


summary: over the years it’s become easier to keep your feelings for your boss quiet but when he asked you to pose as his date during a mission your facade becomes much less convincing.

w/c: 7569

tags: mutual pining, exhibitionism, closet sex, excessive use of pet names

notes: jesus chriiiisst this took a million years. totally worth it tho. this was a request from @ddarker-dreams so thanks for the idea u jerk ily.

The Yul National Treasury was one of the most renowned institutions the world had ever seen, reopening as the new pride and joy of the nation of Yul. It was a small province that had just come into some serious money after its two neighboring countries had gone to war, profiting from both sides.

Its ruler, Markus Ano, was drunk on the power that had evaded him all his life, wasting away royalties on lavish parties to flaunt the wealth he’d accumulated. Tonight would be the biggest one yet, as the country’s fearless leader had just signed a contract meant to expand Yul’s borders and planned to celebrate accordingly. But, unlike his other galas, it wasn’t being held at his mansion. It was being held at the treasury.

You almost hadn’t believed Chrollo when he told you. Why would the supreme leader host a party there, where priceless artifacts and deeds of cash flow would be so ripe for the taking?

“It’s a brazen act of confidence,” Your boss had explained, “a flimsy attempt to make himself seem credible to the other world’s leaders. He’s daring any mercenary groups to crash the party.”

Shalnark’s eyebrows furrowed, his expression clear from the glow on his phone screen in the decrepit building, “Why would Ano want that?”

“To be taken seriously. If his military can fend off any attackers he believes it will increase his social standing with the other government officials.”

That made you confused. Chrollo had specifically called the Troupe’s recon members to Yul but from what your boss said it sounded like they were expecting a fight. Looking across the dimly lit building you saw the silhouettes of Machi, Paku, and Shalnark all wondering the same thing.

Your boss, insightful as ever, answered that unasked question, “We won’t be getting in there by force. If we try to barge our way in they’ll relocate the goods far before we find them. Our only option is to infiltrate the gala,” Chrollo held up four envelopes to the moonlight, each sealed in a garish purple wax, “Shalnark will provide support from here and the rest of us will pose as guests,”

His gaze focused on the blonde manipulator, “Can you access the hunter website to find out who the captains of the security team are?”

“Consider it done.”

“Excellent. Pakunoda will track down the captain and learn where they’re keeping our target. It’s either stored in one of the safes below the ballroom or somewhere else in the building.”

He called back the attention of the two women in the back of the room, “Machi, Paku, you will both arrive together. I assume your nen will be enough to restrain the guard silently?” He asked, gesturing towards Machi specifically. She didn’t say anything, just gave him a curt nod.

You willed your voice not to break as you spoke, “Um.. boss?” Keeping a level gaze with Chrollo when his wide, dark eyes flickered over to yours was more than a challenge, “what are we stealing?”

He smiled, and your treacherous heart skipped a scattered beat.

“The last physical copy of a greek play hand-written by Homer himself. The Illiad. Some collectors would pay billions for just a chance to see it and it’s by far the supreme leader’s most priceless artifact at the treasury.” Everything started to click into place and you had to fight off a grin at the mention of your boss’ favorite thing to steal. Old books.

You nodded, bowing a bit further than necessary in an attempt to avoid his stare, “Understood.”

“Oh, and one other thing..” The sound of Chrollo saying your name was something you never heard often enough, the rarity only making it sweeter on your ears.

“Yes, sir?”

“You’ll be posing as my date for the gala. You and I will retrieve the play by ourselves.” If you weren’t turned to stone under his scrutiny you’re sure the panic would’ve been much more evident on your face.

It was immature to say you had a “crush on your boss,” but you absolutely did. Ever since you joined four years ago you couldn’t help but find him fascinating, and just a tiny bit attractive. But despite everything you were loyal to the Troupe first and foremost, you couldn’t let yourself get caught up in your emotions like some kind of schoolgirl.

Heart racketing against your chest, you found the nerve to speak, “Understood, sir.”

“Alright, we’ll leave for the party tomorrow after sunset. Meet me back here well before then so we can go over the details.”

The four of you all turned to leave, but the sound of Chrollo saying your name froze you mid-step, “Stay a bit longer. I need to discuss your plan for tomorrow now, if you don’t mind.”

Mutely, you nodded, and once the other three spiders had left the abandoned building you both stood in felt much smaller. A wisp of a smile fell over his face as he turned away from you to walk over to the hotel closet, the paneling chipped off from years of neglect. With a slightly dramatic flourish he drew back the door, watching the way your eyes widened.

A slim, black dress hung on a satin hook, layered with some kind of velvet lace at the ends that would trail to your thighs. You looked from the dress to Chrollo then back again, stuttering out a quick, “Thank.. you? Sir, I—“

“You don’t have to call me that, you know.”

You stayed silent, head a bit tilted in confusion, “Call you what?”

He nimbly took the dress from its hook, his approach towards you slow, the floorboards underneath him creaking with each hesitant step, “For this mission I’d be best if you called me Chrollo.”

The blush that wracked your cheeks was so prominent it was hard for Chrollo to not pity your embarrassment as you tried to string the syllables of his name together.

His fingers deftly grazed your shoulder as he held up the straps to your collarbone, humming in approval once he saw he’d matched your right size with what he bought, eyes and touch wandering over your skin a bit too long before pulling away, leaving the dress clutched in your hands.

Unwittingly, your eyes flickered towards his lips, indulging in your weakness briefly before looking away and stepping a few feet back, the distance between you far too close for comfort.

“Thank you, bo— Chrollo,” You corrected, trying to stare at anything but him, “I should.. should get going now,” Your grip on his present was tight as you sped past him, the hurry in your steps not lost on him as you fled, a smirk you couldn’t see lacing his face as you scurried away.

The Yul National Treasury was three stories high, five if you counted the two floors of hidden safes tucked into the earth below. You’d seen places that had taken your breath away as you travelled with the spiders, your recon skills making you more suited to this kind of espionage, but the luxury never failed to catch you off guard compared to the conditions you were used to.

This one might leave them all behind. The walls were a peachy stone all lined with silver plating and gilded archways. Balconies were filled with smiling socialites spilling their champagne as they laughed. The entryway was illuminated by hanging lights that draped from window to window, all along the branches and archways. The lights even strung around the armed guard towers clearly manned with machine guns, illuminating the polished weaponry for all to see.

‘You can do this, It’s just a mission,’ You drilled that thought into your head as you toyed with the ends of the pitch fabric.

You had arrived at the venue with Paku, the two of you going your separate ways as she reconvened with Machi, leaving you at the entrance to the party to wait for your boss.

Whenever he himself participated in a mission he sometimes arrived fashionably late, so you weren’t all that concerned. The night was peaceful, a waning moon barely illuminating the dark foliage that surrounded the pathway towards the party and it was easy to get distracted in the lull of the evening.

