#chrom fire emblem


Robin, being Fondled

Thank you so much for the support as always @xpegasusuniverse ! This was so much fun to work on I think <I> pulled a muscle xD

Summary: Still feeling wronged about the whole affair between Sully, him and Robin, Vaike went to seek professional help to straighten up the score of… male beauty standards in the Shpherds, much to Robin’s chagrin.

Commission info HEREandHERE!


After going through many pains for a whole week to be able to bury the source of the sudden interest of the soldiers in bird-watching, Robin had finally started to feel at ease at the Shepherds barracks.

There was no more need to keep his ears keen on any gossip floating around nor any need for a, let’s say ‘healthy’, dose of Thoron to Vaike’s head to stop him from babbling nonsense from time to time. Robin was just about able to stop being so on edge and walk comfortably around the palace.

It was hard to stop Frederick of all people from learning about the whole affair, though. The man was like an old harpy whenever the issue concerned Chrom, Lissa or the Shepherds. Thankfully, Chrom’s name had never been mentioned so it was easier — or rather, less difficult — to bury it from the knight’s view.

Rolling his stiff shoulder and patting himself on the back, Robin walked into the conference room as per usual, cracking his neck to dissipate any remaining tension.

“Robin, you’re here.” Chrom greeted from his seat, his eyes never leaving the pile of papers in front of him.

Since his reign was still young, there were many, many, manythings they’d all need to look over, not to mention the reparations for the previous war and the relief for the most affected areas and…

Anyway, they were always neck-deep in work, so they basically just lived in that conference room lately. The dark bags under Chrom’s eyes were threatening to stay there forever, to the point that Frederick sometimes mumbled something about finding a better skin routine to smooth out his liege’s “perfect skin”, in his own words.

To be honest, the only one in the room who looked fit enough to keep doing these long work hours for an undetermined amount of time was Frederick himself, but only a few could ever question or match the man’s body fitness.

Regardless, as Robin took his seat and Chrom started the meeting with the arrival of other ministers, they busied themselves with work. As an escort, Frederick stood behind Chrom’s desk at all times, which allowed him to not only listen to what was being said inside the room as well as what happened outside.

Two hours after the start of the meeting, Frederick heard the sound of someone quickly stomping towards them, but since his priority was the Exalt, he placed one hand on Chrom’s shoulder and focused on the door with a keen eye.

A moment after, the person who barged into the room was none other than ‘the Vaike’ himself.

“I’ve an object!” He yelled atop of his lungs, rather proud of himself for saying ‘objection’ perfectly.

With the theme of the meeting so fresh in his mind, Robin hadn’t made the connection of Vaike and trouble yet, so he just sighed deeply like a deflated balloon. “What’re you doing here-”

Chrom unceremoniously dug himself in his chair, 100% done with this. “Vaike, for the last time-”

“Oy oy, you’re not listenin’ to me! I said I’ve an object!” He pounded his chest, then, as if that reminded him of something, he exclaimed, “oh, wait, I brought someone, too!” and stepped out of the room for a moment before coming right back while pulling a stuck-up looking man.

At that point, Chrom was already dragging his hands across his face, his dead eyes begging for someone to take Vaike away from there. “And who might that gentleman be…?” he asked with no strength in his voice.

“He’s a professional pervert!”

“Pbbbht-” Robin sputtered, coughed and hid himself under his cloak.

With no change in his expression, Chrom looked at Frederick under his hands. Just as the knight was about to execute- ahem, execute the order, of course, the noble adjusted himself, straightening his monocle.

“Ahem, I’ll thank you for referring to me as the sommelier of male bosoms, Jadon Bellomo.” The man called Jadon took a step away from Vaike and looked at Chrom with utmost respect. “At your service, Your Majesty,” he bowed gracefully.


Male bosoms-

Robin’s stiffened laughter stopped immediately, being replaced by dread in the blink of an eye.

