris and Chris held him out towards the tree.  Ben held up the ornament and… threw it at the tree. The red ball plummeted to the floor and landed with a quiet tap.  

“Maybe we can try again in a few months,” You chuckled picking up the ornament.  

“Are we ready for the star?”

“Star! Star! Star! Star!” Nikki chanted jumping up and down.  Ben clapped in agreement.  

“Nikki, you should probably put it on this year,” Chris suggested picking up the pieces of another broken ornament.  

You picked up the star and handed it to Nikki before lifting her up.  Your daughter as far as her little arms could but could not reach the top of the tree.

“Uh oh! I think we need the help of a certain superhero.”

“Captain merca!” Nikki exclaimed.  At age two Nikki had tried to learn to say Captain America but it came out a bit differently. The nickname stuck, and you never let your husband forget it (neither did Downey).

Chris chuckled as he took Nikki into his arms and lifted her up into the air.  Nikki was able to place the star on to the top of the tree this time and squealed with delight.  Chris placed Nikki back on the ground.

“Who’s ready to turn on the lights?” You asked.

“Me! Me! Me!” Nikki shouted jumping once again.  

“Light em’ up!” Chris exclaimed now holding Ben.

“Okay, one, two…three!” You plugged in the cord and the tree light up.  

Nikki clapped and Ben copied her making you and Chris smile.  

“I think it’s time for some cocoa and a movie.”

“Agreed,” Nikki stated and ran into the kitchen making you laugh.

The four of you now sat on the couch, movie over, stomachs filled with warm cocoa and cookies. Nikki laid asleep between the two of you while Ben was curled up on your lap.  Chris put his arm around you as you rested your head on his shoulder.

“Do you think we’ll be able to top this next year?”

“We’ll have to.”

“Why?” Chris asked looking at you confused.  

“Because it’s going to be someone else’s first Christmas,” You whispered.  It took a moment, but a look of realization finally appeared on Chris’s face.

“You mean…”

You nodded, biting your lip as you tried to contain your excitement.  “I believe Baby Evans will be arriving sometime in October if I did the math right.”

“I can’t believe this!” Chris whispered, he leaned over and kissed you.


You and Chris quickly jumped apart and Nikki sat up looking slightly grumpy.  

“You were squishing me!”

“Sorry sweetheart,” Chris chuckled kissing the top of his daughter’s head.  

“What were you two talking about?”

You and Chris locked eyes and nodded.

“Your Mommy just gave me the best Christmas present ever.”

“What? A kiss?” Nikki asked, clearly disgusted.

You laughed and shook your head.  “No Nikki! A baby!”

“A baby? Where! There?” Nikki asked pointing at your stomach.

“Yes! Just like Ben was, remember? You’re going to have another brother or sister!”

Nikki gasped, making you and Chris chuckle at her expression.  “I hope it’s a sister! Oh, please be a sister!” Nikki leaned down and whispered to your stomach.

“I think it’s time for bed,” Chris chuckled picking Nikki up.  You got up and carefully unplugged the tree before you headed up the stairs.

You placed Ben in his crib and headed into Nikki’s room.  “All tucked in?”


“Got all your stuffed animals?”

Nikki nodded and held up her teddy bears, one wearing a Captain America outfit and the other in an Ironman suit, to show you.  

“Okay, goodnight sweetheart.”

“Sweet dreams!” Chris whispered as he kissed Nikki’s cheek and you the other.  

“Hey, Mommy,”

“Yeah?” You responded stopping in the doorway.

“How did the baby get in your tummy?”

“You should ask daddy,” Chris looked at you in shock.

“But I thought mothers know everything.”

“Oh, we do! But Daddy would know how the baby got there since he put it there.” You winked at Chris and walked to your own bedroom before he could respond. 

Tag List:

@patzammit@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@lara-ludbey@httpmcrvel@supernaturaldean67@courtneychicken @ek823

Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing


AN: We’re getting close to the end… just thought I should warn you…


“Does anybody listen to me? No! They think it’s a good idea to go running down a highway, flipping cars, doing flips off motorcycles, fighting foreign kings…”


“Shut up I’m still not done mocking your stupidity!” Jo growled as she continued to pace.  Steve and Sam currently sat at the conference table while Jo paced around the glass box they were currently in.  Surrounded by the CIA.  Bucky was in the basement actually locked up in a box.  At least theirs had comfy chairs.  

“Did you get someone to look at your injuries?”

“You’re going to need to someone to look at your injuries if you don’t piss off!” Jo snapped.  Why did Steve had to be such an idiot where Bucky was concerned? Didn’t think! Didn’t plan! Just when in there thinking it would be all fine! Jo shook her head, resisting the urge to hit Steve again. She finally sat down, at the other end of the table away from Steve, when the pain in her side started to bother her.  It was no cakewalk getting hit by multiple cars and having the Winter Soldier shove you through a concrete wall.  

“So, what’s our next move?” Sam asked trying to break the tension.

“We wait.”

“I can’t just- “

“Oh, no! We did it your way now we do it mine!” Jo ordered.  “We wait because we won’t walk out of here alive with Barnes unless we do just that.  No more going in guns blazing.  You’re going to sit there, answer their questions, do as they ask, and be a good little prisoner till the opportunity we need shows itself.”

“Should I sign the accords if Tony asks again?”

“You sign those things and I’ll be the one to make sure you don’t walk out of here alive.”

“Man, have you ever seen her this mad?” Sam mumbled.  

“I think Tony putting Wanda on house arrest didn’t do much to calm her.”

“Don’t forget your stupidity” Jo stated glancing at Steve.   Jo stood up again and looked out of the glass.  

“Jo, I am- “

“Shut up and look at this!” Jo whispered.  Steve walked over and looked at the monitors showing Bucky’s cell.  A man was sitting down at a table across of Bucky’s box.

“The receipt for your suit,” Sharon stated walking in.

“Bird costume? Come on!”

“I didn’t write it,” Sharon defended.  Jo and Steve were still looking out of the glass when Sharon pressed a button turning on the monitor in their room.  They could now see and hear the conversation between Bucky and the man.

“I am not here to judge you.  I just want to ask you a few questions.” The man spoke.  He had an accent Jo didn’t recognize but it sounded familiar.  “Do you know where you are James?”

Bucky did not respond.

“I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, James.  James?”

“My name is Bucky,” Bucky finally said.  His voice was sound rough.  

Jo looked away from the monitor and picked up the photo that had been released when they announced Bucky as their prime suspect.  “Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?”

“Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?” Sharon suggested.  

“Right. It’s a good way to flush a guy out of hiding.  Set off a bomb.  Get your picture taken.  Now you got seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.”

“You’re saying someone framed him to find him?” Steve asked turning to Jo.  

“But Jo, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing.”

“But we didn’t bomb the UN,” Steve put in.  “That turns a lot of heads.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t guarantee who framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would.”

“Yeah…” Jo whispered looking back up at the monitor.  Suddenly, the room went dark and emergency lights started to flash.

“Sublevel five, east wing!” Sharon spoke up.

“Is this our opportunity?”

“You bet it is!” Jo growled as they took off.

They arrived to find bodies all over the room.

“Help me… help me…” The man was laying on the floor of the cell.

“Get up,” Steve ordered. He grabbed the man by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.  “Who are you? What do you want?”

“To see an empire fall.”