“You look beautiful,” The voice made your head shoot up, looking to see Chrollo, a soft smile on his face and arm outstretched towards you, “are you ready?”

As you locked one hand around him you clawed your fingernails into the other, desperately hoping the pain would distract your body from the pounding of your chest. The walk to the front door felt longer that it was, your doubts eating away at every inch of your nerves, each step somehow felt inadequate to your self-sabotaging brain.

Before you could follow that rabbit hole any longer you had arrived, the opened doors to the gala manned by about thirty guards, all using normal guns as far as you could tell. Chrollo handed one of the soldiers his two wax-dipped invitations, cracking the seals and glancing over each of their credentials. They must’ve been legitimate invites or damn good forgeries because the soldier stepped back, giving his man the go-ahead to let you both through.

If the outside was impressive the interior was even more so, with curved marble staircases leading away from the main ballroom and those same strings of light connecting to the ceiling like webs. The other attendants had clearly dressed to impress, with pearls and expensive silk all bleeding from their gowns and suits. Ironically enough, although both you and Chrollo had worn relatively simple black numbers for the event, the two of you had stolen enough wealth over the years to buy whatever these aristocrats were wearing twenty times over, but none of them suspected a thing.

The silence between the two of you was deafening, especially under the chattering voices of the crowd, only broken when your boss nodded towards your 3 o'clock, “There.”

In the far back of the room was a man wearing a golden coat adorned with countless medals and pins that you suspect he hadn’t actually won, his arms slung around two girls who were both clearly feigning interest in whatever the man had to say.

You recognized him from the debriefing immediately to be Markus Ano, the supreme leader of Yul.

“Go.” Chrollo whispered that last part into your ear, a shiver going down your spine.

Once you were away from your crush it was far easier to keep a clear head, taking a few deep breaths and fully summoning your nen as you strode towards your target.

When you joined the Troupe all those years ago Phinks had joked how your abilities were, in his words, “A man’s worst nightmare.” As soon as you entered the building your En had begun to slowly spread throughout the entire room. In simple terms, once your En had filled a room you could activate your ability on anyone, simple eye contact being all it takes to make them ever-more perceptible to your will. The caveat being that if they looked away from you, your influence over them would slowly fade away.

‘Its effects should be strong enough by now,’ You decided, the distance between you and the leader’s not-so-secret bodyguards disguised as nearby guests growing smaller by the second.

“Hold it,” One of his guards stopped you, his grip tight on your upper arm before slacking as you gave him a doe-eyed look.

“Please sir, I’d love to meet the Supreme leader, if it’s alright?” It was admittedly funny how fast the guard nodded, guiding you gently over to his boss’ side.

The ruler was watching the two of you from his gilded couch, interest piqued as he glowered over your body, “And who might you be?”

You gave him the most polite bow you could, the custom common in Yul, leaving him unabashedly staring at your chest; the gross sensation it inspired in your gut all too familiar by now. You’re not even sure he heard your fake name when you told him.

Locking your gaze onto his, he was done for, going so far as to shove the two girls off of him, though they didn’t seem unhappy at having an excuse to leave.

“I’m new in Yul, sir, It’s an honor to meet you, I’ve heard so many stories…” The flattery worked like a charm, Ano patting the now empty spot beside him and you were sure not to break a moment of eye contact even as you sat down.

“Tell me, who are you with?” He obviously didn’t recognize you among the crowd of his aristocratic friends.

You gave him a forlorn sigh, nodding your head towards another corner of the room, “My date was the minister of Targon, but he’s gone off somewhere, leaving me all alone…”

“What an idiot he was, then, for leaving a lady like you,” You’d decided your nen had been in effect long enough for you to drop the charade if the lovestruck glaze in his crinkled eyes was anything to go by, merely leaning to briefly whisper your suggestions into his ear to keep up appearances for anyone watching.

“Send your main forces to the west back gate, there’s been a disturbance… but ask for the captain of the guard to meet you by the second left exit, alright?”

“But… what about—“ He must’ve had at least a little mental fortitude to achieve his position, enough to repel your abilities for about three seconds. Not bad for someone who didn’t know about nen.

You slid you hand to his cheek, tilting him forward to look at you, each second making the breathing in his chest more ragged by the second.

As you blew a soft kiss towards Ano it was apparently his breaking point, ripping out his phone and quickly calling up his captain. While your new lapdog was busy barking out your orders you shrugged off his side, pretending to spot someone among the crowd.

“Oh, there’s my date now! It’s truly been a pleasure, Mr. Ano, thank you for keeping me company!” Hopping off the chair, you gave him a quick bow for the witness’ sake and left your spot on the couch. He was about to call out for you to wait only to realize he had completely forgotten your name. By the time he’d fallen from your trance you were long gone, one face among many.

Your part had gone off without a hitch, Pakunoda and Machi should be restraining the guard captain any second now. All that was left is for him to spill where the greek play was being kept and it would be up to you and Chrollo to retrieve it.

“Quite a show,” Speak of the devil.

Chrollo took his place in step behind you, a strange energy to him that wasn’t there before, just as you were growing comfortable around him, “Any word from Shal?” You asked.

He shook his head, discreetly checking his earpiece to be sure the device was still on, “Not yet.”

“Well, what should we do in the meantime?” You were only half curious, expecting a simple command to stand by like usual.

Instead he outstretched his hand, the steel of his eyes softer than you’d ever seen before, “Dance with me.”

You blinked, waiting for the punchline, only to be met with silence and an open invitation to the main floor.

“But you…” It was nearly impossible to find the right words with him, each question sounding wrong, “why?”

The corners of his lips tilted into a smile, heat blooming from your chest at the rare, honest sight, “Why not?”

You didn’t trust your voice not to crack so you kept quiet as you slowly took his hand. There was something in the way he carried himself that made your lingering doubts fall away, his confidence infectious as he effortlessly lead you to the floor and let his hand fall to your waist.

“Chrollo, I don’t.. I’m not good at dancing.” Especially not whatever classical number the other guests were a part of.

He chuckled, pulling your hand onto his shoulder, “I’ll teach you,” you gripped the dark fabric of his blazer as a way to steady yourself, the violins escalating over the course of the concerto, “It’s only four steps, just follow my lead.”

He was patient with you, carefully guiding you into a steady pattern, your steps miraculously falling into sync with his. You couldn’t’ve helped the shaky laugh bubbling from your chest as you slowly got the hang of it, the proud look on Chrollo’s face just made it more surreal.

It was as if everything else began to melt away like candle wax; the judging socialites, the mission, and even your dedication to keeping your infatuation with Chrollo under wraps. Dancing with him was almost as easy as breathing.

