#chris evans headcannon


lover ↬ chris evans

warnings: cursing but pure fluff

pairing: chris evans x fem!reader

a/n: i saw this tiktok and i literally bursted into tears watching it so i needed to write a hc for this bc god i fucking love this man with my entire soul

  • chris didn’t know how to go about expressing his true feelings for you
  • he wanted to tell you he loved you every time he saw you light up, every time you smiled, every time you laughed
  • in fact, he had been thinking about how to confess it to you all night that chris got like zero sleep while you dreamt away beside him
  • around 6:30 in the morning he decided to head out and go for a early morning run and maybe surprise you something once you woke up
  • as he jogged around his quaint little neighborhood in boston, chris continued to think what he should say
  • “hey,i love you” “i’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while now… but i really love you” “i hope i’m not overstepping but i’m fucking in love with you
  • all them sounded too… cheesy? he had no clue.
  • time went by quick when your thoughts were running at 100 miles an hour because as soon as he knew it, chris saw his watch say it was almost eight
  • he should get back soon since you normally woke up around that time
  • on his way back, he saw that the florist shop was already open so he decided to pop in really quick, looking to see if they had your favorites
  • luckily, they did so he decided to buy a bouquet for you and then decided to grab some coffee and pastries for the two of you at the shop next door
  • chris thought about how cute you’d look waking up and surprised with the little goodies he got to spoil you, it brought a smile to his face just thinking abt it
  • once he got your iced coffee and his own order along with a couple chocolate croissants and breakfast sandwich for him, he quickly walked back to his place
  • luckily when he did get home, you were still sound asleep so he was able to get everything set up nicely
  • first he threw the flowers in one of the mason jars you kept around, quietly stepping into the bedroom and placing them next to you on the nightstand
  • but in the process he stepped on dodgers lion scaring the shit out of him
  • chris swore his soul left his body when you moved around on the bed and thought his cover was blown
  • luckily though the coast was clear and you just moved a bit in your sleep before he quickly put the flowers down (and grabbed dodgers toy to put away)
  • after that he got out the breakfast tray, setting your food out and pouring your iced coffee in a nicer glass with your favorite reuseable straw
  • the final touch was he grabbed a little sticky note and a pen scribbling a little note for you
  • carefully he picked up the tray and carried it into the room (because one time he made you breakfast and ended up dropping it and food was everywhere)
  • setting it on the bed next to you before coming around to your side of the bed, nuzzling his nose against your cheek
  • “hey, g’mornin’ sleepy head” he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth
  • you hummed in response, reaching your hand out to touch his cheek, trying to open your eyes filled with sleep
  • “it’s the weekend chris, i wanna sleep” “not even when i got you breakfast?”
  • you opened one eye, looking at him before sitting up and scanning the room letting out a tired chuckle “christopher, you didn’t need to—oh my god, flowers too? you really didn’t have to do this”
  • “i wanted to,” he smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed, picking up your hand to kiss it.
  • you couldn’t help but gush at his sweetness, giving him a quick kiss before seeing the sticky note on the tray
  • picking it up you laugh reading it “omlette you know…” you pause, eyes reading the last part before you said it out loud. i love you.
  • quickly you look up at him, smiling shyly. “really? like… for real?”
  • “yeah,” chris nodded as shyly, cheeks getting rosy. “i love you”
  • putting the sticky note down. you grabbed chris’ bearded face, pulling him forward and kissing him slowly before whispering back “i love you too”
  • chris couldn’t help but smile big, a huge relief rolling off his shoulders that you felt the the same way
  • “that was probably the most dorkiest thing you’ve ever said though” you added, pinching his cheek
  • “i don’t care, i’m the most luckiest guy on the planet”


opening up

pairing: chris evans x fem!reader

summary: finally coming out to chris that ur bisexual

warnings: lil bit of cursing, mentions of anxiety

a/n: this is a self-indulgence post as a bi-baby myself but also dedicated to my fellow bi humans! just know that you are valid and loved

