#chthonic theoi


Theoi Summary - Thanatos

Θανατος (tha-na-tos) - Thanatos
God of non-violent death
Chthonic Daimon

Symbols: Sword, inverted torch, theta (θ), wreath
Animals: Butterfly
Colors: Black
Plants/Herbs: Poppy, cypress
Stones/Crystals: Black stones

Retinue: N/A
Relations: Nyx (mother), Erebos (sometimes father), Hypnos (twin brother), Keres (sisters)
Identified with: Mors (Roman), Letum (Roman)

Festivals: N/A

Epithets: Paeon (Healer/Striker)

Theoi Summary - Dionysos

Διονυσος (dee-OH-nee-sohs) - Dionysos AKA Dionysus
God of wine, chaos, reincarnation, rebirth, pleasure, madness, mental illness, fertility, the grape harvest, androgyny, and the transgender/nonbinary
Ouranic Olympian with Chthonic aspects

Symbols: Thyrsus, grapevine, ivy, chalice, pine cone, wine
Animals: Goat, panther, leopard, bull, serpent, tiger
Colors: Red, green, black, purple
Plants/Herbs: Grapevine, ivy, bindweed, white pine
Stones/Crystals: Amethyst, purple crystals

Retinue: Maenads, Satyrs
Relations: Ariadne (wife), Zeus (father), Semele (mother), Persephone (sometimes mother), Priapos (son), Methe (daughter), Thysa (daughter), Telete (daughter), Iakkhos (son), Pasithea (daughter), Kharites (sometimes daughters), half sibling to all children of Zeus
Identified with: Liber (Roman), Bacchus (Roman), Osiris (Kemetic), Haides (Hellenic), Iakkhos (Hellenic)

Festivals: Rural Dionysia (10th Pos.), City Dionysia (10-17th Ela.), Anthesteria (11-13th Ant.), Dionysian Mysteries (??), Eleusinian Mysteries (14-23rd Boe.)

Epithets: Maenoles (Mad), Nyctelius (Of the Night), Lampterus (Of the Torches), Hestius (Of the Feast), Androgynos (Androgynous), Auxites (Giver of Increase), Staphylites (Of the Grape), Theoenus (God of Wine), Oenops (Wine-Dark), Dimetor (Twice-Born), Anthion (Of the Flowers), Kissios (Of the Ivy), Eleuthereus (Liberator), Lysios (Of Release), Soterius (Savior from Madness)

Theoi Summary - Poseidon

Ποσειδων (poh-see-thOHN) - Poseidon
God-king of the sea, earthquakes, floods, drought, and horses
Ouranic, Chthonic and Einalic Olympian

Symbols: Trident, seashell, boulder, wreath of celery
Animals: Bull, horse, dolphin, hippocamp, marine life
Colors: Blue, green, black
Plants/Herbs: Pine, celery
Stones/Crystals: Pearl, sea glass

Retinue: Triton, Nereids, Okeanids, Naiads, Potomai, all ocean deities and spirits
Relations: Kronos (father), Rhea (mother), Amphirite (wife), Halia (consort), Medousa (consort), Zeus (brother), Hestia (sister), Haides (brother), Demeter (sister), Hera (sister), Triton (son), Rhode (daughter), Pegasos (son), Athena (sometimes daughter), Areion (son), Polyphemos (son), Khrysomallos (son), Orion (sometimes son), Despoine (daughter), Kymopoleia (daughter), Proseous Daemones (sons)
Identified with: Neptune (Roman)

Festivals: Poseidea (8 Pos.), Haloa (26 Pos.), Aeginetarum Feriae (~winter solstice), honored on the 8th of every month

Epithets: Basileus (King), Pelagaeus (Of the Sea), Prosclystius (Who Dashes Against), Asphalius (Secures Safe Voyage), Epoptes (Overseer), Ennosigaeus (Shaker of the Earth), Hippius (Of the Horses), Hippocurius (Horse Tender), Phytalmius (Plant Nurturer), Patrus (Father), Laoites (Of the People), Gaeochus (Holder of the Earth)