When Jo entered the room, she ducked just in time to avoid Bucky’s swing.  She rolled out of his way and Sam hit him from behind.  Jo threw herself at Bucky’s middle and shoved him against the wall. Bucky lifted his legs and kicked Jo across the room before shoving Sam to the ground.

Steve jumped into action throwing hits where he could while dodging the metal arm as they headed out of the room.  

Jo got to up in time to see the man standing by an elevator with broken doors.

“Hey!” Sam called out as he stumbled to her feet. The man disappeared down the hallway.  

Jo rushed over to the elevator and looked down. “Steve!”

“Go! Get Bucky!”

Jo nodded and she and Sam took off in the direction the man had gone.  

They exited the building along with the crowd of screaming people.  Jo spotted a familiar sweater on the ground and picked it up.

“Damn…” She whispered. It was the sweater the man had been wearing.

“Look!” Sam pointed at a helicopter as it fell into the lake.

“Steve!” Jo whispered as they took off running.  

Bucky let out a groan as he began to wake up.  He looked over at his metal arm, that was currently jammed into some contraption.

“Hey Cap!” Sam called out and Steve came running over.

Jo remained in the shadows, unsure if it was a good idea for Bucky to see her.  

“Steve…” Bucky groaned.

“Which Bucky am I talking to?”

“Your mom’s name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.” Bucky slightly laughed.

“Can’t read that in a museum.”

“Just like that was supposed to be cool?” Sam asked.

“What did I do?”


“Oh, God, I knew this would happen,” Bucky sighed.  “Everything Hydra put inside of me is still there.  All he had to do was say the god damn words.”

“Who was he?”

“I don’t know…”

“People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you.  I need you to do better than “I don’t know”” Steve ordered.

Bucky bit his lip, clearly trying to remember anything he could.  “He wanted to know about Siberia.  Where I was kept.  He wanted to know exactly where.”

“Why would he need to know that?”

“Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier,” Bucky answered.  

“Who were they?”

“Their most elite death squad.  More kills than anyone in Hydra’s history.  And that was before the serum.”

“They all turn out like you?” Sam asked.  Jo could hear a slight bit of sarcasm in his tone.  She could already tell how that friendship was going to go.


“The doctor, could he control them?” Steve inquired.


“Said he wanted to see an empire fall…”

“With these guys, he could do it.  They speak thirty languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize.  They could take a whole country down in one night and you’d never see them coming.”

Sam walked over to Steve and they began talking quietly to each other.  Steve looked to wear Jo had been standing, out of sight, and motioned her over.  

“We already know we’re on our on with this one,” She whispered upon reaching them.  

“Sam doesn’t think so, says he knows a guy.”

“You talking about tic-tac?” Jo asked surprised.  

Sam nodded.

“You…. How are you…”

Jo turned to see the shock on Bucky’s face at the sight of her,

“You know each other?” Steve demanded.

“I… I killed her,” Bucky whispered.  

“You tried to at least,” Jo sighed.  

“How did you survive?”

“The super soldier serum. If I had been a simple human I would have frozen to death within minutes, and there was no place close to go.”

“That’s what I had assumed…” Bucky muttered.

“Okay, explain, now.”

“Steve listen, I- “

“Nope.  You got to give orders now it’s my turn.  Explain. Now.” Steve ordered.

Jo sighed, she walked out of the room and Steve followed.

“Why can’t Sam hear this?”

“Because he already knows,” Jo answered.  Steve was clearly not happy about that.  “Look, the only reason I never told you this was because I knew it would not do any good. After I escaped Hydra, I was not… a good person.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I spent a good ten years hunting down Hydra operatives and killing them, and I had my work on the side.”

“You were a hitman, I know this.”

“Yeah, but you don’t know most of it,” Jo muttered.  “Anyways, I came across a Hydra compound out in the middle of Russia.  My info told me it was abandoned, figured I could see if there was any useful information left behind so I made my way to it.  Upon arriving, I found it was not abandoned, but in fact, occupied by the Winter Soldier team.”

“You fought Bucky…”

“Yeah.  It was early on in my years of hiding.  I was untrained and unprepared.  Anything I had done before had been petty work, child’s play compared to what he could do to me.”

“How did you get out?”

“I managed to get outside but there was nothing for miles, Bucky was right on my tale and could outrun any vehicle I could have tried to take.  So, I let him throw me into the ocean.  Swam for a couple miles before climbing out at a bank and hiking to the nearest village.”

“My God… Jo you could have- “

“Died, drowned, frozen to death. Trust me I know.” Jo reassured waving him off.  “I was young, stupid, filled with anger, and alone. After I recovered I did some research and found out who Bucky was.  I did try and go back to find him, but by the time I got there they had left without a trace. I could never find anything on him.”

“Why did you try and find him again?”

“He had been your best friend, I figured that’s what you would have done.”

Steve sighed and grabbed Jo by the shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.  “I love you, you know that?”

“Love you too pops,” Jo sighed pulling away.  “But, we should go.  Who knows how much longer this warehouse will be safe.”

Steve nodded.  “Come on, we got a world to save.”

“Again…” Jo muttered as they headed back over to Bucky and Sam.  

Tag List:


Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing


The church was completely packed.  The choir sang as the men carried in the casket, Steve was among them.  There was a large portrait Margret Carter at the front with some white flowers in front of it.  Jo did not sit beside her father.  In fact, Steve didn’t even know she was there.  Jo stood all the way in the back, in a corner where she remained unnoticed by the crowd.  

“I would like to invite Joanne Carter, to come say a few words.” The Priest said.  Jo sighed and made her way to the podium.  

Ignoring the surprised look on both Steve and Sam’s faces, Jo cleared her throat and began to speak.

“Everyone knew Margret Carter as the founder of Shield, one of the best agents the government has ever had, a hero, someone who helped shape the world we live in today.  But I knew her as Mom.” Jo paused for a second, it had been many years since the last time she had talked about Peggy.  It had taken an hour-long conversation with Coulson just to convince her to do this.  “She may have been the woman who fought the bad guys, but she was also the woman who walked me to school and made pancakes every Saturday morning. She taught me how to fight and to stand up for what I believe.  She proved that even in a world that seemed impossible for women to succeed in, she went against the odds and proved everyone wrong.  Hell, she even bought me my first holster.”  This earned a bit of laughter from the crowd.  “So, sure she met John F Kennedy, fought the Nazis, and is the girl who took Captain America’s virginity, but even though she did all that, the best thing she ever to me was being my mother.”

Jo took another sip from the bottle of vodka she had managed to get out of the storage closet in the bar she was now sitting outside of in back alley.  One of the downsides of not aging is that you never look old enough to buy alcohol.  

“How did you know she took your dad’s virginity?” Sam took the bottle from her as he sat down on the ground and took a sip.

“Uncle Howard had a bit too much to drink one time when he was watching me,” Jo answered taking back the bottle.  

“You okay?”

Jo nodded, “Yeah, I mean, I knew this was coming.  It just felt weird to be there, to talk about her and tell stories.  In a way, she had already been dead to me, but now she truly is gone…”

“She was proud of you, you know.”

Jo scoffed.  “Sure, proud her daughter turned into a cold-blooded assassin.  She would be so proud of the woman who let Hydra take her a second time.  She would absolutely love how I failed to fight them, how I failed to stop their experiments and what they were doing.”