  • you and chris have been going out for a while now
  • not officially a couple but you had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be too long till either of you pops the magical question of making it official
  • however, before this got anymore serious, you knew you had to eventually come out to chris about your sexuality
  • the subject was still quite a delicate area since you haven’t even came out to your family and only to close friends
  • but you trusted chris that he would (hopefully) accept and care for you as he has been even before knowing this information
  • currently you were on the couch in your apartment watching a movie that was almost done you think, you weren’t sure, you were too occupied with your thoughts
  • to say the least, anxiety was running through your veins at the moment and you kept trying to tell yourself it was going to be okay
  • you didn’t know but mid-movie chris noticed how you seemed a bit off today but kept it to himself for now at least, he didn’t want to ruin the mood
  • however just as its about to end you felt like you were almost suffocating to breathe so you quickly excuse yourself running to the bathroom
  • locking yourself, you lay against the door, trying to catch your breath and pace your breathing
  • you couldn’t stop thinking about how scared you were about if chris wouldn’t like the fact that you were bi
  • what if he thought it was weird? what if he decides maybe this wasn’t going to work out and end everything? what if the public comes after chris because you dating him?
  • so many thoughts were running through your head that you didn’t even realize you were crying till you noticed your vision go blurry
  • “hey, y/n, is everything ok in there?”
  • your heart drops to your stomach. oh no did he hear you cry?
  • immediately you wipe your tears and swallow the lump in throat. “yeah, i’m fine! i’ll be out in a sec.”
  • chris wasn’t buying your reply as he leaned his head against the door but gave a soft ‘okay’ anyways and waited in the living room for you
  • eventually when you came out, you saw the worried look he had, your anxiety crashing in a large wave into your chest again
  • “are you okay?”
  • “yeah, um,” you bite your cheek, flickering your eyes between his baby blues and your feet. “i just need to… talk about something.”
  • “was it my cooking? i’m not the best but i try.” there was the chris you knew. the one that knew how to make you feel better with his little jokes
  • cracking a small smile, you shake your head. “no, its not that. trust me, you cook way better than me, but anyways… i-i haven’t been completely honest with you.”
  • you join chris on the couch, your hands shaking horribly and he notices. to help you, he grabs one of your hands, running his thumb along your knuckles as he furrows his brows
  • “i just want to get this out in the clear before it gets more serious… between us. but, um, i-“ the words were stuck in your throat.
  • tears welled up in your eyes as your body shook. you didn’t even know why this was so hard. it wasn’t this difficult to come out to to your best friends, but with chris, it felt like you were going to pass out
  • maybe it was because you cared about him, dare you say, maybe even love him. he made you feel special and knew how to make you smile. he was beyond caring and giving. he was literally perfect
  • maybe because he was the first person you knew that respected you and treated you well that made you too scared that you could potentially loose it in the next few seconds forever
  • but you needed to do this. not only was it fair to him, but it was what you needed to do for yourself
  • “hey, hey, y/n, baby, it’s okay. you can talk to me.” you came out of your thoughts when you felt a hand brush along your cheek as you made eye contact with him
  • “im sorry,” you stifled out a laugh, trying to wipe your tears. “i probably look crazy right now”
  • “don’t be sorry, just take your time. i have all day.”
  • the way he looked at you right now with those piercing baby blue eyes eased you, grounded you. squeezing his hand that held yours, you took a deep breath, clearing your mind of those stupid static noise thoughts
  • “there you go, just keep breathing” he said softly, stroking your cheek giving you a small crooked smile.
  • clearing your throat, you took one last deep breath, looking at your lap for a second before back at him.
  • you can do this. he deserves to know.
  • he’ll care for you. no matter what.
  • you. are. valid.
  • “i’m bisexual. i, um… i just wanted to tell you that so you know. i-if you’re not comfortable with that we can just end this now and whatever i-i completely-“
  • before you could finish, chris ran his thumb over your lip to stop you from rambling. at first you couldn’t read him but you saw his eyes soften, a began to smile appear
  • “if you think i’m gonna end this because of who you are, you’re completely wrong, hun.” he said softly, moving closer to you, ocean blue eyes running all over your face.
  • “you aren’t?” you whisper, his thumb running over your bottom lip as it trembled, tears welling up in your eyes again
  • “no, why the fuck would i ever do that? that’s just… stupid.” he shook his head, with a soft chuckle. “i’d be the biggest idiot on the face of the planet to leave someone like you.”
  • you couldn’t help the blush that crept on your cheeks as tears began to run down them again. “it’s just… some people are weird about it, so… i just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
  • “i’mmore than okay. as long you’re happy, then i’m happy. no matter what your sexuality is, baby.”
  • the words he said to you made you smile through the tears. it felt as if a weight had been instantly lifted off your shoulders as you wrapped your arms around him
  • chris brought his lips to yours, kissing you so passionately you thought you were gonna melt in his arms into a puddle. it felt as if all the worries you had about the world and its outlook on you just disappeared
  • once the two of you pulled away just a bit, you felt his smile against your lips as you flickered your eyes up to his
  • “im proud of you, by the way. i know that it was probably a really nerve racking thing to do.”
  • “it was… but i’m glad i did it. i feel a little more empowered than i did a couple minutes earlier.” you confess, biting on the corner of your lip
  • “i’m glad, you should be. be proud of who you are, baby.”
  • in that moment, you knew that chris was going to the best and most supportive partner you’ve ever had