What was Vaike thinking now?! Wasn’t it enough to- to call him names in front of all the soldiers?!

The tactician hid under his hood, biting his nail in anguish.

“Yeah, basically a professional pervert. Anyway!” Vaike once again hit his own chest. “I brought him ‘ere ‘cause I’ve been slaughtered! Slammered… Uh, something like that. And I gotta protect my tits’ honor.”

“Pbbbbth-” Now it was Chrom’s turn to sputter. “What’re you talking about in a formal meeting, Vaike-”

“My Lord, if I may speak on the behalf of your lesser brained companion…” Lord Bellomo stepped in front of Vaike.

“I’m failing to see how that might clear any of this up in the near future, but go on, Lord Bellomo.” Chrom sank back into his chair.

“Chrom, I don’t think this is gonna be a good idea, no matter how eloquent this man is.” Robin whispered beside the Exalt, quickly thinking of a few hundred ways of silent assassination in a room full of people.

“Thank you for the opportunity, my Lord.” Bellomo bowed respectfully again. “As the good Sir was saying, I believe his integrity as a man of muscle has been slandered in the face of recent events.”

“Recent events?” Chrom murmured to Robin and Frederick, in which only one of whom looked clueless about it all.

“It’s… probably nothing. You know how Vaike is.” Robin stammered, digging his nails on the chair.

“Fair.” Chrom bobbed his head to the side, turning back his attention to Bellomo.

Though Vaike took that whispering as a cue to intervene. “Yeah! I’m not gonna lie down and let Sully smack talk my tits.” He hit his (bare) chest for the thousandth time since arriving. “So, I brought in an expert to settle this once and for all. This guy right here is a professional pervert.”

Once again Bellomo sighed. “Sir Vaike, I would politely ask that you refrain from referring to myself and my field of expertise in such a crass, undignified manner. I am Ylisse’s foremost and acclaimed judge of all competitions of the male physique, as I’m sure Your Majesty knows,” he bowed once again to Chrom, who looked like a mix of being in the middle of throwing up and holding back a sneeze. “With my particular area of expertise being the male bosom. I am not a base, lowly pervert, but a connoisseur of the male form!” He shouted passionately. “And what Sir Vaike brought before me was nothing but an opportunity! To be able to judge and be beholden to the Shepherds’ very own physique, the same Shepherds who brought us victory in this most recent war!! Oh, what a glorious sight that might be!!”

“This is nonsense.” Chrom blurted out immediately, but Frederick managed to kick his chair just in time so no one but Robin heard it. After all, it was unbecoming for a leader to dismiss their subject’s work of passion like that.

“I agree, uh-huh, total nonsense. We should turn them away.” Robin immediately went back to hiding under a random paper he found in front of him, sinking a bit deeper into his chair so Vaike wouldn’t look his way.

“Frederick, why’d you do that-” Chrom nodded at Robin before scowling at the kick, but Bellomo’s passionate discourse about the male bosom was in full swing in front of them. “Besides, why did he say that I might know of it? It’s the first time I hear of this debauchery!”

Right on cue, Bellomo’s chanting turned back to Chrom. “Oh, but it was by the grace of the previous Exalt, Lady Emmeryn — Naga bless her soul — that my colleagues and I were able to set up a bodybuilding recreation site! By her magnanimously generous heart, we have been going strong for three years and counting!”

“Emm… Emm approved of that?” Chrom squeaked, aghast.

Frederick nodded behind him. “Lady Emmeryn wanted the people to be able to freely express themselves, so there are many recreational activities that carry the Exalt’s seal of approval.”

Feeling somehow embarrassed, Chrom hid his face under both hands. “I see,” his voice sounded muffled. No doubt the papers detailing those activities and more would be buried in that very same conference room. Since the ascension was done hastily due to the war, many of such, ah, trivial matters were put aside in favor of the more urgent ones.

“Still, I don’t think now’s the time for this,” Robin urged Chrom, not wanting the mention of Emmeryn to make his resolve falter.

