#my writings


Byleth, Making Excuses

Thank you so much for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse ! This one was super fun to write, so I hope you like it!

Summary: Byleth had been making some… questionable choices with his teaching methods as of late, to the point that managed to make Seteth lose his cool. However, there was nothing Byleth could not see after a Pulse or ten…

Commission info HERE and HERE!


The Imperial Year was 1180, Garreg Mach Monastery. Classes were in full swing now that the students have gotten used to their teachers and assignments.

Bonds were being formed, friendships were blossoming. New skills were sharpened every single day.

Yes, new skills.

However, one could wonder why some of these skills were being taught to students with no potential nor aptitude to make full use of them at a particular House: the Golden Deer, whose professor was none other than the newbie teacher hired on a seemingly whim by the Archbishop: Byleth.

The sound of heavy steps against the polished marble echoed as someone approached the Archbishop’s study.

“Rhea!” Seteth opened the door, forgetting about decorum or common courtesy, really. He huffed, quickly making his way to Rhea’s desk.

“Seteth?” She widened her eyes, surprised to see him display so much emotion to the point of even forgetting to call her by her title instead of her name. “What’s happened? Is it serious?” She made motion to get up, as Seteth was one of the most put-together people she had by her side.

So, if he looked that shaken, something terrible must have transpired.

He banged both hands on her desk, exasperated. “Rhea, you must- you have to control that little favorite teacher of yours! He’s- he’s- ugh,” he put one hand behind his neck as his blood pressure rose.

That made Rhea fully get up, startled with the mention of Byleth. “What happened to him? Is he alright?” She circled her desk to go to the door right way.

“He’s more than alright; too alright, in fact, that he’s messing around with the students’ schedules!” He pressed his temple with the remaining hand, still with his head hung back as he held his neck.

“That child did? Impossible. He is not the kind to do that.” Rhea tilted her head to the side, her shoulders sagging as the tension left her body.

“You don’t understand,” Seteth snapped his head to Rhea. “We’ve tested all of the students before they enrolled and documented all of their strong and weak points, as you are well aware.” he said and she nodded with a frown, wondering where he was going with all that. “Professor Byleth just- he ignored all of that! And he’s fooling around with the students’ potential for growth. This is unacceptable, Rhea. No, Archbishop. We cannot have this happen right during the year all heirs of the three countries of Fódlan are enrolled!”

Rhea crossed her arms, still finding it hard to believe.”Seteth, I need more than an emotional explosion to cue me into taking action…”

“It’s not- ugh,” Seteth took a deep breath. “Alright, I might have been a little emotional about the situation, but it IS unacceptable, Rhea. Will you come with me? They are in the middle of class right now so I can show you what is happening right away.”

“Very well. Seeing as this seems serious enough for you to lose your composure like that, there was no way I would not accompany you. But I will still need convincing to believe that that child is ‘fooling around’ with the students as you said.”

“Yes, yes,” Seteth bobbed his head to the side with a hint of annoyance. “Byleth is your protegé for a reason you cannot share, but you cannot protect him after this, I assure you.”

Rhea straightened her back as Seteth led the way. “After you.”

At the Golden Deer training ground, one could see many students doing their best with their assigned jobs.

There were some practicing white or black magic, some learning how to ride, others how to mount, some sweating under heavy armor and others hitting a training dummy with martial arts. From a distance, it looked like an ordinary arrangement — after all, if one wanted to cover all bases, there was a need to train a wide range of classes considering their aptitudes.

Yes, considering their aptitudes.

Once one approached more, it was plain to see that there was something… unique about the class arrangement.

“Pr-professor…” Lorenz huffed as his noodle-like, white arms shone under the sun and all the sweat poured out of him. “I s-still fail to see h-how this will, ah, a moment for a breath, please.” He raised one palm and lowered his head to take a breather.

“It’s not break time yet, Lorenz. Keep punching that bag,” Byleth said dryly, not even looking up from his little notebook as the noble of the roses was getting as red as one from all the physical exercise he was forced to do.


“Professor! This is insanity! I can’t thrust this lance one thousand times! I can’t even do it three times!” Lysithea complained from the other side.

“Well, at least you’re not forced to learn MAGIC,” Leonie complained from a desk under the shade, envying the people doing physical stuff.

“Well, I would RATHER be doing that.” Lysithea shot back under bated breath.

“Now, now, back to the assignments I gave you all.” Byleth snapped his fingers to call for attention, still looking down at his notebook indifferently.

A round of whines sounded from the disgruntled students. Even Marianne groaned loudly under all that heavy armor she was forced to wear.She rather envied how Ignatz was learning how to mount a wyvern even though the boy himself feared the beast would munch down on his head if he fell down on its foot one more time.

Claude and Hilda had their heads in their hands as they tried to figure out how white magic worked, so they didn’t even have the mental capacity to complain.

From afar, it looked like an ordinary class, indeed.

However, if one looked just a smidge closer, the pandemonium would be revealed.

Seteth pointed with a grave expression, then crossed his arms. “See? See?! He’s wasting all of their potential!”

“Hmm… It does look rather odd.” Rhea took one finger to her chin in thought. “Let us approach, shall we? I would rather we do not jump to conclusions.”

“Jump to conclusions?!” Seteth threw his hands in the air. “Look at the students’ morale! We will be lucky if only one of them graduates this year if this keeps up.”

“Still,” Rhea said, looking from Seteth to Byleth. “Ah, our eyes met. He will approach now.” Rhea motioned for Byleth to come over, so the Professor obliged.

He looked at something in the air for a split second before heading to where the Archbishop was, but it was such a natural movement one usually wouldn’t be able to catch it.

“Good afternoon, Archbishop, Seteth.” Byleth nodded to either of them with his usual poker face. He held a small notebook in one hand and the feather pen he was using in the other.

“Hello, child,” Rhea greeted with a warm smile. “It has come to my attention,” she glanced at the fuming Seteth beside her, “ that your students have a… rather particular training regimen as of late.”

“Yes?” Byleth replied with a shrug, bringing his notebook to his chest.

Rhea opened her mouth to reply, but Seteth had lost the last of his patience.

“Please, explain yourself, Professor Byleth! You are wasting all of your students’ potential with this so-called teaching plan!”

Byleth calmly looked from Rhea to Seteth, then down to his notebook.

He snapped it open.

“Do you know the amount of damage and the percentage of success of a magical attack coming from a 45º angle towards an unit with less than fourteen points of resistance, who is hiding behind a pillar and is armed with a pair of steel gauntlets?”

“… Professor Byleth, I am not asking for a lecture-” Seteth barely recovered from the sudden question, but Byleth was only getting started.

“Let me tell you: it’s a whole lot. They will die if their bare skin is even grazed by the magical attack. Low resistance is shit — ah, pardon my french, Archbishop.”

“French…?” Rhea tilted her head to the side, her eyes glistening with interest but also a little befuddlement. 

“I need those three to train their magical resistance by opening their mana channel in their brains,” Byleth pointed at Claude, Hilda and Leonie, who had dark clouds over their heads trying to understand the magic books in front of them.

“Also, do you know how dope it is to have a flying archer? Ignatz will be fine with that wyvern, I’m sure it hasn’t eaten a human in the past decade or so, so it’s probably safe. I mean, you wouldn’t offer the students a feral mount, would you?” 

“Of course not.” Rhea replied immediately, already roped into Byleth’s speech.

Seteth remained stunned by the answers Byleth had at the ready, as though he had had this conversation before and prepared them for this.


Byleth ignored Seteth’s raised index for an interjection and continued his speech. “Have you any idea how frail mages are? We must prepare the students for any situation, even the ones where they will be forced into hand to hand combat with the enemies should their mana run out in the middle of the battlefield. Lorenz will live. He’s passed out for now, but once he builds a bit more muscle, he’ll get used to the regimen.”

Rhea’s eyes shone more and more with each word Byleth uttered.

“Marianne needs the extra defense she’ll get once she get promoted to Great Knight five years from now…”

“Excuse me? How long did you say?” Rhea took a step closer as Nyleth mumbled the last part.

“Ah, don’t mind me. As I was saying, Lysithea is training with all melee weapons to upgrade her stamina, definitely not to make her into a knight down the line,” he spoke quickly with the straightest face a man could wear. “And I finally found a horse big enough to support Raphael’s muscles, which is good. What if he gets stranded in the middle of battle with an injured ally and the fastest way to get help is through a horse? We must prepare them for everything.”

“Of course.” Rhea ate it all up with a bright smile, nodding as more and more nonsense came out of Byleth’s mouth. “You truly are wise beyond your years, child. I wonder what that could mean…”

Byleth looked over Rhea’s shoulders to nowhere in particular, but somehow it felt like he was looking straight at the eyes of someone who was reading a story about what was happening to them at that very moment.

“Indeed, I wonder what it all means.” He flashed a rare smile without breaking eye contact with the surprised reader.

Seteth groaned beside Rhea, holding back the urge to mess his own hair in agony. 

It was all bulshit! It was clear! There was not a single thought passing inside that man’s head, it was blatant to see!!

Seteth couldn’t voice his thoughts as Rhea was more and more fascinated by the bulshit Byeth said, so he just held his nape as his blood pressure rose.

Of course it’s all bulshit, Byleth thought, reading the passage through Sothis’ eyes as the reader gasped in wonder. I really just wanted to do a meme run, you know. Imagine how hilarious it would be, he grinned as Rhea asked more questions about the reasons he made up after Pulsing that last hour a few times to get it all right.

The usually stoic man managed to hold back his snort as he saw Seteth in agony behind the amused Rhea. But as that was the final Pulse he had used that day, all of the answers had to be perfect for him to be able to have free reins over the students without any interruptions for the next few months. Afterwards, it would be up to them to train on their own so he could have an army oof mismatches later down the line…

Yep, now it was only a matter of time until he could stick Lorenz into that ridiculous Grappler outfit and hide Marianne inside the oversized Fortress Knight armor.

How hilarious would Claude look as a Priest, could you imagine? And how clueless Hilda would be at the Gremory class?

Byleth would hardly wait for them all to do their bests so he could at least have a few laughs in this endlessly repeating life of his.

Robin, being Fondled

Thank you so much for the support as always @xpegasusuniverse ! This was so much fun to work on I think <I> pulled a muscle xD

Summary: Still feeling wronged about the whole affair between Sully, him and Robin, Vaike went to seek professional help to straighten up the score of… male beauty standards in the Shpherds, much to Robin’s chagrin.

Commission info HEREandHERE!


After going through many pains for a whole week to be able to bury the source of the sudden interest of the soldiers in bird-watching, Robin had finally started to feel at ease at the Shepherds barracks.

There was no more need to keep his ears keen on any gossip floating around nor any need for a, let’s say ‘healthy’, dose of Thoron to Vaike’s head to stop him from babbling nonsense from time to time. Robin was just about able to stop being so on edge and walk comfortably around the palace.

It was hard to stop Frederick of all people from learning about the whole affair, though. The man was like an old harpy whenever the issue concerned Chrom, Lissa or the Shepherds. Thankfully, Chrom’s name had never been mentioned so it was easier — or rather, less difficult — to bury it from the knight’s view.

Rolling his stiff shoulder and patting himself on the back, Robin walked into the conference room as per usual, cracking his neck to dissipate any remaining tension.

“Robin, you’re here.” Chrom greeted from his seat, his eyes never leaving the pile of papers in front of him.

Since his reign was still young, there were many, many, manythings they’d all need to look over, not to mention the reparations for the previous war and the relief for the most affected areas and…

Anyway, they were always neck-deep in work, so they basically just lived in that conference room lately. The dark bags under Chrom’s eyes were threatening to stay there forever, to the point that Frederick sometimes mumbled something about finding a better skin routine to smooth out his liege’s “perfect skin”, in his own words.

To be honest, the only one in the room who looked fit enough to keep doing these long work hours for an undetermined amount of time was Frederick himself, but only a few could ever question or match the man’s body fitness.

Regardless, as Robin took his seat and Chrom started the meeting with the arrival of other ministers, they busied themselves with work. As an escort, Frederick stood behind Chrom’s desk at all times, which allowed him to not only listen to what was being said inside the room as well as what happened outside.

Two hours after the start of the meeting, Frederick heard the sound of someone quickly stomping towards them, but since his priority was the Exalt, he placed one hand on Chrom’s shoulder and focused on the door with a keen eye.

A moment after, the person who barged into the room was none other than ‘the Vaike’ himself.

“I’ve an object!” He yelled atop of his lungs, rather proud of himself for saying ‘objection’ perfectly.

With the theme of the meeting so fresh in his mind, Robin hadn’t made the connection of Vaike and trouble yet, so he just sighed deeply like a deflated balloon. “What’re you doing here-”

Chrom unceremoniously dug himself in his chair, 100% done with this. “Vaike, for the last time-”

“Oy oy, you’re not listenin’ to me! I said I’ve an object!” He pounded his chest, then, as if that reminded him of something, he exclaimed, “oh, wait, I brought someone, too!” and stepped out of the room for a moment before coming right back while pulling a stuck-up looking man.

At that point, Chrom was already dragging his hands across his face, his dead eyes begging for someone to take Vaike away from there. “And who might that gentleman be…?” he asked with no strength in his voice.

“He’s a professional pervert!”

“Pbbbht-” Robin sputtered, coughed and hid himself under his cloak.

With no change in his expression, Chrom looked at Frederick under his hands. Just as the knight was about to execute- ahem, execute the order, of course, the noble adjusted himself, straightening his monocle.

“Ahem, I’ll thank you for referring to me as the sommelier of male bosoms, Jadon Bellomo.” The man called Jadon took a step away from Vaike and looked at Chrom with utmost respect. “At your service, Your Majesty,” he bowed gracefully.


Male bosoms-

Robin’s stiffened laughter stopped immediately, being replaced by dread in the blink of an eye.

What was Vaike thinking now?! Wasn’t it enough to- to call him names in front of all the soldiers?!

The tactician hid under his hood, biting his nail in anguish.

“Yeah, basically a professional pervert. Anyway!” Vaike once again hit his own chest. “I brought him ‘ere ‘cause I’ve been slaughtered! Slammered… Uh, something like that. And I gotta protect my tits’ honor.”

“Pbbbbth-” Now it was Chrom’s turn to sputter. “What’re you talking about in a formal meeting, Vaike-”

“My Lord, if I may speak on the behalf of your lesser brained companion…” Lord Bellomo stepped in front of Vaike.

“I’m failing to see how that might clear any of this up in the near future, but go on, Lord Bellomo.” Chrom sank back into his chair.

“Chrom, I don’t think this is gonna be a good idea, no matter how eloquent this man is.” Robin whispered beside the Exalt, quickly thinking of a few hundred ways of silent assassination in a room full of people.

“Thank you for the opportunity, my Lord.” Bellomo bowed respectfully again. “As the good Sir was saying, I believe his integrity as a man of muscle has been slandered in the face of recent events.”

“Recent events?” Chrom murmured to Robin and Frederick, in which only one of whom looked clueless about it all.

“It’s… probably nothing. You know how Vaike is.” Robin stammered, digging his nails on the chair.

“Fair.” Chrom bobbed his head to the side, turning back his attention to Bellomo.

Though Vaike took that whispering as a cue to intervene. “Yeah! I’m not gonna lie down and let Sully smack talk my tits.” He hit his (bare) chest for the thousandth time since arriving. “So, I brought in an expert to settle this once and for all. This guy right here is a professional pervert.”