night time routine

warnings: none jus fluff!

pairing: chris evans x fem!reader

summary: a lil rundown of what you and steve do before going to bed!

a/n: i jus want chris to snuggle me while falling asleep ;—;

  • normally before you and chris goto bed you’re laying on the couch or sitting in his lap, catching up on whatever show you’re currently binging
  • chris is usually the one still watching while you’re all snuggled up wrapped in a blanket half asleep or on your phone scrolling through instagram or sumin
  • once the episode ends, he’ll gently pat you, letting you know he’s ready to head to bed
  • “c’mon dodger let’s get to bed buddy”
  • the pup would be laying with you, instantly hopping off and searching for what lion he wants to bring
  • you and chris always place your bets, him winning most of the time
  • which ends up in you pouting “not fair” crossing your arms
  • but you get over it quickly when he peppers your face in kisses and mumbles “next time you’ll get it i know you will”
  • while you head to the bedroom with dodger chris always walks through the house locking all the doors, checking everything is secure bc he must protecc
  • meanwhile, you’re throwing your clothes on the floor, searching for a shirt (most likely his) to wear to bed before going to the bathroom
  • chris joins you, grabbing his toothbrush while he watches you do your skincare routine
  • this is when you try to continue to encourage him to try a bit of it
  • “baby c’mon this will hydrates your skin, plus it’s anti-aging”
  • “are you saying i’m looking old?”
  • “shut up, you know you don’t look old. not even close
  • “mhmm”
  • when you’re not looking, chris tries the product because he secretly is insecure about the fact that he’s at the end of his 30s but doesn’t want you to know
  • you finally brush your teeth, chris hugging you from behind, peppering kisses on your shoulder while rubbing your sides
  • he’ll look at you in the mirror, giving a goofy smile. “‘m love you. i’ll meet you in bed, honey”
  • chris basically peels off all his clothing before hopping into bed, getting in a couple pages of his current read with dodger laying on him
  • when you come out, you see your favorite view
  • your amazing sweet loving boyfriend sprawled on the bed with a book in hand with his fur baby on his chest in the glowing light of the lamp next to him
  • it makes your heart swell and stomach flutter at how you got so lucky to have chris in your life
  • before seeming like a creep, you join the two in bed, plugging your phone in and crawling under the blankets
  • “cuddle me please, bub” you mutter to him, turning to lay on your side
  • “let me finish this, give me a second, sweetheart.” his voice would be all raspy and deep from not speaking for a bit, giving you a warm smile before finishing the page he was on
  • once he was done, he’d set the book down and turn off the light before opening his side for you
  • immediately you curl up next to him, laying your head right on his chest, face to face with a sleepy dodger as chris rubs your back
  • he presses chaste kisses to your hairline, shutting his own eyes
  • “is your book good?” you ask tiredly, shutting your eyes as your soothed by the sound of his heartbeat and his calloused fingers running along your spine
  • “i’d say so. just started it but i think’ll be good”
  • you’d hum, sighing softly. “thats good to hear”
  • the two of you chat about random things as you get sleepier with each minute that goes by. eventually chris knows when you’re about to fall asleep
  • when he does, he whispers against your forehead a “g’night, ‘m love you”
  • “love you” you mumble into his skin before eventually drifting off to sleep, breathing in the sweet scent of his now very faded cologne of whatever contents were still clinging to his skin
  • at one point he’ll roll you onto your side, tucking the blanket right under your chin how you like it before moving dodger lower on the bed to crawl under the blankets himself
  • before he shuts his eyes, he looks at your sleeping figure smiling to himself gently before finally going to sleep himself
  • he cant wait to see his girl and little buddy the next time he opens his eyes first thing in the morning <3333


karaoke night!

