#star trek snw


T'Pring on her way to crush her enemies ✨

The new promo pics of Pike cooking got me feeling like

this is the exact energy they give off to me kajshda

 , . ' …I’m really looking forward to the plot, the energy, and the chemistry between
, . ' …

I’m really looking forward to the plot, the energy, and the chemistry between these two and now I can only wait and hope they’re not gonna let me down.

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being a pike girl is like. he’s my dad he’s my husband he’s my favorite teacher he’s this guy i work with he’s a dumbass cowboy he’s the most distinguished man you’ve ever met he’s the ultimate hero he’s just some guy i’d protect him with my life i want to hug and squeeze him i want to see what he could possibly fuck up next 

And he’s got really beautiful nail beds lest we forget.

Just saw the first episode of Strange New Worlds and-


1. I’m loving the Pike and Spock friendship vibes!!! So awesome


3. I’m really happy and pleasantly surprised they carried on Pike’s trauma from seeing his future in Discovery into SNW and having him as Spock said, “find the goodness” in what happened and use it to help him grow. I’m glad they didn’t drop that plot tidbit like a hot potato (like they did with Janeway’s depression in Voyager). It is representations of trauma and mental illness that give me hope and tend to be more accurate. Idk I really like it and I’m not really eloquent rn but it’s awesome. 10/10

4. “Screw General Order 1.” Finally, someone said what every starfleet captain since Kirk has been thinking.

5. “They’re thinking about calling it ‘The Prime Directive’.” “Yeah that’ll never stick”. LMAO

6. Ortegas is super cute. I think I’m gonna really like her.

7. I’m over the moon that M’Benga and Chapel are getting the time in the limelight they deserve!

8. Anson Mount’s portrayal of Pike is just *chef kiss* Incredible! I originally didn’t care for Pike (the character) at all. I’ve watched The Cage and Menagerie (Parts 1 and 2) several times before and, no shame to Jeffery Hunter, but I never understood why in canon Pike was so beloved by everyone. I thought Hunter’s portrayal, and by extension the character, was… bland, unremarkable, and uninteresting. Bruce Greenwood’s portrayal in the AOS movies made me appreciate the character more, but to me he still seemed like just another (d)admiral albeit less stuck up, more down to earth, etc. than most others. And let me tell you, I was skeptical when I caught wind of Pike’s character appearing in Discovery. I immediately thought to myself “I’m not gonna like him. He’ll be just like Lorca except instead of evil, just mediocre.” But then: enter Anson Mount. Holy moly. He breathed new life into this character. Now I understand why everyone in canon loves him so much. He’s a noble and moral leader, friendly and down to earth, and refer back to #3.

9. I believe that the tension between Spock’s two commitments, his marriage with T’Pring and Starfleet, with the latter ultimately winning out, is why T’Pring was (or rather will be) so cold to him in Amok Time and was so keen to divorce him and get with Stonn. I’ve seen instances of T’Pring being portrayed as an extreme racist (…or specist?) in fan fiction and fanon as an explanation for why she and Spock didn’t get together ultimately or love one another. However, while it seemed plausible, especially considering how xenophobic Vulcan society has been known to be, I never really liked the T’Pring bashing. I’m glad that SNW is taking a, in my opinion, more realistic approach. Relationships (of any kind) don’t always last forever and sometimes can get messy, but that doesn’t mean that the people involved didn’t love each other in those moments. Clearly Spock and T’Pring loved each other, but it didn’t work out. This happens in many military families all the time and I’m glad and hopeful to see a portrayal of this on TV. Furthermore, considering the telepathic abilities of Vulcans, I really don’t think Spock and T’Pring would have even been compatible in the first place if she were that racist and xenophobic. In this household we stan T’Pring.

10. The convo between Pike and La’an at the end of the episode about trust was amazing. The dialogue in this episode was just straight up amazing all around, but that was my favorite part.

ansonmountdaily: Anson Mount and Ethan Peck behind the scenes of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Sourc




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NewStrange New Worldspics!

Patrick Stewart and Anson Mount are sure having a hell of a week LOL

Picard’s season 2 finale and Strange New Worlds’ season 1 premiere aired on the same day (both of them being Trek captains, Enterprise captains specifically), and then both popping into the Doctor Strange movie as members of the Illuminati literally the next day!

I am so happy to see them thriving! They deserve it!



literally I made this post a year ago about how I need Sam in SNW and now it’s happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this actually makes Jim’s eventual appearance in Season 2 all the more interesting because the only aspect of Jim that has actually never properly been explored is the Kirk brothers’ relationship and this would actually give the show a reason for Jim to be around that actually has weight and meaning beyond just pure fan service!!



NEW VIDEO! In my third Deep Dive into Strange New Worlds, we look at secrets, specifically Number One and M'Benga’s and how they tie to the season theme of belonging and grief.


Chris Pike: *shows up*


cptnchristopherpike:// NEW promotional photos of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike in Star Tcptnchristopherpike:// NEW promotional photos of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike in Star Tcptnchristopherpike:// NEW promotional photos of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike in Star Tcptnchristopherpike:// NEW promotional photos of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike in Star T


// NEW promotional photos of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds!!!

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