Looking up from between the two of you and moving without his steps for guidance was as much of a reward as it was a mistake. Seeing the look on his face almost made you trip, saving yourself at the last minute from falling into his chest. If he noticed your stumble he was kind enough not to mention it. Chrollo was looking at you like you were the only person in the room, his eyes alight and hiding a million things he wouldn’t say just yet. You were too far gone to even try to hide the blush dusting across your face.

It was over all too soon, the gleam in his eyes suddenly focusing into the hardened iron you were used to.

“What is it?” He didn’t answer you right away, guiding the two of you off the dance floor until you began to make your way through the crowd.

“Machi and Paku dealt with the guard, there’s been a change of plans.”

That was never good. “What happened?”

“The Illiad isn’t being kept in any of the vaults. It’s in Markus Ano’s private study on the fifth floor.” His voice was hushed, a tone only you could hear as he tugged you close to his side, the gravity of the situation all that kept you from focusing too much on that detail.

You cursed, hoping the order Ano sent out on your behalf was enough to get most of the security out of the building so the two of you could get to the study undetected, “Does Shalnark have the upper floor plans or access to the cameras?”

Chrollo repeated your question into his hidden transceiver and nodded back after a moment, “He says there’s an unguarded stairwell in the east hallway.”

Grinning, you gestured forward, “Then lead the way, boss.”

The corridors were thankfully empty as you followed, checking each stairway before heeding whatever directions Shal was feeding into your boss’ ear. After walking down a seemingly ordinary hallway on the fifth floor you were quick to notice the two guards still stationed in front of what you assumed must be the private study. The sound of a pen clicking under Chrollo’s thumb was all it took to tell you to fall back. He’d take them himself.

One of them slapped the other’s shoulder as the two of you approached, barking out some question as they raised their rifles, taking aim when neither of you wasted a response. You made no move to block or dodge, knowing just how capable the head of the spiders could really be.

Before either of them could pull the trigger Chrollo was at their sides, the ballpoint of his pen snug in the left guard’s jugular, simply cracking the other’s neck to avoid a trail of blood. The right one crumbled to the floor and where he once stood your date held out his palm, the worn pages of Bandit’s Secret appearing between his fingertips.

“I’ll summon the Indoor Fish to take care of the bodies. You should look for the book while they work.” You nodded, slipping inside and being sure to shut the door behind you, not wanting to be seen as fair game to the conjured carnivores.

Ano’s study was filled with treasures, some framed and some propped on pedestals but all interesting in their own right. Foreign riches stolen or bought lined the shelves like an auction hall catalogue, but none of them resembled what Chrollo was after.

That is, until you noticed what was sitting open near Marcus’ desk.

The pages themselves were frail and peach-toned from age but as you tilted the parchment in the light you saw how the gold lining of the edges still reflected as brightly as it had a thousand years ago. The bindings themselves were a polished bronze, restored by some professional curator under Ano’s patronage until the golden lettering stood out even in the dim husk of the study.

Curiously, you looked at the page your host had left open, the scene of war and bloodshed drawn beside the texts so captivating you barely noticed the sound of the door opening and your date stepping through, Bandit’s Secret nowhere to be seen.

You held up the book for him, smiling once you saw the childlike gleam in Chrollo’s eyes that always shined once he made another conquest, some begotten treasure that he’d cherish for a while before selling it off on the black market. He was like a kid asking for his toy back as he reached to take it from you.

He held the book with a reverence, fingers skimming over the gold of the title, “Remarkable…” He muttered.

You couldn’t help but smile unsteadily, the dance from earlier that night playing at the forefront of your mind as you asked, “Chrollo?”


“If you… I mean—” It was an awful feeling whenever you stuttered around your boss. He was always so brilliantly concise, each word perfectly in place; so whenever you were unfortunate enough to trip over your words it made you feel like your faults stood out all the more.

You looked down at your shoes, “I can’t exactly read this language. So would- I mean if you’re not busy…”

He looked up from the play, patient with your nervous disposition, whispering your name in a quiet hush, “What is it?”

Closing your eyes, you forced the sentence out of your throat, “Would you read it to me sometime? The.. play?”

He blinked, briefly silent as he took in your words, and from that you assumed the worst, frantically trying to play off your request with a wave of your hands, “Not- no, sorry, boss— that was weird, I just—“

“—It’s alright,” His voice was so quiet, just barely loud enough for you to hear, “I’d be happy to.”

“Are you sure?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Chrollo had seemed so unapproachable when you first joined the Troupe, his power an entire league of its own. Saying you admired him would be putting it lightly. And yet here he still gave you the time of day.

Your laugh was as shaky as your heartbeat, half from disbelief and half in joy, having trouble comprehending the warmth that spread down your fingertips and up your neck, dousing your cheeks red. His eyes never left yours, completely enraptured with the effect he had on you.

Your moment together was short-lived as the both of you seized up at the very noticeable sound of loud footsteps from down the hall. The footsteps were in sync, marching towards the room you took refuge in.

‘How did they find out we were here?’ You didn’t have time to speak, thoughts interrupted by the feeling of Chrollo’s hand gripping your wrist, yanking you with him towards the back of the study. He scanned the room quickly before zeroing in on what must’ve been a storage closet, doors revealing a small room stacked with cleaning supplies.

He pulled you inside with a sharp tug, the darkness of the closet overtaking you as he locked it shut behind, suddenly very able to hear even the minutia of his breathing in such close quarters. Luckily you didn’t have to focus on it for long as what sounded like a small squadron of guards entered the study.

“Sir, we insist you stay here until the intruders are dealt with,” Even in darkness the two of you locked eyes after hearing that. Had Paku or Machi been captured? Unlikely, but what else could they mean? “They’re still putting up some resistance at the west gate, it’s not safe yet.”

You immediately recognized the voice that responded, “Come now, It’s my own party! I won’t let a few terrorists ruin my good mood.”

None of the security detail made their way to the back of the study, abundantly clear that whatever they were here for, they weren’t looking for you. The connection between the diversion you’d made up and the events transpiring began to click together in your brain.

“Please, Sir, just stay here for another twenty minutes or so. They clearly weren’t prepared for our assault, we should have them cleaned up soon.” It was almost too hilarious to be true. Had another mercenary company other than the Phantom Troupe descended on Markus’ gala? Chrollo had said he was taunting the entire criminal underground with the event after all, but you had no idea they were going to come from the west gate, it had just been the first direction you thought of.

You scoffed as quietly as you could and it was almost as if Chrollo could see you smile even in the pitch black. “What a coincidence,” You murmured, careful not to speak too loud, “I can’t believe I guessed that right.”

“I should learn to trust your instincts more often then.” He joked, his voice a beguiling hush of its former self, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. Your mouth opened and closed but nothing managed to escape, his overwhelming presence in the crowded room growing more apparent by the second.

“What’s wrong?” You weren’t able to answer him for a few seconds, wracking your brain for an answer that wasn’t ‘I want to know what kissing you feels like.’