summary: you & chris having karaoke night singing some ariana grande!

pairing: chris evans x fem!reader

warnings: some cursing

a/n:i was listening to ariana grande earlier and pictured this so vividly so i needed to write sumin karaoke night with chris bc ik baby boy would be living his best life drinking and singin’ all night

  • at least once a month or when chris was home, you and chris would have a karaoke night whether it was with his family or just the two of you
  • you’d be drinking beers, order take out and use the special plastic toy mic you bought for singing, overall a chill ass night
  • chris would love to do all the classic 80s and disney songs of course, belting out on songs like let it go from frozen to don’t stop believing by journey
  • your personal favorite would be duets with chris because the two of you always ended up a giggly blushy mess
  • 3 beers in tonight, you were feeling a duet now with your big goofy boyfriend
  • “aw shit it better not be another ariana grande song” “babe, you know its gonna be another ari song! it’s tradition!”
  • your favorite was doing ariana grande so of course you searched up a classic duo song from ari: problem
  • the second chris saw it he’s groaning because you both know he’s not the best at rapping but nonetheless he gets up from the couch ready to duet it with you
  • grabbing your microphone, you sang along to ari’s lyrics, looking right at chris, grabbing out his hand while he did the little background vocals for you rolling his eyes as you wiggled to the song
  • when the chorus hit, you spun around giggling as he whispered ‘i got one less problem with ya’ before he grabbed your hand, pulling you into his embrace starting to dance with you
  • the two of you held back your laughs, smiling big until the both of knew what was coming next
  • chris turned to the tv to see the lyrics as he tried to spit iggy arzaylea’s rap
  • “it’s iggy iggs! uh- what you got? smart money betting, i’ll be better without you uh- fuck, umm, you say you really know but i really really doubt you understand my life is easy when i aint around you!”
  • full on sassy chris would be in your presence, waving his finger at you, rapping to his best of his abilities while you cheered him on
  • also his bostonian accent would probably come out as he rushes his words out, making it a little hot to watch ;)
  • “theres a million yous baby boo so don’t be dumb, i got 99 problems but you won’t be one like WHAAAT?”
  • he’d probably do an air micdrop looking at you giving a cheesy swagger look while you belted out the last part of the song
  • once it was finally done you’d clap smiling, getting up on your tippy toes to peck his lips “i think secretly deep down you love when i choose ariana for karaoke”
  • “she’s alright,” he’d smirk, smiling down at you as he gave a squeeze to your hips before giving you a peck back “i only do them because you look really fuckin’ cute getting all into it”
  • the rest of the night the two of you would be plopped on the couch probably doing disney songs
  • chris’ favorite song to do with you would be i see the light because every time he sang it with you, you’d get all shy and blushy and he loved seeing the affect he had on his girl
  • also you always end up in tears at the end and he adores giving you kisses and hugs to cheer you up
  • but when it was time to pump shit up again you guys would do some elton john or bon jovi and someones dodger would join in trying to make some harmonies with his little howls
  • by the time it’s one am though, the two of you would be karaoked out for the night and end with you getting a piggy back ride on chris to the bedroom to get ready for bed <3


tiktok leggings

relationship: chris evans x fem!reader

warnings: cursing, lowkey horny chris, dirty talk

summary: you wanted to try those tiktok leggings you saw everywhere to get chris’ reaction on them

