

Looking for direction in your life?

Looking for steps to take that are Godly and will yield outstanding results?

Read this

When God blesses you, the blessings are beyond human understanding.




To those looking for admission into your dream school, hold on, keep the faith. When God blesses you with the admission, extra blessings accompany. Don’t lose hope. Trust God and His word.




To those trying to launch their career or business and you don’t have the means to, look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith. He knows it all.

Building a relationship with Jesus

It took me a long time to learn how to talk to Jesus and I mean REALLY talk to Him. I used to say a Hail Mary or Our Father, ask for a couple blessing and call it good. I wondered why I couldn’t feel his presence, why I felt like it wasn’t worth it.

It wasn’t until I was so broken that I found myself in His presence bawling. I poured my heart and soul out to Him.

“Jesus, I know you love me but why can’t I see it? Why do bad things keep happening to me? Why do I feel so broken?”

When I let it out and told Him how I felt, when I told Him my fears and my doubts and I showed Him my brokenness, I finally felt it. I felt the beauty of pouring my heart out to my Lord. I felt the weight on my heart slowly decrease.

I ask you to talk to our Lord. Tell Him about your life. When you pray, think of it as talking to a friend. A friend who will never leave you, never betray you, and love you no matter what you say. Jesus may already know your brokenness, but He still wants you to come to Him. He wants to have a relationship with you so bad and He wants you to want to have a relationship with Him.

Falling in love with God is one of the best things I have ever done.

Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.

I stopped venting and started praying because I don’t need sympathy. I need strength.

The only relationship that will complete you is one with Christ.

I would rather live my life giving glory to God to find out that He isn’t real than not believe in Him and come face to face with the devil in the end.

You thought you were being rejected, but you were being rescued. He has better plans for you.

Give God your weakness and He will give you His strength.

Don’t LEAVE the church when things get tough, LEAD the church when things get tough.

-Father Mike Schmitz
