#clyde logan imagine




Summary:  You and he spent the next week split between the car and the hospital. Your brother woke up in the afternoon of the second day and was released two days after that.

The next day, they released Mamaw purely because she kept demanding to be let go. He was in the room when she lost her patience with the shy Beta nurse and to say that Mamaw’s Alpha voice shocked him out of his boots would be an understatement.

And then everybody went home.

Things felt so close to normal, just a hair’s width away from right. The sternness in your features remained, however. The forlorn way you smiled at your family lingered. As long as the AFM were out there, you’d be on alert, afraid they’d come for your kin again. He knew those looks all too well from his time overseas. Hypervigilance, they called it.

A/N: Thank you all for your patience. I hope you’ll dip your toes back into this world with me.

TW: mentions of violence/gunshot

Reminder: The Keep Reading link directs you to AO3. I only post a blurb of this fic here as a test to see which way I like better. So, when it directs you there, it isn’t broken.


“Where’s Joe Bang?”

Your question unnerved Clyde, despite his bone-deep fatigue. He’d expected that the first thing you asked would be how Mamaw was doing, or your brother. Maybe even him.

But no. Your concern was the arsonist his sister folded into the family.

Part of him wanted to be angry. The kind of anger that was irrational and dramatic. He wanted to be so damn pissed at you for leaving, for not asking about him or your family, for scaring him shitless. Mostly for walking in here like there was nothing goddamn wrong in the world.

He couldn’t do it, regardless of how much he wanted it. He couldn’t find a shred of anger inside all that want for it because he was too damn relieved you were alright. Bloody knuckles and black eyes, he could deal with; a missing or deceased version of you? Never.

“He’s at the bar,” Mellie, who’d come in with coffee, said, breaking the awkward silence though not the tension. “Said he’d come by after closin’.”

“Thanks Mellie.”

The hollowness in your voice made him ache. Instead of saying how mad he wanted to be or how worried you’d made him, he got up and left the room. He hoped you’d call after him, but nothing came. Maybe you didn’t need him here.

Clyde felt more empty now than he could ever remember feeling before he knew you. Life was different. There was before today, and there would be after today, but nothing would be the same. And you’d shut him out. He knew it down to the soles of his feet. A nameless distance developed between you and him. Scowling, he blinked back tears as he ducked into the small but full-to-bursting waiting room.

“I think y'all can go home now.” His voice came out with a tired, worn croak. “Your Alpha is here, and I’m sure she’ll call with an update as soon as she can. Y'all go on and rest.”

Half of him wanted to leave, too. He wanted the irritation to take over so he could go home and get some sleep. Fuck Roy. Fuck Joe Bang. Fuck you, and fuck this day.

Keep Reading

To my reading list this goes!


Hello everyone! Here is the compilation list for every single one of my reader insert writings that I’ve done here on babbushka.tumblr.com

Because there are so many of them, I’ve decided to give each character that I write for their own individual post. Each post is broken down into 3 categories: chaptered fics, oneshots, and then ask responses. Within those categories, they are sorted by genre, and are noted for any N*FW content so that you guys can better search for what it is you’d like to read! 

I hope that this helps you discover some writing you maybe might not have read, or helps you find old work you’ve been looking for again. Thank you all so much for reading, and I’m sending everyone my love! 

Kylo Ren Masterlist

Flip Zimmerman Masterlist

Clyde Logan Masterlist 

Pale (Burn This) Masterlist

Paterson & Paul Sevier Masterlist 

Charlie Barber Masterlist 

Multi-Character Headcanon Masterlist