“N-othin’ boss…” Even you weren’t convinced by that one. He hummed and eventually your eyes began to adjust to the darkness until you could get a clearer look at him. The two of you were as close as you had been when he danced with you what felt like hours ago, noticing how his wide eyes never left yours.

“I thought I told you to call me by my name?” He asked incredulously, a smug smile teasing at the corners of his mouth. For the briefest moment you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes flick over to your lips, but you quickly tried to brush it off as a trick of the lighting.

You blinked, “But that’s just for the mission, right?”

“Darling,”It was surprising that he didn’t notice the almost deafening sound of your heartbeat echoing through the confines of the closet, “from now on…”

As he took a step closer you couldn’t move, your legs weak beneath you as he pressed against your trembling frame, one arm keeping you caged against the wall and reveling in the squeak it drew out of you.

“When we’re alone?” Hovering his lips over your ear as he breathed the words against your temple, “I want you to call me Chrollo.”

In retrospect, you weren’t thinking clearly before you kissed him. It was like a compulsion, your conscience having no say over your fingers as you pulled him to your lips by the lapels of his suit. Despite all your screaming nerves and lingering doubts you somehow felt that if you didn’t do this now he could slip through your fingers again for good.

In all the years you’ve known your leader this was the first time you’d seen him stunned into silence, your impulsive confidence starting to backfire on your own brain.

You hastily shoved yourself away from him, shame pooling in your gut as you scrambled to apologize, “Chrollo, I’m-Fuck,I’m so sorry I wasn’t thinki—“

He cut you off by cupping his hand over your mouth, backing you further into the wall. Your boss raised a finger to his lips, shushing you with such a fond expression it actually helped you calm down. Tilting his raven hair to the door, he gestured to the guards outside who thankfully didn’t hear your hushed outburst.

“You’re terrified, aren’t you?” That certainly wasn’t what you were expecting him to say but you hesitantly nodded nonetheless.

Chrollo’s grip on your mouth went slack, his fingertips running over the plush of your lips, “Why?”

“I’m scared that I’m crossing a line.”

It was the simplest way you could put it, words hanging undisturbed in the air for a few moments before he could respond, “If that’s what you believe, then I’ll cross it myself.”

In the blink of an eye he’d trapped one hand in your hair, the other pulling you close by your waist and into a suffocating kiss. His lips were warmer than you thought they’d be but just as soft as you imagined; turning you into a petrified mess beneath him, brain short circuiting as his tongue held on to yours.

You pulled away first as the stinging in your lungs became too much to bear. As you tried to catch your breath you saw his expression, eyes dilated and lips slightly stained with the color of your lip tint.

Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, you looked up at him as best you could in the darkness, “So does this mean you like me too?”

“Christ,” He pinched the bridge of his nose in exhaustion, frustration lacing the way he said your name, “how could I make myself clearer?”

It was possible he could see the blush you were wearing even in the black lighting of the closet from how hot it spread. When he kissed you again there wasn’t a shred of hesitation or self-doubt left to overthink, his confession ringing in your head like the sweetest music you’ve ever heard. It wasn’t like any timid kiss of a new relationship, it was eager, raw, and long overdue.

His knee found its way between your legs, the friction everything you’d been craving and more, keening moans devoured by his lips before they could reach outside the closet door.

“Wait.. Chrollo, stop,” He froze, eerily still with an unreadably tense look on his face.

The voice that had been so laced with desire only a minute ago was gone, “Are you alright?”

“Wha- Yes, I-I’m fine, we just can’t do this here.”

He blinked in an owlish way that you’d call cute if he wasn’t being so flippant, “Why not?”

“What do you mean ‘why not?’” You hissed, pointing to the door and the entourage that awaited you beyond it.

You felt his lips curve into a smirk against your cheek, angling your jaw up until he spoke in a whisper, his hushed breath against your skin sending another wave of heat to your gut, “If they interrupt us,” Chrollo’s grip grew tighter, snapping you forward and forcing you to look at him, “I’ll kill them.”

“But… what about the escape plan? If they hear us—” He clicked his tongue and the hand that had been resting on your waist dipped between your legs, cupping you harshly through the black fabric of the dress, clasping your hand over your mouth to staunch the sharp whimper it brought out.

“Then you should try to stay quiet.” He led a trail of kisses down the curve of your neck, smiling as he felt you begin to relax under his grip, eyes fluttering open and shut from his touch.

He pulled his hand away, bunching the satin of your dress up your thighs until his fingertips ran along the soaked material of your panties.

“So wet for me, Darling,” It was all you could do to keep your voice down as he slipped his fingers under the waistline of the fabric, his breathing uneven as he toyed with the soft heat of your cunt, hovering kisses over your collarbone but keeping his gaze on yours as he asked, “how long have you thought about this? Thought about me?”

“A few months-ah—!”You were barely able to cover your squeak in time as he bit down on the vulnerable flesh.


He read you like a book. At your juvenile silence that followed his remark he just sighed and started pulling his hand away, the absence of his fingertips on your clit enough to burn off what little shame you had left.

Screwing your eyes shut, you caved, “Since I joined the Troupe!” He paused at your hushed outburst, lips parted in what might’ve actually been surprise as you melted into his touch, “I’ve wanted you for years, Chrollo.”

“That long…” The blissful pressure on your clit was back and you would’ve doubled over if it weren’t for his grip holding you down. Your eyes were still shut so it took you by surprise as his next words sounded further away than the last, “I’ll have to apologize for keeping you waiting.”

Opening your eyes to see the leader of the Phantom Troupe on his knees in front of you, pulling your ruined garments down your legs with a starving glint in his irises was a sight you’d never forget. Not to be outdone when he ran his tongue along your lips, biting into your palm to hold back the whine of your voice.

“Fuck,” He cursed, a rarity for your composed boss and the raspy tremor of it only made your thighs widen. His eyes flickered to your trembling legs that didn’t seem to be capable of supporting your weight any longer, an imaginary lightbulb flicking above the darkened room. With an unnerving kind of strength he hooked his hand under your leg and locked it around his head, becoming all too aware of the heat of his breath against the soft curve of your thigh, settling it comfortably on his shoulder.

“You’re shaking,” He observed, lining a row of chaste kisses along the plush skin, “are you still nervous, Darling?”

Both of you knew he was wrong, and he proved it by leaning further closer to the ache between your legs, tongue prodding at your sensitive clit, “Or are you just that desperate for me?”

“—Chrollo,please,”The growl in your throat was almost enough to catch him off guard, lightly banging the back of your head against the wall out of bratty frustration, “For once in your life, shut up.”

He laughed faintly against your cunt, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your stomach before intoning a delicate, “As you wish.”

The first drag of his tongue had your back arching against the closet wall, the needy sigh he groaned against you sending another tide of heat into your bloodstream. He wasn’t as careful with you now, pace quickly overwhelming as his hands dug future bruises into your malleable flesh.