“You’re not invincible you know,” Sam insisted.  “Not to mention you shouldn’t be fighting this all on your own.  None of that was your fault anyhow.”

“But I’m tired of fighting!” Jo exclaimed.  “There’s always someone who needs saving! Always another Hydra to fight! People I care about are always dying! I’m tired of it!”

“So, what? You gonna quit?”

Jo didn’t have a response to that because she herself did not know the answer. Or it was more likely she was not ready to admit what she wanted to herself.   “Where’s Steve?”

“I left him back at the church.  He didn’t seem ready to leave.”

“Natasha is probably with him”

“Is there something between those two?”

“God, I hope so!” Jo exclaimed.  “It’s better than the alternative,” Jo cringed at the possibility of Steve having feelings for Sharon.

“What’s the alternative?

“I should go see him,” Jo stood up, ignoring Sam’s question, finished the bottle and tossed it into the nearby dumpster.  Before she could set off for the church both hers and Sam’s phones began blowing up with notifications.

“Looks like the worlds in chaos.”

“When is it not?” Jo groaned.

Jo and Sam arrived at Steve’s location, which was a hotel.  It had not taken much convincing to get Sam to promise to not tell Steve about the tracker Jo had planted on his phone.  

“Hey, Steve, you need to-“Jo stopped when she noticed Steve was not standing by the elevator alone.

“What is it?” Steve asked, looking between Sharon and Jo completely confused.”


“You can’t tell- “

“I said no, and that means no, so no,” Jo growled starring Sharon down. “And as I was saying, Steve, there’s something you need to see.”

Steve, Sam, and Jo stood in front of the TV in Sharon’s hotel room. Listening to the news broadcaster explain the explosion in Vienna.  Sharon was on the phone with a co-worker trying to find out what she could.

“Oh God,” Jo whispered as the news broadcaster named James Buchanan Barnes as their number one suspect.  

Sharon put down her phone and looked at the TV.  “I have to go to work.”

“So do we,” Jo grumbled.

Jo sat beside Sam at the bar.  Sam wore a baseball cap and sunglasses, while Jo wore jut the sunglasses and had dyed her short hair brown.  She was tired of blonde anyways.  Steve was outside on the phone with Natasha.  

“Did you have any run-ins with Barnes when you worked for Shield?”

“No, but I did before Shield recruited me.”

Sam looked at Jo slightly surprised.  He took another bite of his food and motioned for her to continue.

“After I escaped Hydra, and had spent a couple years learning how to live in hiding, I started hunting down Hydra operatives who had escaped the war. There were many who did not hide as well as the rest.” Jo explained.  “One night, I infiltrated an old Hydra compound in Russia that was said to be abandoned.  I figured there might be some useful files left there or something.  I usually sent such things to Shield anonymously.  The problem was, it was not abandoned.  It was set up similarly to the first place Hydra did experiments on me.  Though I was in no way prepared to fight someone like Barnes.”

“How so?”

“He was ruthless.  I may have matched him in strength and speed, but I was sloppy, untrained.  While he had years of experience in the army and had been trained by Hydra’s finest.  I didn’t stand a chance.”

“How did you even survive?”

“Only way I could, I died.” Jo took a sip of her beet before continuing. “The compound was near the ocean, so, I let him get a few hits in before I fell in.”

“In Russia! The water must have been freezing!”

“I had pneumonia for three months.” Jo chuckled.

“Does Steve know this?”

Jo shook her head, “No, I never saw any good in telling him this. When I figured out who had tried to kill me I did try and find him again.  He had been my father’s best friend, I figured Steve would have wanted me to at least try and save him.  But he was a ghost but the time I was strong enough to return to the compound.”

Jo stopped when she saw Steve walk in with a grim look on his face.

“She tell you to stay out of it?” Sam asked.  “Might have a point.”

“He’d do it for me.”

“1945, maybe, I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people that shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at us.” Sam motioned over to Jo and himself as he spoke.

Sharon stepped up beside Steve before he could respond.  “Tips have been pouring in since the footage went public.  Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of its noise.  Except for this.” Sharon slid a file over to Steve. “My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now… So that’s all the head start you’re gonna get.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re gonna have to hurry, we have orders to shoot on sight.” Sharon looked over at Jo before leaving.

Jo said no in sign language before Sharon disappeared out the door.

“You wanna explain what you keep saying no to?”

“No,” Jo answered taking the file from Steve and walking out of the bar.

Tag List:


Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings:Chris Evan x Reader


A/N: We’ve made it! This is the final chapter in this story. I am so happy I’ve made it to the end. I’m thinking about an epilogue just not 100% sure on it yet. Thank you to those who have been following this story and showing your support! I love y’all!



It was the night before your wedding day. You always thought you would be nervous and stressed the night before your wedding, but you were the complete opposite. You felt happy and relaxed. You trusted that Jessica had everything done for the big day.  You, Scarlett, Rose and Olivia were having a relaxing night at Lisa’s. 

You asked Scarlett to be your only bridesmaid and Rose to be a flower girl with Olivia. Chris asked Scott to be his best man and his nephew, Miles, to be the ring bearer. 

You chose to spend the night at Lisa’s and let Chris and Scott have your house. You were just hoping it was in one piece when you got back.

Olivia was nearing two years old, and you couldn’t believe it. She talked non-stop, it didn’t always make since but that didn’t stop her. Olivia had started calling Chris, dada. 


You finish unpacking the last box and sigh in relief. Chris comes up with Olivia in his arms. “Mama!” She reaches for you. 

You smile and take her from Chris. When you look at Chris, you realize Olivia has never called him anything. As the wheels in your head turn, you start to wonder if Olivia should call him dad. Chris is the only father figure Olivia has, to you, it only makes sense that she should call him dad.

“Chris, don’t you think we should be teaching her to call you something?” You ask him. 

“Yeah, I guess. What were you thinking? Like just Chris or?” He looks down at you. 

“I was thinking more along the lines of daddy, but it’s up to you.” You smile. 

It takes a second for it to register in Chris’s head what you just said. “Wait! You mean it? You would be ok with her calling me that?” 

“You’re basically already her dad. You act like it.” You say with a laugh. 

“Then yes, she can totally call me daddy.” He leans down and kisses you then kisses Olivia’s cheeks. 

“Livie, can you say Dada?” You look at her. “Da-da.” You point to Chris.

She giggles. “Daaaada!” 

Chris smiles widely and takes her from you kissing her all over her face.

~end flashback~

It was finally the morning of the wedding, you woke up with small feeling of anxiousness. People started going in and out of the house starting at 8 o’clock that morning. It was some what chaotic. 

Lisa brought breakfast to you, Scarlett, and the girls. You all sat in the queen sized bed eating French toast, fruit, and bacon. 

Jessica hired a photographer, and she was there taking pictures of you and the girls enjoying your breakfast. You watched as she took a picture of Olivia shoving a strawberry in her mouth. You laughed and couldn’t wait to have all these pictures to look back on. 

The ceremony wasn’t until 5 in the evening. It was just passed nine when Jessica showed up. You went down stairs to meet her. 

“Are you ready?” She asked with a beaming smile. 

“So ready!” You smiled. 

She started talking you through everything that was happening and what was supposed to arrive at what time. You watched as Lisa’s backyard was set up for the day. It was better than anything you could have ever dreamed. 