“Yes, of course,” Chrom slowly recovered from the shame and cleared his throat to address the passionate man in front of them. “Although I understand where you’re coming from, Lord Bellomo, I’m afraid now isn’t really the time for-”

“Ohoho, now I get it. Ya’ll whispering and hiding like that cause you’re scared, right.” Vaike interrupted the Exalt in his speech, something no one in their right mind should do if they had any ounce of respect for their leaders. Alas, it was The Vaike we were talking about, after all.

Ticked off, Chrom’s eyebrow twitched. “What ARE you talking about, Vaike?”

“Hah, you know what I’m talkin’ about! If we went tit-to-tit, you KNOW my tits would win!” He slammed the table confidently. “Sully’s stubborn like a bull so I had to bring mister pervert here to prove my tits’ worth, but you sound more like a chicken running from a challenge than anything!”

Oh no. Oh no nonono, that’s not good. Sirens blared inside Robin’s head. If Vaike spurred Chrom’s competitive spirit like that…

A vein popped in Chrom’s forehead. “That’s ridiculous, Vaike.” He clenched his teeth as he slowly got up.

“Shit, wait, Chrom, let’s think of this better-” Sensing the worst, Robin quickly tried to placate his stupid best friend.

“Aha, almost didn’t see ya there, mister tactitcian!” Vaike pointed at Robin, who flinched a foot out of the floor and hid behind Chrom. “I ain’t letting you take the crown this time, nu-huh! My tits will win no matter what!”

“Tact- what-” Chrom’s fighting spirit dampened for a moment after hearing that terrible pun, but he had no time to look back at his friend as Vaike ran up to his personal space with that smug and irritating face of his.

“So, meet ya there? Tit-by-tit, we’ll see who has the best rack in the Shepherds.”

The veins multiplied in Chrom’s forehead. “You’re on. Lord Bellomo, you have full authority to prepare for this event.” He ordered without taking his eyes off Vaike’s, his fighting spirit rekindled.

“NO, nooo!” Robin wailed silently behind the two, holding his head in despair.

There was no way to cover up THAT mess.

The news that there would be a recreational competition to judge the male Shepherds’ chests spread around the castle like wildfire.

Lissa pulled a muscle laughing when she first heard of it and pulled it several times again whenever she remembered about it — though she was ultimately forbidden to attend due to being a young unmarried woman and a princess (something she would definitely NOT be laughing at in the future).

Although these kinds of competitions held by Lord Bellomo were open for all genders and ages (in his words, it was a ‘sin to hide such a beauty from the world at large’), since this one meddled intimately with the royal affairs, only men or fellow soldiers would be able to watch.

The soldiers and maidservants all around started placing bets on who would win and what the criteria of choosing the winner would be. Men from high and low all over the castle huddled themselves in the courtyard for the examination, and even though he would rather be listening to Gangrel’s morbid jokes, Robin had been dragged by the others to stay right next to Chrom in the top of the line.

Even Donnel and Ricken tried to enter the competition, but Lord Bellomo expressly said that they were too young to participate, which brought the short mage much shame as he ran away without even seeing the results.

Although reluctantly, even Frederick was participating, if only to stay beside Chrom who stood there, shirtless among all of the other soldiers in wait for Bellomo to judge them.

Robin never once took his face out of both of his hands in his shame. His neck, shoulders and ears were bright red and the less said about his tits-CHEST, chest, damn it all! The less said about his chest, the better! Why was he dragged out like that? He was a desk man, he wasn’t a strong soldier!

Why were they even discussing tits- CHESTS, why were they even… Oh Naga, help them all!

Vaike nudged Chrom as the head of the line. “Ey, nervous about how everyone’s gonna know my tits are better than yours?”

“Keep dreaming, Vaaike. Focus on the judge.” Chrom shrugged, overlooking the term as he usually wouldn’t, too fired up in the mood to care.