Once again Bellomo sighed. “Sir Vaike, I would politely ask that you refrain from referring to myself and my field of expertise in such a crass, undignified manner. I am Ylisse’s foremost and acclaimed judge of all competitions of the male physique, as I’m sure Your Majesty knows,” he bowed once again to Chrom, who looked like a mix of being in the middle of throwing up and holding back a sneeze. “With my particular area of expertise being the male bosom. I am not a base, lowly pervert, but a connoisseur of the male form!” He shouted passionately. “And what Sir Vaike brought before me was nothing but an opportunity! To be able to judge and be beholden to the Shepherds’ very own physique, the same Shepherds who brought us victory in this most recent war!! Oh, what a glorious sight that might be!!”

“This is nonsense.” Chrom blurted out immediately, but Frederick managed to kick his chair just in time so no one but Robin heard it. After all, it was unbecoming for a leader to dismiss their subject’s work of passion like that.

“I agree, uh-huh, total nonsense. We should turn them away.” Robin immediately went back to hiding under a random paper he found in front of him, sinking a bit deeper into his chair so Vaike wouldn’t look his way.

“Frederick, why’d you do that-” Chrom nodded at Robin before scowling at the kick, but Bellomo’s passionate discourse about the male bosom was in full swing in front of them. “Besides, why did he say that I might know of it? It’s the first time I hear of this debauchery!”

Right on cue, Bellomo’s chanting turned back to Chrom. “Oh, but it was by the grace of the previous Exalt, Lady Emmeryn — Naga bless her soul — that my colleagues and I were able to set up a bodybuilding recreation site! By her magnanimously generous heart, we have been going strong for three years and counting!”

“Emm… Emm approved of that?” Chrom squeaked, aghast.

Frederick nodded behind him. “Lady Emmeryn wanted the people to be able to freely express themselves, so there are many recreational activities that carry the Exalt’s seal of approval.”

Feeling somehow embarrassed, Chrom hid his face under both hands. “I see,” his voice sounded muffled. No doubt the papers detailing those activities and more would be buried in that very same conference room. Since the ascension was done hastily due to the war, many of such, ah, trivial matters were put aside in favor of the more urgent ones.

“Still, I don’t think now’s the time for this,” Robin urged Chrom, not wanting the mention of Emmeryn to make his resolve falter.

“Yes, of course,” Chrom slowly recovered from the shame and cleared his throat to address the passionate man in front of them. “Although I understand where you’re coming from, Lord Bellomo, I’m afraid now isn’t really the time for-”

“Ohoho, now I get it. Ya’ll whispering and hiding like that cause you’re scared, right.” Vaike interrupted the Exalt in his speech, something no one in their right mind should do if they had any ounce of respect for their leaders. Alas, it was The Vaike we were talking about, after all.

Ticked off, Chrom’s eyebrow twitched. “What ARE you talking about, Vaike?”

“Hah, you know what I’m talkin’ about! If we went tit-to-tit, you KNOW my tits would win!” He slammed the table confidently. “Sully’s stubborn like a bull so I had to bring mister pervert here to prove my tits’ worth, but you sound more like a chicken running from a challenge than anything!”

Oh no. Oh no nonono, that’s not good. Sirens blared inside Robin’s head. If Vaike spurred Chrom’s competitive spirit like that…

A vein popped in Chrom’s forehead. “That’s ridiculous, Vaike.” He clenched his teeth as he slowly got up.

“Shit, wait, Chrom, let’s think of this better-” Sensing the worst, Robin quickly tried to placate his stupid best friend.

“Aha, almost didn’t see ya there, mister tactitcian!” Vaike pointed at Robin, who flinched a foot out of the floor and hid behind Chrom. “I ain’t letting you take the crown this time, nu-huh! My tits will win no matter what!”

“Tact- what-” Chrom’s fighting spirit dampened for a moment after hearing that terrible pun, but he had no time to look back at his friend as Vaike ran up to his personal space with that smug and irritating face of his.

“So, meet ya there? Tit-by-tit, we’ll see who has the best rack in the Shepherds.”

The veins multiplied in Chrom’s forehead. “You’re on. Lord Bellomo, you have full authority to prepare for this event.” He ordered without taking his eyes off Vaike’s, his fighting spirit rekindled.

“NO, nooo!” Robin wailed silently behind the two, holding his head in despair.

There was no way to cover up THAT mess.

The news that there would be a recreational competition to judge the male Shepherds’ chests spread around the castle like wildfire.

Lissa pulled a muscle laughing when she first heard of it and pulled it several times again whenever she remembered about it — though she was ultimately forbidden to attend due to being a young unmarried woman and a princess (something she would definitely NOT be laughing at in the future).

Although these kinds of competitions held by Lord Bellomo were open for all genders and ages (in his words, it was a ‘sin to hide such a beauty from the world at large’), since this one meddled intimately with the royal affairs, only men or fellow soldiers would be able to watch.

The soldiers and maidservants all around started placing bets on who would win and what the criteria of choosing the winner would be. Men from high and low all over the castle huddled themselves in the courtyard for the examination, and even though he would rather be listening to Gangrel’s morbid jokes, Robin had been dragged by the others to stay right next to Chrom in the top of the line.

Even Donnel and Ricken tried to enter the competition, but Lord Bellomo expressly said that they were too young to participate, which brought the short mage much shame as he ran away without even seeing the results.

Although reluctantly, even Frederick was participating, if only to stay beside Chrom who stood there, shirtless among all of the other soldiers in wait for Bellomo to judge them.

Robin never once took his face out of both of his hands in his shame. His neck, shoulders and ears were bright red and the less said about his tits-CHEST, chest, damn it all! The less said about his chest, the better! Why was he dragged out like that? He was a desk man, he wasn’t a strong soldier!

Why were they even discussing tits- CHESTS, why were they even… Oh Naga, help them all!

Vaike nudged Chrom as the head of the line. “Ey, nervous about how everyone’s gonna know my tits are better than yours?”

“Keep dreaming, Vaaike. Focus on the judge.” Chrom shrugged, overlooking the term as he usually wouldn’t, too fired up in the mood to care.

“I wonder how they decide such things…” Stahl made a one-off comment from behind them, looking over them to the judges.

“Oh, that’s a good question,” someone replied beside him just as Lord Bellomo approached.

“Indeed, a great question, Sir Stahl.” Lord Bellomo arrived with a measuring tape. “After all, I do not simply judge the size of a man’s bosom. If that were the case, all the Shepherds would need was a measuring tape,” he dangled the item in his hand, “and that would be it. Size is but one of many factors to be taken into account when evaluating a man’s chest, and some of these criteria may require a physical examination.”

Robin shuddered at the thought as the men all around said ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ in different degrees.

“So wait, you wanna cop a feel of my tits?” Vaike turned to the noble man who sighed.

“Must you use such crass, foul language when speaking of my profession, sir Vaike?” He took off the silky gloves he was wearing.

Wait… was he going to perform the examination… bare-handed?!

Robin covered his chest with both hands.

Seeing Bellom approach, Vaike put both hands behind his head with a huge grin. “Hey, I don’t mind. Feel ‘em up all you want.” He even shook either breast at intervals a bit, making them jiggle in a rhythm.

“That’s it, I’m going to die. I die today. Today is the day I die.” Robin murmured as he watched Lord Bellomo approach. “Why did this happen to me? I was just going to take a dip in the fountain. Why me? Should I have just waited until night? But I was hot so I went for a dip? Was it my mistake?” He went over and over the scenarios trying to see where he went wrong. “Maybe it was because I didn’t see Sully there? Or even if she hadn’t been there, Vaike would still…”

Robin probably passed out standing up as a defense mechanism. He barely remembered everything that happened that day, especially not when Lord Bellomo spent a good five minutes just fondling him and even pinching his nipples- YES, he especially did NOT remember that.

He did not remember it. Thus, it did not happen.

Yes, indeed. Nothing about that happened.

Nothing at all. Nuh-huh.

Not even how Libra looked weirdly amused by being in this masculine type of activity. Or how Virion was absent due to family matters and by the gods how Robin envied them right about then-

“Oh, but this is the most glorious and beautiful collection of male breasts I have ever had the pleasure of seeing!”

“And feeling…” Robin murmured, holding his shirt tightly against his chest as Bellomo said his farewell speech.

“I am ever so thankful to be able to be the host of such an enlightening event, and I would like to first and foremost thank our magnanimous ruler-”

“Enough with the big words! Who had the best tits, mister? Out with it!” Vaike yelled from the audience, making Bellomo click his tongue and sigh.

“Oh, very well. I Must say that it was a very difficult decision, especially with the arrival of our late friend over there- oh, where did he go?”

“I’m over here…” A muffled voice heard from somewhere but nowhere in particular sounded, but no one seemed to notice.

“Welp, hopefully our friend returns, as he surely had a wonderful pair of breasts.”

“Kill me… Kill. me. Kill… me.” Robin chanted under his breath.

“With no further ado, I will proudly hand this sash to the big winner: Sir Frederick!” Lord Bellomo approached the tall and bulky man, giving him a sash that read ‘best tits of Ylisse’ in bold colors. “Second, will Sir Kellam step up? Your late arrival was a game changer, my good sir…” Bellomo looked around and only after a few moments did he see Kellam standing right in front of him. “There you are, my good sir. Congratulations on your fine set of breasts.”

“Um, thanks? I was here the whole time though-”

“And last but not least, I would like our genius tactician to step up-”

“No. No. Not me. I’m sure there’s another tactician-” Robin covered his head with both hands.

“Haha, don’t be such a spoilsport, Robin.” Frederick smiled from ear to ear, apparently extremely pleased to have won despite being grumpy about this whole affair the entire time. “Come now, the podium is right over here.” The huge knight needed but to nudge the short tactician so he could come up front and receive a pin right over his chest that read “Ylisse’s #3 tits” and die immediately.

His soul had been in the process of leaving his body ever since the whole ordeal started, but now it definitely just finished the process.

His body was now but a shadow of what it had once been.

Vaike yelling complaints and Chrom suddenly being embarrassed by his impulsiveness around Robin did nothing to erase the utter and deep shame that overcame the man. He felt alone in the entire world where nothing but tits- CHESTS, damn it all, chests! Where nothing but male tits- ugh… mattered anymore.

Could he ever recover? Especially with how Frederick seemed to be intent on wearing his sash for a few weeks after this? Would he ever be the same man after being fondled in front of so many people?

Right, today was the day he died. Yes. Much better to accept it like that.

Here lies Robin, the genius tactitcian of Ylisse.

Nightmares and Comfort

Thanks for the support, nonnies! I hope you like it~

Summary: Thirst had always been a great protector of his teammates at Rhodes Island Operatives. Due to feeling responsible for the death of his one and only friend, Thirst could never allow anyone to feel hurt again… What he never considered, was how HE would feel with all of that, and the Doctor was the only one who could help…

Watch out for sin, ye who enters!

Commission info HEREandHERE!


The deafening sound of rain.

Pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter…

The rain, endlessly falling.

Holding onto a body that grew increasingly colder with every passing second, his own breathing seemed to be made of ice.

His mouth was speaking, but there was no way for his mind to know what it was. Amidst his own sobs and shaking body, his eyes and brain were all focused on the man whose life ebbed away in his arms.

Yet, surprisingly, the man whose visage was all but blurred by rain and tears, seemed calmer than ever.

As if the hold death had on him was something he welcomed. As if he had joined that mission with this specific goal in mind.

Was it true? Did he anticipate his own death? Was that why there was no way to remember how he looked at that time?

Yet, no matter how foggy his memory of that day was, the words spoken to him at that time, the words whose weight dictated how he would live his life thereafter… they were clear as day.

It was as if all sound stopped just so his voice could be heard.

“Go without me.”

Time fell still.

Starting from the pallid lips who had uttered the second and last command he would ever hear, black crystals started spreading throughout the man’s face and neck.

Watching this with horror, Thirst let go of his old time friend and companion as if he had been touched by something vile.

“No… No!” Finally did he hear his own voice as it gnawed in his throat. “This.. it- it wasn’t like this…!” He whimpered, scurrying away from the body that bulged out and convulsed as it was beset by the Infection.

Thirst’s body shook violently as he tried to tear his gaze away from the horrid scene of his friend’s body being consumed by Oripathy. He held his head with both hands, covering his ears so they wouldn’t pick up the sound of flesh melting and disintegrating.

“It wasn’t like this…” he repeated over and over, rocking his body back and forth as Arctic’s eyes looked straight into his soul, despite his body turning into an incomprehensible pile of flesh and dark crystals. “It wasn’t…” he sniffled, his usually emotionless eyes overflowing with tears.

The longer Arctic’s eyes stared into him, the louder Thirst could hear his own breathing and heart beating. The sound of rain threatened to consume it all as the world around him distorted itself, with Arctic’s gaze as its center.

“No… NO!” He yelled atop of his lungs, desperately trying to tear himself away from the agony.

With a startle, Thirst opened his eyes.

“Hah… hahh…” he huffed, looking around like a terrified kitten.

The darkness of the room did nothing to soothe his racing mind. If he blinked, he would be able to see Arctic’s gaze with the corner of his eyes, no matter where he looked.

Trembling, Thirst stumbled out of the bed. He walked simply by instinct, trying to figure out where the exit was. Huffing, his mind spiraled that dreaded memory as his body shook with guilt and fear.

Finally finding the door, he barely managed to turn the knob with his trembling hands, shoving himself out into a poorly lit corridor.

At the end of it, there was something that could soothe him. There was someonethat could soothe his crumbling mind.

Moved by that belief, Thirst stumbled forward, his vision darkening with each step he took. If he were to pass out in that state of mind… no, he couldn’t bear to think of it.

The heavy steps towards the laboratory caught someone’s attention.

The Doctor lifted his gaze from the broken coffee machine he was just cursing at towards the door Thirst was bound to come out of. The moment the silver-haired, black-horned man opened the double door wearing the most terrified expression one could ever see someone wear, the Doctor sighed wearily.

“… That dream again?” he said simply as Thirst approached, usually tall and imposing, but now curved and pitiful.

“Doctor, Doctor… it wasn’t like that…” Thirst murmured as he fell on his knees in front of the Doctor, placing his head on his lap. Even when on his knees, he was about the same height as the Doctor who was sitting up, yet he seemed so fragile one couldn’t help but notice the irony.

“I know.” The Doctor placed a placating hand over Thirst’s horns, sending a wave of much-needed calm into the taller man’s body. Still, it wasn’t enough.

Thirst’s hands gripped the Doctor’s legs as his entire body shook with fear and anguish. “It wasn’t… he didn’t look… but the Infection…”

“Poor Puppy,” the Doctor used the degrading nickname Thirst usually disliked, but openly welcomed whenever he was desperate for help. “Look at me,” the Doctor pulled down his hood and mask, revealing the face no one but the man in front of him had ever seen in Rhodes Island: a surprisingly young-looking, black-haired and red eyed man with animal traits much like its other residents, despite what many would infer.

Thirst’s eyes, usually devoid of emotion — or at least filled with repressed emotion — looked up to the Doctor’s like they were his lifeline. He opened his mouth instinctively, revealing his sharp fangs as the Doctor did the same, sticking out his tongue into Thirst’s teeth.

“Mhhm…” the Doctor winced at the sharp pain of the teeth piercing into his tongue, but pulled Thirst’s head back so he could control the depth of the desperate kiss. Thirst sucked into the Doctor’s tongue and blood, feeling relief at the warm liquid going down his throat.

