#color fall

Huevember #1If everything goes as planned I’ll be posting a drawing every two days, most of them wilHuevember #1If everything goes as planned I’ll be posting a drawing every two days, most of them wil

Huevember #1

If everything goes as planned I’ll be posting a drawing every two days, most of them will be JJK characters so be tuned for more~

 I’m following one of the Color-Fall templates by kaenith​ please check out their blog!

Post link

Color-Fall #29

Color-Fall #26

Color-Fall #23

I think I like painting little fairy-houses (or Minish-houses?) You may see more of these from me in the future!

A digital drawing of the Pokemon Charmander using its tail-flame to roast marshmallows.ALT

Color-Fall #22

A digital painting of a snarling dragon breathing fire.ALT

Color-Fall #21

Drawing of the dog-like Pokemon Umbreon, holding a sunflower in his mouth and wagging his tail happily. His paws are muddy hand he is surrounded by muddy paw prints and fallen flower petals.ALT

Color-Fall #19

The original concept was for a much more serene, aesthetic Umbreon-and-sunflowers, but somewhere along the line it turned into a very bad dog good boy who brought you a present! :D :D :D

Color-Fall #18

I was kinda hoping I’d make it to orange before the end of Halloween, but I think this is as far as I’m getting tonight. Ah well! Still needed to make sure I drew these two before the month was up ^_^

Have fun and stay safe, everyone!

Color-Fall #17

Loose, sketchy speed painting ‘cause I’m trying to get caught up ^^;;

Color-Fall #16

So maybe there are a few things Mirror!Vio likes about the Light World…

A drawing of Drago from Animal Crossing - an anthropomorphic alligator-dragon walking across stepping stones and smiling at a dragonfly.ALT

Color-Fall #15

Color-Fall #13

A drawing of the character Ralsei from the game Deltarune. He is pulling the brim of his hat low over his face and smiling shyly.ALT

Color-Fall #12

A drawing of characters from the movie Spirited Away. Chihiro is in the center, with a mouse and a tiny bird on her shoulder. The dragon Kohaku is coiled around them and through the background.ALT

Color-Fall #11

Always my favorite movie

drawing of a Blupee, a glowing blue owl-rabbit from the Legend of Zelda seriesALT

Color-Fall #10

I really like the Blupees in Breath of the Wild. Stumbling across one feels so magical ^_^

Color-Fall #9

Kinda starting to feel like I may have put too many too-similar shades of blue on this chart… but ah well, we’re almost into the green section, now!
