

Tech Companies Are Not Ready for a Post-Roe Era | WIRED

This is the part where past complacency about lack of privacy becomes very dangerous to a lot of people all at once.



““In terms of who leaked it and why, it seems much more likely to me that it comes from the right in response to an actual or threatened defection by one of the five who voted to overturn Roe,” he said. “Leaking this early draft makes that more costly for a defector because now people will think that they changed their vote after the leak in response to public outrage.””

A Supreme Court in Disarray After an Extraordinary Breach

This is 100% political. SCOTUS is not about interpreting the law in a way that respects public opinion and decades of precedent. This SCOTUS majority is composed entirely of Evangelical Christian white nationalists who are imposing their authoritarian rules on a country that did not vote for them.


Everyone should read The Power Worshippers by Katherine Stewart! It’s an eye-opening insight into the Christian nationalist ideological movement, how it rose to power, and how it’s working right now to destroy the wall between church and state. We need to recognize the Christian nationalist movement for the very purposeful and well-oiled political machine that is if we’re going to make any kind of purposeful counterattack against it. Here’s an incredibly relevant quote from it:

“In order to achieve political unity around abortion, the leaders of the emerging Christian nationalist movement understood, it was also necessary to change the deep frame of American religion. So that is what they set out to do. The modern pro-life religion that dominates America’s conservative churches and undergirds a variety of their denominations is a political creation.” 


“The leak itself, while not entirely unprecedented, is further evidence that the court has ceased to act like a court and now conducts itself like a partisan operation seeking to manipulate public opinion.”

The Supreme Court’s leaked decision spells cultural conflict for decades

Fuck these fascists.





We need to sound the alarm within pro-abortion circles for late term termination for medical reasons

If Roe vs. Wade gets overturned, gestational parents are going to die because they don’t have access to TFMR / compassionate induction. They’re going to lose their own parental rights to take their children off of life support due to a terminal condition and/or risk to the gestational parent’s life.

Circulating info about abortion prior to 12 weeks is so so important but abortions requiring a D&E or an induction are still going to be interfered with and we need to talk about it

This Alabama ban wants to ban abortion after 15 weeks. Let’s talk about people whose pregnancies were wanted.

Non-invasive prenatal testing can’t even be performed until 10 weeks gestation, and results can take 10 days- 3+ weeks to return, especially if there’s a low fetal fraction on the first draw, which is common for fetuses that have conditions that are incompatible with life. Invasive prenatal testing like chorionic villus sampling can’t be done until at least 10-12 weeks gestation, and amniocentesis cannot be done until 15-18 weeks gestation. The anatomy scan is generally done between 19-21 weeks. And that’s not even accounting for scheduling waits.

Parents of children with conditions that aren’t compatible with life are given no time to decide, and are now going to be forced to carry their terminally ill children until they are ultimately stillborn; or face hundreds of thousands of dollars in palliative care costs, and that’s if the gestational parent even survives with the risk of carrying a terminal child to full term.

Bringing this back because

My child was diagnosed incompatible with life and carrying them to term would have endangered my own life.

The Supreme Court is prepared to murder gestational parents alongside their fetuses, or drown them in medical debt as punishment for carrying a terminal baby.

The pro-life movement really doesn’t care about life at all. I know a lot of people say that, that they’re just forced birth, and that’s not lip service. And in reality, they don’t even care about the fetuses. The actual underlying political goal and aims of the movement are to cause violence and harm to people who want to terminate pregnancies because they think it’s in accordance with God’s will and God’s plan, and unfortunately for the rest of us, the God they worship isn’t the peace-loving hippie socialist from the New Testament. 

Political analysis of this movement reveals that “Pro-life retribution is seen as a way to restore the order of God. In this light, the phenomenon of killing for ‘life’ is revealed not as an oxymoron, but as a logical consistency and a political manifestation of religious retribution.” Pro-life ideology as a coherent, mass-produced narrative that does not merely condone violence, but anticipates it as part of "God’s plan.”

If you can get your hands on a copy, I HIGHLY recommend reading Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics. It came out in 2018 and has grown increasingly relevant. The pro-life movement does. not. care. about. babies. Or parents. Or anyone other than their in-group.


The people behind this think that people who want abortions should die and that killing them is right and just. It’s a combination of Christianity and fascism that takes delight in violence and the deaths of their enemies.

They really do want you dead.

Book ban efforts by conservative parents take aim at library apps

Fuck all of you piece of shit Christofascist morons. This is rage inducing beyond my ability to express.

The fact that Mitch McConnell told USA Today on May 6 that a NATIONAL ABORTION BAN orchestrated by a Republican Congress is “possible” should permanently end any chance of a 2022 GOP takeover of Congress, and if it doesn’t I’m frankly left without any explanation as to how or why.




And telling parents that they won’t used gendered pronouns in class – that every student will be referred to with They/Them, and that they’ll be removing all stories that refer to parents as “mommies” and “daddies.”

I approve.

I also saw mention that backersof this law want to expand it to the federal level.

That has led to a daydream of imagining a world where parents and doctors just don’t assign any gender to a child until that child is eight years old, and old enough to choose their own gender.

What difference does the gender marker make to the daily life of an infant, anyway?

so in this daydream there’s no surgeries on intersex kids to make their anatomy match their gender marker, right, because there’s no gender marker to match?

Absolutely right! Bingo! Naturally (naturally).

Tags from @indigo–montoya:

#it’d be really weird if a queerphobic law ended up improving things for queer people #but you know that would be really great #it’d have irony and everything

When the effort is led by English Teachers and Librarians, you could even say it’ll lead to Poetic Justice!

(I’ll get my coat)