chris if you got those tiktok leggings headcannon

  • you’d completely surprise him, wanting to see if he’d even notice how juicy your ass was looking in those leggings everyone was talking about on tiktok
  • chris had been gone most of the day running errands and when he finally comes home at the end of the day you’d be in the middle of washing dishes
  • when he always comes home he yells “where’s my beautiful girl?!”
  • eventually he finds you in the kitchen, you’re back to him, finishing drying the plate you cleaned
  • almost instantly his eye’s would trail to your ass and how fucking good it looked
  • you’d act completely oblivious, smiling and greeting chris, asking how your day was but he would just reply with,“baby,holy shit, are those new?”
  • instantly blush crept on your cheeks but you wanted to milk the moment, so you innocently bat your eyelashes and ask: what’s new?
  • chris would walk closer to you, wanting so badly to just squeeze your bum but he contained himself to just gently placing his hands on your waist, rubbing circles
  • “these pants, they make your ass look really good, honey”
  • his pretty baby blue eyes would constantly flicker between looking at you and your bottom, smiling big before pressing a kiss to your cheek
  • to tease chris, just to get him going even more, you’d brush your back against his front, tilting your head back to look at him, only to see his eyes turn a shade darker
  • “where did you even get these?” chris would hum, dipping his hands a little lower to your hip, squeezing your sides as he licked his lips
  • “online!” you giggle, putting the dish in hand away turning to face him now. “saw them on tiktok and wanted to try them. are you hungry though? we can order dinner.”
  • chris would only scoff, pulling you closer as he dips his head to your neck placing a few kisses there, beard scraping across your skin as he gently pressed you against the counter
  • “mm, i rather eat in. all i want is right here in front of me.”
  • with your cheeks burning pink and a squeeze of your thighs, chris picked you up so easy settling you onto the kitchen counter before finding home between your thighs


texting chris would include…


so here’s how i think chris would text you inspired by this tiktok provided by the queen lizzo

pairing: chris evans x reader

warnings: cursing + sexual implies

chris: Good morning babe ❤️ I know you’re not up yet but I want to wish you a good day give Dodger some kisses for me

you: christopher

chris: Fuck am I in trouble?

you: baby

chris: Why are you texting me? I’m downstairs lol

you: bc im lazy but can you bring me chips pretty please

chris: Seriously

you: yes <3

you: i’ll even ‍♀️

read 7:32 pm

you: did u rlly leave me on read?

chris: I’m trying to figure out what tf that means

you: LMFAOOO it means i’ll give u head

chris: I’ll be up in a couple minutes

you: thank u baby


chris: Miss you :(

you: i miss u too bubby

chris: Facetime later? I wanna hear your voice

you: of course, is everything okay?

chris: Meh I kept fucking up my lines ‍♂️

you: its okay! we all get those off days, i’m sure you still did amazing ☺️


chris: Ty babe


you: BABE


you: BABE

you: BABE



chris: What omg

you: ur still at the store right

chris: Now you remember you need something AFTER I ask you if you needed anything? ‍♂️

you: yes can you get toothpaste


let me know if yall want a pt 2 of this bc it was very entertaining hehe

masterlist|send a request!

nurse chris to the rescue!

request: I would like to request a little scrabble ;) if you are free :) i had a root treatment just an hour ago (it’s almost 12am in austria )and didn’t sleep very well tonight Sooo i would like to see how you think chris would treat you in this situation :) i mean… his father is a dentist after all… and i am absolutely horrified of dentists

pairing: chris evans x reader

warning: some cursing but pure fluff :]

a/n: omg i hope you recover alright! but same i hate the dentist too :// i hope u enjoy this though

send a request for my 100 follower celebration here!

  • when you found out that you had to get some teeth work done after your yearly visit to the dentist, you were not happy to say the least
  • but with chris being the most amazing sweet boyfriend he is (and yes also having his father being a dentist) he knew exactly how to help you recover
  • when the procedure happened, chris was right beside you for support and of course took you home when you were all swollen and loopy post procedure
  • he’d help you into bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you whined at how you hated the feeling of numbness from the drugs
  • “i know, honey, it’s really annoying but it’ll go away soon! want a wet rag? we can take a nap or something to kill time after”
  • you didn’t know what the fuck was in the shit the dentist used but you felt the urge to cry at how kind chris was. so there you were, crying
  • chris of course would be a little confused but also chuckling. “baby, why are you crying?”
  • “i - i dunno ith da shit they gawve meh” you said with the cotton still in your mouth. “i jus rweally wuv you”
  • awwwe,” he cooed, chris’ smile so big at how cute you were, pressing a kiss on each of your swollen cheeks. “i really love you too, silly”
  • the rest the day chris would help you change out your cotton thingys in your mouth, get you ice packs, and feed you ice cream
  • if he maybe had a question on how to help you if your soreness wasn’t going away he’d call home, asking for any suggestions from his dad that he didn’t already try from his own dental experiences growing up
  • but in general chris just would your little nurse for the day or two as you recovered because he couldn’t bare to see you in any pain n he loves u sm


first date ↬ steve rogers

pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader

summary: steve surprises you on a date to a 50s themed night bar!

warnings: none!