Just before lunch, your parents walked into the house. Your mom wrapped you up in a hug and squeezed you. You then hugged your dad. Your anxiousness was lessening now that your mom was there. 

The hair stylist and makeup artist arrived to start on all the girls. Your mom, and Lisa were first then they went to get dressed. After them, it was Scarlett, then Rose and Olivia. Scarlett took Rose and Olivia to get dressed while you were getting ready. 


Once you were finished with your hair and makeup, Scarlett came back in to help you put on your dress. She helped you into your dress and then helped you with your jewelry. 

Scarlett stepped back to look at you. “Wow!” She smiled at you. “You look stunning!” 

Your smile was beaming across your face. You stepped in front of the mirror and gasped. You were amazed at how everything came together. 


After taking yourself in, you were ready to show everyone. Scarlett walked in front of you and opened the door to let your parents in. 

Your mother was in awe. She started to cry as well as your dad, which in turn made you tear up. Your mom gently wiped your tears before kissing your cheeks. 

Finally, it was time. All 30 guest had arrived and were seated. Soft music was playing as Chris went down the aisle. Once he was at the end, he took a breath to steady his nerves. You may not have been nervous, but Chris was. Chris just wanted to be married to you. 

Scarlett and Scott were next. Miles walked down with the rings and stood next to Scott. Rose and Olivia walked down the aisle sprinkling flower petals. Once they made it down the aisle and stood by Scarlett the music changed. Everyone stood and waited for your entrance. 

The back doors opened, revealing you and your dad. Chris immediately teared up. You were stunning. He turned away to wipe his tears then looked back at you. You smiled at him with all the love in the world. There was nowhere else you would have wanted to be. 

Your dad gave you away to Chris. “You look beautiful!” Chris whispered in your ear. 

“Not to shabby yourself!” You replied. 

The ceremony continued on. Chris said his vows and slipped the diamond band onto your finger. You did the same and slipped a silver band onto his. 

“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” The officiant smiled. “You may now kiss the bride!” 

Chris pulled you into him and kissed you sweetly. The kiss lasted for a few seconds while everyone cheered. You both pull away with beaming smiles. 

“I love you, Mr. Evans!” You whispered to him. 

“I love you more, Mrs. Evans!” He pecked your lips one more time before, he scooped up Olivia and you all exited down the aisle. 

Sometimes gifts are better when they are unexpected. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow​  @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32​  @natalia-romanovas-world​  @fangirlfree​  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95​  @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen​  @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney​  @peakyrazor​  @veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood​  @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading​  @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy​​@leclerc-stan​​@lexeeehhh​​@mrspeacem1nusone​​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala​​

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings:Chris Evan x Reader


A/N:This chapter covers a lot of ground. I feel like this chapter may be all over the place, I don’t know. Y’all let me know what you think. I don’t think this is the best chapter. I am also going to try and get out another chapter today.



For the next several days, Yours and Chris’s phones didn’t seem to stop ringing. They were overloaded with notifications. Your went from 1,000 followers to over 10,000 in just a few days. Everything seemed so surreal. 

You waited for a million ugly comments to start rolling in, but they never did. Of course, there were some, but it was nothing compared to what you were expecting. It was a relief for you and Chris. 

His fans seemed to be responding well to the the news, and that was important. People started to post their congratulations to you both, making your heart swell. Even his co-stars and fellow actors were posting congratulations.

You, Olivia, and Chris were back in L.A. and finally things seemed to be calming down. You and Chris were on the couch while Olivia played in the floor. 

“Don’t you think you should be finding a wedding planner?” Chris asked. 

You turn your head to look at him. “I’ll do it tomorrow.” You laughed softly. 

Chris looked at you. “Where do you think we should have the wedding?”

“I don’t know. I think it depends on how many people we want to invite.” You told him. “Because if we keep it small, just family and really close friends then we can have it wherever, but if you want to go big then I would say either in Boston or Atlanta.” 

Chris nodded. “I was thinking just family and close friends. Like Scarlett, Robert, Chris, Renner, Mackie, Seb and a few other people for me. And of course who ever your close friends are.” 

You laughed a little. “We kind of share the same close friends. My invites will be family.” 

“I guess you’re right.” He laughed. 

“What if we had it in your mom’s backyard?” You sat up and looked at Chris. “It is plenty big enough and it’s so pretty.” 

“If that’s what you want to do then let’s do it!” He smiled. 

The next day you called around and found a great wedding planner out of Boston, her name was Jessica Jones. She told you that she was honored to be yours and Chris’s wedding planner. 

You told her that you and Chris wanted to do it in his mom’s backyard, and she thought that was the sweetest and cutest idea. 

Jessica said she didn’t want to get to into the planning just yet because she wanted to meet with you and Chris first. You, of course, had to get back with her on a date that you and Chris could get back to Boston. 

You went to talk to Chris about when he would be free to go back. 

“Why don’t we just move to Boston?” He groaned from the couch. 

“Are you serious or just complaining?” You raised your eyebrow at him. 

“We could by a house and move then when we get married we can just go home and not worry about flying back here to L.A. where we still live in separate apartments.” Chris went on. 

“Ok.” You said. Chris looked at you shocked that you agreed so easily to his statement that was really supposed to be a complaint. “You make some valid points.” You shrugged.

“Ok then.” He laughed. “We are moving to Boston!” 

“We are moving to Boston!” You smiled at him. 

Chris picked up Olivia. “Do you want to move to Boston?” He asked her. 

Olivia clapped and wiggled in his arms. “I think that’s a yes.” You smiled. 

You and Chris had lots of details to work through over the next several days. You decided to keep Chris’s apartment in L.A. so, if you were in town, you didn’t have to fuss with a hotel.

 As you started to look at you work schedule to see when would be best to make another trip to Boston, you noticed an email from the Marvel Executives. You were confused. You never emailed them directly, that was always your boss of the stunt company you worked for. You showed Chris the unopened email. 

“Well, open it.” He said.

You opened it and began to read through it. “No way!” You whispered in utter shock. 

“What?” Chris looked over you shoulder. 

“They are offering me a job as a full time stunt coordinator for upcoming Marvel projects!” You excitedly told him. 

“That’s great baby!” Chris smiled and kissed your head. “Are you going to take it?” He asked. 

“I’d be crazy not to!” You looked up at him. “They are offering to pay me triple what I make now.” 

You stood up from your desk and wrapped your arms around Chris. “Everything that is happening right now is just so unreal.” You smiled widely at him. “I mean, we are engaged, we are planning to move across the country, and now I get an amazing job offer.” 

Chris rubbed his hands up and down your back. “I know baby, a lot has happened in just a few weeks.” He leaned down and pecked your lips. 

You couldn’t have been more happy in that moment if you tried. You were marrying your best friend, moving and were going to accept an amazing job offer. 

It took some planning, but you and Chris finally had your schedules arranged so you were able to make a trip to Boston to do two things. The first was to meet with Jessica and start planning. The second was meeting with a realtor to look at some a few houses in Boston and the surrounding areas. You left Olivia with Lisa while you two were out.

You met Jessica at her office one morning. She greeted you when you walked through the door. 

“Hi, it’s great to finally meet you two!” Jessica shook both yours and Chris’s hand then lead you into a private meeting room. “Ok, I know since your time here is limited, I’ve got a lot for us to go over. And we aren’t in a rush, you two are my only clients for the day.” 

