#classic post

khan2kool:sassafras-manson: ryanvallejo:ktkeen96:theecamerondallas:i have been waiting for thikhan2kool:sassafras-manson: ryanvallejo:ktkeen96:theecamerondallas:i have been waiting for thikhan2kool:sassafras-manson: ryanvallejo:ktkeen96:theecamerondallas:i have been waiting for thikhan2kool:sassafras-manson: ryanvallejo:ktkeen96:theecamerondallas:i have been waiting for thikhan2kool:sassafras-manson: ryanvallejo:ktkeen96:theecamerondallas:i have been waiting for thikhan2kool:sassafras-manson: ryanvallejo:ktkeen96:theecamerondallas:i have been waiting for thi






i have been waiting for this to show up in my dash forever




This has to be up there with the funniest shit ever.

Post link



Sometimes it blows my mind that there are people that don’t wear glasses/contacts. Like they can literally see with no aid. Like they wake up and just be out here seeing. What a wild concept.

And people say stuff like ‘lol don’t you hate it when you look up in the middle of the night and see a spider on your ceiling’ like bitch (!!) i could have Nicholas II last czar of Russia hangin from my ceiling fan and i would be none the wiser





The chronicle of the monk Herbert of Reichenau for the year 1021 ends “My brother Werner was born on November 1.“ 

1021 was not an uneventful year. The emperor began a campaign into Italy. Illustrious abbots died. There was an earthquake. But Herbert took the time to note, at the end of the year, that his brother was born. 

Of such acts of tenderness is history made. 

This post broke through the shell of crustiness on my medievalist heart and made me go ‘aww’.

There was a medieval parenting manual that recommended parents smack pieces of furniture their toddlers bumped into and scold the furniture for being so naughty as to get in the way, so that the kids would laugh and forget about their bumps and bruises 

I read that and my heart melted

(source:Medieval Women by Deirdre Jackson. She cited the primary source but I cannot for the life of me find the book to check what it was called)

We should hold a thousandth birthday party for Werner in a couple of years.




Villain: “You and I are very much alike, you know.”

Hero: “I realize that.”

Villain: “Doesn’t that trouble you?”

Hero: “Why would it? I share most of my genome with sewer rats.”

Villain: “But our similarities mean that, deep down, you’re a bad person. There’s nothing stopping you from being just as evil as I am!”

Hero: “Sure there is. I’m stopping me.”

Villain: “But in your heart you crave—”

Hero: “Sometimes when I’m in a crowded building I get the sudden urge to just boop a stranger right on the nose. But I don’t do it, because that would be super rude and weird. Does having that compulsion in the first place make me just as much of a weirdo as if I had acted on it? Maybe it does in your eyes, but to the would-be boopee, it makes all the difference in the world.”

Villain: “We’re not talking about booping noses, we’re talking about killing peop—”

Hero: “Look, dude, I’m sure murder can be really satisfying. But I’ve decided that I don’t want to murder people, and I think that’s very sexy of me. Look at me. With a little self-restraint, you might have had what I have.”

Villain: “But surely it disturbs you, doesn’t it? To know how close you are to snapping. Don’t deny it. There’s so much darkness in your heart. Do you really think they’d still love you if they knew? They’d be disgusted by you. They’d hate you, for thinking so much like me.”

Hero: “That’s the difference, isn’t it? Between you and I. One tiny difference. That’s all it takes. That’s the line between good and evil.”

Villain: “What?”

Hero: “You saw your own darkness and let it destroy you. You surrendered to it the moment you realized it was there. You threw open the door for it and welcomed it inside and let it rob you of your humanity without even a word of protest because you just couldn’t imagine it was something you could fight.”

Villain: “And you, oh-so-sanctimonious one?”

Hero: “I said ‘no thanks’. That’s it. That’s the difference.”

Villain: “Did you just—did you just—”

Hero: “Boop your nose? You’re right. It did feel good.”

Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind.

glumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actuglumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actuglumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actuglumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actu


Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actually”. I rescind my irony.

Post link





whats the difference between outlaws and inlaws

outlaws are wanted

come on reblog this my grandma told me this joke and was convinced she was going to be famous on tumblr for it

every time my mom and grandma get into an argument my grandma says “excuse me pamela i am famous on the tumbler”





whats the difference between outlaws and inlaws

outlaws are wanted

come on reblog this my grandma told me this joke and was convinced she was going to be famous on tumblr for it

every time my mom and grandma get into an argument my grandma says “excuse me pamela i am famous on the tumbler”








if you’re having a bad day, here’s a cute little marching band

this actually made me cry with joy also one of them is eating noodles

It just keeps going and getting better. *^^*

Me two minutes ago: “cry with joy? an animation of cats playing instruments made someone cry with joy?”

Me now: (sobs into a tissue) “OH MY GOD THAT ONE IS PLAYING TWO RECORDERS AT THE SAME TIME” (blows nose)


there are SO MANY cute little details in this

So I was looking for the full version of this video cause i always get sad when this one cuts off the ending and–

not only has the original creator made an HD version,

they also made a reanimated “deluxe” version! with even more cute easter eggs! 

#reblog    #interblag    #jpiilotrwho    #non fandom    #aje gets excited    #classic post    






Remember this viral post? Wanda and Jamal and her husband Lonnie are the most wholesome people, this story brought tears to my eyes originally and I am crying once more learning from Jamal’s social media that Lonnie has sadly passed away.

Rest in Peace, Lonnie :(



Today my seven year old cousin said, in reference to the subject of pirates:

“It’s one of my distant likes. I still really like it when it comes up.”

And I just had to record it somewhere because I think it’s such a wise and simple way of expressing an important concept. Sometimes I feel like I’m neglecting an interest if I don’t do anything about it for a long period of time, like I can’t really say I like it if I don’t keep it up, but no, it’s just… it’s a distant like. That’s its own thing now.

She gets philosophical when in fancy dress, apparently.




Gandalf throwing his staff at gollum is what really makes this

Thank you for commenting because I was going to scroll past this. 






okay but I did notknow that there is a story about f. scott fitzgerald nervously showing ernest hemingway his penis because zelda said he couldn’t satisfy a woman with it and ernest hemingway was like “lol no dude you’re fine”

what are the modernists even

the best part of that story in context is that before they pull out their dicks, hemingway spends the better part of a chapter physically describing fitzgerald in great detail, claiming to be grossed out by him but obviously, obviously uncomfortably attracted

oh my god, it got better. I just went to find an excerpt and

Scott was a man then who looked like a boy with a face between handsome and pretty. He had very fair wavy hair, a high forehead, excited and friendly eyes and a delicate long-lipped Irish mouth that, on a girl, would have been the mouth of a beauty. His chin was well built and he had good ears and a handsome, almost beautiful, unmarked nose. This should not have added up to a pretty face, but that came from the coloring, the very fair hair and the mouth. The mouth worried you until you knew him and then it worried you more.

ernest hemingway calm down and control your thirst a little

“The mouth worried you until you knew him and then it worried you more“ is a hell of a line 

No Homo: A Literary Masterpiece