Your lungs hated being cooped up by your hand as you tried to stay quiet, a few honeyed pleas slipping through your fingers. There was a part of you still vacantly panicking at the compromising position you were in, the thought that one wrong move would be all it took to have the guards outside breaking down the door. You weren’t scared of them hurting you, god no, you were a member of the Phantom Troupe, a few armed guards would be nothing against you. That still didn’t mean you necessarily wanted an entire squadron of soldiers seeing you at your most vulnerable, coming undone at Chrollo’s sinful touch.

Dark strands of hair carded through your fingers as you basked in his attention, the warming knot in your stomach ever closer to snapping. His free hand dipped below the one supporting your thigh and carefully slipped two fingers inside you, curling them up and smiling at your muffled cries.

The reality of the situation was almost overwhelming, the desperation in your grip eased when he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking the bud between his teeth. Your chest was heaving with the effort to keep still and silent even under his torture.

“Shit, Chrollo,” You whined lowly.

“Hm? What is it, love?” The new nickname was enough to make you crumble.

Even though it pained you to do so you wrenched his face away, nerves outraged at your body’s decisions. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but the stunning view of Chrollo Lucilfer, one of the most dangerous men in the entire world, below you with lips shiny and wet with your slick, was definitely giving you a power trip.

Summoning up what courage you had left, you shut your eyes and whispered, “Chrollo, Please just fuck me already.”

He didn’t move for a second, eyes black with want, but before you could beg any further he’d already rose to stand over you again while he made quick work of his belt. The clinking of metal was far too loud for your predicament but it wasn’t long before you were forgetting all about the assault team waiting outside. Once he unzipped his pants low enough to free himself from his briefs it was hard to think about anything else.

Without much effort he held your waist up to his own with one hand and lined himself between you with the other; not even his unshakeable resolve enough to completely stifle a groan as you eagerly wrapped your legs around him, trapping him closer.

He hissed as you dragged your aching walls down his cock and your pupils flared at the strained moan hot against your ear, “Look at yourself, Darling. Such a fragile little thing for me, so eager to have me inside of you…” His words trailed off as the he softly ground the leaking head of his cock onto your puffy clit.

“You’ve got quite the crush on me, haven’t you?” Chrollo’s kisses turned sharp as he bit along your shoulder and up the trembling climb of your neck.

The pleas you babbled were half illegible, teeming with the unbearable desire you’d kept dormant for years finally earning its due. As he began to push into you he took your lips in his, hiding each of your whorish moans in his mouth. It was almost surreal. You’d fantasized about this moment on and off for so long that to finally feel him pull your hips closer and stifle a groan into your tongue was shooting sparks down your spine. You eventually had to break away for air, panting madly as you rest on the wall for balance.

“Chr…oh-ah, shit, feels so good, Chrollo,” You whimpered, tucking your head onto his shoulder

When he said your name you almost came then and there, a vulnerable need in his voice you hadn’t heard before as he whispered it like gospel, “Goddamnit.. you’re so tight—“

You couldn’t wait for him any more, locking your thighs around him and drawing him flush with your waist as he audibly choked from the wet plush of your cunt. It stung for a moment but after ripping off that band-aid all you felt was full.

He couldn’t stop himself at that point, digging bruises into your thighs as he shallowly rut his hips against yours and tugged you down the wall to take you deeper.

Trying to regain his composure, he evened out his thickly voice and hushed soft praise into your ear, “Do you feel that, love? Feel me here?” He accentuated his words by curving one hand down to your stretched pussy, his palm intentionally pressing down on your abdomen as he curled precise circles onto your clit.

The sensation was unlike anything you’d ever felt, the moan it brought falling far too loud from your kiss-bitten lips. With a jolt of his wrist his hand was pressed against your mouth, head tilted towards the door.

“Wh.. Ivon, did you hear that?” A voice spoke from outside, and your heart fell into your stomach.

Blood was pounding in your ears as you waited for the guard’s response, eyes tearing up while mentally kicking yourself over the slip up.

The man who you could reasonably assume to be Ivon replied, “Yeah? James was just talking about the one of the guests. Did you hear somethin’ else?”

“No, I just thought I..” The guard trailed off, voice already muffled through the wood of the door.

Your eyes snapped open, glaring at Chrollo as he began to move your hips back onto his. Despite the nervous tremor that still wracked your core you couldn’t help but take a kind of sick pleasure in it. The fear of your enemies finding you was exhilarating your twitching body in a way you couldn’t imagine. Sparks caressed your limbs as he dragged himself inside you, igniting a fiery need in his wake.

He watched your muffled reactions with a cheshire grin, pleased to no end. His lips were parted from the friction, sweat beading under the cloth of his bandages, the lewd clap of skin on skin echoing faintly through the storage closet. You might’ve been a mess for him but the way his skin was flushed and his breathing stuttered as he snapped into you was enough to tell that he was close. You keened against his fingers, clenching tight around him and taking in the enticing way he shuddered.

Whatever cries you tried to make were gagged by his hand as he rubbed circles along your clit with the other. All at once the wall felt like it crumbled to dust behind you as you pulled him as close as It was the final push you needed to come undone, spasming and screaming into his hand as he left wet kisses along your neck.

Through the haze of your orgasm you couldn’t feel Chrollo take his hand off your mouth to dig his fingertips into your hips, desperately chasing his own release.

You heard him stifle each breathy curse and harsh groan into your neck, the oversensitivity enough to have you crying out from the numbingly hot friction. His teeth found solace in your jugular as he came, eyes pinched while he finished inside you, choking out the last fragments of his pleasure against your racing pulse.

It took you about two seconds before you realized what you’d done.

“Wait, what the— fuck?” A different voice said, the distinct sound of a magazine clipping into its holster echoing from beyond the closet.

Before you could panic Chrollo was pushing his index finger to your lips, a soft shush from your boss all it took to make you realize everything would be fine.

“I kne- hey James, get over here!” Ivon shouted, several pairs of boots crowding towards the closet door.

He set you carefully down to the ground, your legs wobbling under the weight and the sensation tingly on the undersides of your feet after being held in the air for so long, your boss pressing an uncharacteristically gentle kiss to your forehead before collecting his bearings.

“This won’t take long, love.” He assured, locking an errant strand of hair behind your ear. Chrollo hadn’t actually taken any of his clothes off, something you resolved to change the next time you did this, and was already tucking himself back into his pants and brushing down his clothes to look at least semi-presentable.

“Whoever the fuck is in there, get out here now.This area is off-limits to guests!” You scoffed from your place on the floor, a blissed out smile on your face as you enjoyed the afterglow.

Chrollo feigned innocence as he answered, cautious to keep your exposed body out of their sight as he cracked open the door, “I’m coming out, there’s no need to panic..”

