#clone commandos



Hey so. Look.

I’m just gonna go ahead and address it again because it’s really bothering me. And as someone with PTSD/TBI who has struggled with PBA in the past, and someone who works with people who have PTSD/TBI, I think I’m plenty qualified to speak on this.

The Gregor tag is still absolutely rife with ableism and misunderstanding of the condition he is portraying. I’m not exaggerating when I say almost every single post. And the reasons given for his unpopularity are just…yikes. From people claiming to be anti-ableism no less? Yikes, guys. C’mon.

Education time.

If you didn’t know already from my posts from last year, regardless of writer’s intention, Gregor is portrayed as someone with Pseudobulbar affect or PBA. PBA is neurological syndrome that can be caused by brain trauma. It is characterized by involuntary, uncontrollable, exaggerated, and often inappropriate outbursts of crying and/or laughing that can cause severe distress, embarrassment, and social dysfunction. It’s condition of emotional expression — crying and/or laughing that’s exaggerated or doesn’t match how you feel. Crying and/or laughing spells are uncontrollable and can last seconds to minutes. They are sudden and frequent. Your mood will appear normal between the episodes, which can occur at any time. They not at all connected to your true emotional state.

For example, you might laugh uncontrollably when you meant to just chuckle in response to a mildly amusing comment. Or you might laugh or cry in situations that you don’t actually see as funny or sad.

  • Just because Gregor laughs a lot does not mean he is “stupid” “goofy” “a silly character” or inherently has a silly personality. The guy has a good sense of humor. That’s it. He can have different traits.
  • Describing Gregor as (and these are words I’ve seen used repeatedly) “crazy” “annoying” “grating” “unhinged” “insane” “childlike” “a sterotypical crazy person”“a crackhead” etc. is…I shouldn’t have to explain.
  • If him laughing or acting differently from other clones makes you “uncomfy” you might want to take a moment to examine that
  • Variations on “why am I STRANGELY attracted to him”…dude just be attracted. Treat him the way you do all the other characters. “I wasn’t into him before but his laugh is so sexy” “I don’t know why but his crazy voice and laugh is so hot” Okay great. Laughs can be sexy. But due to the nature of his disability, this is just…not it. Saying this reads like the only reason you’re into him is because he has PBA. I shouldn’t have to explain why that’s not okay. Imagine if you could not control your laughter. Something that is very embarrassing and stressful for you. A daily struggle. And someone comes up to you and says “I wasn’t attracted to you before and I don’t know why but your crazy laugh is so hot. I’m strangely attracted to it.” Yeah. It wouldn’t feel good, that’s what the correct answer is.
  • Conversely, those screaming “don’t write/draw anything sexual about him at all” because he’s visibly disabled- STOP. Stop it with the weird benevolent ableism (please look up that term, I beg you) that’s rampant on Tumblr. I’m so tired of this. On here and in real life. He’s not a child. Having PBA and PTSD/TBI (or any disability) does not take away your humanity, sexuality, or romantic needs/inclinations. Acknowledge, research, and respect the character’s condition and needs, but treat him like everyone else for fuck’s sake.
  • Just because you are personally uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s “bad representation”. Stop deciding what’s good and bad representation for people if you don’t have the disability/condition. TBB Season 1 representation was just fine and exciting to see for many people who have TBI. Rebels is pretty obviously really pushing it representation-wise, but that’s not the character’s fault. His body is much older and brain injuries can deteriorate over time and symptoms can worsen. Give him a break.

Gregor has been shown canonically to be resilient, competent, courageous, respectful, compassionate, intelligent, independent, resourceful, and good humored. His character has one of the richest backstories in TCW. He is more than a silly character. He was a highly trained and competent Commando. He was in one of the the worst battles of the Clone Wars. His experience was so traumatizing he mentally blacked out upon seeing so many of his dead brothers. He was trafficked during the blackout. He was emotionally abused and gaslighted. He was exploited for labor and who knows what else. He lived in poverty. He sacrificed himself to save the thousands that would have been killed with that stockpile of rydonium. He sustained life-changing head trauma. He was held captive by an Empire that violated his humanity and principles. He fought and died in the rebellion.

