

Sona was thrilled to become a mother. Jason did his best to support the family too. When Flynn was born, Sona gave him a corner of their room, and Sona and Jason practically choked him with love.

As Sona got older, she had a harder time keeping in touch with her friends. Thats why it was an extreme surprise when she got a call from her friend Xavier asking her on a date. Because she was already in a committed relationship, she said no. He wasn’t very happy about that and they gained the personal rift sentiment.

One morning during her son’s toddlerhood, Sona woke up feeling incredibly nautious. Paranoid, she took a pregnancy test only to reveal that she was going to have a baby.

When Corsen was a toddler, both of Flynn and Corsen’s grandpas died. To cope, Sona searched out a way to distract the kiddos. She created a mommy baby club for her and their next door neighbors, Donna and her twins, Rylee and Alton.

Ever sense Corsen was born, Jason started to act strange. He would flirt with Donna, who shut him down, and he would yell at Sona for no reason. Sona, unaware of what she was doing wrong, would just apologize to him. But one day when he came home he yelled at her again, demanding a temporary separation. Surprised and heartbroken, Sona made Jason move out. Trying to cover things up for her kids, she told them their dad was going on a trip. Sona wasn’t sure what to do, but she was scared to let Jason, who had become angry all the time, near the kids.

Well hello hello hello! Thanks for reading. Sorry for my lack of uploading, I just want to say thank you for over 500 notes on CLC and almost 100 followers

Thank you for the constant support on CLC! I should be updating later today. Just here to say that my Instagram and new Twitter account are linked in my bio! It would mean a lot to me if you guys could spread CLC all over the sims community. I’ve been the biggest fan of claresiobhan for years and now that she’s finishing up NSB, it would be my dream if she gave CLC a go! Thanks for sticking with me everyone, I appreciate you and love you!

Ayy! We are back! So a lot happened sense I past checked in! As you can see here, we have had our Lemonade gen! Her name is Sona and she is independent. She’s one of the cutest toddles I’ve had in a while, and I’m so excited to play with her!

Azelea (Bubblegum gen) is very close to finishing her portion of the challenge! She has done everything except for the last part of her aspiration complete! Anyway, see you next time <3
