#chris pontius

Johnny talks about Ryan’s death.Marc: How did that sit with you guys? (Ryan’s death) I mean, when yo

Johnny talks about Ryan’s death.

Marc: How did that sit with you guys? (Ryan’s death) I mean, when you heard it.

Johnny: That was… I-I can still barely talk about it honestly. It’s one of the worst things that’s happened to my life and all of our lifes… I remember the morning getting the news and… Umm…

Marc: Yeah, it’s horrible. When you think about how you guys lived, is there any part of you that thinks- „Oh, well. It happens.”?

Johnny: Umm… It was, it was a fucking tragedy, you know. Zak was in the car, Ryan was drinking and there’s..*Stutters* I don’t know, I’m still wrapping my head around it.

Marc: Yeah, well I’m sorry for your loss man.

Johnny: Oh, it’s alright, it’s alright. Yeah, Sorry.

Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=log0_R8WYIw    

This subject begins at 49:40.

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