
 Neil cursed the witness protection. He cursed them for relocating him to this tiny town in rural Or Neil cursed the witness protection. He cursed them for relocating him to this tiny town in rural Or Neil cursed the witness protection. He cursed them for relocating him to this tiny town in rural Or Neil cursed the witness protection. He cursed them for relocating him to this tiny town in rural Or Neil cursed the witness protection. He cursed them for relocating him to this tiny town in rural Or

Neil cursed the witness protection. He cursed them for relocating him to this tiny town in rural Oregon, cursed the town for only having one veterinary clinic, and cursed the vet for already being closed. For good measure, he cursed himself and everything in his life which at twenty-four had left him woefully unprepared to deal with the predicament he found himself in now.

My art for @blogaboutyafavbirdboys’s heartwarming and fun Sheep Farm AU, Lately I Been, I Been Losing Sleep for the @aftgbigbang!!

This is such a great fic!! And it has been the best time drawing all these lovely moments! You can read the fic here!!  It features some adorable soft moments, lots of pining, and plenty of sheep and cats! Enjoy! :D

Lastly, I would like to dedicate these drawings to my beautiful kitty cat, Squeak, the constant model and muse for not only all of these pieces but most of my other works featuring fur babies, and who sadly died last week after 18 unforgettable years. These were some of the last drawings she sat with me for so they will always hold a special place for me. 

And a huge thanks to Chloe not only for this beautiful fic and the chance to draw some cat friendly content, but also for allowing this dedication, it means a lot. <3

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 Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing to see the stars Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing to see the stars Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing to see the stars Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing to see the stars

Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing to see the stars and remind himself of where he is. For most of his life, he hadn’t known stars. He’d known dirt and stagnant air and nothing of this terrifying wonderland above ground.

My artwork for @mr-im-fine’s beautiful KevNeil Percy Jackson AU fic, Don’t Bury Me (With a Coin Under My Tongue) for the @aftgbigbang.

It was such a pleasure working on these!! And the fic is amazing!! You can read it HERE! Enjoy!

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Bionic Exile: Chapter 13

Series Master List//Personal Master List

Summary: Tak returns home to you and Rick.



Word Count: 1035

Author’s Note: Short but sweet conclusion! Thank you to everyone who has continued to stay with the series from the beginning through the hiatus to now! We really appreciate it!


Takeshi’s thoughts run wild. What had the man done to him? Why wasn’t he prepared for it? Is that not the whole series of training modules he went through with Quell? If so, why was he not able to differentiate being under to the real world? The wind from the open cargo door blows his dirty hair wildly as his gaze pierces his feet. Do you really think he’s a monster? He knows it was just a hallucination, but if you know the truth about everything in his past, would that dream become a reality? Would you say the same thing? 

Harley nudges Takeshi, causing Tak to look up and slowly come back to reality before looking at his teammate. “Yes?”

“Are ya okay sweetums? Still under the evil man’s spell?” Her works come out in a joking tone, but Takeshi does not have the emotional capacity to respond in kind.

“It’s none of your business,” it’s harsh and Harley quickly sinks back in her seat. Him and Rick have that in common, she thinks to herself as she turns to look away, well aware of Takeshi sighing next to her. “Look, I’m sorry. It’s just… It’s just this mission went very differently than how I pictured it would. I was not expecting any of that to happen.” Silence. “Thank you for getting me back.”

Harley’s eyes widen at his apology. It had taken Rick years to learn to apologize to his team and it’s taken Tak one day. Fidgeting in her seat, she waves him off. “It’s not a problem! Just doin’ my job!”

Keep reading

thank you all so much for reading! i’m hoping to have an epilogue out soon!

webs of feeling ~ inspired by colleen’s poetry

webs of feeling ~ inspired by colleen’s poetry

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Yes i know this Dante your name is above everything you say

dante vs dante “jackpot”

devil may cry 5 collaberation for shin magami tensei dx2 is currently running

you instantly get given dante (i’m so happy) nero you just need to clear prologue mission 6 to get v you need exchange 1000 red orbs.