Theoi Summary - Haides

Ἁιδης (ay-dees) - Haides AKA Hades, Aidoneus
God-king of the Underworld/Hades and the dead
Chthonic, Olympian generation

Symbols: Sceptre, helm, cornucopia, drinking horn, keys
Animals: Screech owl, cattle, hound
Colors: Black, gold, silver
Plants/Herbs: Cypress, mint, white poplar, asphodel
Stones/Crystals: Precious gems and metals, gold

Retinue: Erinyes, Minos, Aiakos, Rhadamanthys, Keres, Kharon, Thanatos, Kerberos, Oneiroi, the souls of the dead
Relations: Kronos (father), Rhea (mother), Persephone (wife), Zeus (brother), Hestia (sister), Poseidon (brother), Demeter (sister), Hera (sister), Minthe (consort), Leuce (consort), Erinyes (daughters), Zagreus (sometimes son), Melinoe (sometimes daughter)
Identified with: Plouton (Hellenic), Pluto (Roman), Dionysos (Hellenic), Dis Pater (Roman), Aita (Estruscan), Orcus (Roman)

Festivals: N/A

Epithets: Pluto (Of Wealth), Theon Chthonius (God of the Underworld), Polysemantor (Ruler of Many), Polydegmon (Host of Many), Polydectes (Receiver of Many), Necrodegmon (Receiver of the Dead), Necron Soter (Saviour of the Dead), Moiragetes (Guide of the Fates)

Theoi Summary - Kirke

Κιρκη (kee-r-ke) - Kirke AKA Circe
Goddess of pharmakeia, nekromankia, sorcery, illusion, and transmutation
Ouranic & Chthonic Naiad, Goddess, Titaness, and/or Hero

Symbols: Cup, ladle, herbs, loom, wand
Animals: Pig, lion, hawk, wolf
Colors: Gold, purple, silver, red
Plants/Herbs: Moly, snowdrop, enchanter’s nightshade, magikal herbs overall
Stones/Crystals: Hag stone

Retinue: Nymphs of Aeaea
Relations: Helios (father), Perseis (mother), Hekate (sometimes mother), Aeetes (brother/sometimes father), Pasiphae (sister), Perses (brother), Phaunos (son), Latinos (son), Agrios (son), Telegonos (son), Medea (sometimes sister)
Identified with: Hekate (Hellenic), Medea (Hellenic)

Festivals: N/A

Epithets: Polypharmakos (Many Spells), Aeaean (Of Aeaea), Pharmakis (Witch/Sorceress), Euplókamos (Fair-headed), Audeeis (Speaking with Human Voice), Deinos (Terrible)

Theoi Summary - Hekate

Ἑκατη (eh-KAH-tee) - Hekate AKA Hecate, Hecata
Goddess of magik, witchcraft, ghosts, the dark moon, night, nekromankia, boundaries, and crossroads
Ouranic & Chthonic Titaness

Symbols: Two torches, daggers, keys, Hekate’s wheel, fire, crossroads, gateways
Animals: Serpents, polecat/weasel, dogs, horses, red mullet
Colors: Black, silver
Plants/Herbs: Yew, garlic, cypress, aconite, belladonna, dittany, mandrake
Stones/Crystals: Moonstone, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, agate, amethyst, dark stones

Retinue: Lampades, the dead
Relations: Perses (father), Asteria (mother), Nyx (mother), Skylla (sometimes daughter), Kirke (sometimes daughter), Medea (sometimes daughter)
Identified with: Artemis-Selene (Hellenic/Roman), Selene (Hellenic), Artemis (Hellenic), Iphigeneia (Hellenic), Ereshkigal (Mesopotamian), Marzanna (Slavic), Heqet (Kemetic), Despoine (Hellenic), Perseis (Hellenic), Bendis (Thracian)

Festivals: Hekate’s Deipnon (every dark moon), Noumenia (1st of every month)

