#cinammon roll



Tony and Peter casually talking about his patrols and Peter suddenly mentions the one and only merc with a mouth.

“Mr. Deadpool showed me this cool trick-”

“Mr. Pool knows this great mexican place-”

And Tony doesn’t know whether to have a heart attack because his kid knows deadpool, laugh because “Mr. Deadpool”, or be overly fond of his kid because only Peter would call a Mercenary “Mr.”







listen I’m going to be honest, I have no moon knight knowledge beyond the show (even though i do plan on reading the comics when I have time) so I have literally no clue what jake is supposed to actually be like, HOWEVER

I do not care what the comics, cartoons whatever he appears in say, you absolutely CANNOT change my mind on the fact that jake lockley is a softie and a dork. I do not care about canon this is real now. this man is a mess but he’s a lovable mess.

he loves dogs and he watches shitty horror films to make fun of them but gets scared regardless and he goes on walks to look at the sky and his favourite flowers are tulips and he’s got a godawful music taste but he thinks it’s ✨edgy✨ and ✨niche✨ but you’ll look at his playlist and it’s ac/dc, bruno mars, chayanne, billy joel and calle 13 one after the other right before it suddenly jumps to hairspray

in my head he’s super super funny and really sweet despite his tough front and I am aware I’m living a lie but this is so endearing to think about

I’m convinced he’s a disaster and I love him

You are in LUCK my friend because canonically comics Jake IS the softest dork out of the three. He was made violent later by *ahem* SOME writers but he was the moral compass of the system and very much the softest.

I can provide ALL the canon evidence needed to prove that Jake IS the softiest softie that has ever softie. YES, he will mess you up if you hurt his friends (Which includes a homeless man who lives by making a tea bag last forever, so Jake often “Forgets” to eat his breakfast at the local diner so that Crawley, the homeless man, can eat it instead, the Diner owner, and her kids), who as Moon Knight LET gang members go because they were young and so, deserved a second chance rather than go into the system.

JAKE is a disaster and adorable, and not the “violent alter” caricature people want to make of him.


you have no idea the amount of serotonin this has provided me with

thank you my friends

Glad to be of service. I will start fishing the panels in question, but for the meantime, I suggest you just SKIP the Bemis run (Moon Knight 2016 #188 - 200) because THAT’s the run that gave us Violent Jake. Other than that? Jake is a cinammon roll wrapped in honey.

This infamous run was only 12 issues? Wow.

But yeah, total softie. Season two needs to open up with Jake’s day like Season 1 opened with Steven’s, and one of the contrasts would be the Jake has a bunch of friends he is always helping out.

I’d make it his night shift as a cabbie and establish that everyone who gets into his cab either gets his help with something or gives him information that lets him do Moon Knight stuff. Marc and Steven are expecting a dark, violent person, so establish right away that this guy is just constantly, constantly taking care of and helping people like he was in the early Moon Knight runs.

I think they might do it, actually. I keep seeing complaints they changed Steven, but really they just took away the money and the sexism from him. He was always oddly isolated except for Marlene, due to not actually liking the selfish assholes in the upper-class social circle he had to maintain. He disliked/feared Marc for most of the early 80s, was always anti-killing and was always more emotionally well-adjusted than Marc.

Marc too, is at heart the same in the show as in the early 80s comics. He’s moody, sulky, trying to completely disappear into the background so Steven can front but he has a LOT of unfinished business. And when that business comes up, he surfaces and uses a mixture of controlled rage/guilt to drive the system to finish it.

Logically, they’re going to identify the core of Jake from the early issues and update and polish him like they have the others, and maybe use a dynamic from the early comics prior to him reconciling with the system. (Steven and Jake worked together in the early 80s with Marc only fronting when his past came up, so maybe we’ll see Steven and Jake come to an early working relationship.) And the core of Jake is not actually Violent Jake, it’s the street-level observer who finds out who needs help. Remember, the big reveal for Jake in the show was his eyes in that rearview mirror, watching. He’s hidden during the entire season, but we know from his actions that he HAS to be observing what’s going on and acting only when he HAS to.

I bet the show will slot them into Embracer/Defender/Pathfinder, and Jake is always the Pathfinder because well, it’s his profession.


YEah, runs are very short, now a days… it’s just that when we have the recent ones, those are the ones most people remember, not, say, when Steven was an atheist who didn’t believe in Magic andmade fun of Stephen Strange, despite being, you know, the avatar of an egyptian god.

And I love your idea. I would love to know that also Jake is a good friend of Crawley, and actually has talked to the human statue.

Of course, having Jake be a cabbie in London could be hard, we dont’t know how long he has been there, and we know that getting a license there is Hard. Unless Jake is also good at hacking and got himself a liscence that way!

I’m actually re-watching the series because I have a theory that we’ve seen Jake there since episode 1. There are a TON of shots with three mirrors, and I will die on the hll that Jake was driving the cupcake van backwards and was the person Khonshu was talking to when he complained about Steven throwing the gun away, but he wasn’t the guy with the broken nose at Dr. Harrow. That was Marc.

He was always there, but people didn’t see him because a) they were expecting the dark/evil/violent stereotype and b) Marc had the shiny suit and Steven the cute fish out of water type so… Jake could pass unnoticed.

I mean, just look at this softie and his fake mustache!

Have you ever seen someone so pure you just wanna scream: LET ME LOVE YOU!!!!! LET ME PROTECT YOU!!!!!

I love this boy so much guys!!!! I love him smiling even more!
