#chris pike



the enterprise family photo album

i’ll be honest i’m having impure thoughts about Anson Mounts shoulders…

Do you know what I’ve noticed about Captain Pike that I absolutely love that most other captains don’t tend to do?

He has absolutely NO chill, at all, about seeing people get hurt (unless there’s something else extremely pressing going on). Like no letting medical handle it, no somebody else go running after them first. Just, NYOOM!


The guy should’ve been an EMT! He keeps B-lining it to injured people before anybody else can get there and he’s Very Stressed About It.

Full on protective dad mode every time! And Pike can get his ass kicked and be like ‘I’m totally fine pay no attention to my very bruised up face it’s fiiiiiine’ no it’s not my guy!

The budding PikeUna shipper in me kinda wishes he’d been there when Una got her shit rocked in Memento Mori, she probably wouldn’t have almost bled out in sickbay because she’s worse than he is lmao!

Anyway, as if I needed even more reasons to be madly in love with this guy! Good lord…


I can’t believe what an amazing new source of joy writing Captain Pike for other people has been.

It gives me the same warm fuzzies as making a custom playlist for a friend. I am reaching out, across the universe (or really the internet) to share my interpretation of this character I love so much with people, with strangers who love him too.

To me, that’s pretty magical, especially since when I was a teenager I would poopoo things like fanfic and smut. Which is so silly looking back considering I was seriously missing out! Because this has been a delight!

It’s been really eye opening creatively and in a sense of feeling connected to other people. I really enjoy it!

So, asks are still VERY much open!

True last week and true now! thank you all for the positive feedback!