From where you sat you saw him summon Bandit’s Secret in the hand still obscured by doorway, flicking to a particularly nasty ability without even craning his neck to read which page he had turned to. You almost felt sorry for Ano and his guards. Almost.

As you began hunting down your underwear the noises of blood-curling screams filled the next room, the splatter of gore and thump of fallen limbs all too recognizable sounds in your line of work. You just managed to snatch your panties off the ground right before the steadily increasing pool of blood from under the door managed to reach it, a new red stream trickling in from the study.

You pulled your look together, trying to fan down the mess of your staticky hair as much as possible before Chrollo opened the door again, not a single drop of red visible on his suit.

Both Markus Ano and his guards had all been split into pieces, their organs hacked by the unknown energy in one of your boss’ many stolen hatsu and you found yourself having a hard time matching together Ano’s face with the rest of his torso. Covered in a sea of red, they all looked the same at this point.

“Well this sucks. How are we gonna get out of this?” You echoed, tiptoeing around the carnage to not get your new heels dirty.

Chrollo chuckled, holding out his arm just like he did earlier that night. It was easy taking it this time, none of the hesitance from before. As he led you past the doorway and into the still-empty hallway he explained, “There was an attack on the Yul treasury tonight but they don’t know we were ever here. If we don’t claim to anything I’m sure some rebel faction will take credit for our work soon enough.”

As you two wove your way down the hallways you weren’t even stopped by the guards who rushed upstairs at the sounds of screaming. To them it must’ve been impossible for two bloodless aristocrats to be the culprits, as by then you’d managed to blend your way into the crowd of confused guests. The party was as lively as you left it, the band playing a particularly triumphant melody as you escaped.

You almost scoffed as you walked out the front door, each guard none the wiser that their employer was currently littered across his study in chunks because of you; none of them even recognized the ten billion dollar play tucked safely under your arm. But you couldn’t blame them. After all, your attention wasn’t on the book either, but on the man beside you, completely enraptured by even the slightest smile on his face.

He might’ve had a good point earlier. You do have quite the crush on him.


ch.1ch.2 —ch.3 —ch.4

summary: you help repay chrollo for the treatment he gave you last night.

w/c: 3133

tags: morning after, fluff, oral sex, slightly subchrollo

a/n: soooo im gonna tell a typical chapter out of order and make the porn first and then the story lol. this one is a lot smaller than the last one cause the next one is gonna be a pretty length one

By the time you woke up the sun was already high above you, light streaming through the window and onto your closed eyes enough to pull you from a dreamless sleep. For a moment you were scared, eyes frantically scanning the room until you saw your boots tucked neatly beside your bed and all the memories of last night came rushing back.

The sudden onslaught of blood to your head made the pounding in your skull even worse, nothing holding you back from melodramatically groaning into the silken pillow. Embarrassed wasn’t the correct word for how you felt. Even mortified felt tame. The thoughts of Chrollo, dark hair bunched into your fingers while he held your thighs still, eating you out like you were his last supper was enough to make a painfully familiar warmth start to pool in your gut.

Those memories were golden, the only problem was how they ended.

You’d passed out on him the second he was done, what kind of date did that? He must’ve thought you were pretty inconsiderate, or at least that you were a sloppy drunk.

Your guilt weighed heavy on your shoulders as you slowly tracked down your phone and clothes, finding all but your bra before making your way out to the hall. Either the lights were too dim last night or you were too drunk but you hadn’t truly appreciated how expensive your host’s penthouse was when compared to your apartment. The view of York New City from Chollo’s penthouse was breathtaking, the metropolitan skyline etched with the bright reflection of the sun.

Nervously, you opened your mouth to call out his name, you wanted to just find him and apologize already so you could stop feeling so damn uneasy.

“Ah, you’re awake.” Even though he spoke in the softest voice he could’ve managed he still spooked you.

“Christ, you scared me. Do you not make footsteps or something?”

He shrugged, apologetically gesturing towards the other hallway, “My apologies. I was about to wake you and see if you wanted any coffee?”

Despite the headache you still managed a smile at the offer, “That sounds great right now. Maybe top it off with a pain killer or two?”

“Of course.” The kitchen was as grand as the bedroom, with cabinets overlooking each marble countertop and a similarly beautiful view from the window by the dining table. The only thing that struck you as odd was when Chrollo pulled some creamer from the fridge, giving you a glance at how sparse his groceries were, only restricted to a few bare necessities.

Tucking yourself into a chair, your brain slowly woke up with the smell of the familiar caffeine. Before you could clarify how you liked your coffee he’d already poured it, adding exactly the same amount of sugars you’d told him you enjoyed when you gushed over Dorian Grey on the first day you met him.

As he fixed your coffee he kept his back to you, shoulders tensed as he asked, “Do you… remember what happened last night?”

You scoffed, “I only had a bit of wine, Chrollo, I remember perfectly.”

“Then what happened between us…” he turned to you, leaning against the countertop to keep his distance, “Do you regret it?”

Instantly you snapped up to him, “What? No,no, Chrollo I’m—“

“You were drunk. It was wrong of me to take advantage of you like that.” his guilty confession was unbelievable. You might’ve been tipsy but you can clearly recall the way you fell apart around him, pleasure bleeding from each cry of his name, and he was under the impression you hadn’t wanted it?

“Chrollo, I’m fine, last night was amazing. That’s not what I regret,” he blinked, genuinely confused.

“What, then?”

You looked back to the glass table, your reflection feint but clearly flustered in the clear mirror, “Because you didn’t… I didn’t make you feel good.”

His scoff was caught somewhere between relieved and puzzled, “That’s it?”

Looking up into his eyes as he brought the mugs of steaming coffee over was a challenge, “I’m just sorry I fell asleep is all,” you trailed off.

He snatched your hand, his eyes brimming with severity and want. “Trust me, love, I enjoyed myself too.” You had to look away, taking solace in the too-hot burn of the coffee as a way to take your mind off the intensity of his stare and help keep your voice from breaking.

“But what if I repay my favor?” The lilt in your voice wasn’t lost on him and all the sobering thoughts he fed himself did nothing to stop his pulse jumping at your words.

He visibly shifted in his seat, “You don’t have to—“

“I want to.” He was beginning to learn that you were a special kind of stubborn, conflict evident on his face.

“You don’t owe me anything,” his voice was strained, like he was holding back everything he wanted to say, “If.. if you don’t…

Your hand ran alongside his arm, reverently thumbing the muscle that hid underneath the grey fabric, “I know that, Chrollo. Doesn’t change how I want to feel you… tasteyou,”

He said your name like a scolding teacher, frown etched onto his face. If it weren’t for the thin flush of color that fled to his cheeks and the way his legs spread wider under your foot’s pressure you would’ve stopped.

“Most guys want this, you know?”

