#circe goddess


Theoi Summary - Kirke

Κιρκη (kee-r-ke) - Kirke AKA Circe
Goddess of pharmakeia, nekromankia, sorcery, illusion, and transmutation
Ouranic & Chthonic Naiad, Goddess, Titaness, and/or Hero

Symbols: Cup, ladle, herbs, loom, wand
Animals: Pig, lion, hawk, wolf
Colors: Gold, purple, silver, red
Plants/Herbs: Moly, snowdrop, enchanter’s nightshade, magikal herbs overall
Stones/Crystals: Hag stone

Retinue: Nymphs of Aeaea
Relations: Helios (father), Perseis (mother), Hekate (sometimes mother), Aeetes (brother/sometimes father), Pasiphae (sister), Perses (brother), Phaunos (son), Latinos (son), Agrios (son), Telegonos (son), Medea (sometimes sister)
Identified with: Hekate (Hellenic), Medea (Hellenic)

Festivals: N/A

Epithets: Polypharmakos (Many Spells), Aeaean (Of Aeaea), Pharmakis (Witch/Sorceress), Euplókamos (Fair-headed), Audeeis (Speaking with Human Voice), Deinos (Terrible)