“I wonder how they decide such things…” Stahl made a one-off comment from behind them, looking over them to the judges.

“Oh, that’s a good question,” someone replied beside him just as Lord Bellomo approached.

“Indeed, a great question, Sir Stahl.” Lord Bellomo arrived with a measuring tape. “After all, I do not simply judge the size of a man’s bosom. If that were the case, all the Shepherds would need was a measuring tape,” he dangled the item in his hand, “and that would be it. Size is but one of many factors to be taken into account when evaluating a man’s chest, and some of these criteria may require a physical examination.”

Robin shuddered at the thought as the men all around said ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ in different degrees.

“So wait, you wanna cop a feel of my tits?” Vaike turned to the noble man who sighed.

“Must you use such crass, foul language when speaking of my profession, sir Vaike?” He took off the silky gloves he was wearing.

Wait… was he going to perform the examination… bare-handed?!

Robin covered his chest with both hands.

Seeing Bellom approach, Vaike put both hands behind his head with a huge grin. “Hey, I don’t mind. Feel ‘em up all you want.” He even shook either breast at intervals a bit, making them jiggle in a rhythm.

“That’s it, I’m going to die. I die today. Today is the day I die.” Robin murmured as he watched Lord Bellomo approach. “Why did this happen to me? I was just going to take a dip in the fountain. Why me? Should I have just waited until night? But I was hot so I went for a dip? Was it my mistake?” He went over and over the scenarios trying to see where he went wrong. “Maybe it was because I didn’t see Sully there? Or even if she hadn’t been there, Vaike would still…”

Robin probably passed out standing up as a defense mechanism. He barely remembered everything that happened that day, especially not when Lord Bellomo spent a good five minutes just fondling him and even pinching his nipples- YES, he especially did NOT remember that.

He did not remember it. Thus, it did not happen.

Yes, indeed. Nothing about that happened.

Nothing at all. Nuh-huh.

Not even how Libra looked weirdly amused by being in this masculine type of activity. Or how Virion was absent due to family matters and by the gods how Robin envied them right about then-

“Oh, but this is the most glorious and beautiful collection of male breasts I have ever had the pleasure of seeing!”

“And feeling…” Robin murmured, holding his shirt tightly against his chest as Bellomo said his farewell speech.

“I am ever so thankful to be able to be the host of such an enlightening event, and I would like to first and foremost thank our magnanimous ruler-”

“Enough with the big words! Who had the best tits, mister? Out with it!” Vaike yelled from the audience, making Bellomo click his tongue and sigh.

“Oh, very well. I Must say that it was a very difficult decision, especially with the arrival of our late friend over there- oh, where did he go?”

“I’m over here…” A muffled voice heard from somewhere but nowhere in particular sounded, but no one seemed to notice.

“Welp, hopefully our friend returns, as he surely had a wonderful pair of breasts.”

“Kill me… Kill. me. Kill… me.” Robin chanted under his breath.

“With no further ado, I will proudly hand this sash to the big winner: Sir Frederick!” Lord Bellomo approached the tall and bulky man, giving him a sash that read ‘best tits of Ylisse’ in bold colors. “Second, will Sir Kellam step up? Your late arrival was a game changer, my good sir…” Bellomo looked around and only after a few moments did he see Kellam standing right in front of him. “There you are, my good sir. Congratulations on your fine set of breasts.”

“Um, thanks? I was here the whole time though-”

“And last but not least, I would like our genius tactician to step up-”

“No. No. Not me. I’m sure there’s another tactician-” Robin covered his head with both hands.

“Haha, don’t be such a spoilsport, Robin.” Frederick smiled from ear to ear, apparently extremely pleased to have won despite being grumpy about this whole affair the entire time. “Come now, the podium is right over here.” The huge knight needed but to nudge the short tactician so he could come up front and receive a pin right over his chest that read “Ylisse’s #3 tits” and die immediately.

His soul had been in the process of leaving his body ever since the whole ordeal started, but now it definitely just finished the process.