  • natasha had been trying set up steve on a date for a while now
  • and as much as he appreciated it, he much rather just let that gal wander into his life
  • but today at the compound as he walked about, he couldn’t stop staring at you. he thought you were one of the prettiest girls he’s seen
  • of course nat catches on quickly the way steve is around the two of you so she introduces you to the super soilder
  • eventually that day, you and steve were chatting more than when you were with nat (she was annoyed asf but was also glad to see that she mightve just paired up steve with the love of his life)
  • after that day, steve would ask nat when the next time you’d come and visit at the compound so he can surprise you with that record the two of you talked about
  • and when you do visit, as he gifts you the doris day album, he musks up the courage to ask you out to dinner next friday, to which you say yes
  • so in his free time when he wasn’t on a quick mission or writing reports, he’d be in his room planning out the perfect date, even using his laptop he rarely uses to find some recommendations online
  • he found that there’s a thing called dapper day’s at a bar where people dress up as if they were straight out of the 50s. he might’ve been already frozen but it was close enough for him
  • but because he doesn’t want to fully give away the date, he has nat help him surprise you by telling you the attire for the date but that was it
  • if steve was being honest, he was really excited to feel as if he was back to his normal life for a night, pre-super soldier serum
  • when friday came, steve dressed to fit the era, pulling up on his motorbike in front of your apartment
  • and when you stepped out, steve swore all the air in his body left him instantly
  • you wore a mid calf length dress that was navy blue with polkadots, little white pumps and your lips were painted cherry red with your hair curled to perfection
  • you literally looked as if you were in the wrong era, but it was his era. and he couldn’t help the big smile on his face
  • “you look absolutely stunning, y/n,” he glowed as you walked over, blush creeping on your cheeks. “if im being honest, i feel a bit dressed down now”
  • “don’t be silly, you look really handsome!” you grin. “but if you don’t take me where we’re going any slower i’m gonna loose my mind”
  • so after helping you up on the bike, the two of you speed down the streets of nyc to the bar
  • and when you arrived, you were in complete shock. you felt as if you had been transported to some tv show. everyone was absolutely dressed to perfection
  • plus the venue did not disappoint. couples were dancing the night away to the live band on the small stage. others in corners of the bar talking or drinking, even sharing milkshakes
  • “steve… this is so amazing, how did you find this place?!” you gasp, looking around taking everything in
  • “uh, i used the internet,” he chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck before taking your hand. “drinks first or wanna dance?”
  • without hesitation, the two of you make your way to the dance floor, moving around the others that danced to the jazz that roared through the building
  • with your arms around his neck and his hands on your waist, the two of you swayed to the music, smiling ear to ear at each other
  • “does this bring back memories for you?” you asked softly
  • “yes, except i would step on a girls’ toes… or i wouldn’t have a partner to dance with.” steve chuckled nervously
  • you frowned a little before steve spun you around, your eyes meeting again, “well you have me, just please don’t step on my toes..” you teased
  • “i’ll try not to” he winked, giving you one of his dorky smiles you quickly found to be the cutest things about steve rogers
  • the two of you would dance all night long, smiling and laughing the entire time, share little stories to each other
  • if steve hadn’t already fallen for you, he fell even harder, absolutely head over heels
  • and just like the gentlemen he was, by the end of the night when he took you back home, he’d walk you to apartment door
  • before you stepped inside and thanking him for a perfect night, you’d get up on your tippy toes, pressing your cherry colored lips to his cheek
  • “see you soon, soldier” you wink
  • once you shut the door, steve felt his cheeks burn as he touched his lipstick stained skin, sighing in complete relief