You sat down at the large conference table that was covered with lots of things, magazines, fabrics, color swatches, and much more. It was a little overwhelming at first glance for both you and Chris, but as Jessica started explaining, the feelings of being overwhelmed started to dissipate. 

“Ok, first thing we need is a date.” Jessica said as she opened a large binder. “Now obviously, if you plan to do the ceremony and reception outside, we need a warmer month.” 

You and Chris discussed and decided to have the wedding in September. The weather was warm, but not too hot and it definitely wouldn’t be freezing. From there the details fell into place. You picked the color scheme, an invitation design, the flowers, an arch way for the ceremony, and lots more. The biggest details left to decide were the cake, the menu for the reception, your dress, bridesmaid’s dress, and the tuxes. 

By the time your meeting with Jessica was finished, it was well into the afternoon. You and Chris decided to grab a bite to eat before heading back to his mom’s house. 

You went into a small Italian restaurant. The hostess seated you at a table and handed you menus. Before either of you can open your menus, a little boy, around five years old runs over to your table. 

“You’re Captain America!” He exclaimed. “You are my favorite, after Falcon!” The boy said with a grin. 

You couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped when the boy said Falcon was his #1 favorite. 

Chris glanced at you then back to the boy. “Well, I will make sure Falcon knows that I met his #1 fan today.” Chris said with a smile. 

Before their conversation could continue, the boy’s mom rushed over. “I am so sorry!” She apologized. 

“Mama, look it’s Captain America!” He smiled up at his mom. 

“I see, but we have to let him enjoy his meal with his friend.” She told him. She apologized one more time before she began to walk away. 

“Wait, why don’t we take a picture before you go?” Chris offered. 

The mother turned around. “That’s really not necessary. I hate to bother you anymore.” 

“Nonsense, I insist.” Chris stood and picked the boy up and allowed for his mom to take a quick picture.

“Thank you so much, and again I’m so sorry he ran over here.” She said one last time before they walked away. 

“You are great with kids, you know that right?” You questioned Chris as he picked up his menu. 

“Yeah, I’ve been told I have a way with children.” He smiled. 

The rest of you lunch was peaceful. You went back to Lisa’s house and spent what was left of your day lounging around.

The next morning, you met with a realtor to look at a few houses in and around the Boston area. When you talked with the realtor, you and Chris both told him you didn’t want to be in the middle of town.

The realtor showed you several houses, but most of them were in packed neighborhoods where there was only ten feet between two houses. 

Finally, the last house he showed you and Chris was out from town and not squished between two other houses. It was in a new neighborhood, that only had a few other houses, but the closest one was a quarter of a mile. It had plenty of room and space. The house was large, with an open concept. It was two stories, stained wood floors, tall ceilings, marble counter tops, built in appliances, five bedrooms, five and a half baths, with an office space, and a three car garage. It was perfect. 

After touring the house, you looked up at Chris. He could see it in your eyes that you were in love with the house, and he was too. 


Chris turned to the realtor. “We’ll take it!” He smiled. 

After finishing up with the realtor, you felt as if you were on cloud nine. Chris could tell by looking at you. It was as if you were glowing. You were in your own little bubble of happiness. 

Before leaving Boston, you took Olivia back to the house, just to show her around. You put her down and let her walk around the empty house. She babbled as she walked around the first floor. 

Chris wrapped his arms around you as you both watched Olivia. “I think she likes it.” He whispered in your ear then kissed your neck softly. 

“I think so too.” You smiled. You giggled softly feeling Chris’s beard against your neck. “Now, I just can’t wait to be here.” 

“Me either.” Chris agreed. “Not much longer.” 

Once Christmas passed, you started the moving process. You packed up your apartment then packed up parts of Chris’s. It took about a week to get everything boxed up and shipped to Boston. Once everything was shipped and all the ends were tied up in L.A., you headed for Boston to start a new chapter. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32 @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney @peakyrazor @veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader


A/N:this was not proof read!



Monday morning came way too fast. You woke up filled with anxiety, Chris did as well. You were both anxious about calling Chris’s agent and announcing your engagement. You were trying to put on a brave face, but inside you really weren’t ready for the reaction of Chris’s fans. You were so uncertain of what they may comment and post. 

After breakfast, you and Chris went to the back porch to video chat with his agent. Of course, you had met his agent, Megan. She knew of your relationship. She was a big reason you were able to keep it a secret.

You and Chris sat at the patio table in front of his laptop, waiting. Your anxiety had skyrocketed at this point. You and Chris both took a deep breath as the call from his agent came through. Chris accepted the call and her face pooped up. 

“Hey guys!” Megan smiled. “So, what is the reason for this video chat?” She questioned. 

You smiled as Chris grabbed your hand and raised it into the view of the camera. “Well, I may have done something.” He joked. 

“Oh my gosh!” Megan was shocked to say the least. She was happy, but as soon as she processed it, she started to think of all the articles and interviews that were going to want to be done and how Chris’s fanbase would react. 

“Congratulations!” She smiled. “Are you calling because we need a cover up or because we want to make an official announcement before the tabloids?” 

“The second one.” Chris told her. You nodded in agreement. 

“Well, you have an tv appearance coming up this Friday with Jimmy Fallon. Do you want to do it then?” She asked. 

Chris looked at you. He wanted this to be as much your decision as his. “Um, yeah, I guess that’s fine.” You shrugged. 

“Y/N, we can find another way. You just have to say so.” Chris rested his hand on your leg. 

“I just didn’t think I would have to go on tv or in front of an audience.” You admitted. “But, I want to do this as soon as possible. So, if I have to go in front of a live audience then I will do it.” 

“Are you 100% sure? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable in any way.” Chris truly didn’t want to push you out of your comfort zone. He knew you weren’t used to the big audiences and the cameras in your face. You did the work off camera and that is where you were comfortable. 

You took another breath and nodded. “I’m sure.” You told him. Maybe this way there wouldn’t be as much backlash. There wouldn’t be a post to harbor all the comments, good or bad. 

“Alrighty then, I will call the producers and work out the details.” Megan smiled. “Again, congrats! Love you guys! I’ll see you in New York Friday morning!” 

You both said goodbye before Chris ended the call and closed the laptop. You were hoping that your anxiety would decrease with the call to Megan, but it only seemed to increase. 

Chris was not much better. He was stressing for you. He knew the fear of being in front of a live audience and it being broadcasted on tv. Chris turned to you and opened his arms to you. You got up and curled up in his lap. 

“We are going to be ok after this, right?” You asked as you hid your face in Chris’s neck. 

“Y/N, no matter what happens, no one can change the way I feel about you. I want you and Olivia for the rest of my life. I want to come home to you. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives. I want Olivia to be a big sister, and I want to watch our kids run around in a big backyard.” Chris explained in a reassuring tone as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. 

You couldn’t help the tears that started to flow. Chris moved back to look at you. 

“Why are you crying, hun?” Chris asked as he wiped the tears. 

“Because, you are just too good to me. I don’t know what I would have done this last year without you.” You sniffed. 

“You would have made it work. I know you, and you are not a quitter and you don’t give up easily.” Chris brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “I know you are worried about being in front of a live audience and being in front of the cameras instead of behind them, but we are in this together, until the end.” He kissed your forehead then pulled back with a smile. 

You let out a breath and nodded. “Until the end.” You whispered. 