Epithets: Perseïs (Destroyer), Brimo (Terrible One), Aedonaea (Of the Underworld), Trimorphis (Three-Formed), Trioditis (Of the Crossroads), Enodia (Of the Wayside), Nyctipolus (Night Wandering), Atalus (Tender), Chthonia (Of the Underworld), Curotrophus (Nurse of Young), Scylacagetis (Leader of Dogs), Liparocredemnus (Bright-Coiffed), Anassa eneri (Queen of Those Below)

Theoi Summary - Demeter

Δημητηρ (thee-MEE-teer) - Demeter
Goddess of the cycle of life, agriculture, bread, and grain
Ouranic Olympian with Chthonic aspects

Symbols: Sheaf of grain, cornucopia, scythe, lotus staff, torch, bread, serpent-drawn chariot
Animals: Serpent, gecko, red mullet, pig, turtle dove, dragon-serpent
Colors: Black, green
Plants/Herbs: Wheat, grain, barley, poppy, mint
Stones/Crystals: Garnet, topaz, citrine, almandine, pyrope

Retinue: Hekate, Persephone, Eleusian demigods, Iacchus, Ploutos
Relations: Kronos (father), Rhea (mother), Zeus (brother), Haides (brother), Poseidon (brother), Hestia (sister), Hera (sister), Persephone (daughter), Despoine (daughter)
Identified with: Ceres (Roman), Cybele (Anatolian), Isis (Kemetic)

Festivals: Thesmophoria (11-13th Pya.), Eleusinian Mysteries (14-23rd Boe.), Haloa (26 Pos.)

Epithets: Chthonia (Of the Earth), Chloe (First Shoots), Epogmia (Of the Furrows), Anesidora (She Who Sends Forth Gifts), Plutodotira (Giver of Wealth), Carpophorus (Bearer of Fruit), Thermasia (Warmth), Megala Thea (Great Goddess), Megala Mater (Great Mother), Thesmophorus (Bringer of Law), Thesmia (Of the Laws), Prostasia (Patron), Panachaea (Of All Greeks), Horaphorus (Bringer of Seasons), Polyphorbus (Bountiful), Hagne (Holy), Cyanopeplus (Cloaked), Deo (Of the Earth), Lusia (Purifying), Erinys (Fury)

Theoi Summary - Persephone/Kore

Περσεφονη/κόρη (pehr-seh-FOH-nee/koh-reh) - Persephone/Kore AKA Core, Cora
Goddess-Queen of the Underworld, entry to Elysium, nekromankia, curses/Spring growth, grain
Ouranic & Chthonic Goddess

Symbols: Pomegranate, torch, wheat, flowers
Animals: Bats, black ram, parrots, talking birds
Colors: Red, black, green, pink
Plants/Herbs: Asphodel, pomegranate, narcissus, grain/wheat, mint
Stones/Crystals: Quartz, agate, jasper, tourmaline, sapphire

Retinue: Hekate, Iacchus, the dead
Relations: Haides (husband), Zeus (father), Demeter (mother), Zagreus (son), Melinoe (daughter), Erinys (sometimes daughters), Dionysos (sometimes son)
Identified with: Proserpina (Roman)

Festivals: Thesmophoria (11-13th Pya.), Eleusinian Mysteries (14-23rd Boe.), Haloa (26 Pos.)

Epithets: Kore (Maiden), Khthonia (Of the Earth/Underworld), Capophorus (Bringer of Fruit), Soteira (Savior), Megala Thea (Great Goddess), Hagne (Pure), Daeira (Knowing One), Praxidike (Exacter of Justice), Herkyna (Of Stone Enclosure), Protogone (First Born), Despoina (Mistress of the House), Hagne (Pure), Melindia (Honey)

Theoi Summary - Hypnos

Ὑπνος (eep-nohs) - Hypnos AKA Hypnus
God of sleep
Chthonic Daimon

Symbols: Inverted torch, horn of opium, Lethe, wings, dripping branch
Animals: Songbird
Colors: Black, blue
Plants/Herbs: Poppy, poplar
Stones/Crystals: Black stones