The Doctor was immune to Oriopathy, and that translated into his blood, as well.

If Thirst drank from it, he wouldn’t feel as threatened by the Infection as he usually did.

The shaking of his body visibly lessened the longer the kiss went, until it completely stopped at the same time as the bleeding.

“D-Doctor…” Thirst huffed, nudging his face into the Doctor’s after their lips parted.

Smirking, the Doctor slightly pulled the back of Thirst’s hair, making him look up in his eyes. “Was that still not enough?”

His lips still moist, Thirst looked away with a tinge of embarrassment. Apparently, his sanity had returned during the kiss, but he still wanted it to continue for a while longer.

Even if the Doctor’s touch was rough. Even if there was always a sense of inferiority whenever they were together.

The warmth wasn’t a lie. The precious blood that no one else had seen the color of, it was only at Thirst’s disposal.

The eyes that many only saw through a cold mask, looked down at him like he was his, or at least like something to be protected.

Unconsciously, as Thirst thought of these, his lips protruded into a pout.

Which the Doctor promptly took a bite out of.

“….!” Thirst pulled away with surprise, smacking his mouth with one hand.

“Oh? It seems my Puppy’s growing up.” The Doctor snorted at Thirst’s reaction, and even more so once he scowled at the nickname.

“… Don’t call me that.” He squeaked out,which sounded terribly unconvincing in more ways than one. For one, he was still sitting on the floor in front of the Doctor’s chair, and for another, he made no effort to get up nor pull away the Doctor’s hand that was pulling his nape closer and closer.

“No?” The Doctor licked Thirst’s bottom lip as the taller man tried and failed to look away and resist the warm touch.

“…” Thirst’s reply was only silence, though even if he had voiced something, it would’ve been muffled by the Doctor’s lips on his.

The kiss this time, although not as desperate as the first, felt equally voracious as the Doctor explored every inch of Thirst’s mouth with his tongue. He licked his lips, then tongue, then gums with unexplainable hunger, which stole a moan out of the taller man.

Enticed by the sweet voice, the Doctor slowly pushed Thirst down on the floor, holding both of his hands above his head.

Of course, the act was more out of asserting his dominance rather than actual strength — after all, the Doctor was but a researcher while Thirst was a strong Operator. But their roles outside of these four walls meant nothing between the both of them… and Thirst would have it no other way.

However… As the kiss grew intense and their bodies grew hotter, Thirst moved uncomfortably under the Doctor.

“Mhm…” he tried to protest, but the Doctor’s tongue in his was relentless. It gave him no room for breathing, much less speaking.

Growling, the Doctor looked down at the Operator with hunger in his red eyes, like a predator set on his much larger prey. “What is it?” he placed his forehead on Thirst’s as his free hand roamed down to his pants.

Wincing at the lewd touch, Thirst closed one eye as he looked away, biting his lips. “The floor…”

Consumed in his hunger, the Doctor thrusted his tongue into Thirst’s once again. “How can a Puppy be this cute…” he murmured amidst kisses, reaching to grab Thirst’s manhood under his pants.

“Mh-ahh…” Thirst let out a disgraceful moan, immediately biting his lips to hide it. “D-Doctor…” he nudged the man on top of him like a powerless kitten, surely not th first nor the last time he would do it.

“Only once, okay? I’ll do it quickly…” The Doctor huffed as he kissed Thirst’s neck, rubbing their erections through their pants. “Just lift one leg…”

“Ah… But…” Despite being much stronger, Thirst couldn’t help but do what the Doctor told him to. Time and again he had told the Doctor that doing it on the floor would give him hip pain, but he couldn’t help but give in whenever the Doctor tried to devour him like that… it was unavoidable.

He was almost lifting his leg like the Doctor him to, but since he was yet to take off his pants, there was no way to.

“Just once, Just once…” now it seemed like the Doctor was the delirious one as he bit and kissed Thirst’s pale white skin, drunk in his taste, warmth and submission.

“Hahh… Doctor…” Thirst gripped at the Doctor’s hair, pulling him for a kiss to settle that burning sensation in his body. “Quickly… quickly…”

Smirking under their kiss, the Doctor pulled a few hairs out of Thirst’s face. “Are you sure? … Here?”

“Yes… Yes… anywhere.” Thirst finally conceded, his body too hot to wait for them to reach the next door bedroom.

“Good boy…” The Doctor whispered as he shoved his tongue into Thirst’s mouth, making the taller man roll his eyes in pleasure. Hurriedly did the Doctor pull down Thirst’s pants, but he was in no hurry to pull out his own erection.

Instead, he took Thirst’s massive dick into his hands and caressed it slowly, pulling its skin up and down to stimulate him into begging even more…

“Ah- ack… Doctor…” Thirst’s response as immediate. Despite his size, he was as fidgety as a little kitten, the boy… “Mhhmm…” He squirmed as the Doctor intensified his kisses and caresses.

He lifted one leg without being asked to as his breathing got more and more ragged with the heat in his chest threatening to explode. The Doctor placed his index right over Thirst’s glans, as if preventing him from coming.

“Mhhmm…” That made Thirst’s entire body tingle. “Doctor- Please…”

“Hmm? I haven’t said anything…” The Doctor chuckled heartily, barely managing to stay his need to ravage the man under him without waiting for him to beg. Instead, he twisted his hand slightly, making Thirst’s body squirm under him.

“I’m- I, ah… it’s… almost…”

“I never said you couldn’t…” The Doctor teased, licking Thirst’s exhausted tongue.

For a moment, Thirst stopped breathing. “I… can…?” he huffed, squeezing his eyes as the orgasm shook his body from inside out, his seed spurting out right into the Doctor’s cupped hand.

“You were waiting for my permission, Puppy? Without me saying anything?” The Doctor kissed Thirst’s temple as he used his very own cum to coat his ass for a smoother entrance.

“Mhhm, I-” Thirst barely had time to enjoy the post orgasmic fog as the Doctor relentlessly stuck three fingers into him, all dripping wet with his own fluids. “Doct-”

“Shh, now it’s my turn, Puppy.” He sealed Thirst’s lips with a kiss, hurriedly pulling out his erection to prod at his ass. “Be a good boy and let me in, hmm?”

“Hmm… Ah…” Thirst opened his mouth to allow for a deeper kiss, wrapping both arms around the Doctor’s neck as if to give him permission.

Huffing, the Doctor murmured a curse as he pushed himself in. “Shit, it’s still so tight… loosen up for me, Thirst, ack…” he bemoaned as Thirst spasmed around him, still feeling the effect of the orgasm.

Thirst let out a long moan as the Doctor pushed his full length in, digging his face into the Doctor’s shoulder. “D-Doctor… ahn…”

“Ah, hah… it’s good inside you, Thirst. Fuck,” the Doctor cursed, pushing himself as far as he could inside him. He pulled out only to push further back in, enjoying how the taller man squeaked adorably under his might.

Thirst wasn’t a very verbal man, so he couldn’t utter things like ‘it feels so good! Please, more!’ like one would expect to hear during those times, but the Doctor was much more pleased by the taller man’s repressed silence and muffled moans instead.

He could feel Thirst’s body spasm with pleasure whenever he thrusted. He could hear the strangled moans coming out of Thirst’s throat whenever he pounded him with a bit more strength… And that was hotter than any word Thirst could ever say.

“Maybe… Maybe it won’t be only once, shit…” The Doctor panted as he accelerated his movements, digging deeper and deeper into Thirst as his body loosed around him. At first, he did actually plan to do it just once on the floor and move to the bed, but somehow… Thirst felt much hotter and tigther today.

It was impossible to do it just once.

If Thirst had been just a little bit more coherent, he might’ve protested.

However, at that moment, he couldn’t think of anything anymore. The Doctor was relentless in his pounding, and that made Thirst only focus on him. There was only him in the entire world.

His body started to close itself around the Doctor’s dick, wanting to keep it inside forever, but also needing it to pull in and out like that for a while longer, for just a little bit longer…

“Ahn… Doctor- I…” Thirst announced, his eyes watering with pleasure as the Doctor never stopped his movements.

“Al… ready? Thirst…” the Doctor panted, “I… ack… fuck, it’s so good…” He tried to make fun of him, but the pleasure was such that he could only focus on his lower body. The heat in his body was unbearable.

They huffed in unison as their words got mingled with moans and the sound of their lovemaking. Lost in kisses and hunger, the Doctor felt Thirst coming first before he, too, shot his seeds inside of him, though his movements barely slowed down.

“Doctor…!” Thirst pleaded, feeling how the Doctor wasn’t intent on stopping after the first time. “I can’t- ack…” he moaned, his back end sensitive after being mercilessly worked on by the Doctor’s eager shaft.

He was about to come again mere five minutes after just coming.

“Shh shh, Puppy, ah…” the Doctor slicked back his sweaty forehead before pulling Thirst’s chin for a kiss. “Just once, just once more…” he bemoaned, his erection up and ready to rail Thirst for the remainder of the night if necessary.

“Mhhhmm…” Thirst rolled his eyes in pleasure as the orgasm shook his body again, making him relax all of his tense muscles. “Doctor…” he moaned as the thrusts intensified yet again, not feeling or not caring about how the Doctor’s seeds spewed out of his ass down his back.

“So hot, Thirst…” the Doctor licked Thirst’s lips, completely entranced by the man under him.

Whenever Thirst looked submissive like that, there was no way for the Doctor to be able to let him go after doing it only once… Mayhaps, until dawn, or maybe until someone finally discovered them in this laboratory.

But until then, the Doctor wasn’t about to let Thirst go, oh no he wasn’t.

However, that would come with consequences, even if they would only come in the next day.

They finally moved back to Thirst’s bed after doing it so much they thought they dreamed the walk back to the room. Snuggling into the Doctor’s chest, Thirst felt warm and fulfilled, a complete 180º from how he had woken up earlier that night.

Yet, what awaited him when he would eventually wake up was the hip pain he had tried to warn the Doctor of, and that made him scowl from the moment he opened his eyes.

Since he was an Operator, and also because of who he was inherently, Thirst liked to wake up early to train. He had to be in tip top shape if he wanted to keep on being the best protector of Rhodes Island, and that translated into training, training and more training.

But whenever he let the Doctor have his way with him, Thirst was useless for the largest part of the day. For one, because his back end would be throbbing, an ever-reminder of their delicious time the previous night. For another, he would feel a pinching pain on his lower back if they had done it on the floor, which, unfortunately, they had.

So he woke up with a scowl and went to get ready (he wanted to be mad at the Doctor for coming inside of him too, as that was more work for him in the shower… But Thirst secretly liked the feel of the Doctor’s seeds running down his legs when he got up, so he was unable to pretend to be mad about that), making sure to stomp around so the Doctor could wake up and see him angry.

“Thirst…?” The Doctor’s hoarse voice called as he patted the empty space beside him in bed. With a groan, he peeked out of the pillow to find the bathroom light on and the sound of the shower going off. 

“…” There was no reply as the tall man wanted to make his point obvious, but the Doctor was still loading his personality after having just woken up, so he missed it entirely.

In fact, he missed the entirety of Thirst’s attempt to show how mad he was as the Doctor fell right back asleep, which only made Thirst angrier.

So, later in the day, when it was time for the team to assemble to get to work, Thirst never looked in the Doctor’s way, which looked adorable to the Doctor but actually scary to the other team mates.

As Thirst was a tall, horned man, he looked rather imposing when he scowled. Usually, he wasn’t much for showing his emotions, but this time he had to prove a point (also his lower back hurt like hell) so he had to express his anger by pouting and scowling.

Seeing as the meeting was going nowhere with the team mates intimidated and Thirst even more silent than usual, the Doctor called for a break and summoned Thirst to speak privately in the laboratory.

Thirst followed, but looked the other way the whole time, which made the Doctor snort and think of a cute puppy that followed its master even though it was upset for whatever reason.

“Hey, you shouldn’t let you being mad at me to compromise the entire team.” The Doctor cut right to the chase, not even allowing Thirst to look aloof in a far corner of the room. He purposely avoided the spot the Doctor was heading towards — the chair beside which their lovemaking occurred just last night.

“…” Thirst still said nothing, turning his head away just so his eyes wouldn’t meet the Doctor’s under his hood.

“Hey, don’t be like that? You said I could…”

“That’s because-” Thirst took the bait and looked up to the Doctor, but immediately shut his mouth and turned away with a pink tint in his cheeks. 

“C’mon, Puppy…” The Doctor waddled towards Thirst, who turned his head to the opposite side.

“Don’t call me like that.”

“Okay. Thirst. Look at me? You’re hurting me…” The Doctor made sure the pout could be heard in his voice, which once again baited Thirst into glancing his way. Fortunately for the Doctor, he was still wearing his mask so Thirst didn’t see the smirk growing under it. “There… next time, I promise I won’t ask again, okay?” He reached for Thirst’s cheek, tapping it carefully.

“… You said that last time.”

“I did? I’m sure I said I would TRY…”

“You didn’t try!”

“Oh, Thirst,” the Doctor pulled down his mask. “Do you know how HARD is it to control myself when you’re like that? Extremely.”

“It’s not- It’s not my fault.” Thirst stuttered as the Doctor pulled his face down closer and closer.

“Nope, it’s allll my fault. That’s why I’m apologizing,” he said, his breath brushing against Thirst’s. “And telling you I will not do it again. Not ‘try’ not to, but I won’t do it. Okay?” he smooched Thirst’s dry lips, quickly pulling his mask back up.

Left with the aftertaste of a kiss, Thirst pouted a bit more, but his heart was lighter after receiving the promise. “Okay,” he nodded gleefully, which made the Doctor smirk under his mask again.

Little did Thirst know that when it was about him and his adorableness, there was no promise that could hold back the desire in the Doctor… So they were bound to have that same conversation a few more times in the near future.

Soldiers, Bird Watching

Thank you so much for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse! I had a blast writing this so I hope you like it :D

Summary: Robin was someone who usually kept to himself, so people never truly got close to him physically. He bathed in his quarters and always made sure to walk as composed as possible alongside the Prince (even though Chrom wasn’t a paramount of fashion), so much so that it left people wondering what he could be hiding under it all…

Commission info HEREandHERE!


The summers of Ylisse were usually a good middle ground between its two neighbors: not too hot like the Plegian desert, but still a great ways from the cold summers of Ferox. Honestly, it was a very comfortable land to live in, climate-wise.

The people weren’t used to wearing light clothing like the plegians did, so it was easy to see some people wearing long sleeves and thin coats during the dry season and immediately make the assumption that they were used to much higher temperatures.

Perhaps due to Robin’s still unknown plegian ancestry, he never felt uncomfortable during his time in Ylisse, even though he wore baggy and heavy clothing. Some of the Shepherds wondered if he was hiding a big scar or any kind of body deformity under all those layers since he almost never took his coat or shirt off in public.

(There was even a hidden bet among the men that never saw him take baths in the public bathrooms that he was hiding a big beer belly, but who was part of that bet and what it consisted of was debatable)

However, for the first time in a few decades, a heat wave strong enough to cross the mountains from Plegia landed in Ylisse with full force, making it one of the hottest summers the halidom had ever seen.

The plegian born felt right at home with their thin and revealing clothing, but most ylissean born people had to go around wearing less than usual.

Men fought to walk around shirtless (Vaike sassed every single one of them he passed by, comparing their muscles) or they would suffer heat strokes otherwise. Women wore string dresses at best, or, in Sully’s case, a very revealing crop top ahead of its time.

