#college tips


I’m currently answering questions. I thought I’d let you guys know what I’m planning to do for the blog:

  • full update: where i’ve been and how it’s been going
  • about med school: “week in the life of”
  • book review: Emotional Agility by Susan David
  • tips: studying in the clerkship phase of med school, maybe include references for each rotation

Would you guys be interested in that? Also, leave me suggestions to what you would like to see more of on the blog. I’d love to hear your thoughts :)

Walk away or try harder?I hope this helped you! sometimes things just happen and it don’t go t

Walk away or try harder?

I hope this helped you!

sometimes things just happen and it don’t go the way that you expected them to be but that’s okay, not the end of the world yet! You can still try harder next time :)
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