Retinue: Oneiroi
Relations: Pasithea (wife), Nyx (mother), Erebos (sometimes father), Thanatos (twin brother), Oneiroi (sons), Morpheus (son), Ikelos (son), Phantasos (son)
Identified with: Somnus (Roman), Sopor (Roman)

Festivals: N/A

Epithets: Epidotes (Bountiful), Melamkhrotos (Black Skinned), Pannikitis (Vanquisher)

Theoi Summary - Hermes

Ἑρμης (ehrr-MEES) - Hermes
God of herding, travelers, hospitality, roads, trade, writing, language, diplomacy, contests, astronomy, thievery, trickery, athletes, sleep, boundaries, translation, conducting away the dead, and messengers
Ouranic, Chthonic & Nomioic Olympian

Symbols: Caduceus, wings, sandals, satchel, lyre, cap, blade, shepherd’s pipes, herma
Animals: Ram, hawk, hare, turtle, rooster, cattle
Colors: Blue, black
Plants/Herbs: Crocus, strawberry-tree
Stones/Crystals: Pyrite, copper, citrine, aventurine

Retinue: Oreiades, Oneiroi, Pan, Panes, Satyroi
Relations: Zeus (father), Maia (mother), Dionysus (sometimes father, half brother), Aphrodite (sometimes mother, lover), Pan (son), Angelia (daughter), Palaistra (daughter), Priapos (sometimes son), Hermaphroditus (child), Eleusis (daughter), half brother to all children of Zeus
Identified with: Mercury (Roman), Thoth (Kemetic), Anubis (Kemetic), Turms (Estrucan), Casmilus (Hellenic)

Festivals: Hermaea (??), honored on the 4th of every month, Noumenia (1st of every month)

Epithets: Epimelius (Keeper of Flocks), Dolius (Of Crafts), Agoraeus (Of the Marketplace), Enagonius (Of the Games), Promachus (Champion), Hermeneutes (Translator), Tricephalus (Of Intersections), Diactorus (Guide/Messenger), Clepsiphron (Deceiver), Mechaniotes (Trickster), Pheletes (Thief), Polytropus (Wily), Poneomenus (Busy One), Euscopus (Watchful), Eriounes (Luck Bringer), Cydimus (Glorious), Cratus (Mighty), Pompaeus (Guide), Masterius (Of Searchers), Acaceta (Gracious), Oeopolus (Shepherd), Charmophron (Glad-Hearted)

Theoi Summary - Hephaistos

Ἡφαιστος (EE-fays-tohs) - Hephaistos AKA Hephaestus
God of fire, smiths, the disabled, craftspeople, metalworking, sculpture, volcanos, and stonemasonry
Ouranic Olympian with Chthonic aspects

Symbols: Hammer, tongs, anvil, fire, forge, volcano
Animals: Donkey, crane, dog
Colors: Red, bronze, grey, orange
Plants/Herbs: Fennel
Stones/Crystals: Bronze, marble, metals

Retinue: Kyklopes, Kabeiroi, Kourai Khryseai, Kedalion
Relations: Hera (mother), Zeus (sometimes father), Aphrodite (ex-wife), Aglaea (wife), Kabeiroi (sons), Eupheme (daughter), Eukleia (daughter), Euthenia (daughter)
Identified with: Vulcan (Roman), Ptah (Kemetic)

Festivals: Khalkeia (29 Pya.), Hephaistia (??)

Epithets: Clytus (Renowned), Clytometis (Famed for Skill), Clytotechnes (Famed worker), Polytechnes (Of Many Crafts), Polyphron (Ingenious), Polymetis (Resourceful), Aethaloïs Theus (Sooty God), Chalceus (Bronze/Coppersmith), Cyllopodium (Crooked-Foot), Amphigyeis (Lame One)