No one could beat her to force her to wear at least a camisole, so she basically joined the shirtless men in their protest to be allowed to walk around with their torso exposed.

Chrom, bless his soul, would join the protest himself if he hadn’t been recently crowned Exalt after the war with Plegia, so, frankly, he had more to worry about than dealing with the aftermath of half naked men. The heat wave itself was a cause of concern, so he and Robin spent tireless days coming up with strategies to mitigate its damage to the people and the land.

Of course, just because he was Exalt it didn’t mean that he was going to walk around wearing that stuffy coat and cloak in the middle of summer, so he was an adept of the half naked movement in spirit, at least.

Robin had laughed at his friend’s antics, though he, too, started to get bothered with the heat eventually. Thus, after a meeting, he went to take a walk around the south garden (which was the only one with a fountain big enough to house the overheated soldiers with room to spare) to refresh himself.

Along the way, he found his comrades wearing less and less clothes as he approached the water. Stahl waved from a shade, shirtless and sweating but at least eating some kind of cold dessert.

Gaius was lying down on a branch on top of the tree Stahl sat under, eating ice cream as his life depended on it.

Lon’qu was fully clothed, sitting in the middle of the fountain, right under the water jet, as if meditating — the heat hit him the hardest as a feroxi man.

Vaike wore a speedo (at that point, everyone gave up trying to make him wear anything remotely decent) and sat by the fountain as though he was tanning himself, but he waved loudly when Robin approached.

“Yo, tactical man! Finally cracked under the heat, eh” He wriggled his eyebrows.

Snorting, Robin nodded. “Yeah, I think I’ll follow your example for today,” he said, peeling off his coat.

“Oooh!” Vaike clapped once, but it was so loud it called the nearby men into attention. “We’ll finally see what’s under all that thick coat o’ yours!”

“Hm?” Robin frowned as he pulled his shirt overhead. “What? I wasn’t particularly hiding anything.”

The moment he let the shirt fall on top of the coat on the floor, all sound but the splash of the water stopped.

Some men tapped their neighbors while they grimaced and handed them coins.

Others looked annoyed for a moment and looked away, but most just snorted and nodded as though greeting a comrade in arms that had taken long to return home.

Sully arrived from behind the crowd at that moment, wearing her now usual crop top. “Yo, what’s the commotion all about- Holy shit, Robin, your TITS, man.”

While the audience was aghast at how well developed Robin’s body was under the coat, the tactician himself was dipping his head into the water, feeling refreshed as it slid down his neck once he went back up.

“Huh? My… what?” He covered his chest with both hands like a chaste maiden.

“I mean, they’re bigger than mine! And I work out a lot.” Sully slapped her chest proudly, which made Robin blush and look away.

“I uh, I don’t think my chest can be compared with yours- I mean, biologically-”

“Hey hey hehehey, wait a second right there!” Vaike sprung up in a flash. “MY tits are bigger than yours and you never said that to my face,” he pointed at his own chest proudly, shoving Robin to the side.

“I see your tits every damn day, Vaike. You’ll poke my eye out with your nipple someday.” Sully replied like that wasn’t the most ridiculous conversation one could have under the scorching sun.

Robin looked from one to the other like the spectator of a ball game, still covering his chest with both hands like he was posing for a painting. “I, uh, think I better g-”

“And so what? You never said that to me! He’s not even that big, c’mon, look-” Vaike pulled Robin’s hand that was about to reach out for his shirt on the ground.

“Whooaa, hey-”

“See?” Vaike placed Robin right beside him with their, well, tits aligned perfectly. “Say it to my face now!”

Sully crossed her arms, rolling her eyes at Vaike’s nonsense. “Why do you want me to say your tits are bigger so badly? I’m praising Robin’s tits here-”

“Please don’t say that, please don’t say it like that,” Robin repeated like a mantra, closing his eyes and accepting his fate as he wasn’t strong enough to escape the grip of either of the two.

Sadly, none of them listened.

Their back-and-forth got so intense that some of the soldiers around started repeating their words, making the gossip flow out of the south garden into the castle in a matter of minutes.

With ‘tits’ and ‘robin’ being thrown around so often, one would think that the soldiers were suddenly veryinto bird watching, so it would take at least a week for people to trace back the gossip to its actual source— or at least it would, but not unless Robin manages to bury it with strategic thinking.

He won’t allow Chrom or Frederick or Lissa to hear about this even if it meant buying a whole stock of sugar to shut up Gaius… If any of the three hear about it, Robin will never be able to forget how he got associated with yet another kind of bird. In the worst, worst way possible.

It smells different here now. The air doesn’t smell sweet like pancakes and cinnamon instead everything smells like a fire that won’t stop. The other day I tried to make something for breakfast, and I was proud of myself because I’ve been skipping breakfast for so many weeks now. But the toast turned into ashes, and honey, they say oil and water shouldn’t be mixed together so why the hell were we together? I think we were two molecules that tried to be together until we noticed that one of us was broken. I don’t mean to sound irrational but I just want to ask you, do you think someone out there will salvage the air we once inhaled together?

-Alexa Evangelista, my head is underwater

“It hurts,” The girl sobbed, grasping at her chest. She wanted to rip it open, tear it all out and out and out. But her fingers stumbled upon frozen ribs and nothing would budge. And she screamed and cried. 

“It will thaw someday,” The woman promised her. “It will thaw and you will heal. It will thaw and the hurt will go and fly and leap away and away from you. It will stop. But now it hurts. And that is okay. It will thaw. It will thaw. It will thaw.”

- depression & anxiety will freeze you ||euterp-e on tumblr 

She cried for a bit longer and took a deep breath. Then she looked up at the sun with a watery smile. She told the sun another morning would come and she’d try again tomorrow. The sun heard her hopeful tone and smiled back at the girl who smiled through her tears.

- she did not give up||euterp-e on tumblr

She cried and cried and cried. She screamed for help. The water was too deep and the current too swift. And the branch she was holding snapped. She screamed for help once more and then she was gone. Head under water, not coming up again. The river won the fight.

- I’m drowning ||euterp-e on tumblr

She felt like she couldn’t breathe. As if the world was collapsing around her. In her. Through her. No one left to see her. Hear her. Feel her pain. As she struggled for breath, she drowned and fell and broke. But no one there to give her air. No one there to even care.

- all alone  || euterp-e on tumblr

She asked the fairy how she could fly so lightly. The fairy said all it required was to believe you could. So the girl practised in believing. She tried and tried but still she could not fly. So she asked the fairy why it didn’t work. The fairy answered, “Why dear, but you are flying through life”. That’s when the girl noticed how her grown self-confidence pushed her feet in the right direction. And how much lighter she felt than before. And so indeed, she was flying through life, albeit not how she had expected, though perhaps even more magically still. And she flew and flew and flew and never fell again.

- she became a fairy ||euterp-e on tumblr

throw me off a cliff
diving flying on the wind
sink me in the deep
water drowning me
claiming me
as another shell
ready to become dust

- help me di(v)e ||euterp-e on tumblr

melancholia lives
    in my heart
        in my head
            in my bones

melancholia breathes
    in thoughts I don’t
        want to know

    lives and breathes
        destroys and weeps
            and laughs maniacally
        as I stop

- all my life||euterp-e on tumblr

It’s just so pathetic how some adults are so childish. You would think when you reach a certain age, you would be wiser. I do not have time for games. At the same time, it can be amusing and it makes me laugh. I do believe they may have a rude awakening.

It’s me again… I was just thinking, I haven’t been on Facebook since January. I got so tired of the negativity, drama, fake friends, geez my list is very long. I’m sure you get the point. It’s nice for families that live out of town and you want to share pictures, but I can careless the last time you took a shit!
Plus, my tumblr shows the real me and I can always be myself. Facebook is judgmental, at least I feel that way. One last thing, I’ve made wonderful friends here and you all Rock

One thing that has been on my mind, is manners. Manners mean a lot to me. It was very important to me, to raise my children with manners. When I was pregnant with my first child, I opened a door for a man and got no response. Back in the day, that would never happen. I always thought older people would never forget their manners but it seems to be worse with them. When your at a store, how hard is it to say, excuse me. I notice people with their heads down as well. I know that everyone is going through something, but one difference you can make, is to use your manners.

So many thoughts running through my mind. Why can’t we have a on and off switch?

The Agony of Desire

Part 6 // Masterlist

Warnings: Masturbation, nudity.


“As if you were on fire from within.

The moon lives in the lining of your skin.”

-Pablo Neruda


In your room, there’s a walk-in closet full of clothes, stocked with everything in your size, and in your style and you suspect that Billy must have hired someone you’ve worked with before to put this all together.

There are some pieces that you know are his choice though, things too skimpy for you to be comfortable wearing, and as you sift through the closet, your eyes land on one such piece.

It’s a bikini, as if you’d be caught dead in public with that on…. except that you weren’t in public, and maybe you could afford to try it out once.

It’s got a cute pattern, but it’s mostly strings, you curse several times getting it on, and then spend the rest of time hiding from yourself in the mirror.

You find a pretty sheer robe that you throw over, and then you’re heading down to the beach.

There’s two beach chairs sitting under an umbrella, and you don’t hesitate to occupy the softest one.

You haven’t seen Billy since you left him this morning, but you assumed he was in the kitchen eating breakfast.

The knowledge that you’re alone makes you more and more comfortable by the moment, until you’re shrugging the robe off your body so that you can relax near the ocean.

The sounds of waves breaking calms you, until you’re rolling onto your stomach for a quick nap.


You hear the quiet crunch of his footsteps as he approaches, and you raise your head when he gets near.

“Brought you a drink and some fruit. You didn’t have breakfast.” He says in explanation.

You smile up at him, rolling onto your back and accepting the small wooden tray of things.

He takes the seat beside you, looking over at you every now and then.

“Are you okay?” You ask easily, popping a grape into your mouth.

“Yes. You look nice.”

You smile at him in thanks.

When you’re done with the fruit, he fishes a tube of something from his pockets.

“Want me to put some sunscreen on you?” He offers, and you nod, rolling onto your back in invitation.

He settles closer, and you feel your body shiver as his hands touch your back for the first time. The sunscreen is cold, and you sigh blissfully as it soothes your warm skin briefly.

He works slowly, rubbing circles into your back and shoulders and working his way down.

He then goes down to your ankles and begins moving upwards.

At your thighs, he hesitates, and you give him permission to proceed.

You’re absolutely wet, and you hope the material is dark enough to hide any sort of arousal from his eyes.

His hands smooth over the globes of your ass too, working the product into every inch of visible skin.

“Turn over.” He says in a low voice, and you oblige.

He massages his hands into your shins, to the tops of your thighs and over your stomach. He remains quiet the entire time, and then pauses under your breasts again, waiting for permission.

You peek an eye open and smile up at him.

“Want me to do the rest?” You ask.

He blinks.

“N-no I can-” He replies, moving his hands up.

And he does, smoothing up your arms and over your chest, the heel of his hands brush against your stiff nipples covered by the small triangles of your top as he finishes and you don’t think the move is intentional.

He stands up, and when you realise he’s leaving, you raise your head.

“Where’re you going?” You ask curiously.

“To rub one out. I’ll see you later.”

“U-uhhhh…. okay?” Is all you can say, eyes locked on his receding form.


It takes you a moment, settling into your seat before you smile.


And five minutes later you sit up with devious intentions.

If, hypothetically speaking, you were the cause of his need to ‘rub one out’ as he’d so aptly put it, then it’s quite possible that he may still be staring at the spot you were sitting in.

In the worst case scenario, maybe he wasn’t looking, maybe running his hands all over your body wasn’t the cause of his desire.

But in the best case…

It’s what makes you step out from under the umbrella with a stretch. You don’t dare look back in case he’s watching, but you were now protected from the sun and a nice little stroll around the beach wouldn’t be so bad.

The area is windy, and though the sun scorches the sand, the wind keeps you cool and comfortable.

You look out at the sea, standing as close to the house as possible, making sure there’s no one passing by when you reach for the strings at the back of your suit.

One precise tug, and the front falls free, shedding your top piece and tossing it into the sand.

You think about Billy, somewhere on the ground floor looking out at you.

Maybe his hand had already pushed his pants and boxers down to a comfortable level, and he’s fisting himself- his other hand hot on the cool glass as he looks down at you.

You reach for the strings on the bottom piece. Imagining him moaning your name, aching for a touch of what he had before as you let your bottoms fall to the sand.

You’ve never swam naked before, but you feel so free. If he’s not looking, then no one is, and you get to take a dip in the cerulean ocean without any clothes on.


Billy is transfixed.

He’d glanced down at you earlier from his spot in the kitchen and seen a peek of your legs from under the umbrella.

His heart had hammered in his chest as he took some fruits down to you, unable to stop looking at your beautiful form.

When he’d picked out the suit, against your stylist’s recommendations, he didn’t think you’d put it on. He’d thought, just in case, maybe if you felt like it. He never expected to see it wrapped around you so soon.

And wrapped around you it was.

Jesus, it was mostly strings.

He could see the outline of your nipples, watched the way they hardened when a drop of cold condensation hit your chest.

God, he was starting to get uncomfortably hard.

At which point, he’d offered to rub sunscreen on your skin.

You were warm under his palms, your skin soft and beautiful.

He wanted to lick every inch his hands touched.

Your ass was sublime, and he was fighting the urge to spank you, watch the flesh shake under his force, the ways it would shake as he pounded into you from behind.

Your front was a torment too. The outline of your pussy against the fabric, trying not to let his eyes linger for too long in case you looked at him and saw him creeping.

He wondered how visible his erection was. He left as soon as he could with an honest answer.

Ambled back to the lounge area outside your bedrooms so that he could look at you from a safe distance away.

He was trying to give you space, to forgive him. He wanted to be forgiven so badly.

But you were a seductive vixen and he was only a man.

Pushing his pants just low enough, reaching into his boxers he pulls his cock out and begins stroking himself.

The windows are one way, he knows you wouldn’t see him even if you looked back.

One hand against the glass, the other working his cock as he watches you stand and go for a small walk.

God, he could just bend you over, tug that little piece of fabric to the side and be inside you in seconds. You’d be so surprised, so tight, wait, he’d probably have to open you up first.

Laying you out on the beach chair, pulling the strings from your body, pushing your legs up to your chest and licking at your sweet cunt.

He moans, he’s missed the taste, can hardly remember it.

You’d whimper so sweetly, maybe try to fight him off because you liked to play so much.

You’d beg him for more eventually-

Billy’s brain short circuits when the top falls from your body, and then a few moments later he has an uninhibited view of your ass.

His hand hits the glass, he leans forward, his breath misting on the cool surface.

He begs you to turn around but you don’t, gliding into the water and swimming a little. He gets a peek of your breasts as you float and he’s on the brink of orgasm.

He’d fuck you in the water if you wanted, or kiss you on the sand instead, with your hands in his hair and his tongue in your mouth and your breasts in his hands and you’d whimper for him to be inside you and he’d take you back to his room and come so deep inside you that-

Billy grunts loudly as he comes, trying his best to catch his spend in his hands and not leave a drop behind. It seeps from his fist and he’s forced to wipe it on his boxers. His forehead on the cool glass as he pants your name, the fog from his breath blurring his view of you.

It’s so messy, and he feels so vulnerable looking out at you  craving you in a way he barely understands.


It was like he was fifteen again, exploring himself for the first time and he couldn’t get enough of it. Every little thing you did gave him a raging erection that would not go away until sated.