Chris leaned in and kissed you gently. You kissed back before you were interrupted by Lisa opening the patio door. 

“A certain one year old is awake and is wanting her mother.” She laughed. 

You stood from Chris’s lap and went inside to get Olivia. Your anxiety was still present, but it was better after Chris calmed you down. You knew things were going to get harder, but as long as you had each other, things would be ok. 

The rest of the week flew by and you were on your way to New York. Megan had a car service pick you, Olivia and Chris up and drive you to your hotel. Megan also arranged for you all to enter a side entrance instead of the main one. She led you up to your room. You stepped through the door and were greeted with the nicest hotel room you’d ever seen. You had stepped into just the living room area, there were still two bedrooms and two bathrooms to see. 

You bags were delivered to your room while Megan went over the plan for the announcement. You were sitting on the couch holding Olivia as she napped. Chris sat in the arm chair to your left. 

As Megan talked, you anxiety began to bubble up again. It had majorly decreased since Monday, but it was rising again. 

“So, Chris you will go out first and do your normal thing. Talk about your movie and what not, then we’ve told Jimmy to ask you if anything happened over the holiday or if you had any big news to share, just something along those lines.” Megan explained. “Then you will answer and Jimmy is going to ask who your mystery fiance is, you answer and then you say, ‘She’s actually here with me tonight.’ then Jimmy will say ‘lets bring her out here’ and then you will come in.” She looked to you. 

“Got it!” You nodded. 

“And I will keep Olivia backstage with me. If you want to bring her up with Jimmy, I did send him a few photos of all three of you together, but I was very clear that those should only be shown if you talk about her.” Megan continued. 

Chris looked over at you to make sure you were ok with everything. You gave him a nod to let him know you were ok.

“Everything is going to be ok.” You said with a small smile. 

Chris nodded in agreement. “You are right. We are going to make it through this.” 

You were filled with anxiety. There was so much left in the unknown. Chris was known for being a handsome bachelor. How were fans going to react to the news of him being off the market? What were people going to think of you? How would they react when they found out you had a child? These were all contributing factors to your stress. 

“Ok, I’m going to leave you three to have some peace and quiet for a little while. Stylist will be here around 4:30 to start getting you both ready for the show. I’ve got a few things to do then I’m going to pick up lunch, I’ll be back at 12:30.” Megan gathered her things and left the room. 

It was a little after 10 when Megan left, leaving you with maybe two hours to yourself. You sighed and leaned your head back against the couch. You were just trying to prepare yourself for what was to come. 

You decided you needed to let out some steam before you exploded. You laid Olivia in one of the bed and left to go to the gym. Chris looked as if he was as calm as ever, but really he was nervous. On one hand, he liked his privacy and to have things just for himself, but on the other hand, he wanted to be able to go out freely with you and Olivia and not worry about who sees or takes a picture. He knew this was for the best. 

You spent an hour in the gym. You ran two miles then spent forty minutes on the punching bag. By the time you finished, you were drenched in seat but you felt a million times better. Even though you were breathing heavy, you felt as if you could breath. You went back up to the room and headed straight to the shower. 

Megan came in with lunch just as you finished getting dressed after your shower. Olivia was up from her nap and playing with Chris in the small living room. Chris was holding her up by hands and helping her walk. When she laid eyes on you she started to walk faster. Chris let her go and she walked all by herself all the way to you. You and Chris cheered excitedly as you scooped her up. 

“Livie, you just walked! You are getting to be such a big girl!” You kissed her cheeks. 

Chris walked over and kissed her cheeks as well. He smiled at her proudly as she babbled away in your arms.

After lunch, you relaxed a little more before the stylists showed up. At 4:30, Megan let them into the room. They rolled in a clothing rack, several suitcases and more. They were followed by hair and makeup artists. 

The stylists set up in one bedroom while the hair and makeup was set up in the living room. 

You were amazed by what all was going on. This was the part of the movie world you weren’t ever apart of. The stylists started with your outfit. They brought several options. You finally made a decision on the dress, then your shoes and jewelry. Once you finished, they sent you to hair and makeup. While it was all happening, you forgot about your stress and you anxiety. You just enjoyed being the center of attention. The hair and makeup artists complimented you on your skin and your hair. The compliments brought a smile to your face. 

While your makeup was being done, Olivia wanted to sit with you. You held her in your lap as your makeup was applied. The artist occasionally brushed Olivia’s cheeks with a brush, making her giggle. 

What seemed to be many hours later, you and Chris were finally dressed and ready. 


Megan dressed Olivia for the night. Once she was dressed, you all headed down to the cars to head to the studio for the show. After you workout and being treated like a star, your anxiety and stress had dissolved. You started to realize you were working you self up over something you cannot control. You can only control your actions and emotions, not everyone else’s. 

On the ride to the studio, you let Chris in on your sudden realizations. He noticed that you seemed much calmer from this morning, which in turn helped him to calm down. By the time you reached the studio, he was much calmer and ready to take on this interview. 

You entered through the back doors and went into a green room. You sat down on a couch with Olivia as you waited to be told what to do. A crew member came in and put a microphone on him. 

The show started and was playing on a tv in the green room. Olivia saw Chris on the tv and started to make grabby hands. You and Megan laughed softly. You watch as Chris promoted his new movie and talked about different things.

 It went to a commercial break, and a crew member came to put a microphone on you. You looked at yourself in the mirror and took a calming breath. 

“So, Chris, how was your thanksgiving? Did anything exciting happen?” Jimmy questioned Chris. 

Chris chuckled and wiped his hands down his thighs. “Well, Jimmy, since you asked. Something exciting did happen.” He paused.

“Ok, come out with it. We are all on edge!” Jimmy exclaimed as if he didn’t already know. 

“I am now an engaged man.” Chris said. The audience gasped then cheered. 

“Wait, we didn’t even know you were seeing anyone.” Jimmy lied.

“Yeah, we tried to keep it that way.” Chris laughed. 

“So, who is your fiance?” Jimmy asked. 

“Y/F/N Y/L/N, she is a stunt coordinator for Marvel. That’s how we met.” Chris explained. “She’s actually here with me tonight.” He smiled. 

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get her out here.” Jimmy looked to the producers as if they were rushing to get you out there. 

A few minutes passed and the door slid open to reveal you. Chris stood from the couch walked over to you. He kissed your cheek sweetly then escorted you over to Jimmy. You reached out and shook his hand then sat down at the end of the couch Chris was previously occupying. 

“So nice to meet you, Y/N.” Jimmy smiled. 

“Nice to meet you too!” You smiled at him then glanced at Chris. 

“How long have you been keeping this relationship a secret?” Jimmy looked at you and Chris. 

“Well, we’ve been together for five months, that’s just officially as a couple.” You explained. “but, over this past year we’ve been together a lot.” As you tried to explain, you realized you would have to tell the whole story, including Olivia. 

Jimmy gave you both a questioning look. “We should probably just tell the full story.” Chris said. 

And you did. You and Chris told a shortened version of the whole story, so people didn’t think you were both rushing into being engaged. Even with the story some people probably thought you were being crazy and rushing things. 

When you talked about Olivia, they would show pictures of her with you and Chris. 

The rest of the show was great. The audience was amazing. They laughed and cheered, and that helped ease you into being in front of them. 

Once the show ended, you headed back into the green room to get Olivia. It was close to eleven at night and she was sacked out on a couch covered by your coat. 