His body was now but a shadow of what it had once been.

Vaike yelling complaints and Chrom suddenly being embarrassed by his impulsiveness around Robin did nothing to erase the utter and deep shame that overcame the man. He felt alone in the entire world where nothing but tits- CHESTS, damn it all, chests! Where nothing but male tits- ugh… mattered anymore.

Could he ever recover? Especially with how Frederick seemed to be intent on wearing his sash for a few weeks after this? Would he ever be the same man after being fondled in front of so many people?

Right, today was the day he died. Yes. Much better to accept it like that.

Here lies Robin, the genius tactitcian of Ylisse.

Robin, Betrayed

Thanks for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse! This was a blast to write askçdlmka I hope you like it!

Summary: After the traumatic experience of being fondled in front of so many people for official male breast testing purposes, Robin just wanted all of that business to be over with. Well… Lord Bellomo’s rise in popularity only meant even less time to rest for our certified tactitcian…

Commission info HERE and HERE!


Hall of Forms.

In another world, one might have heard this term and be familiar with it. They might even have an idea of what it was like inside of it, and admire it, even.

However, in Ylisse, the Hall of Forms was not what one familiar with this world would imagine.

Oh, no.

It was something very, ah, out of the box, it should be said.

“As I said a thousand times before, no!” An exasperated voice echoed along with hurried steps through the corridors of Ylisse Castle.

“But, Master Robin-!” A well dressed man struggled to follow the fast tactician’s steps, though he maintained his poise regardless of his hurried gait.

“No more buts, good sir,” Robin stopped and turned on his heel to look the man in the eyes. “Tell Lord Bellomo that this portrait is NEVER going to happen, and that is final. I’m too busy as it is.” 

Having said that, Robin once again got on his way and left as quickly as he had arrived, leaving a disappointed posh-looking man alone in the corridor.

“… We will never give up on your wonderful breasts, Master Robin,” the man murmured darkly under his fancy mustache. “They WILL be hanged in the Hall of Forms, one way or the other. Perhaps we should ask for help from the higher echelons…”

Such occurrences had been happening for months after the disaster that was the male breast competition held inside the Shepherds garrison. Due to the participation of the Exalt himself and the exaggerated rumors of what actually happened inside the restricted area, bodybuilding in Ylisse experienced a boom in popularity.

With Lord Bellomo at the helm, many smaller male breast competitions were held all across the land, and each time that happened, they sent an invitation to the Exalt and the three winners (though they never actually found Kellam to deliver them to him) to attend. Only Frrederick went to all of them without fault. 

Robin never cast an Elfire so fast in his life the first time he got the invitation in his hands. After that, he became used to using them as kindling. Though it wasn’t as easy to dodge the people Lord Bellomo usually sent to persuade them into participating again and/or even worse, to judge other male tits- chests!

How could Robin subject others to the humiliation he suffered back then? T-to fondle…? To make them all stand around shirtless…? No, even thinking about it made his blood pressure rise.

But that was not all.

There was peer pressure, as well.

Chrom, although embarrassed for having let his hot head allow the first competition to take place — and even worse, participate in it — secretly did more pectoral training to make his chest S-Ranked like the three winners. Or at the very least like Robin’s.

Frederick was built entirely differently so there was little Chrom or anyone without that body type could do to surpass his quality tits- ahem, breasts. But since many were interested in his training routine, Frederick held a ‘Frederick’s-Up-My-Breast-Time’ (named by him) once a week to help men know which exercises were best for having the best quality breasts of all times.

Frankly speaking, Robin was surrounded by idiots.

What made things even worse was that in the recent months, Lord Bellomo and his associates had grown that stupid sport so much that they managed to open a Hall of Fame with pictures of all the best breasts they’ve scoured the land for, so far.

But they decided to call it ‘Hall of Forms’ since it was an ode to the wonders of the male form, or so they said.