Like right now, he’d excused himself from dinner, after they’d worked so hard to prepare it, he wasn’t hungry for food as he was for the taste of your skin in his mouth.

He had the flesh of his palm secured between his teeth- muffling his moans while he fucked his fist in the bathroom.

Why? You had only wanted to wear some of the prettier clothes in your closet. Showing up to dinner in a black sequined dress that glimmered when you moved, catching on the light, framing your skin.

It was torture. To have purged you from his life for two years, and then be thrust back into your presence. He was only human, he could only take so much.

You confidence was arousing. Your sarcasm was his undoing. Your smile was the heat searing his skin and in your eyes was his salvation.

He craved, like he’d never craved before.

But he wouldn’t be the first to give in, he couldn’t, not after the way he’d hurt you. So he’d settle for this, sneaking off at any available moment to wring pleasure from himself that you could probably wring from him with just a kiss.

The very reminder of your mouth had him coming in his hand.

Like he was fifteen all over again.


“Are you alright?” You ask when he returns to the dinner table.

He looks flushed, perhaps angry, but there’s a calmness to him that wasn’t there when he’d excused himself ten minutes ago.

“Yes, I- uh- yes. I’m good.”

You blink at him, resuming your meal.




The Agony of Desire

Part 5 // Masterlist

Warnings: Nothing much, just some plot , sex talks.


“I wonder if I could take back every ‘I love you’ ever said to you, would I do it?”

-Faraaz Kazi


The house is quiet.

Too quiet.

Was that ringing always there? You think you can hear the quiet thump of your heart.

Each breath echoes in the room and you sit up, looking over at the little clock on the bedside, 2am.

Back home, the muffled sounds of the city could lull you to sleep so easily. Here, you could hear every move you made.

You wonder if Billy is struggling to sleep. No, he was trained to sleep anywhere, using rocks as pillows and drawing warmth from the hot earth.

You step out of bed quietly, moving to the door that joined your rooms together. He told you it was just for emergencies, in case he needed to get to you quickly. You hadn’t considered that you’d be using it first.

The door opens quietly, and you step into the room. You can see his bare back on the bed, the sheets wrapped around his hips, one arm curled around the pillow by his head.

You think about waking him, eventually calling his name quietly, knowing that sneaking into an ex-marine’s bed in the middle of the night was probably a bad idea.

He raises his head, eyes half open when he turns to look at you.

He calls your name in curiosity.

“Can I sleep next to you? It’s too quiet.”

He nods, pulling back the covers and you get in easily, getting comfortable.

“No cuddling.” You whisper to him as he looks at you settle.

“Okay.” He murmurs, returning to his original position.

You scooch a little closer, so that you can hear his slow breaths. You think you can almost feel the heat of his skin, pulling you in like a magnet, but you convince yourself it’s in your head, that you can’t feel the warmth of his body from so far away.

You fall asleep to the sound of his breathing, the sound of his relaxation having an effect on you.


The longer you stay in his presence, the more you ache to touch him, but everything is so spacious, and you’re the only two people on the island, and the only time you can touch him is when he’s giving you something.

Which means your favourite time is preparing meals with him, because he’s constantly giving things to you, vegetables to chop, utensils, ingredients and he’s always so close.

He ties your stomach into knots, all you want to do is touch him and never stop.

The worst thing is that he’s respectful.

Ever since you extended your hand to him and offered to be friends, he’s done nothing to make you doubt his easy friendship.

The banter has been turned up, the kissing has been turned down and it’s a good start to an enjoyable friendship.

You know that being friends with him isn’t sustainable though, as you watch him sizzle mouthwatering steaks on the stove, laughing when you tell him that he isn’t using enough rosemary and he rolls his eyes and picks up another stem from the little pile beside him, you know, loving him is inevitable.

You just have to figure out how to forgive him for hurting you.

“Have you, um, been with anyone since me?” You ask him during dinner. He looks up with surprise on his face.

“I tried,” he admits, “When I found out you and Ward were together. There was this Homeland agent I was working alongside to take down some people, we got a little drunk one night, but… it ended quickly.”

“Something happened?” You prompt, when he doesn’t elaborate.

He looks down at his beer and you think he might be blushing.

“I uh, said your name, when I was inside her, and-” he lets out a little laugh, “-really killed the mood, you know?”

You smile at him in sympathy, taking a bite of your food.

“What about you? I know about Karen, anyone else?”

You choke.

“You know about Karen?” You say, eyes watering as you try to catch your breath.

He chuckles, rubbing your back.

“Yeah, about a week after me, right? She indirectly mentioned it when I asked her how you two met.”

You give him and apologetic smile, “So yeah, Karen, and…. a brief….test with Ward.”

Billy’s hand tightens on the beer bottle.


“Yeah. Oh.” You smile.

“What… what kind of test?” He asks.

You think telling him now will be much easier than having him find out later.

“We, wanted to see how well we worked together, figure out how… easy the marriage could be. We… kissed, I- I gave him a- yeah, and that’s pretty much it.”

He blinks looking at you, a tilt of his head.

“That’s it?” He asks, looking perplexed.

“Yeah, I guess he has all the information he needed, because he asked me to marry him a week later.”

Billy looks like he wants to ask something more and you try to distract him by grabbing your plates and dropping them off in the sink.


“So, wait,” he says, turning to you a little later as you both sit and look out at the beach from the verandah, your second glass of wine in hand and your head feeling fuzzy.

You turn to him as dramatically as he turns to you.

“You gave him a blowjob? That’s it? He didn’t go down on you in return?”

You hum.

“Well, he said he didn’t like doing it, a personal preference.”

“Bullshit,” Billy spits, “Did you even come?”

“Yeah, a bit, on his fingers.”

“A bit? What do you mean a bit?”

You finish your second glass laughing.

“It was- well his rhythm was too fast and I couldn’t focus so I… faked it, but it felt okay, a good okay.”

You thought Billy would look pleased at that, but instead he just looks angrier.

“So, let’s just see if I understand this, you go down on him, he doesn’t return the favour, he doesn’t make you come, and you were going to marry him?”

“Not much of a choice, Bill, plus, some men don’t like going down on women, that’s okay, and I was too wound up to actually have an orgasm, worried about how I looked and all of that. It’s not that big a deal.”

Billy shakes his head.

“Can I confess something to you, Y/N? As a friend?”

You nod, eyeing him curiously as he leans forward.

“You have the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen. A delicious, little pussy that deserves to be kissed at every opportunity. The fact that you almost accepted a life that would have given you none of that? Makes me angrier than I can say. I’m glad you didn’t marry him.”

You couldn’t form a coherent thought.


He leans back, taking a casual sip of his beer, a shrug of his shoulder.

“Just the truth, no need to respond. Should we go for a walk on the beach?”


You couldn’t stop thinking about his words, so much so that your brain conjures up a vivid memory later that night.

His mouth, sealed to your pussy, his arms wrapped around your thighs- locking you in place.

“You stay where I put you, sweetness.” He says to you.

Hair askew, breathing shallow, his tongue working wonders on your sweetest of spots.

“Billy…” you sigh.

Your toes curling, hands clenching into fists and you’re almost… almost…

You wake up before you hit that peak, opening your eyes to find the subject of your dream facing you, still sound asleep.

You pull in a slow breath, desperate not to wake him. He’d take one look at you and know.

His face is so close, you could lean forward and kiss him, your eyes drifting to his mouth, pink and welcoming and you wonder how soft.

It would be so easy, leaning forward pressing your lips to his just like he’d done twice before. Maybe he’d wake up, his fingers would be firm behind your neck holding you in place when you try to pull away, laughing into your mouth in that excited sleepy way that he does. He’d trace your skin, pulling you closer and maybe he’d make your dreams come true.

You squeeze your eyes shut. Thinking about him, you can almost forget the harsh way he looked when he told you he wasn’t interested in you anymore.


But not entirely.

You sit up, taking the quick route to your room and shutting the door quietly behind you, leaving him behind.





A/N: Yes, reader and Karen had sex… and then they became friends… and then Karen starts dating Frank.

The Agony of Desire

Part 4 // Masterlist

Warnings: Angst I guess


“To know the pain of too much tenderness.”

-The Prophet, Khalil Gibran


You go down to the ground floor, marching angrily or as angrily as the dress will allow.

Billy Russo was the bane of your existence. A man you once loved more than anything else and breaking up with him had hurt you so much.

You’d spent days in bed crying, eventually wiping your eyes and throwing everything of his out.

He’d asked you to swing by his office, and you’d gladly done so, never giving you any reason to think that he wanted to end things, that he no longer felt the same way about you that he did at first. Which was crazy to hear, because everything was so good with him. Billy had been your best friend, the love of your life. But you hadn’t been his.

“I’m just not interested in you like that anymore.” He’d said.

You’d spluttered in confusion, barely able to form a sentence.

“Do I have to spell it out for you? I never want to see you again.”

He’d left you, scraping at the broken pieces of your heart.

And now?

He claimed to love you again?


You might have been weird, and a little bit of a ditz sometimes, but you knew when you were being played.

And you wouldn’t let Billy play you ever again.

You keep walking, past the pool and into the grass. Your heels sink into the dirt a little, and your dress drags in the grass but you’re filled with too much anger and spite to stop and think.

You don’t stop at the tree line, stepping in and moving over fallen logs and thick brushes. The area is hot and humid and you begin to feel like you’re melting.

It’s what finally makes you stop your angry internal rant- the heat and the weight of the dress finally getting too uncomfortable for you.

You swipe the back of your hand over your forehead, suddenly distracted by the sound of water nearby.

You follow the sound- to find a beautiful little lake. There’s a small pile of rocks at the far end, with water pouring through the top and cascading down. You notice that the lake is lined with neat rocks and realise that it’s a man made structure, designed to look natural.

It’s beautiful and you ache for a swim.

You begin tearing at your dress, tugging the laces at the back free and taking your time with the troublesome zipper.

“Oh fuck this fucking-” You curse at the dress and the designer and the mother-in-law you’ll never have for putting you in it.

You actually have to slip out from under it. Bending your knees and sliding to the bottom and crawling out through the skirts. You’re not surprised that the dress can manage to stand on it’s own for a moment before collapsing into a heap of white.

If you’re uncomfortable about being in your bridal lingerie in the middle of the little forest, you try not to let it get to you. You and Billy were most likely the only two people on the island anyway.

You shed your stockings and garter, and then you slip into the cold water.

It’s a little too cold at first, and you hiss in surprise and delight at the feeling.

It feels so good, after the day you’ve had, putting your face and hair into the water and just letting yourself go.

The water weighs your hair down, and you take your time, pulling the pins out and placing them on the water’s edge.

It’s so peaceful, it relaxes you so much and you begin to feel truly at ease for the first time in a long time.

You know Frank was the best of the best at protecting people, and if he was looking after your parents, you knew they were in the safest hands possible.

So, though you were worried, you knew they’d be okay.

You’re floating in peace, sounds of rippling water in your ear, and your hair reaching out in every direction around your shoulders.

You didn’t know how to feel about Billy, so you try not to think about it, to ignore the conflicting emotions, the acknowledgement that he’s the one that got you both in, and out of these messes.

Instead, you focus on where you are, focusing only on what you can see, smell, hear and feel, paying attention to everything and nothing all at once.

In your peripherals, something moves, and you raise your head and sink your feet to see Billy approaching swiftly.

He’s got a look of determination set on his face, and you worry for a moment that something might have happened.

“You have, every right to be angry at me,” he starts, pausing at the edge of the pond and looking down at you as you tread water easily. “Every reason to hate me, I hurt you in unimaginable ways, I put you and your parents in danger, and I wasn’t very tactile in getting you here.”

You don’t say a word, your eyebrow raises curiously.

“But thinking that I don’t love you? Is absolutely insane… and as I stood up there just now trying to figure out why you would doubt me, I realise that you don’t have the full story.”

He looks agitated, you’ve never seen him this worked up before, moving back and forth, unable to look at you.

“Two years ago, I was neck deep in shady shit. I was smuggling guns and ammo into the city by the container. Selling it to the highest bigger. I put guns on those streets, and I told myself that someone else would be doing it even if I wasn’t.”

He stops for a breath.

“And then I met you, and it’s like my life exploded. I didn’t even wantto love you that much- it- it just happened.”

He finally looks at you, but it feels like he’s not seeing you, but rather remembering the past.

“One day I had the terrifying thought that the guns I put out there could be the same ones that kill you and I wanted to die.”

“But, getting out wasn’t easy, and it meant I had to piss off the worst fuckers in New York to do it.”

His eyebrows are drawn together, he begins pacing again, so agitated and all you want to do is calm him down.

“Breaking up with you had to look legit, I was under a microscope, and one wrong move could get you killed. I couldn’t let what happened to Maria happen to you. So I ended things, but I never stopped loving you, not for a second since we met, not even a little bit less after two years apart…. You have my whole world in your smile and my foolish heart in your hands.”

He finally stops. Turning to you, waiting on a response that you haven’t come up with yet.

“Okay.” You say, still deep in thought.

He huffs.

“Okay? That’s all you have to say? Okay?”

You break into a smile, at his irritated demeanour.

“Well, what do you want me to say? I’m still processing… I thought you didn’t like me anymore, I believed that for two years. Why didn’t you trust me to tell me? We could have figured something out.”

You begin swimming to the edge where he stands.

“If they thought for a second that I was still in love with you, you’d have been dead before I could blink. I didn’t know where my next attack could come from, and I wasn’t as established and protected as I wanted to be. I couldn’t keep you safe then.”

“Okay… But it still hurt so much. You still ripped my heart out and almost killed me yourself.”

He looks pained.

“I’m so sorry. I wished there was another way.”

You sigh.

“I guess it’s too late now to figure one out.” You say, pushing yourself out of the water, taking his hand when he offers it to help you up.

“I can’t forgive you just yet, I’m still thinking about whether you deserve it or not, but… I’ll let you know when I figure it out.”

You extend your hand to him, a peace offering.


He lets out an unsteady laugh.

“Sure, friends.” He says giving your hand a shake.

The silence is long at you look at each other with this new label settling between you.

“As a friend I have to tell you I can’t focus on anything with you looking like that.” He then admits.

You look down at the white lacy lingerie, clinging to your skin and leaving nothing to the imagination.

You turn to look at the dress, debating whether to put it back on, stomach twisting at the thought.

“Here-” he says, tugging his grey shirt off and offering it to you. You smile, accepting it easily, eyes skimming over his chest.

“Come on, I’ll carry you back since those shoes are impractical.”

He does, lifting you onto his back and you cling to his bare skin as best as possible.

When he leans to grab the white dress, you mumble in protest.

“Leave it.” You say, “It’s not like I’m going to use it again anyway.”

He doesn’t comment, beginning the short trek back to the house, leaving the pile of white fabric behind to be reclaimed by nature.




Anomalous Fate: “Now what?”

Author’s Note: Finally another chapter for this series, I’m sorry it’s taking so long omg, but we’re finally passed all the technical stuff so hopefully we start moving more into the main plot. It’s still minor bad writing but I’m hoping to get better lol. Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did, xx

Pairing: OT7 x Reader

Warnings: kidnapping, BTS not thinking situations through, Jimin being kinda creepy

“So, four of us share a soulmate?” Yoongi asked, and as the other four boys nodded, he sighed and sat back on the couch in their dressing room.

The concert was long over, giving the boys thirty minutes to get ready for the little meet and greet they have in just a few minutes now.

