#cinnamon wind



was cleaning up my drafts & found this post about gilly i wrote months ago that i chose not to share then; will share now:

Gilly is distressed, in deep depression, Sam wonders why that might be. Maybe the sea is scaring her. Maybe the child is hurting her. Maester Aemon tells us the truth: “Sam,” the old man whispered, “you have two good eyes, and yet you do not see. She is a mother grieving for her child.”  This, of course, is a revelation about Jon. It also makes a claim about Gilly. Gilly, we learn, is in distress because she was forcibly separated from her infant child– every mother would be as distressed; Gilly’s distress is that of a mother. That is certainly true, though I remember thinking then, as I do now, of the many other problems Gilly is facing that remain uncommented on–unthought about–by the men that tell her story. 

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