It was just an entire building filled with well-lit and glamorous corridors and exhibition rooms that only exhibited one thing: Men’s upper bodies.

More specifically, their breasts.

It was a ‘titsctacle’, a tits spectacle, in Vaike’s words, basically.

Vaike bellowed everyday that his tits deserved to be painted there, and how unfair that first competition had been and yada yada, so Robin, who’s never been there before, could only shudder whenever the Hall of Forms comes to mind.

No,  sir, he’ll never set foot in there, ever. Nooo, sir. No, sir.

A good thing about being the tactician and counselor of a new ruler was that there was an endless amount of work to be done, so he could always slip away from the invitations due to being busy.

Virion’s return to Ylisse to ask for aid across the ocean was just what Robin needed to shift the focus a little bit, as well.

Of course, it was never a good thing that there was war on the horizon, but to Robin’s nerves, dealing with how to defeat enemies or even how to strike an international deal was better than having to think up an escape route every single time he entered a room in that damned castle.

There were talks of tits everywhere! It was maddening!

See, even in his thoughts he was thinking about them as ‘tits’ and not as ‘chests’ or ‘breasts’ anymore.

It was all getting to him, and he was conscious and terrified of it.

“Don’t think about it, don’t think about it,” he murmured like a chant whenever he walked in on a group of people talking about tits. “It’s bird watching, biiird watching…” he whistled, singing in a tone-deaf tune on purpose to muffle the voices around him.

Thankfully, the talks of going to Port Ferox to check out the situation with Valm and its Conqueror at first hand managed to dampen the festive mood about the stupid tits, at the very least.

The situation was grave, so they were preparing to set out right behind the two Khans who went ahead of them to inform everyone of their coming. Since there was news of warships closing in on them fast, it would be for the best to prepare the Shepherds and the army with everything they got.

They could go right into battle the moment they step into the Port, after all.

All of that meant that it fell on Robin to overlook the final touches of all little details — the stock of armors, swords, arrows, magical books, tents, food, etcetera etcetera… Which meant more work for him and less time to stand around posing for any Hall of Form artist ever.

However, what Robin overlooked was that there was a critical moment right before leaving that there would be nothing to do.

His mind was genius to come up with plans to escape something or to prevent something from happening, but when it meant dealing with people’s passions and drive… he still had a lot to learn.

And the first lesson started on the very previous day of their departure.

Chrom had called for a meeting at a weird hour, in between lunch time and the sunset, but Robin still went to the conference room as the competent man that he was.

However, he only found darkness and silence.

Frowning, the tactician tilted his head to the side. “Chrom?”

Another voice replied instead, surprising Robin out of his skin. “My lord sent me here to inform you of his absence, Robin.”

“Frederick? What’re you doing alone in the dark like that?” Sensing danger, Robin took a step back, though he found that the door he had just gone through had closed behind him. “I-is something going on?” His voice cracked despite all of his efforts to seem calm.

“Why, yes, everything is, ah, peachy, as you usually say.” Frederick replied with his usual monotone, making the attempt at a joke slap Robin in the face instead.

“Haha, ha… Okay. I’m glad, then. If that’s all…” he let out an awkward laugh and turned around to turn the knob, but… “Huh? Hey, when did this-”

“Do not worry, it is simply locked,” Frederick hummed as the jingling of keys sounded in the room. “There was something else we needed to discuss today, Robin.”

“How did you close the door so fast— wait, I didn’t even sense your presence here when I walked in.” Robin gasped under his breath, momentarily distracted by Frederick’s inhuman speed to fully grasp the situation he was in.

“…” Frederick only smiled politely, or at least that was what Robin thought, since he couldn’t see him properly. “Save from this meeting with Lord Chrom, today you are completely free, yes?” He asked suddenly.

“Uh? Ah, no? Of course not,” Robin rolled his eyes, scratching the back of his neck. “I’m always busy, you know? I gotta check the supplies—”

“For the fourth time? The supply manager came to complain to me after the third time since it seemed like you did not believe in his work.”