Namjoon is stuck in his thoughts, wracking his brain for a solution to the problem, and wondering if any solution he comes up with is the appropriate one, until he gives up. 

“It’s nearly impossible to even think about what comes after this. We go back to Korea in a week, there’s nothing we can do.”

“Hyung, you’re not serious?” Jimin’s shoulders deflate slightly at the possible outcome of this situation.

“Yes, I’m serious, it’s a curse that this is how our fate is tied but We. Can’t. do. Anything.” Namjoon is stern while looking at Jimin and sits, but as each member processes his words, Jimin’s eyes brighten up and he opens his mouth to speak, but Jin beats him to it.

“Nope, no, I know what you’re all gonna say and nope, don’t even think about it.” Seokjin dismisses

He glances around the room and shakes his head at his younger members, “You can’t just kidnap someone!”

Yoongi tilts his head, “It’s not kidnapping if she’s our soulmate…”

Hoseok butts in, “…and if we already know she likes us…” 

Seokjin pinches his forehead, “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation.”

Jimin stands and walks to the other end of the room, “Hyung, we can’t just let her go. Not when we finally know who it is, not when we’re so close!”

“Jimin look, I get it. If that was my soulmate I would be feeling just as conflicted, but we need to think rationally here. Her life is here, her friends, family, school, job, everything she has, is here. Our life is in Korea, we can’t just take her and expect her to adapt to that. And what if word gets out that we kidnapped a girl? What would that do for us, our career. Shit, what would that do for her?” Jin rants, looking at the four boys in shame.

“Hyung said no, and I mean it.” Jin finishes with a strict tone so his younger members know not to ask again, diminishing any last hope his brothers had.

Jungkook and Taehyung are sitting on the couch, staying quiet. Taehyung couldn’t really believe the chaos that unfolded in just a matter of a couple hours. His hyungs finding their soulmate, finding out they share said soulmate, and now asking if they can just take her with them back to Seoul. He could almost relate to his hyungs though, knowing that if he found his soulmate here, he would everything in his power to have her move with him.

Jungkook was much the same, he was trying to process everything, but more than that, he found himself hoping that his hyungs would go through with the idea, because deep inside, he hoped she was his soulmate too. They were brothers, they shared everything, why not this?

“NO! You can’t make me!” Y/N struggles against her friend’s arms, dragging her toward the room where they’ll be meeting the boys.

Kristie groans, “Y/N, that’s enough, you’re meeting them because Jasmine’s dad didn’t spend all this money just for you to stand outside the door.”

Y/N slumps down the wall and looks at her friends guilty, feeling sorry for ruining what was supposed to be a good night.

“I’m sorry I’m roping you guys into this.” 

Kristie and Jasmine sit beside their friend and grab her hands, “Hey, it’s fine, this is actually a lot more amusing than you think.”

Jasmine nods, “It might be scary now, but hey, you finally found your soulmates, you should be ecstatic. Sure, it might be a few of the BTS members, but they’re still normal guys. You’re a dime and a half Y/N, I’d be more surprised if they didn’t accept it. I know they will.”

After calming a little, Y/N smiles at her friends’ words, “I guess maybe I am overthinking it all, but it’s very overwhelming,” she slowly stands and helps her friends up as well, “It’ll be nerve-wracking as hell but, I do want to meet them.”

Kristie and Jasmine cheer and they all file into the room, one after the other, and are met with a shorter line than expected, moving to the back, and smiling politely at the fellow army.

Jimin is lost in thought as he follows his members down the hall, he was hoping to see his soulmate waiting for him in the meeting room after he saw her run out of the theatre. 

He understood that it may have been overwhelming for you, but he didn’t expect you to just leave like that.

He hears excited murmuring and squeals as they approach the meeting room, and when he enters, his eyes are immediately glancing at the fans, waving, and smiling politely. 

As his eyes reach the end of the line, he has to contain his excitement when he notices his string ends just on the other side of two girls, his mood lifting.

It’s another hour before he notices there’s only two more girls before he gets to properly meet you and what looks like your friends.

He looks at Namjoon, who gives him a slight thumbs up.

“Look who’s excited.” Hoseok teases his friend. Namjoon huffs a laugh and looks down, “Aren’t you?” Hoseok nods, “Of course, it’s about time we get to meet them.”

Namjoon nods knowingly, and the boys all smile for the photos, making sure to give the fans in front of them their complete attention. 

As the two girls walk out of the room, the staff mention, “Last three, you can come up now girls.”

As each boy glances at them, the seven boys feel a sudden pull in their chest to the girl with blue hair, and Seokjin furrows his eyebrows in confusion at the feeling. Shaking it off as him being tired, as he pulls the tallest girl in for a slight hug.

Taehyung smiles politely and makes out a quick, “Hello, nice meeting you.” 

As Taehyung is smiling at the shortest girl, he glances at her shoes, nodding along to make sure she knows he’s listening, and his eyes wander from her shoes to her friend’s shoes, and as his eyes go to flicker back to the girl in front of him, they land on her friend’s wrist, pausing at the time written on it.

He flickers to his own wrist and tenses at the fact that they’re the exact same.

He shakes his head slightly and focuses back on the conversation, he feels bad that he’s missed a bit of it, but she doesn’t seem to notice, which he’s grateful for.

As the girls move around and make conversation, Jungkook finds himself standing in front of Y/N and he bows his head slightly, “Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Jungguk.” He holds his hand out to shake and as the girl takes it, she smiles nervously, “Hello, uh my name is Y/N, it’s really nice to meet y-ow!”

Jungkook and the girl both pull back when they’re hands meet, Jungkook hissing at the pain and Y/N rubbing her palm. 

“Yah, Jungguk-ah, you okay?” Hoseok asks in Korean, and the youngest nods, turning his attention to you, “You okay?”

He sees the girl nod, but she continues rubbing her palm, “I’m fine.” 

Namjoon clears his throat at the weird encounter and stands beside the two, “Shall we take a picture?”

Everyone nods and Jimin immediately pulls Y/N toward him, standing her right in the middle of the group, Y/N laughs nervously and smiles for the picture, not noticing Jimin or Yoongi’s tight grip on her waist.

She’s still very nervous, not talking much at all, but the members are being sweet to her, maybe a little too sweet but none of them bring up the soulmate thing and Y/N isn’t sure anymore whether the pull in her chest is because of their ties, or her heart breaking at the thought of them not wanting her after seeing her up close.

Jimin ignored the string, Hoseok didn’t mention the hair, hiding his beneath his beanie, Yoongi didn’t say anything about his itchy wrist, and she saw that Namjoon had washed off the writing on his forearm.

Her eyes burn with tears, but she blinks them away as soon as they come, putting a smile on her face as to not bring any concern.

She notices Taehyung staring from time to time, but she ignores it as much as she can, she saw his time when she first hugged him but decided against saying anything, she couldn’t handle having yet another member as her soulmate, or more so, she couldn’t handle another member rejecting their tie.

She found she was most comfortable around Jin because there was no correlation as to them being tied together, naturally gravitating at the fact she didn’t have to worry about looking or acting a certain way.

He was making her laugh with his jokes, wanting nothing more than for her to be comfortable around him and his brothers, it was working, but either of them failed to notice the death glares shot at the pair.

“It was very nice meeting you all today, we hope to see you very soon again.” Namjoon spoke for him and his members, smiling at the three girls, who all slightly bow and return the smile, “Thank you for the great show, we hope to see you again as well.”

Y/N waves as she walks out with her friends, her hopes diminishing at the fact that none of them wanted her, or even brought it up. She can feel her eyes burn and before she leaves, she glances at Jimin once more who smirks, “We’ll see you very soon, love.”

She nods and smiles as best she can, walking out of the door and into her friend’s arms, Kristie rubbing her back and comforting her as they walk out of the theatre, Y/N sniffing quietly. 

“You’ll find someone eventually Y/N, there’s a lot of people out there who don’t have a soulmate or who were, uhm…left alone…but don’t worry too much about that.” Jasmine consoled her friend as much as she could, but truthfully, she didn’t know what to do. It was rare to have a soulmate that didn’t want you, and what made this situation a little worse, Y/N already had so much love and care for hers.

“I just don’t understand why they totally ignored it, they could have at least told me they didn’t want me, instead of completely disregarding the elephant in the room.”

“They were jerks for that, but at least Jin was nice.” Kristie tried and Y/N nodded, “He really was, maybe if I had him as a soulmate, he would have been nicer. Instead of being ignored by all five of mine.” 

Jasmine frowned at Y/N’s words, “Five?” Y/N nodded and looked down at her clock, “Taehyung’s clock is the other half to this one, making him my fifth soulmate.”

“…then I guess that means Jungkook is your sixth?” Y/N looked at Kristie with confusion, but her eyes followed where she was pointing, and on the inside of her right palm, written in lovely cursive, ‘Jeon Jungkook.’

Groaning loudly, she threw her head back and rubbed at her puffy eyes, “Fuck.”

“Listen, I’m fine, that was a few days ago now and I have to move on, it’s whatever.” Y/N explained to her friends, finishing up her late lunch and moving to put her plate in the sink.

“I know, but we’re just making sure everything is okay with you, but if you say everything is fine then we’ll take your word for it.” Jasmine shrugged, Y/N smiles at her friends and thanks them and all three girls startle at her phone that suddenly blares. 

“Hello?” Y/N answers, hearing her boss on the other line,

hey y/n, I was wondering if you can make it in for an evening shift in like two hours? I know it’s last minute, but Hailey needed to leave, her babysitter bailed’

Y/N thought about it and decided it could take her mind off everything, so she agreed, telling the girls, and going off to get ready.

It’s been six days since the meet and greet, and Y/N was doing better honestly, she accepted her fate and didn’t want to dwell on it too much. But even she had to admit, in those times of quietness or in times of loneliness, it still hurt to know.

What made it easier for her was the call back she had gotten the day after the concert about an opening they were having at a clothing store she applied to at the mall. She stumbled upon the website when she was shopping and since summer was around the corner, she thought she’d apply. It’s where she’s been training for the past four days and although she wasn’t supposed to officially start until next week, her boss gave her an opportunity and of course, Y/N jumped at it.

Not wanting to be distracted by her thoughts anymore, Y/N took a quick shower, changing into semi comfortable clothes and brushed through her hair. 

She took her time in doing some makeup and thinking about which bag she was going to take, making sure all the necessities were included, grabbing her keychain with her Mall ID and walking out of her room.

“Ready? Did you need a ride there?” Kristie asked

Y/N nodded, “Yeah that’d be great.”

“Let’s go.”

“Will you need a ride home afterwards?” Kristie asks her friend, watching her gather her things and put her hand on the door handle, “I could order an Uber, I know you have that dinner with Darren tonight.” Y/N reminds and Kristie nods

“Yeah, but if you end up needing one, just hit me up, I gotchu.” Y/N nods at her friends and words and opens the door, stepping out and turning back around to smile and wave, “See ya.” She shuts the door and walks to the side of the mall, going through the little alley and into the side door. 

The hallway is quite hectic, she’s passing other workers of the mall and smiling politely, memorizing the way to the clothing store.

As she comes to the back entrance, right into the stocking room, she’s greeted by her manager, who smiles in relief upon seeing her.

“Thank god you came, we’re understaffed right now and need someone else on the till, as it starts slowing down you and Ali can slowly restock the racks and counters in front, we have a new line of clothes that are just waiting to be viewed.” Y/N nods at her words, walking at a faster pace to keep up, before coming up to the till.

Ali smiles at her to which she returns, glancing at the hands of her boss, “Here’s your password and user for the system, you’re trained on the POS already but if you have any trouble do not hesitate to walk away for some help, it’s always best to have customers wait a few seconds while you get help than to have customers wait a few minutes for you to figure it out on your own.” Once again Y/N nods and her boss leaves her to it. 

She lets out a sigh at the longer than usual line and calls up her first customer.

‘here’s to my first day…’

“I can help who’s next!”

“So, where do you go to school?” Ali asks, scooping a little bit of her fro-yo and glancing at y/n

“I go to U of C; do you attend school?”

Ali nods, “I go to California State, I’m in my first year actually.” Y/N hums, “Oh okay, I remember my first year really well, I couldn’t imagine having to balance work and school though, but now this year I decided to try it out.”

“It gets hard sometimes, but it’s worth it I guess.” Both girls nod knowingly and continue to eat in silence.

“Do you guys close early if there’s no customers, or do you stay for the full shift?” y/n asked

“Sometimes we do that, but most times we like to stay for the whole shift, depends on if we have stocking to do.”

She hums and stretches her neck to see around the store, after that chaos of a line, both girls managed to get everyone satisfied with their purchases and out the store. It took about two hours to get it all sorted and as soon as the last customer left, they both collapsed on the floor, their other co-worker Gina bringing them fro-yo as a little treat.

“I think Gina is sorting through the back, I guess we could start bringing the new collection out. But first, we need to take those-” Ali points to a section of winter jackets, “-to the back, and bring out whatever she has for us.”

y/n nods and stands up, throwing her cup in the trash and making her way to the back of the store, taking out a cart and wheeling it over to the front of the store, carefully grabbing each jacket and taking it off the hanger and throwing it in the cart.

Her ears perk when she hears a couple boys laugh, glancing over and noticing three guys with masks on and some beanies. Paying them no mind, she goes back to sorting the jackets but when she looks and make eye contact with one of them, she notices him smile and slightly bow his head but before she can return it, her palm gets itchy.

Scratching it a little, y/n sees Ali walk up to the rack, “I brought this for the hangers.” She gestures at a basket and sets it down, picking up the hangers that y/n left and putting them inside.

y/n takes a chance and glances toward the man again, when she notices he’s gone, her eyes scan the stores that she can see and furrows her brows when she notices he’s completely disappeared. Shrugging it off, she goes back to her work.

It’s several hours later when the girls are double checking the store, making sure everything is in its place and nothing is out of the ordinary.

In the past few hours all three girls have put away the winter clothes, sorted through the spring and summer collections and placed them out for everyone to browse through. Shoes were placed on the rack and bikinis were folded neatly on the display tables, right down to the jewelry in front of the tills.

A few customers came in but after a while, as the mall was slowly closing, less and less of a crowd made it through, but each girl didn’t mind much.

“30 minutes until closing time, I’m going to run over to the food court for a quick bite, did you guys want anything?” Ali asked to which y/n and Gina shook their heads.

As she walked out, Gina’s phone rang, and she went to the back to open it.

y/n shrugged as she was left on her own, but her ears perked up when she heard someone come in, she gently smiled at the younger male, although you can’t really see it under her mask, and she waited at the till for them to browse.

y/n enjoyed her first day at work, which she didn’t expect, it was hectic at first but once she got used to the busy atmosphere, she found herself feeling happy that she was given this opportunity.

She rang up the customer as his eyes looked around the store, his gaze flitting to the back and to the front, and he grabs some hairpins that were displayed on the counter, “for my young niece, she’s only five but she’s learning to do her own hair already.” He explains, earning a gentle nod from y/n.

y/n tried her best to converse with her customer, wanting to waste these last few minutes of her shift, and once she bagged the man’s items, she sent him on his way, walking behind him to the front and pulling out the storefront gate and sliding it shut, making sure to leave a little space for Ali to walk in.

Gina comes back in from the back, already dressed and texting on her phone, “You were given keys, right?” y/n nods and pulls them out of her pocket.

