#cliff holden


1. Manage

“I can manage.”

Noelani and Pam stare at Cliff, seriously contemplating his words.


“Are you reallysure you’re up to watching the kids on your own?” Lani asks gently, concern evident in her warm eyes.

“Of course,” Cliff states, and maybe he straightens his shoulders just the slightest to prove his point.

Pam, on the other hand, does not seem convinced. “Huh.” Her lips curl in a smirk. “And where are the kids now?”

“Waiting at my front door while I get your permission,” he states, but he sees the amusement in their eyes when they look behind him. He turns around and looks toward his house, where four young kids should have been sitting on the front step, and finds it empty. “Not again,” he groans while Pam and Lani chuckle.

“Don’t worry,” Lani eases his worries, “I saw Lizzie point toward the playground. They haven’t gone far.”
