


good morning

last one courtesy of @crypewstoast


chulip doodles


Leo from Chulip stimboard!!


OBSESSED with the shape of this beast

OBSESSED with the shape of this beast

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finally got the time to draw fanart for this cute game!! keep on kissin 

finally got the time to draw fanart for this cute game!! keep on kissin 

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My morning routine? That’s simple: first I wake up, then I get out of bed, then I experience various ailments, maladies, afflictions, etc.




(me and dennis fucked up the days, chulip week is over and not in fact, 8 days long)

thank you to everyone who joined us for chulip week and especially to those people that actually participated!! originally this was just gonna be a stupid lil thing btwn me and @dennisbrown bc i said i wanted to make chulip wall art for myself, but we were rlly happy to see others joining in,,

i plan to do this again next yr, with better organization and like. a proper, public prompt list.

always a pleasure playing chulip w u @dennisbrown@itsusobysid (no characters this time just friends)

chulip week day 7 (final day): play with friends !


because everyone loved zombie mika from chu♡lip so much, here is another one.

chu♡lip (2002)

a playstation 2 game

chu♡lip (2002)

a playstation 2 game

crispy-sand-gator:did this thang pls enjoy or ill deflate view full + zoom in if they seem too tiny!


did this thang pls enjoy or ill deflate

view full + zoom in if they seem too tiny!

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