“Uh, there was also the wagons—”

“The stablehand is offended that you asked about the wheels so many times. If he quits after serving three generations of Exalts, I will not hold back in your next training session.”

“There-there was also…”

“Let us be real, Robin. You are free.” The smile in Frederick’s voice sent chills down Robin’s spine. “And so are we.”

Robin froze. “We?”

“Why, yes. Did you think we were alone?” Frederick merely clapped twice for the magical lights to pop back on, blinding Robin for a second or two.

Inside the conference room were all of Lord Bellomo’s people Robin had been avoiding for months and… a man sitting behind an easel at the very back.

How did Robin miss all of those people?! Were his senses turning dull after two years of peace?

“CHROM?! You were here all this time?!” Robin pointed at the blue-haired man in question, who was sitting far at the back, red from holding back his laughter.

“I-I’m sorry, Robin, I just- c-couldnt pfft… I couldn’t miss this, haha!” Chrom let out ugly noises trying to contain his laughter, which made Robin turn even redder in rage and embarrassment.

“How COULD you! My friend, my brother, the one I dedicated my whole being to—!!!” Robin pointed and yelled, leaving his guard open for Frederick to slip behind him and holding his hands backwards. “Ouch- Frederick!!”

“Let the muscles flow through you, Robin,” Frederick spoke in an oddly seductive voice, though it creeped out Robin immensely.

“Get- Get away from me!”

“Now, now, do a pose like this!” One of the associates, the last one Robin had turned down, in fact, made a signature bodybuilding pose where one held one’s own wrist and clenched all of their upper muscles while facing the painter. With a big, toothy smile.

“Noooo wayyy…” Robin clenched his teeth as Frederick easily forced him down in the pose, losing his coat and shirt along the way. “I won’t smile for this! Never!”

“Ah, how marvelous your breasts look when you make such force, Master Robin!” Someone commented while others murmured in agreement.

“No… nooo!” Robin squeaked under Chrom’s stifled laughter and Frederick’s proud humph.

The painter worked quickly, making sure to use bright pink colors for the nipples and cheeks to give them the flushed glow they were emitting from how hard Robin tried to get out of Frederick’s grasp.

However, there was no way for the small tactician to ever overpower the bear-like Frederick, so he eventually gave in and begrudgingly stayed in the pose they asked for, but he cursed them the whole time.

Little did he know that the painter was making his face glow much like his tits—ahem, breasts, and he was wearing a big, seductive smile like all others whose faces were drawn in the Hall of Forms.

Robin’s portrait would be hung between Frederick’s and an empty one reserved for when they ever see Kellam again, and it would take a spot of honor as a certified S-class breast holder, or so it will say at the plaque under the painting.

Robin would never set foot in there in his lifetime, but the Hall of Forms would persist for generations upon generations to come, and they all would remember the genius tactician who one day gave his life to save the world from Grima as the holder of a certified pair of male tits and someone with a very, very amicable and seductive smile.

more doodle requests for people in drawception forums! 2 are traditional sketches because my art promore doodle requests for people in drawception forums! 2 are traditional sketches because my art promore doodle requests for people in drawception forums! 2 are traditional sketches because my art promore doodle requests for people in drawception forums! 2 are traditional sketches because my art pro

more doodle requests for people in drawception forums! 2 are traditional sketches because my art program was being a laggy jerk, the other 2 are completed, shoulder-up digital drawings

Post link

fire emblem characters as poorly drawn cats

I couldn’t post all of them there’s more in my twitter thread and I’ll be updating the twitter thread more consistently before posting another batch here (that’s assuming i keep it up LOL)

My preview for Invisible Ties, a Chrobin Zine!!!

Preorders just opened and close on April 16th! Please go check them out on Twitter! A lot of super talented creators got together to work on this project, so you can bet you’re in for a real treat

Assorted robin-centric doodles, did i mention i love them…
