#chronic fatigue


Just a reminder

Do not apologise for listening to your body.

You take that nap.

You cancel those plans if you don’t feel well enough to go.

Self care is so important!

~ 18 weeks ~I can’t quite believe I’m almost half way through!

Had an amazing day today catching up with friends but very tired now

Pregnancy and EDS is weird.

It’s like is this back/hip pain because of the baby? Or is it just my normal reasons?

Am I having a flare or is this baby.

Am I suffering with morning sickness or is this just my gastro problems playing up (it was definitely morning sickness)

So there’s a reason why I haven’t been posting as much on here lately ☺️

We have our own little miracle due 10.12.20

Me waking up: Today’s going to be a good day!

*hip dislocates*


I was actually kinda thankful for my shit joints yesterday. I slipped and fell half way down the stairs.

I managed to grab the railing with both hands and kinda slowed myself down. I realised in that moment that if it hadn’t have been for my shoulders being able to dislocate and move into a unnatural position i would have slammed into the floor and hurt myself more than I did.

Apologies for not posting recently. I’ve had so much going on.

Hope yall are good!

Hate it when you’ve been running completely on empty and then you just crash.

It’s like sorry let me just press pause and sleep for 24hrs.

Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I am struggling. I didn’t sleep for two weeks straight, I am behind on school work and college applications, my chronic pain has been hellish, and I am just overall exhausted mentally and physically. My friends and family are there for me, but they don’t have any clue what I go through. So I am coming to you all. Please just either respond to this or message me with some words of encouragement. I am a senior in high school, so this is an extremely busy time for me. But I just want to lay in bed and stare at a screen. 



It’s getting to be that time of year where sickness is rampant. If you have a friend or acquaintance with health issues - particularly a weak or compromised immune system: ALWAYS check in with them before meeting up if you’re feeling sick, even if it’s just a tickle in the back of your throat!

(The last time I was around a friend that was sick I got a cold that lasted for 3 months and a chronic infection from it)

When I get sick I get SICK. And antibiotics completely DESTROY my digestive system. When I was on antibiotics last year I couldn’t keep anything down (not even water) for an entire week! I ended up being in the hospital for four days. And this happens every time I get bronchitis/pneumonia. So if you even have the slightest flu symptom STAY THE HELL AWAY. Thank you!! 

Hi guys! I just submitted an essay for a scholarship for college. To have a chance at winning I need to receive votes for my essay. Because of my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome I reeeallly do not want to take out student loans in case I end up not being able to work, for if that happens I would never pay them off. It’d mean to world to me if you all repost this and possibly vote for me. The essay is about me wanting to become a doctor. Thank you!!

Here is the link to my essay: http://www.wyzant.com/scholarships/voting/154497

Today I was walking by a group of people and I hear “why does that girl walk so weird?” At first I wasn’t bothered; I do walk abnormally due to my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and people often question it. However, as I walked by again I notice a girl look me up and down and sneer. I asked if she was the girl who commented on my walking and she said she was. I proceeded to tell her that “I have a condition that makes me walk like this. It’s debilitating and deadly so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make fun of it.” Then with the utmost sarcasm she goes “oh do you? I’m so sorry.” I was shocked. Normally when I tell people I do things weirdly because I’m sick they get quiet, apologize, etc. But this girl literally did not care. Now at this point I was very angry and I told her to shove her sarcasm up her ass. (Yes this was wrong I shouldn’t have said anything I know). Then with more sarcasm she goes “oh I’m gonna go cry” and I told her “good your tears will wipe off your ugly makeup.” Now I started to think clearly and decided I had to get away because honestly she could have like punched me or something and my body is way too weak for that. Anyway the moral of the story is please don’t comment on things that people can’t change. Whether it’s height, acne, skin color, etc. I acted tough to her face, but after walking away I proceeded to go into a bathroom stall and cry. If someone tells you something personal about themselves and makes themselves completely vulnerable, then don’t stomp on that. For anyone reading this, please be a little kinder today. Compliment someone on their outfit. Hold the door open for a stranger. The world is filled with too much negativity. Let’s spread some joy.

For anyone wondering, the girl was immediately removed from campus and expelled.

Hi yes please don’t play “Pain Olympics”. Everyone’s pain is valid!! Your headache, backache, or sore throat are just as valid as my chronic pain. Yeah overall my pain is a lot worse, but it’s all relative. A backache could be the worst pain someone has experienced you know? That is all thank you
