#takeshi kovacs x reader




AN: So I’ve been debating on posting this absolute filth for months but fuck it. Title is based off of Childish Gambino’s song. Also big TW. I’m so sorry. The idea behind this is Tak working through his virtual torture trauma.

Takeshi Kovacs/asfab!reader

Warnings: Consensual non-con, smut, p in v sex, afab reader, feminine pet names, breath play, mild knife play, bondage, no y/n.

Summary: You have information that Takeshi wants, you refuse, he gets creative.

Cold. Okay, sore, alright. 

Alive. You were alive, yeah, you could work with that. Panic scrambled all memories of how you had even woken here, wherever here was. Doing your best to focus on all of your training you continued to take stock of yourself. Slowly opening your eyes you saw ugly, dim fluorescent lights and a cracked cement ceiling. Basement maybe? You lifted your arms, the clanking of chains following, pulling tight against your wrists before you could touch your face. 

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

Your chest seized, sure you could handle a hell of alot but this was bad. Inhaling slowly and deeply you reminded yourself that all the years of work had prepared you for a situation like this. Shifting your legs you found them just as stiff and chained as your arms. Twisting back and forth on what seemed to be a metal table, your clammy skin sticking to the surface. It was then you finally noticed a blindingly obvious fact.  You were naked, completely bare, vulnerable in an unknown location. 

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I just- I just wanna be fucked by takeshi and this made me only want it more

This was so steamy and amazing thank you for writing this


Bionic Exile: Chapter 13

Series Master List//Personal Master List

Summary: Tak returns home to you and Rick.



Word Count: 1035

Author’s Note: Short but sweet conclusion! Thank you to everyone who has continued to stay with the series from the beginning through the hiatus to now! We really appreciate it!


Takeshi’s thoughts run wild. What had the man done to him? Why wasn’t he prepared for it? Is that not the whole series of training modules he went through with Quell? If so, why was he not able to differentiate being under to the real world? The wind from the open cargo door blows his dirty hair wildly as his gaze pierces his feet. Do you really think he’s a monster? He knows it was just a hallucination, but if you know the truth about everything in his past, would that dream become a reality? Would you say the same thing? 

Harley nudges Takeshi, causing Tak to look up and slowly come back to reality before looking at his teammate. “Yes?”

“Are ya okay sweetums? Still under the evil man’s spell?” Her works come out in a joking tone, but Takeshi does not have the emotional capacity to respond in kind.

“It’s none of your business,” it’s harsh and Harley quickly sinks back in her seat. Him and Rick have that in common, she thinks to herself as she turns to look away, well aware of Takeshi sighing next to her. “Look, I’m sorry. It’s just… It’s just this mission went very differently than how I pictured it would. I was not expecting any of that to happen.” Silence. “Thank you for getting me back.”

Harley’s eyes widen at his apology. It had taken Rick years to learn to apologize to his team and it’s taken Tak one day. Fidgeting in her seat, she waves him off. “It’s not a problem! Just doin’ my job!”

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thank you all so much for reading! i’m hoping to have an epilogue out soon!