“Okay good, Ali usually exits out the front and I lock up in the back, but my mom just called and she needs me to watch my younger brother, I have to be there in like ten minutes, you don’t mind locking up through the back today, would you?” 

Y/N shakes her head, “No, no, that’s totally fine.”

Gina sighs in relief, “Thank you so much, I’ll see you on your next shift, good night!” y/n returns her words with a smile and wave before once again, making sure all the clothes are in place and her till is turned off, taking the money out, and walking to the back room.

She’s in the process of counting when she sees through the cameras that Ali is back, seeing her setting her food down and grabbing her till as well before walking in the back, her figure appearing in the room just a moment later.

“Gina had to leave early, so I’ll be locking through the back.” She explains, Ali nods, “Sounds good.”

They made small talk and put their till and the extra money in the safe, grabbing their things and going back out to the front.

“Well, I’ll see you on your next shift, hopefully that’s soon.” Ali speaks, she turns to see y/n nod, “I hope so, today wasn’t bad, I enjoyed it.” Ali quickly agrees, “It’s one of the best, although on bad days, that could seem like a lie,” she giggles, “but I’ll see you, have a good night.”


Ali shrugs out of the store, shutting and locking the gate, and marches toward the exit.

y/n pulls out her phone and orders an Uber, signalling that it will be here in the next 5 minutes, before grabbing her bag and closing the store lights.

She shuts the door behind her and locks it before making her way down the hallway, seeming much quieter now that most of the other employees are gone, and steps outside, seeing a black suv parked outside. 

She makes sure to see the Uber sign before opening the door, “Is this for y/n?” the driver nods and she gets in, shutting the door and leaning into the soft seat.

As the driver pulls away, y/n turns her head to the side and out of the corner of her eye she notices movement in the backseat.

Startled, she goes to look behind her but the figure leans forward and places his hands arms, pulling her into the seat.

Y/N shrieks and leans forward, “No, stop!”

Another set of hands place themselves on her eyes, and she doesn’t see the figure grab the cloth in his lap, just feels the fabric over her mouth and taking a deep breathe in.

She fights for a bit before going completely limp, falling into the seat.

Both figures take off their beanies and masks, the first one flicking her head, “Did it work?”

“Of course, it worked, dummy.” Namjoon pushes his younger member’s shoulders

“Well, I don’t know, we haven’t exactly done this before hyung” Jungkook argues

“He’s got a point.” Yoongi speaks from the driver’s seat, he glances at the girl on the seat before looking at his members, “Now what?”

“What do you mean?” Jungkook asks, and Yoongi furrows his brows, “Don’t tell me you didn’t NOT think about what happens after this?”

Jungkook shrugs, “I came up with the first part, I thought you guys would have contributed a little.”

“Contributed?! Why would we-” Namjoon stops himself from shouting and sighs, pinching his nose bridge


“You did WHAT? After I specifically told you NOT to?!” Jin shouts as he paces the room, all three of his friends sitting on the floor, and an unconscious girl laying sprawled on the couch

“We leave in one hour; how do you expect us to-I mean how did you even-oh my gosh.” Jin is almost panicking, having no clue at all how to fix this.

“Even if we did send her home, she’d wake up confused and scared as hell that something happened to her, but we just can’t take her either, and we sure as hell can’t exactly wait until she wakes up!” He explains to his members

“What’s with all the shouting?” Their heads snap at the door being opened and the other three members walking in, Jimin immediately perking up, “You actually, did it??” Jin glares at him and he clears his throat, “I-I mean, shame on you guys, this is…bad.” 

Jungkook huffs, “It was your idea too Jimin!”

Jin crosses his arms and looks pointedly at Jimin, who throws his arms up exasperatedly, “Okay, and?? So, I helped a little, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that she’s here…with us…with me.” He walks over to y/n’s sleeping form and smiles to himself

“C’mon hyung, she’s our soulmate, you can’t just expect us to leave her!” Hobi whines and Jin feels like screaming into a pillow.

Taehyung pipes in, staring at his clock, “If she’s tied with all of us, who’s to say she isn’t tied to you too?” 

Jin pauses and glances at the girl, there’s a chance, but a slim one.

He sighs heavily, “Okay, fine, here’s the plan…”

Anomalous Fate - The Concert

Author’s Note: Thank you so much for waiting, I find that longer chapter’s take me longer to finish bc I get writer’s block a lot, soooo to fix that, I will be making each chapter shorter so hopefully that will mean more updates. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I am still learning to write stories so in the future I hope the writing will get better as well !

I changed their setlist because this takes place in PTD on Stage era, so I’m sorry if I don’t bring up anything about the pandemic, however, the reason I bring it up is because I need to change the setlist a little bit, that’s all.

Let me know if you liked this style of writing and I’ll continue to write my chapters like this if you’d like :)

“It’s on my shirt!” Y/N yells and playfully whacks her friend, Jasmine giggles from the doorway, “We told you to wear an ugly shirt, not one you bought a week ago.”

Y/N sticks her tongue out at her in the mirror, scooping the glob of hair dye off with a paper towel.

Kristie rolls her eyes and laughs, “We’re almost done you big baby, then you can just let it process for 20 minutes.”

“Should we make tiktoks while we wait?” Jasmine pipes up and Y/N shrieks, “Not like this!”

“Listen, if J-Hope isn’t your soulmate, can I be?” Kristie states, looking at your now dry and styled hair.

“Girl seriously, you look amazing, even if you aren’t his soulmate, I’m sure they’d be staring anyways.” Jasmine smiles.

Y/N brushed her fingers through her hair and smiled at herself, she found herself quite excited for tomorrow.

“Y/N, let’s go!” Jasmine yelled excitedly, practically jumping at the door.

“I’m coming!!” Y/N squealed, patting her new hair down before placing the hat on top, “Hurry Y/N, Kris is already in the Uber.” Jasmine pulls Y/N by her wrist and both girls run out with huge smiles

As each girl got comfortable in the car, Jasmine squealed once again, unable to contain her excitement, “I can’t believe we’re actually going to see BTS!” Her older friends nodded, “Finally!”

“I can’t wait, I’m so excited!” Kristie clapped, “Okay, you know the fan chants, right?”

“Here, our seats are right here.” Y/N guides her friends toward their respective seats and they each put the merch they bought on the floor, making sure everything was okay.

As they waited for the concert to start, they chatted with other ARMY, making new friends, and seeing a few familiar faces.

“Okay, okay, it starts in like five minutes, ah, I’m nervous but excited, I can’t believe we’re here!” Kristie shouts, turning back around to face the front.

“I know, we’re so close too!” Y/N jumps a little, moving to her hat off, and just as they take out their phones, the lights in the theatre lower a bit, and each fan in the audience screams when the melody of ON plays, and a few seconds later, Jimin comes on stage and begins his part, and as Y/N looks through the lens of her camera, her eyes widen, and she tightens the grip around her phone, a quiet gasp leaving her mouth.

Her army bomb drops to the floor as her eyes land on the string that slowly appears straight across, up on stage, and connected right to Jimin’s pinky.

She’s frozen as she looks at him, unmoving and breathing shaky, even as he runs to the left of the stage, making way for Taehyung and RM.

Jasmine looks toward her friends but frowns at Y/N’s state, she nudges Kristie and they both lean in, “Y/N, you okay?”

Y/N points to the stage, “He’s my…our string…Jimin.” She looks at her friends with panic and as the two girls look at the stage, Jimin and Jungkook are coming back on, and Kristie furrows her brows, “Your string?” Y/N nods, “Jimin has the same one, like, we’re, he’s, our string is connected.”

“But his hair, it’s not the same…” Kristie reminds, and all three girls stare at the boys, until all of them come on, and Hobi appears, with the same exact hair as Y/N.

Jasmine’s jaw drops, “No fucking way, so you have two?!”

Y/N shakes her head in disbelief, “There’s no fucking way.”

As they continue to watch the boys dance with anxious hearts, ON comes to an end and just as Y/N was slightly calmed, Fire plays and she immediately brings her gaze down to her wrist.

She hears Yoongi sing the first line and he quickly makes eye contact with her as he moves to his next position, and she feels a pulling in her chest, her wrist suddenly very itchy.

“Oh shit…”

Yoongi stumbles before staring straight ahead, his wrist unbelievably itchy, and as he scratches it, Namjoon looks over and raises a brow, as if to ask if all was good.

Yoongi nods, trying to get through the rest of the song, but he knows it’s obvious how much he’s scratching at his wrist. ‘Fuck’

Each boy runs off stage to quickly change for the next song, and Yoongi barges into the dressing room, pacing back and forth, his members look up at him in confusion, asking if he’s alright.

“My soulmate, she’s here.” He speaks and everyone in the room pauses, waiting for someone to say something.

“That’s great news, but right now there’s nothing we can do, we have a concert to pull off.” Namjoon reminds, slowly standing and patting Yoongi on the back, “I can’t just not do anything, what am I to do after the concert? Let her go?” Yoongi says sternly.

They rack their brains to figure something out until Namjoon nods at the security, turning to ask Yoongi, “Which row was she in?”

Yoongi puffs out a breath, “It looks like she was in the third row, to our left of the stage, wearing a white shirt, I think she’s with two friends, but I didn’t really pay attention.”

Their security was out the door after, making sure to stand near that row to hopefully catch her on her way out.

“Third row to the left of us?” Hoseok inputs, cockily buttoning up his shirt, “You mean the one with black and blue hair?”

“Y/N oh my gosh, you have three soulmates, and they’re BTS members.” Jasmine spoke in a hushed tone.

“I can’t believe it, maybe you have more than three in BTS!” Kristie says excitedly and Y/N shushes her, “I’m not about to be called crazy here, shhh! And how would we even know?”

“What are your other ties?”

“Not on my forehead!” Y/N shouts and Kristie huffs, “It needs to be somewhere obvious.”

“On my forearm dude, on the outside!” Kristie settles for it and writes down, “Bangtan Sonyeondan.”

Y/N glances at it and gives her a look, and Kristie throws her arms up, “What? You want yourname written down?” Y/N’s eyes widen, and she quickly shakes her head.

“Let’s hope none of them are wearing long sleeves…”

The seven members of BTS begin their trek on stage as the beginning of Idol plays, and Namjoon quickly jumps in front to sing his line, each girl quickly taking notice that he’s the only one with a short sleeve shirt.

“Okay wait, I can’t do this, we’re supposed to be meeting them after the concert, and if three of seven BTS members are my soulmate, what happens then? They’ll probably turn me down anyway and I’ll be on my way home.” Y/N explains, but her friends shake their heads.

“There’s no way we’re going home after this Y/N, you’re meeting them either way, it’s BTS! We’re meeting them, period.” Kristie argues, but Y/N shakes her head, “You guys are meeting them, I’ll wait outside the room.”

As both girls are arguing, Jasmine is watching her favourite men on the planet, jumping around, and screaming the lyrics, screaming excitedly when Namjoon comes to their end of the stage and looks toward their row, but freezes when she sees his arm.

Bangtan Sonyeondan’

“Oh, my fucking god…GUYS???” She pushes Kristie and Y/N, who momentarily stop bickering to look at their youngest friend, following her line of vision to the stage, seeing Namjoon staring right back, holding his mic in his right arm, the same arm that Y/N wrote on.

Jungkook sees his hyung standing, and notices it might look a bit odd, so he jogs over and smoothly guides him to where he needs to be, “You alright hyung?”

Namjoon nods but hastily switches positions with Kook so he’s next to Yoongi, “Yoongi-hyung, you said white shirt, third row?”

Yoongi is confused but nods nonetheless, “Yea, why?”

Joon shakes his head and huffs a laugh, “She’s mine too.”

“We’re done here, let’s go.” Y/N panics, beginning to pick up her stuff. Her friends snatch her things, “Nu-uh, we’re staying Y/N, you wanted this remember?”

She groans, “I wanted to see if Hobi was, not the whole fucking band!!”

“Let’s go to the bathroom quickly, you need to calm down Y/N.” Kristie helps her friend, telling Jasmine she’s free to stay if she likes.

As Kristie and Y/N walk up the aisle, they failed to see a certain member stealing glances with a look of worry in his eyes, his vison following the string that tugs at his pinky.

“Look, this is fine Y/N, it’s just BTS.” Kristie leans against the wall while Y/N stares at herself in the mirror, “Oh yeah, just BTS, the world’s biggest group who has millions of fans that love them and I just so happen to have four members as my soulmates, it’s not like that’s not borderline greedy of me, one wasn’t enough, so I had to have four of seven.”

“Oh shit…” Kristie mumbles, suddenly remembering a very important detail that they didn’t take notice of, “You have five ties so far…”

“And?” Y/N huffs, Kristie shakes her head, “No Y/N, you have five ties, there’s seven members…four ties correlate to four members already…you don’t think…” The girls stare at each other, now both panicking.

Y/N could jump off a bridge.

I kinda feel like I’m writing for nothing atm. And I know I’m not the only author feeling like this. Where’s the love and appreciation? Hell, I don’t even mind if you have any constructive criticism.

I’m going to pause updates after today for my main 4 stories, The Florist next-door, Devil in Disguise, A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother. and Always Meant to be. I just feel like you’re not interested in them atm so there’s no point stressing over them. Obviously if I get enough people asking for them then I will update sooner rather than later but until then, don’t expect any updates for a while.

I will however be uploading other pieces of works in the mean time and if anyone has any requests you’re more than welcome to send them in.

Thank you!

“learning to grow like the moss that covers the forest floor. untamed. willing to grow amongst the grand trees and rare vegetation. to cover this earth in a soft envelope. i wish to live fiercely, but with a soft heart.”

- green // m.b.

Follower event update!

  • Y’all are awesome and a huge thank you to everyone who is participating!
  • I have gotten some fantastic requests and am exciting to start writing these
  • I have oneimage left up for grabs (number 10).
  • I’ll close requests after this weekend or when all prompts are requested, whichever comes first.
  • Link to post here

This is a reader x Ryan Brenner fic that nobody asked for, but decided to happen on its own one morning while I was lounging outside in my egg chair. It’s unrelated to any other of my stories for Mr. Brenner, of which there are many. Hope you enjoy!


Word count: 2774

Tag list:@obscurilicious@the-blind-assassin-12@something-tofightfor@logan-deloss@lexxierave@madamrogers@gollyderek@yannii04@carlaangel86@vetseras@maydayfigment@thisisparadisemylove@malionnes@thesandbeneathmytoes@delos-destinations@tenhargreeves@luminex3@fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes@fific7@everything-lost-and-unsaid@pheedraws@my-rosegold-soul@commanderlola@leeanncodes

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You’d been doodling on a legal pad for over an hour. The majority of the page was filled with straight lines and dots, simple sketches of constellations: the Big and Little Dippers, Orion’s Belt… all twelve of the zodiac. The margins held concentric circles, cartoon-like clouds with lightning bolts extending  their jagged sparks of fury downward, reaching like upside-down tree branches. Huffing out a breath, you dropped your ball-point pen onto the chipped counter. It landed with a clatter. Running a hand through your freshly-colored  bright blue hair, you could still smell the faint, ammonia-like scent lingering in the air around you. 

Surrounded by vinyl records, musical instruments, and an array of quirky novelty items, your weekly Sunday shift at the music shop was usually slow. Saturdays were consistently  busy, time flying by, but on lazy Sundays, from open to close, the seconds trickled by. It was 2pm, and you’d had all of 9 patrons: a group of four teenage boys that stopped by often— one of them, the  tallest whose name you could never remember– asked to play on an electric Les Paul Epiophone he was saving for. Two couples and three lone strangers had popped in and out in the span of an hour and a half. The rest of your day had been dragging. 