Yet all some of you have to say is that he’s goofy and annoying.

Now, I can’t make my fave your fave, and I’m not trying to. But people bend over backwards to give literally every other clone love and attention, love interests, oc friends, serious fics, character studies, fix-its, headcanons, metas, redesigns. Despite the fact he’s a fairly significant character, Gregor is suspiciously absent in fandom. People don’t make or reblog Gregor art. They don’t write Gregor fics. He only gets these comments. Because he giggles.

You tell me what that sounds like.

I’m deep in research mode so I’m currently digging a lot of Clone Wars-era source materials at once and along the way it hits me the funny realization about Mandalorian training sarges. Like, I knew this fact for years, but having this knowledge collated with other data makes it plainly visible how Clone Commandos were special compared to common troopers and ARCs. Not only in how their training was structured differently but also they are like one of few clones who actually get officially their (nick)names way before it became the norm (with a clear Jedi influence there).

I mean, Legends sources, especially around 2002-2005/6, were quite consistent that before Geonosis, clones rather did not have a proper (nick)name. Kaminoans considered names to be a weakness - something that changed after Jedi and clones started working more closely together and ARC-17 took over training the future clone officers (x). This approach against names (individuality) mostly touched the common troopers (mass trained) but also Advanced Recon Commando (personally trained by Jango Fett). And then we have Mandalorian training sarges like Kal Skirata and Walon Vau - men with a very different training methods and approach to their trainees - who apparently decided to fuck that rule on the spot.

As Prima Guide states, Vau literally gave his Delta Squad - and logically assuming all subordinates - nicknames (or a full Mandalorian name, at least in case of Atin) so they have a sense of uniquenessandimportance


which is pretty much the opposite of what Kaminoans originally wanted.

So it is really hilarious in insight, because whatever we could say about Kal Skirata and Walon Vau - and there is plenty to say about both - they came to Kamino, got bunch of little clone cadets who were meant to be obedient and expendable and totally disagreed with Kaminoans take on clone troopers individuality and were like,

No names for clones? We are gonna fixthat.

And this is both sweet and hilarious at the same time.

Sweet because even if names were clone commandos’ private secret, something to share only with the closest brothers and training sergeants (x), they had the names, identity, something personal and just theirs outside of Kaminoan control.

Hilarious because trust Mandalorians to be a bunch of stubborn individuals who most likely were the biggest thorn in Kaminoans side for like eight to ten years (and Jango apparently not helping much in that regard).

“they’re not a cocktail kind of squad …except maybe scorch”-bardan jusik, probablymy headcano

“they’re not a cocktail kind of squad …except maybe scorch”

-bardan jusik, probably

my headcanons for what the deltas look like under their armor.

fixer’s favorite weapon is the vibroblade, so i imagine he had a few accidents while mastering it in training-hence the healed scars on his hands and wrists. he also has the smoothest skin because he believes in sunscreen.

sev has a few scars as well, notably on his throat from a training injury that damaged his voice. he also constantly has bruises in areas that his armor would contact his body, from punching droids as he seems so fond of doing. sev is slightly smaller than the others because he got so little sleep as a cadet.

i think sev and fixer are really close, considering sev is the only member fixer calls by name: on geonosis, sev says, “just point me at the enemy and stay out of my way,” to which fixer replies, “cut the chatter, sev.” later on the same mission, sev says “that’s fixer and six-two down there!”

then there’s boss, keeping everyone on track and being considerably more aware of his surroundings than i am in game. he never shaves, because he never has time, and also he kinda has a baby face without a beard.

scorch is a tank. aside from the obvious scorch marks that earned him his name, i drew him more built than the others since he regularly handles heavy weapons and charges super battle droids. he’s also the only clone with a sense of humor, and he thought it’d be funny to pretend to be a tourist a little harder, because these guys are so conspicuous they might as well still be in armor.

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