“You should know by now I’m not like most men,” before your confidence faltered you drew back your ankle, standing up from the chair to hover in front of him. He followed you with his eyes and it did nothing to keep your poise in check, running your hand down his chest and feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath beneath your palm.

The cold wood of the floor met your knees, batting your eyelashes at him as best you could, “You said you enjoyed making me feel good, right?” He nodded as your hand moved down the thin trail of dark hair to his sweatpants where the strain in his body was all too obvious, toying with the seam of fabric between your fingertips.

“Well, then let me have my fun,”

The guttural groan from your words felt like heaven to your ears, knowing you’d won.

“…Alright,” it was all you needed, tugging down the material until you saw his length aching against the black of his briefs. You pressed mouthy kisses along until you felt him twitch beneath you, wrapping a soft hand around to squeeze him gently through the fabric, pulling another sigh from him.

The sound made you think you were doing good but looking up didn’t confirm the theory, his hands digging into the arm of the dining chair, mouth pressed into a straight line.

“Chrollo,relax,” he didn’t seem convinced, clearly turned on but fidgety under your touch, “do you want me to stop?”

“No, dear, I just—“ it was rare to see him at such a loss for words, “I’m not used to this.”

The idea that Chrollo hadn’t ever been taken care of like this was as astounding as it was annoying, “Why not?”

Despite the compromising position it took a long moment before he spoke, voice barely above a hush,

“It’s vulnerable.”

You didn’t expect to feel so moved while you were on your knees about to blow him, but the honesty of his words still made your heart skip a few beats.

As gently as you possibly could, you pulled his boxers off the cut of his waist, his cock hitting against his stomach when it was freed. The sight was intimidating, not only because it would be logistically difficult to fit him in your mouth but because of his expression; all wide-eyed and nervous, his breathing heavy above you. True to his words, it was the most vulnerable you’d ever seen him.

Wrapping your palm around him, the gasp it drew made a wave of heat settle in your abdomen.

You didn’t have a way with words like him, you couldn’t make him stutter and blush like he did to you, so you tried to let your actions speak for themselves, taking an effort to worship every inch of him as his composure slipped away.

As you thumbed patterns into the exposed flesh you drew your tongue along his cock, prying out another pleased sigh, the tense strain of the hunter’s body loosening beneath you.

“More.” He said sharply, eyes closed into a scrunch while you smiled at your little victory.

Without wasting a moment you wrapped your mouth around his length that had beaded with pre-cum. Having to wrap your hand around what couldn’t fit, you took him deeper, willing yourself not to choke. The width of him was hard to manage but the sinful noises above you more than made up for the certain ache your jaw would be suffering later on.

“God, just..“ Chrollo stuttered, trying to keep his hips from snapping into your mouth, “more, Darling, I’m-”

The moan he gave you was quiet, hiding behind his hand, but you’d take it as a green light, moving your head back and forth to elicit the most overwhelming friction you could. He was a mess underneath you, or at least as much of a mess as he could be, one hand finally combing itself in your hair, his grip tight at the roots, while the other was resolutely over his mouth.

You twist your tongue over the tip of his cock, humming around him to see Chrollo’s head fall back from the pleasure, the rapid rising of his chest and muffled groans giving away his composure.

“Darling, so… stop, stop, I’m close,” his hips involuntarily pushed forward when you swallowed around him, his hand not being enough to staunch the breathy whines that you ripped from his chest.

He was a sight to see, the panes of muscle under his shirt clenched from the fire of your touch, eyebrows pursed together and eyes shut tight as he cupped a shaking hand under his nose to try and hide the way his voice cracked under the budding pleasure. His hips automatically jut into the air once you pulled back, eyes squinting open to see your tongue toying with the string of spit that connected you to him.

You pulled back just enough to kiss a few hoarse words onto the tip of his cock, red and sensitive from the heat of your throat, “Want you to cum in my mouth,Chrollo,”

Hearing your name being called so desperately, so sweetly, was more satisfying than anything, the filth of your words catching your lover off-guard.

“And don’t cover your voice either, I want to hear you,” he obliged, though begrudgingly, the pleading look in his big grey eyes more than enough to make you go down on him once again.

He tried to follow your request, stuttering out a moan as he rocked himself into your pace, eyes open this time as he watched where your mouth met his cock with a glazed focus. After a moment his grip in your hair tightened, beginning to guide you down his length as he saw fit, a slew of mumbled whines spilling from his trembling lips.

As Chrollo’s tip hit the back of your throat you forced yourself to breathe through your nose, easier said than done but somehow you managed, swallowing around his twitching head, a meretricious cry leaving him that echoed around the room. He pushed you forward in a moment of blind desire, your nose brushing against the patch of dark hair as you had to ignore the tears that involuntarily spilled down your cheeks as he came down your throat.

It was too much for you to take, his cum dribbling from your mouth as he rode out his high, the warmth thick as it went down your throat, his grip mercifully going slack. You swallowed most of it but some still spilled down your lips when you finally couldn’t hold back a cough, the brief oversensitivity sending him reeling, staining your cheek with a rope of white.

“God… damnit,” he huffed, trying to catch his breath as he took you in. You’re sure you must’ve looked like quite a sight with his cum dripping down your face and cheeks flushed red, tears brimming with starlight against your eyelashes.

You couldn’t resist teasing him a bit more, sticking out your tongue and swiping his cum into your mouth, audibly humming at the taste.

“You’reinsatiable,” he whispered under his breath.

The giggle that bubbled up from your chest was infectious and Chrollo couldn’t help but smile along as he tucked himself back into his sweatpants.

Standing up and swiping the floor’s dust from your knees, you rubbed the back of your neck, “You… liked it, right?”

His voice deadpanned as you asked, looking at the mess he’d made of your face, “Are you joking?”

“Where’s the bathroom, Chrollo?” He took a moment to laugh into his hand, chuckling at the absurd mundanity of the moment before directing you down the hall.

You whistled as you stepped into the bathroom, the tile reflecting porcelain and marble. First thing’s first, you turned on the tap until the water ran warm, dampening a towel and wiping off anything that remained of your escapade in the kitchen, your reflection after the ordeal looking noticeably more hungover than after you woke up.

Once you were decently clean you rummaged around for some kind of soap, stumbling upon more than a few odd discoveries. A half-empty box of latex gloves, a wig, and a full row of hydrogen peroxide bottles.

Was this all for hunter stuff? Being honest with yourself, you really don’t know much about what the profession entails, only that it’s dangerous and pays insanely well, but you couldn’t really place a finger on why they were all there. Eventually after shoving a row of medical supplies to the side you found some facial wash, cleansing until you felt fresh enough to go back out, ruffling your hair in the mirror before leaving.

Once you made your way back to the kitchen Chrollo was nowhere to be seen, but both your cups of wasted coffee were in the sink. Pity. You were resolved to wait there until he came back when the bright chime of the doorbell sounded from the living room.