You all made your ways out to the cars and headed for the hotel. Both of your phones were blowing up with notifications. You looked at Chris. 

“I say we just turn them off until in the morning.” You shrugged. 

“Sounds like a great plan.” He smile and kissed you. 

You both shut your phones off and put them into the pockets of your coats. There was nothing that could be said that would ruin what you and Chris had at that moment.


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32 @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader


A/N:  Y’all I really trying to get this wrapped up because I start college Monday and I know I won’t be able to give this any attention after that. So, that’s why I’ve been updating like crazy! But, IT’S FINALLY HERE! THE MOMENT WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!



You didn’t suspect a thing. Chris had done an amazing job at hiding the fact that he was going to propose in just a few days. Your mom, Lisa, Carly, and Shana helped Chris with every detail, even though there wasn’t much. Chris didn’t want it to be over the top and extravagant. He just wanted to show you how much he loved you but in a simple way. 

Chris had already picked out the ring. He went to Tiffany & Co. while he was in New York on a project. He did it even without having your parents permission because he always knew he wanted to pick his future wife’s ring from Tiffany’s. 


Chris spent a good portion of his off day looking over the extensive collection, but he finally made a decision and hoped you would be in love with it. He took the small blue box back with him to his hotel room and stuffed it into his suitcase and it had been there ever since. 

Finally, it was thanksgiving day. Chris’s stress level was through the roof. He had a gut feeling you would say yes, but there was still a tiny bit of fear in him that you would say no. 

Everyone was up and dressed for the day. You dressed very stylish but still comfortable, no one wants to be uncomfortable on thanksgiving. Olivia had a cute pumpkin outfit to wear for the day. 


Once everyone was at the house, Lisa wanted everyone to take pictures. Lisa pushed everyone out into the backyard for pictures. Chris rushed upstairs to grab the ring from his suitcase. As Chris walked outside, his heart was beating out of his chest. He took a breath before stepping out of the door.  The backyard was filled with trees that were covered in orange, yellow, and red leaves, it was beautiful. Pictures were taken of Chris’s family, your family, Chris and his siblings, you and Olivia, then you, Olivia, and Chris. 

Carly snapped what you thought was the last picture, then Shana speaks up. “Y/N, why don’t you and Chris get one by yourselves? Here, I’ll take Olivia.” Shana stepped over to take her. 

“Oh, yeah sure.” You said. 

“You don’t want to take a picture with me?” Chris faked offense. 

You rolled your eyes. “Yes, of course, I want to take a picture with you!” You both laughed.

It took a second because Olivia was being slightly clingy that morning. You turned your back to Chris as Shana pulled Olivia off of you, all while Scott was filming the whole thing. With your back turned, it allowed Chris just enough time to slip the ring from his pocket and get down onto one knee. 

Finally, you got Olivia off of you and turned back to Chris, but he was gone. You looked down and gasped. Chris was on his knee holding a Tiffany blue box in front of you. 

“Chris.” You barely whispered. 

Chris looked up at you and lost his whole speech he had planned in his head. 

“Y/N, I had this whole speech about how wonderful and amazing you are but now that I’m looking at you, I can’t even think straight.” Everyone laughed. “So, I’ll just ask you a simple question. Will you marry me?” Chris looked up at you with hope filled eyes. 

You covered your mouth as tears slowly slid down your cheeks. You nodded your head. “Yes! Yes, of course!” 

Chris stood up and wrapped his arms around you tightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Chris pulled away and slid the diamond ring onto your finger. 

“Chris, it’s beautiful!” You looked down in awe of the stunning diamonds now adorning your left hand. 

“You like it? Because if it’s too much we can-” You cut Chris off. 

“I love it!” You smiled.

Chris let out a breath of relief. It was like a thousand pounds had been removed from his shoulders. After a few more pictures, everyone went back inside where it was warm then they started to gush over your ring and the proposal. 

A few hours later around the dinner table you asked, “Ok, so who all knew?” 

Everyone around the table sported a sheepish grin but Olivia. You laughed. 

“I can’t believe you all knew!” You shook your head. 

Everyone continued to talk about the engagement then Lisa and your parents started to share stories of their earlier days in marriage. It was so sweet being able to hear the stories and spend time with so many people who loved you. 

Once dinner was finished and all the dishes were done, everyone started to head back to their own homes or up to their rooms. You, Olivia, and Chris went up and started to get ready for bed. You put Olivia down after putting her in her pajamas. Chris climbed into the bed clad in just his boxers. You changed and washed your face then climbed into bed next to Chris. 

“Do you think we should tell people?” You asked. “I know you like your privacy and I do too, but I feel like it would be better for us to announce it on our own terms rather than have some tabloid do it.”

Chris took a breath. “I like this not having anyone know but our families, but it’s going to get harder when all the planning starts. So, maybe it would be okay to release a statement. I just don’t want my crazy fanbase to ruin this.” He admitted. “There are some crazy people who will just comment hateful and mean things just to bring others down. I don’t want that to get to you.”

“I would love to say words can’t hurt me, but that isn’t the truth. I’ll just have to realize when it’s time to maybe step back from social media and if I let it get to me, I’ll have you to reassure me.” You smiled up at Chris then leaned in to kiss him. He returned the kiss. 

“Ok, I’ll call my agent Monday. We can release a statement, but for the next few days let’s just enjoy being engaged with just our families knowing.” Chris kissed your forehead then laid back.

“Agreed.” You laid your head against his chest. “Good night.” 

“Good night, fiance.” Chris whispered. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32 @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings:Chris Evan x Reader


A/N: another chapter in under three hours! This is pure fluff! There’s literally so much fluff! I also added pictures just for the heck of it.



After a two weeks spent in Sudbury with Chris, you and Olivia headed back to L.A. Chris insisted on coming back with you, but you talked him into staying a little while longer, since he doesn’t get much time with his family when he was working. 

Once you were back home for a few days, you started to plan Olivia’s first birthday party. Her birthday was November 25 falling two days before Thanksgiving. Olivia didn’t attend daycare so there were no children to really invite. The only children Olivia had been around for a significant amount of time were Chris’s nieces and nephews. An idea popped into your head, so you called Chris.

“Hey babe! What are you up to?” Chris asked.

“Hey. I just started thinking about Olivia’s birthday coming up. I want to plan a party for her, but the only kid’s she has really been around have been the kids in your family.” 

Before you could go on Chris interrupted you. “They would love to celebrate Livie’s birthday!” Chris said excitedly. 

“I know they would babe, but her birthday is two days before thanksgiving and that would be super hectic trying to travel from Boston to Los Angeles. And my parents are going to have to fly from Atlanta.” You let out an exasperated sigh.

“Hey, don’t stress. We will figure this out, ok?” He calmed you.

“Yeah, ok.” You leaned back against your couch. 

“I know you just got back, but what if you had Olivia’s birthday here at my mom’s house?” Chris offered. “My family could be there and it would be a lot less travel time for your parents as well. We could have it the weekend before thanksgiving that way you and your parents could get back to Atlanta to have thanksgiving as a family or we could have one big thanksgiving together, totally up to you and your family.”

“Chris, I couldn’t ask that of your family.” You shook you head even though he couldn’t see you. 

“You aren’t asking. I am offering.” Chris said, and you know he had his signature smirk on his face. “I’ll even ask my mom now if it’s ok with her.” 

