#overlord puffin




anime figures are actually NOT equivalent to funko pops, not because they aren’t goofy little pieces of plastic, but for the simple reason that if I see someone with a death note figure next to other anime figures, I’ll think they’re into death note, but if I see a death note funko next to other funkos, I’ll think they’re into funkos

there’s something about the brand-first focus of design, to the point where collectible figures are almost more like merchandise for the act of consumption itself. this isn’t coherent analysis or anything, I’m just rambling to avoid doing laundry

there are definitely brand-first design anime figures too (there’s literally anime funko) but nendoroids aren’t even really equivalent because they don’t evoke that same sort of uniformity

it’s like the difference between someone who says they “like memes about [blank]” and someone who just says they “like memes” if that makes sense

[laundry hamper looms]






When I was a kid, I thought those pillars went down to the sea floor.

In reality, they usually go down to some large submerged floats.

I dislike this. 

Pillars and floats like that are pretty stable, compared to regular boats, so there’s even a research vessel, called FLIP, that purposefully capsizes itself to be more steady when conducting research.

a screenshot of tumblr tags reading "everything invented for maritime is the scariest shit on earth"

YEA IT FUCKIN IS (id embedded in image)









AU idea.

Aang eventually quietly passed away in the iceberg and the avatar cycle continued. Sokka is the new avatar. He is, in every other respect, exactly the same as canon Sokka. He didn’t even know he could bend until he found the iceberg and accidentally opened it and he’s still highly suspicious of the whole thing.

Aang is still a character but only Sokka can see and hear him. It’s an avatar thing.

Katara, yelling: please… just Learn the Waterbending Move

Sokka: I cast boomerang.

Also I like to imagine that Zuko shows up and takes Katara prisoner (not without a fight, but still) because clearly, she’s the only bender present and therefore must be the Avatar.

Cue Sokka going avatar state for the first time.

Wait, who will Sokka’s airbending teacher be?

Aang. Wait, no. Appa.

I fucking APPROVE.

Also Sokka learns the elements in the reverse order because who’s gonna tell him no? The other Avatar?? He’s got this flying bison, original master of airbending, right here to teach him. And Katara can cover most waterbending related issues for a little while so it’s not like he needs to learn that right away. And also it turns out that with a little practice airbending can change the trajectory of a boomerang in midair so why not???

They still meet Toph, right? Sokka learns earthbending from Toph?

But of course!




girls could learn a thing or two from their dad

They’ve been surpassed by the master

Props to whoever was recording it for keeping their composure too




Another Avatar fic prompt/AU where Appa is a little more hurt when Zuko finds him and all his revenge and honor thoughts are pushed aside because ‘oh geeze are you ok?’ Iroh doesn’t intervene, the Gaang find Appa only they find him with Zuko talking to find and patching a wound and he doesn’t notice them at first instead they’re just watching ‘angry ponytail guy’ being a giant softie with Appa then he notices them and tries to intimate but it’s not working.

Just Aang seeing dorky Zuko and being like ‘yep that is my fire bending master’

Zuko ends up running away but then the gaang spend the time in ba sing sei trying to find and adopt Zuko, Katara seeing him in the tea shop isn’t worry it’s ‘FOUND YOU!’

Bonus: Toph:…this is the guy you were worried about? this guy?!

Katara: *sees Zuko at a local pharmacy* THERE HE IS!

Sokka: Quick! Grab him!

Zuko: Oh no- *runs off*

Pharmacist: *completely unfazed* Its so nice to see Lee making friends.

I need this. I needs this so much.






Remember this viral post? Wanda and Jamal and her husband Lonnie are the most wholesome people, this story brought tears to my eyes originally and I am crying once more learning from Jamal’s social media that Lonnie has sadly passed away.

Rest in Peace, Lonnie :(