“Chrollo? There’s someone at the…” you tried to call out but realized suddenly that you didn’t know just how big this place was. Shrugging, you decided to answer it for him, and soon enough you found your way to the living room, tugging open the door right in the middle of another ringing succession.

On the other side was a short, blond guy who was busy tapping something into a flip phone while wearing a bright, boyish grin that fell sharply as his eyes locked on to yours.

“Um.. Hello there,” you tried, clearing your throat, “are you looking for Chrollo?”

As he quickly typed something into his phone he never took his eyes off you, not even blinking as he asked, “Who are you?”

The beautiful sound of Chrollo saying your name saved you, appearing from the hallway and dressed in different clothes as he looked between you and the stranger at the door with a grave look on his face.

“Shalnark, what a surprise.” Was that the blond guy? It was an odd name to be sure but then again so was Chrollo, so who were you to judge? With Yorknew a transit city as it is, you’re sure you must’ve heard something similar at one point or another.

Once he came up to the door he rested his hand softly on the small of your back, a warmth spreading from where his fingertips grazed the skin. The contact made you think back on what had just happened a few minutes ago and paranoia set in, praying you hadn’t missed a spot while cleaning.

“Shal, this is… a friend of mine,” something tells you that from what just happened the two of you were far past being friends. The two of you had practically skipped that phase entirely.

The intense vibe surrounding the blond vanished and soon that smile from before was back on his face, although now his eyes very rarely left Chrollo’s as he let him speak.

“Darling, this is my brother, Shalnark.“ You tried not to let your shock show too openly on your face but your jaw went slack nonetheless.

“Brother?” Looking between the two of them it would’ve been impossible to tell, everything from their complexion to their hair was different.

Shalnark leaned forward, helpfully adding, “Adoptedbrother.”

You made a noise of understanding once the two of them nodded in unison. It wasn’t too shocking to think that whatever parent came up with Chrollo must’ve also come up with Shalnark.

“Would you mind waiting in your room, darling? There’s a family matter we need to discuss.” You smiled, nodding obliviously as you tried to retrace your brief steps to the comfy bed.

Once you were safely out of earshot the two spiders were held at a standstill, both waiting to see who would speak first, and for once it wasn’t Chrollo. Shalnark’s gaze met the floor, chewing on a question before finally spitting it out.

“She doesn’t know?”

“…No,” his expression was neutral, an invasive edge to his voice, “Why are you here?”

Shal took a deep breath, tucking his phone into his back pocket as he strode into the living room, “Got rid of the body at Earlson’s, thought I should let you know.”

“And I take it you need your license back?”

The manipulator grinned, “I can never sneak anything by you, huh?”

“I’d hope not,” he produced the card and handed it over, its use exceeded now that she had seen him with one the night before.

As the card returned to its rightful owner Chrollo paused, his tight grip on the license catching his underling off-guard.

“Don’t tell any of the others about her.” It was one of the first times he’d ever seen his leader ask for something so earnestly.

“I won’t, boss.” Shalnark’s loyalty to the Troupe was only outdone by his loyalty to Chrollo, resolve unwavering as he held the gaze of his superior.

“Besides,” he slid the identification back into his pocket, unable to keep himself from getting in one more comment before making himself scarce, “we all have loose ends.”

“Sorry about that, love, Shal just had to stop by for a minute,” you sat with your legs crossed on the bed, tugging your boots on and lacing them up tight.

You gave him a sympathetic look as you finished double-knotting your shoelaces, “Family drama?”

Chrollo pondered the comment, “You could say that.”

You just shrugged, waving off the topic, “Families are weird, I won’t pry.”

He must’ve appreciated the notion because with that he relaxed again, finally gesturing to your shoes, “Trying to escape already?”

“Chrollo, It’s 11:00 and I have work at noon. I didn’t leave yesterday thinking I’d have to set an alarm,” he scoffed and you playfully swatted at his arm in indignation, the embarrassed blush on your cheekbones doing nothing to detract from the mirthful smile that gave you away.

“Don’t laugh at my ‘normal-person’ job just ‘cause I don’t get attacked in the middle of making a french press.” by now he was full-on grinning, chuckling over your teasing act as you finished putting yourself back together.

He took the liberty of opening the door for you both, tying that winding cloth around his tattoo again before grabbing his keys on the way out, “I’m not laughing at you, dear, far from it.“

“Could’ve fooled me.”

There was something about hotel hallways that rang true no matter how expensive they were, as when Chrollo led you down the corridor lined with gold-plated room numbers you felt the familiar oncomings of a headache setting in until he called for your attention, “I assume you’ll need a ride?”

“I think It’s fair since you kidnapped me, don’t you think?” Stepping into the elevator, you turned to face him but didn’t expect the contemplative look on his face as he hummed.

As the ding of the lift slid the doors shut Chrollo’s voice seemed much louder in the tiny space, “Now that’s a thought…” he muttered.

Again you slapped his arm, “Don’t be weird.”

His smile returned and you noticed that recently he’d been sharing them with you more often than before, a stark contrast to the completely aloof mystery he used to be, “I’m joking, darling, honest.”

Stepping into the lobby, Chrollo took the liberty to guide his hand along your waist, pulling you close beside him as you made your way through the lavish waiting room and out to the valet, a quick interaction between your chauffeur and one of the staff bringing around the car you’d arrived in, only now noticing in direct sunlight how the windows were tinted dark.

As you tucked yourself into the passenger’s seat Chrollo was quick to pull onto the road, not bothering to ask for directions. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as he drove, giving you a moment to relax into the warmth of the leather. Discounting last night, it’d been months since someone else had driven you anywhere and it was easy to admit that it felt nice.

After a few blocks his voice broke the silence, eyes laser focused on the road either to be a good driver or to avoid looking at you, “I did enjoy it, you know.”


“This morning. I wanted you to know that you didn’t scare me off.” His confession about the vulnerability your actions entailed were clear in your mind, the reassurance striking a chord in your chest.

“Neither did you,” you added, smiling after meeting his gaze once he turned your way, a strange double-meaning behind the fog of his eyes.

“Not yet.”

some of them, hxh characters

*•°Detective Conan fanarts •°*

*•♪Vermouth and Edowaga Conan ♪•°

•°*Rachel Gardner *°•

°•*Random sketch hxh *°•

New fanart, those of Rachel, kurapika and kuroro are from a few months, but those of Vermouth and Conan are from these days, I am a very fan of Vermouth but I had never drawn it this is my first drawing of it and I liked it a lot I’m happy ♡

I also want to thank the people who support my hobby, there are many notes, and also my camera is broken and I am ashamed to upload the drawings with that quality, thanks for the support ♡

PD:remember I use translator sorry(`∀´)


chrollal real


idk who the guys in that anime figure are but they reminded me of chrollo and jellal

falling, feeling, singing, sinking, dying, diving