Before you could put a stop to his actions, you hear him call out for his mom. You faintly heard him explain the proposition then you heard a gasp. “Oh! I would love to have Olivia’s party here and meet her family. She is such a sweetheart, I can only imagine what her parents are like.” 

“Ma, she is on the phone.” Chris told her.

“She is? Let me speak with her.” Lisa took the phone from Chris’s hand and placed it to her ear. 

“Y/N, hun, I would love to help you with Olivia’s party and have you and your parents over for thanksgiving.” Lisa happily said. 

“Thank you, Miss Lisa. I really don’t want to impose on your family during the holidays. Maybe I could celebrate with my parents then bring Olivia to Sudbury to celebrate with y’all.” You explained to Lisa. 

“I promise you wouldn’t be imposing. The more the merrier around here, but I also understand where you are coming from. Why don’t you talk it over with you parents then get back with Chris or myself?”  Lisa stated. 

“Yes ma’am, will do.” You smiled. 

Lisa bid you goodbye then gave the phone back to Chris. 

“So, how does thanksgiving in Massachusetts sound?” Chris said with a laugh. 

“Chris, I just don’t know. I feel like I’m mooching off you and your family if I take your offer.” 

“You’re not mooching.” Chris said flatly. “ My family really likes you. I don’t think they would offer that to just anyone, Y/N.” 

“Just let me talk to my parents, and I will let you know.” You told Chris. 

“Alright, I’ll talk to you later. I love you!” Chris said.

“I love you too.” You responded before ending the call. 

You let out an exaggerated sigh and through your head back. “What are we going to do Livie?”

Olivia just babbled in response. 

A little while later, you called your mom. When you explained Chris’s offer to her, she agreed that it would be a good idea. She wasn’t too sure on the thanksgiving part, but letting Olivia celebrate with both families would be best. She knew Chris had become a fundamental part of Olivia’s life and yours, so how could she not let him be apart of her first birthday. 

After your phone call with your mom, you called Chris back to tell him that your parents agreed to having Olivia’s party in Sudbury. Chris had met your parents briefly when they visited you and Olivia in New York while filming. You were still nervous for his whole family to meet them.

After a few weeks of planning, you and Lisa had everything ready for Olivia’s birthday. Lisa had the idea for the theme to be donuts, and it turned out super cute. Lisa ordered a cake for Olivia to smash, one to eat, and tons of donuts of all flavors. 

You and Olivia flew back to Boston two days before the party. The day before the party your parents flew in. You, Olivia, and Chris picked them up from the airport and took them to eat before taking them to their hotel. 

The day of the party arrived and it was all about Olivia. You couldn’t ask for anything better. Chris went to pick up your parents while you got Olivia dressed. You didn’t know there was an underlying reason for Chris wanting to go alone. 

He left earlier than needed to pick up your parents, but he had a plan. Before bringing them back to the house he stopped at a small cafe to have coffee with your parents. 

You parent’s sat down at a small table with Chris after receiving their order. 

“Chris, is there any particular reason you’ve brought us here?” Your mother, Tara, asked. 

“Yes ma’am there is.” He said. To your parents it was obvious he was nervous about something and they had an inkling of what it might be. Chris took a deep breath and wiped his hands on his jeans. “Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N, I know Y/N and I have only been officially together for a few months, but I’ve known her for several years. This year having her in my life has been the best thing I could have asked for.” He took another breath. “She is an amazing woman. She loves everyone she meets no matter what, she is loyal, kind, smart, compassionate, and beautiful. I can’t imagine the rest of my life with out her or Olivia.” He looks you father straight in the eyes. “I would like your permission to ask her marry to marry me.” 

Your parents were in awe of Chris’s speech about you. They can see the love for not only you but also for Olivia pouring out of him. They look at each other and smile. 

“You have our permission.” You father, Shane, answered. 

Chris’s smile could have split his face it was so wide. “Thank you!” He said with a sigh of relief. 

They still had some time before they needed to be back, so your mother asked. “Do you have an idea of when you would like to ask her?” 

“Well, I would really like to do it soon. I am not the best secret keeper.” He laughed softly. “I would like to ask her on thanksgiving, so I would really like it of you two joined our family for thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.” 

Your mother pursued her lips. “Since you are going to propose, we will stay.” Your mom smiled. Chris smiled victoriously, his plan was coming together perfectly. 

They continued their conversation for just a few more minutes then it was time to head home for the party. 

Chris and your parents arrived forty-five minutes before the start time of the party. Lisa’s house was decorated beautifully for the occasion. Streamers and balloons were every where, along with pictures of Olivia that Lisa had acquired from Chris. 

You walked down the stairs with Olivia in your arms, she was bathed and ready for the party. She was a little cranky about the tutu she had on, but she was slowly calming down. 


Your mom gasped at Olivia’s outfit and immediately went to take her from you. You smiled and passed her over. You gave Chris a question look, he responded with a nonchalant shrug. 

Once your mom was finished gushing about Olivia’s outfit, you lead them into the kitchen to meet Lisa. 

Lisa and your parents hit it off. They fell into easy conversation as your mom started to help Lisa with the finishing touches of the decorations. 

It was finally party time and Carly and Shana both showed up with the rest of the kids. The children were in awe of all the sweets laid out in front of them. Scott arrived with armfuls of gifts. 

“Scott! You did not!” You gasped as he set the gift bags down. 

“I absolutely did!” He smirked. Scott took Olivia from Chris’s arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

The party continued. Your mom placed the small cake on the tray of the high chair for Olivia to smash. Before you let her destroy the cake, you mom wanted a picture. You put Olivia in the high chair and stood just to the side for the picture.

“Chris get in there!” You mom motioned with her hand. 

He couldn’t help the smile that beamed across his face. He joined the picture then allowed Olivia to dig in to her cake. 

Everyone gathered around to watch Olivia smash her cake, and smashed it was. She had frosting all over her arms and face. You all snapped pictured of the happy birthday girl as she licked the cake and frosting from her hands. 

The official party ended after two or so hours. With everyone around clean up didn’t take much time. The left over food was all stored away and the decorations were taken down. All of Olivia’s gifts had been placed in the corner of the living room for her to play with later. The kids had crashed from their sugar highs and were napping in the playroom on pallets. 

All the adults gathered around the living room to enjoy the quiet. Scott, Chris and your dad watched a football game while all the women just laid around. 

“Miss Lisa, I can’t thank you enough for everything. It was absolutely beautiful!” You told her as you looked through your pictures. 

“Oh, hun, it was not a big deal! It was nice to do the planning and have the party here. It reminded me of having my own children’s parties here.” She smiled at you. 

The rest of the evening was quiet. Everyone laid around and munched on party food. You leaned against Chris not thinking of anything other than the day you had. Chris looked as if he was focused on the game on tv, but really his sole focus was planning the perfect proposal with just a few short days. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds @ashwarren32  @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen  @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama @evanshoney  @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood  @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading  @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone@llamadelreyx 

Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started with an internship and worked your way into the position of stunt coordinator by the age of 25. Your life was finally working out, You were finishing the first week of training with the Marvel cast for “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” You had it all put together until your younger sister took her life, left you full custody of her two-month-old daughter, and you found the love of your life. (Based off Chris’s movie “Gifted”)

Pairings:Chris Evans x Reader

Series Warnings: Mentions of death/suicide/cussing

Status: complete


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16