Deciding to come out from behind the desk, you flipped through the alphabetized vinyl, jotting down on your legal pad what needed to be restocked, rearranging what had been put out of order. You’d made it all the way to the letter P, scribbling down Prince’s Purple Rain when the bell at the door rang. Customer number 10 had arrived. 

You glanced up from the far side of the store to see a face that was unfamiliar. The man who walked inside had a khaki hat on, one that had seen better days, his  overgrown dark hair peeking out over his ears, and a scruffy beard littering his cheeks. He wore a dark hoodie, zipped up and layered with a brown jacket a shade darker than his hat. His jeans and boots were unremarkable, but two things caught your attention: the overstuffed pack he wore on his back, and the old, threadbare guitar case he carried in one hand. Standing just inside the door, the man’s eyes scanned the store, and you abandoned your task at hand. Clicking your pen, retracting the point, you wore a friendly grin as you met the man just shy of your counter, situated in the middle of the store. Upon greeting him, you noticed his eyes. They were a deep, rich, warm brown , and seemed as if they held a lot within him. It was the type of thing you always had always noticed—oftentimes looked  for—  in others. Something in the eyes. 

Introducing yourself, the man nodded in acknowledgement, offering a small smile along with his own name: Ryan.  His eyes wandered toward the left wall, littered with hanging guitars, acoustic and electric, ukuleles, bass guitars and even a banjo or two. Some instruments were used, some were new; some were affordable and, depending on the brand, were astronomically priced. 

“You play.” You nodded down at his case, still gripped in his hand. “Acoustic.” The shape of his case was a dead giveaway, and you couldn’t help but wonder what condition his instrument was in. 

“I play,” he repeated. You glanced to the left, and he gave a nod, following you through the otherwise empty store until you both stood before the wall, surveying the selection. After a moment, he gently set his case atop one of the stools situated nearby before sliding his arms out of the straps of his pack one-by-one. He placed it by his feet and stood straight again, almost silently unlatching the case and lifting his instrument out. He propped a foot on the bottom rung of the stool, then reached into his pocket. Finger picks.  Your eyes lit up in surprise. You had a hunch. 

“You do more than play.” Your words weren’t a question, but a certainty. Ryan just smiled, sliding the metal finger picks over the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. One strum to gauge the tuning followed the quick placement of a capo, and he began to play. The music was folksy, mixed with a little bluegrass. His fingers were long and deft, and you were amazed at how perfectly his picking was— you’d never seen anything like it. He played without abandon and you were left astounded when he strummed his last note. 

“Guess you c’n say that.” He finally answered and shrugged, not with any semblance of pride or arrogance, just matter-of-factly. “Makes ends meet, but it’s not about that. Just dumb luck.”

You scrunched your face into a look of feigned disbelief. “Dumb luck doesn’t sound like that.” You averted your eyes, originally to catch a better look at his old acoustic, but something else caught your attention: his fingers. They were littered with tattoos. Just below his top knuckles were inked horizontal lines, a set of two on each but his forefinger, which was claimed by just one. Between his middle and lower knuckles, each singular line was vertical, punctuated by much smaller horizontal ones at each end. His thumbs, however, were untouched. 

You lifted your eyes to his face, and he captured your gaze.. To your surprise, he held it there, unabashed in his lingering. A smile tugged your mouth upward, only breaking that connection when you blinked. You knew what parallel lines stood for—two lines that could go on forever, yet never touching. Like a never ending, infinite universe. 

“I only have one so far,” you confessed. Ryan raised his brows in interest. “People are shocked that I don’t have full sleeves,” you went on, tugging at a strand of your colored hair. Preconceived notions.”

The warm brown of his eyes brightened with understanding. Ryan was a man who had experienced  his fair share of preconceived notions, as you’d put it. His unkempt, too-long hair, worn clothing, carrying all of his possessions on his back and his lifeline in his hand… people saw him as useless. Lazy. Unproductive. Untrustworthy. A bum. 

Raising your shirt to show him your artwork, the cotton fabric bunched in your fingers as you exposed your rib, turning to the side. The tattoo was simple. Starting at the sensitive skin just above your waist, it extended upward over your rib cage. It wasn’t huge, but not tiny; the entirety of the lines and connected dots was just under five inches. 

Ryan took a single step closer, his eyes lingering only on the stretch of skin boasting the permanent ink. His gaze never grew greedy, drinking in the curve of your hip and the way it gave into that of your waist. The tattoo was well-done and was minimalistic, not flashy— a series of connected dots. 

“I’m a Sagittarius.” It was a simple explanation, and Ryan looked up to your face when you spoke. Gaze dropping to take one more look, he traced the lines there  along your side with his eyes alone. It belongs there. There was no hint of scarring or fading. It was almost as if you were born with it. As Ryan stood to his full height, you let go of your shirt, allowing the fabric to fall back over the exposed skin. 

Your eyes locked Into his, almost regarding him as if trying to draw an idea of him, a version of him that only you would be able to see. His voice added to your imagination and brought you out of your short reverie. “The archer.” 

You felt yourself smile and nodded slowly. It was extremely rare that people engaged you in conversation regarding the subject. “I’m impressed! Are you into astrology?” 

Ryan glanced to his guitar, pausing before answering. “I reckon I’m more of an admirer.”  

You narrowed your eyes in curiosity, tilting your head to the side. This Ryan looked  like a man who had stories to tell.  Good stories, the kind that grabbed you full-force at the beginning  and kept your enthralled and engaged all throughout. You loved a good story, and you weren’t one for beating around the bush. 

“What’s your story, Ryan?” 

There was a pause, silence in the air as you waited for whatever answer he was willing to give. You had made your own deductions, but judgement at face value was something you were not a fan of, and you chose your words carefully in order to avoid doing such.

 “You’re a musician,” you stated the obvious, gesturing to his old guitar. “Is it just a  hobby? Please say no.” You added the last part in a low whisper, a breath of light laughter accompanying your words. 

Ryan smiled boyishly and glanced down to the ground, training his eyes on his worn boots momentarily. “ ‘S a hobby that people like sometimes.”  He lifted his eyes to give you a little nod and then back to the wall, scanning the selection again. 

You continued to watch him for a lingering moment before taking a better look at the pack and case he had come inside with. “You’re a busker?” It was a guess, but one laced with wonder. Ryan had walked in the doors less than a half hour ago, and you could tell he was a humble man, one who lived a different way of life that the norm, and bare-bones, good. 

You were surprised when he turned toward you, abandoning his interest in the instruments before him. “You could say that. Travelin’ around’s…  stayin’ in one place isn’t muchofa choice for me.”

Is he in trouble?  you wondered, but you had a strong hunch this Ryan was a good man. You’d always been an accurate reader of character. 

“Sagittarians are adventurers, you know,” you settled for instead. “We have a hunger for it, we get restless easily. Travel is like our catnip.”

You’d been chided a countless number of times for your rooted belief in astrology. You’d tried to explain over and over again that it was based in astronomy— a science, not just speculation or theory— but people had their minds made up the second you spoke about it.  Ryan, however, didn’t just listen… he heard you. He was attuned to what you said, and even if he didn’t respond verbally, he responded with a nod, a look, a change in his stance. 

His expression had changed as you spoke, and he continued to look at you when you quieted,  curiosity and interest written on his face. “You travel much?” He punctuated his question by speaking your name for the first time, and you smiled at the way his drawl colored each syllable. 

Ruefully, you shook your head. “I don’t really have the time, the-“  Money.  You ended your sentence abruptly, clearing your throat, but Ryan was not simple-minded. Instead of looking offended whatsoever, his eyes lit up with amusement. 

“Depends on the way you go about it, I reckon.” This man was all but smirking, all in good nature, his  hands stuffed in his pockets as he leaned back on a stool that he’d pulled behind him. You cleared off the stool you’d placed your legal pad and pen on, sitting down as well. 

Peering up at him with mock suspicion— the smile on your face gave you away— you chided him. “You reckon.” It was a certainty, not a question. “In supposition, or actual calculation?” Your use of unnecessary verbiage was absurd but felt necessary, and you almost laughed at yourself. 

Ryan laughed, his grin all teeth, and in that glimpse of him, it struck you how handsome he was. He had a dazzling smile. 

I reckon,” he said with emphasis, “You might stand out when you need disappearin’.” His eyes slid just down beyond your face, indicating your electric  blue hair hanging over your shoulders. 

You were quiet, an expression of concentration knitting your brow. He was presenting you with a riddle in being vague about his means of travel, which was smart on his part. You two were essentially strangers. Chewing on your lip out of habit, you looked up at him suddenly as you came to your epiphany.

“Not if the train cars are covered in graffiti.” You raised your brows in triumph and shrugged nonchalantly, and that’s when you got to hear a full laugh. “I know you’re impressed”,  you teased. “Almost as impressed as I am that you train-hop your way across America. Besides, you wouldn’t believe my hat collection. I can blend in anywhere.”

It had been Ryan’s way of life since he was sixteen. He’d made a series of mistakes, partaken in more illegal activity than he should have, and had hit his fair share of speed bumps. It seemed foolish, dangerous, irresponsible or unconventional to most everyone he met, but to Ryan, it was the only lifestyle he could imagine. 

He took a lingering look at a used Gibson Hummingbird, hung as a focal piece on the wall, dead-center. Even used, those guitars ran upwards of $1500 on a good day. You caught his line of vision, not surprised.  Most musicians gazed at that guitar: it was beautiful. A vision. 

“That’s been here just shy of two months,” you said quietly. “The guy who brought it in had bought it for his dad, and he just didn’t have the use for it.” You remembered the man’s face when he brought it in: disappointed and almost as if it stung to do so. “Do you want to play it?”

Ryan continued to admire the Hummingbird for a moment, and you knew he could see the price tag hanging from the neck— $2,499. Gibsons were quality instruments, and always expensive. This particular guitar, barely touched and never played by the owner, was in pristine condition. 

“Nah,” Ryan said, and you heard a bit of dejection in his voice. You’d cut the price in half at the least if you could. “Just came in for strings.” His instrument already in his case, finger picks long since tucked into his pocket, he closed the top of the case, guitar safely inside. 

You nodded, a bit sad that your chance Sunday afternoon meeting with Ryan the vagabond musician was coming to an end. Waiting for him to gather his bag, you led him to your selection of strings. 

“Ernie Wood steel…. yep.” He stopped there with a nod as you pointed at the strings quickly. They were good strings, your most popular selling brand. “Jus’ one pack.” He started to pull out his wallet, but you shook your head 

“You’re our tenth customer of the day, congratulations! Free strings. Would you like a bag?” The first part was definitely not a lie.  

Ryan raised his browns. “C’mon, I got the money right—“ 

“Okay, okay. I know.” You gave in, but just a little. “Just take them. For the song. I’m a generous tipper.” You paused. “Would you like a bag?” You repeated.

Ryan hesitated and caught sight of your yellow legal pad decorated with all twelve zodiac constellations. 

“Slow day,” you explained. Pushing the small bag of strings toward him, you leaned your forearms on the counter, studying his face. “What’s your sign? I think I have an idea, and I want to know if I’m right.” 

Ryan took the small bag of strings and spoke your name. It rolled off his tongue like music; his voice was like honey. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. Hope they bring you a whole plethora of generous tippers. Be safe, Ryan. Thanks for livening up my Sunday.” You felt a little pang of disappointment as he began to head for the door, and offered him a smile. 

Before pushing the door open, he turned his head to glance back at you. “You gotta make time.” You knew what he meant. He was referring to what you’d said earlier about your lack of time for traveling. Your eyes softened a bit.

“Ryan.” You called his name as he turned to leave again. “One more thing.” Quickly, you grabbed one of the store’s cards and flipped it over, writing your name and number on the back. “If you ever want a companion. I’ll wear a hat.”

He gifted you with that dazzling grin one more time, taking the card and putting it in the pocket of his hoodie for safe-keeping. Nodding, he began to head out again. Pushing the door open, he stopped just long enough to say one more thing. “I’m a Pisces.”

You beamed. “I know.”  And with that, he was gone. 

The Quick Spirit In Your Eye, a Magical Realism Jarse AU Upon his first meeting with DI Fred Thursda

The Quick Spirit In Your Eye, a Magical Realism Jarse AU

Upon his first meeting with DI Fred Thursday – when Superintendent Bright had introduced him as the former’s new bagman – Peter Jakes had simply put him down as an old bachelor, the kind of man who had simply never liked a woman enough or been liked by a woman enough to get married.
And then they had their first case involving magic.
But even after learning the truth, he couldn’t have imagined what, or rather who, it would lead him to…

Pairing: Endeavour Morse/Peter Jakes

Rating: G

Length: 46k

Read on AO3

Post link


Chapters: ¼

Fandom: X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence

Relationships: Brad Colbert/Ray Person

Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Blood and Gore,Body Horror, Slow Burn, Angst, Road Trips, Canon-Typical Behavior


62.550 MHz, NOAA Weather Radio:

An unknown, highly viral contagion is spreading across the country. Infected individuals rapidly lose all cognitive function and turn violent. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter. Do not approach strangers. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Take immediate action measures.

Three months ago, Ray Person was a Philosophy major at Harvard. Now, he’s dodging Runners trying to get from St. Louis to Cambridge without a) starving, b) dying by accident or c) offing himself. However, three’s company, and it comes in the form of a dog with no bark and a taciturn Marine Staff Sergeant who’s last name is Not-Pitt, which has gotta count for something.

… and here we are! the zombie apocalypse au that me and my co-author have been slogging away at for the the better part of the last eight months. we’re so excited to share it, so enjoy! ♡

Chapter 2 is up!

Chapters: ¼

Fandom: X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence

Relationships: Brad Colbert/Ray Person

Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Blood and Gore,Body Horror, Slow Burn, Angst, Road Trips, Canon-Typical Behavior


62.550 MHz, NOAA Weather Radio:

An unknown, highly viral contagion is spreading across the country. Infected individuals rapidly lose all cognitive function and turn violent. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter. Do not approach strangers. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Take immediate action measures.

Three months ago, Ray Person was a Philosophy major at Harvard. Now, he’s dodging Runners trying to get from St. Louis to Cambridge without a) starving, b) dying by accident or c) offing himself. However, three’s company, and it comes in the form of a dog with no bark and a taciturn Marine Staff Sergeant who’s last name is Not-Pitt, which has gotta count for something.

… and here we are! the zombie apocalypse au that me and my co-author have been slogging away at for the the better part of the last eight months. we’re so excited to share it, so enjoy! ♡



Prelude: The Fall

A mysterious disease is spreading across the world, people are basically turning into zombies, the students of E class are all infected… all but one. Nagisa is told he is lucky to have escaped the fate of his classmates, but he fails to see anything positive about the situation. Moreover, he is certain that there is something off with the entire affair involving his class.

When he has a chance to investigate, Nagisa is quick to take it, hoping to bring aid or at the very least justice to his friends, but… that might not have been such a great idea, in the end.

Words: 5297, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English

Series: Part 1 of Gifts and Curses

Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39203571

It’s super good. Totally worth the read!

Thank you 日光Savoy!

As the sun sets I hear you’re soft voice murmuring my name. From a distance I feel you’re soft kisses from the breeze as it caressing my silky skin. Ravaging me so I can feel you’re lips kissing me everso gently. Subdued deeply within the floral aromas of our undying love♡
